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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. What would even be the point of a bank? / a standard rate? Economics aren't powered arbitrarily. The value of a currency is only relative to the individual person. The real value comes in with what else can be done with that amount. In other words, we need to just use the currency more that way there is more else to be done with it, and in doing so the economic opportunity cost is established, giving it the base value.
  2. By the way, being with someone of the same sex isn't 'awkward.' What's 'awkward' is having a problem with that.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Zen


      ... why is it so hard for some people to just allow others to be with people they want to be with?

      If it doesn't break the law or violate moral principles, why not?

    3. Kiozo


      What if the law breaks moral principles?

    4. Maelstrom


      Change laws.

  3. Roger that, Skelerin. I'll start shortly.
  4. Andreas: That was fun >> Andreas: I felt Cain inside me

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skeleton



    3. Neo


      Go away.

    4. Skeleton


      If you're going to be nice to me once, sure. But now. YAOI. 8D

  5. Summer- Anything Paypal accepts, which I imagine would be all the usual suspects. Mael- Bleh D: That kinda leaves us between a rock and a hard place. If you can't mail or use your card what else could there be..?
  6. (To be clear, my last status was directed at no one who is on Reborn, so none of you are allowed to feel dejected by it c: )

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Voctrode


      No, pretty sure it's still about me.

      Ame's just covering it up :c

    3. Amethyst


      After what I said in your birthday topic? :P

    4. Voctrode


      Especially. << >>

  7. Dear x, no offense honestly, I just kind of can't stand being around you. Sincerely and with apology, Ame

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 片思い


      Oh yeah? Well I dislike you so much that I can't sit near you for longer than never. With love, Horizon.

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Kay, then you can leave. <3

  8. Erick's modded client has the ability to spawn swastikas instantly..
  9. (That's "issues" in derpspeak) So I understand we've had a bit of griefing lately. I myself find random objects in the fort missing or misplaced every time I come on, not to mention the lava in people's rooms, mass genocide of torches and beds, and apparently now a very elaborate farm has been blown to bits. What do we want to do about it? Is there anyway to know for sure who's behind it?
  10. He's new. He and I talk on the server a bit. Anyway, um, mailing money is not the most advisable path just because I hear that that is somewhat easy to steal, but I'm not opposed to it, if that's a risk you're willing to take. You can PM me for my address. Paypal link is at the bottom of every main-site page. Enigma- Actually this came from Rodaku actually requesting one on commission. I figured he might not be the only one, and it's something I can do at least
  11. Okay, you, you, you and you need to stop making me think you're mad at me, or at least tell me what I can do about it :c

  12. Hi! So, as you have probably heard lately, I'm having a little bit of trouble- that being that, just like last year, my mother has threatened to throw down the ground-hammer on me because I don't have a job*. Being that I'm 19 and am still managing to make rent, this doesn't quite make sense, but, she is not always the most logical of people, and unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that. Accordingly, if I do get grounded, I basically won't be able to do anything around here anymore. *I was working under my school during the school year, but silly regulations prevent them from keeping me as an employee through the summer, meaning I have a job once school starts again, I just need to get through the summer (and temp-job searches have been less than fruitful) So, luckily, although she grounded me before, she changed her mind. So like, hi! However, she openly said she might and probably will change it again, which would be like, bye, and that would be sad. So, in order to convince her that being online, and investing x hours per day into this site is a worthwhile endeavor (and by association, that she shouldn't ground me), I need to raise a substantial amount of money from the site. And so that I can like, buy food. Now, some of you might think of the ads on the mainsite. True, I get money from that. But... not much. In fact, the entire time they've been up, I've earned... exactly $11.10, and this is over a period of months. No, clicking them won't help; it's time/pageview-based. So, we return to the donations. My fate is in y'alls hands. However, as before, I won't ask something for nothing. Of course, doing the same deal again wouldn't do any good so... I'm going to be offering my spriting services for personal use. Custom sprites are in high-demand, which is why we have the sprite shop, but since I've been focusing on the Reborn Game lately, among other issues and life-drama, I haven't been able to update that much (is not forgotten though!). However, given the limited stock and further limited poses, that may not be suitable for just everyone. So! What I'm offering is for a $5 donation, I'll make YOU a handmade sprite with any detailings you choose. Specify the appearance, pose, Pokemon, etc. Request for certain sprite shop items to be in it, or give me some other reference picture- whatever you want to do, totally up to you, and for just five bucks. Reasonable, non? Furthermore, since I know everyone wants to display their custom sprites, I've created a way that we can put these sprites on your trainer cards. Isn't hard at all, and I'll take care of it myself. This brings us to an interesting dilemma for some people who ARE spriters. Perhaps you have a different sprite that's already created that you want to use as your Trainer Card sprite. Well, in order to encourage activity on the Sprite Shop, I don't generally allow this, but since the system is in place now, if you want to use your own sprite on your trainer card, I'll hook it up for you if you donate any amount over $1 (just because I don't really make a profit from anything less than a dollar, silly PayPal. >>). Naturally, this is already included for people donating the price of a custom sprite, so no need to double-dip. Aaaand, finally, because there is more to Pokemon characters than just a battle sprite- I'm also offering to sprite mug-shots for $5. Again, specify anything you want- though I imagine describing faces will be much more difficult... But we can cross that bridge when we come to it~ If you need examples of my work, well, I'll direct you to every Reborn Leader sprite ever. Now with this deal, I'll start work -after- I receive the donation, but scouts honor I'll get it done quick as possible- and these don't take me that long, so it shouldn't be a big deal~ Returning to what I said before, my goal is to raise $100 through here- hopefully that'll be enough to show that this isn't a total waste of time here, non? Help me out~ I'll love you forever, and more importantly, you gets a snazzy sprite! The Donation button is at the bottom of every page on the main site!
  13. Not sure I'll be able to make it to league to cover Sapphire/Champion, sorry... My day kind of got derailed, and by kind of, I mean where the hell did the rail go

    1. Will


      Meteors blew it up >><<

    2. Cloud


      lol'd at the end

      gl ame baby

    3. Kaito


      I got home early. So Sapphire's cool.

  14. down, winter, i know what you're doing :c I have way too many goals, Mael. Want a few of them? I can hardly juggle them all.
  15. edggeeeee you know you want me to get you drunk
  16. See these? http://prntscr.com/aw3xu Do these look burnt to you? No, they don't. They look delicious to you. Now shh. c:

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Voctrode



    3. Voctrode



    4. Voctrode



  17. ok so here's what you do cuddle me or something instead ame is best liquor
  18. Exactly Erick. :x It's like all kinds of deja vu. Difference is we're not also promoting some surprisingly unsavvy characters...
  19. So like I said in my status, my mom changed her mind, but openly said she may or may not change it again. In other words, I could be gone-and-here on a moment's notice. We're going to preserve the new arrangement as a precaution, but don't be surprised if I do appear. Regardless, I probably won't be on as much.....
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