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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Hai! I'm glad you decided to join up too (and put up with my slowness through the emails, haha). Your sister must be pretty cool if she's into all that stuff, too. I'm impressed, most siblings I know have opposite interests. But! Welcome! And stuffs!
  2. Aaaaauuu.... A bug jumped on me and I freaked out and tried to knock it away so hard I can't move my arm anymore... what if it comes back...?

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    1. Amethyst


      Aaaieee it came back someone help i cant kill it keeps jumping on me help

    2. Amethyst


      omg my cat killed it shes my hero i love her <3333333333333333333333333333333333333

    3. Cyrus



  3. So, I'm a noob. I've never watched an E3, or attended it or whatever it is people do with E3, and frankly I have no plans to, nor do I care all that much. But it's like a showcase of the most anticipated games, right? So... based on all the reports of failurism, am I to understand video games for the next year are going to be boringsauce?
  4. Just in case you thought Obsidia was in bad shape.
  5. Not yet, but there will be. ...Psh, I don't want you guys having Alakazam before the second gym. >>
  6. The last time that happened to someone, it was because their download didn't finish properly, or because they didn't unzip it. Make sure both of those are finished.
  7. Yeah. Many 4th/5th gen ability, move and item effects aren't in the game yet, but this is hopefully what the next system update will address.
  8. Hey. How did I not see this before? No welcome thread shall be overlooked! ... Welcome!
  9. You figured right! Welcome~ 'Course we've been talking this whole time anyway, but who's counting? ....245... 246.... 247....
  10. I liked a lot of his older stuff, but with the exception of Devil's whatever, Bangarang is really disappointing to me. ...Oh, Ponies, not typos. Nevermind then.
  11. Generally with an RMT, you should go step by step through your team, providing your EVs, natures, items, etc, too, and most importantly- descriptions about why you've made the choices that you have, and how you use them.
  12. ...I'm not even sure what Stadium OU is. Like, Pokemon Stadium? Anyway, uhhh, we've been talking this whole time but hai!
  13. The game page has been updated with an alternative zip download to the exe one, in case either gives anyone trouble. Also, there's now a link on a step-by-step tutorial with pictures on how to clear your old save if you need to do so.
  14. Soooo... hi! I think you're- well, I've always thought you're- ...pretty cute, and- would you like to go out with me some time, or... ...Maybe I shouldn't have asked. ...No, I'm sorry, I totally just- well, yes, and- ...oh, really? Okay... Okay! Friday at seven it is! See you then! PS. If you want to play the new update of the game, it's there! ...And, by there, I mean right here ... But ummm... We should totally play it together some time, or- I mean, you should totally play it- and, silly me, always thinking of excuses for us to do things together... ...But maybe it would be better if I were always by your side! I could help you out through the hard times you'll face... like, if the game were to crash with an 'scss' error? Which, it probably will if you played the first version... But it's okay, don't worry! All you have to do is delete your old save file... Um, there are instructions on how to do that on the page up there... And- I know it's sad to lose all the memories we had before, but... It just means we have to replace them with new ones! We can have even better times together! Oh, now I'm blushing... stop it... Um, anyway... This version goes up to the second badge, so... hopefully I'll see you around then? And... good luck! Call me! PPS: Dream World abilities are in Level limit is in Shiny chance is boosted Have fun~
  15. For the first couple release, I'm really just trying to get the "trash" pokemon out of the way. With some exceptions, of course. But... you're not likely to see many Dragons 'till much later.
  16. Yeah, you're not seeing Bagon for a while. >> Pidgey, Pikachu and Spearow families added between the beta wave and release.
  17. I'm liking the idea of Little Cup too. We've generally ignored it in the past...
  18. We can do another one. You guys have any theme ideas?
  19. "Eventually we’ll be like flies. We’re born, we meet, we fuck, we die." http://www.poke-place.com/crystaline/

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    1. Noivy


      101 years old? Woof. Thats an impressive feat! Be glad she is living that long! Thats something to cherish!

  20. Who's going to fall first, then...

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  21. Yeah, no Fire Stone before the second badge, sue me. >>
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