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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. That's a MUCH better picture than the last one though. Androgyny +1
  2. The above two posts are kind of terrifying to me. QQ
  3. With Love, Your Shadow~
  4. I think Cadence's part is higher, actually, especially in the penultimate line, "And shining armor will be-" I'll do her, then. I can be the pretty princess. <3 Kitty said that too. Then she actually watched it. We're currently starting Season 2.
  5. ... Let's do it. Which notes do you have trouble hitting, the low or the high?
  6. I was gonna do the This Day Aria, Inuki. QQQQ It's fiiine, I have a different song to doooo. Can't until Sunday probs though
  7. I'm secretly Kurt from Glee. No, I wish.
  8. Ooh. I'll do it when I get home. I can't rap, but I can sing. Ika, I won't post it if you make a new, better one. And I know you can do better.
  9. >new update requires save files to start over AGAIN. okay.jpg

    1. Noivy
    2. Ikaru


      tl;dr, don't play until he's finished or gives up

    3. Amethyst


      Well, it was a completely different reason this time, but... This might be more recurring then I thought.

  10. >and then they update the game system again, already. Looks like I get to spend the next couple days re-updating.

  11. This isn't like most gyms...
  12. Second release content is... done. Can't test 'till I get back though... What-a-to-do until then...

    1. Conor


      ): I need it now!

    2. Joker


      Make a high tech teleportation device so I can come visit? :D

    3. Godot


      the taunting ;-;

  13. Wowsies. Um, yeah, like, right after you left, we started getting floods of new people for like three months in a row. Several of them have gotten staff positions, new leaderness continues to develop, Ika is dead, Edge is dead, and I'm on vacation so we also have several temp positions. Finished the Reborn Map; Started the Reborn Game, but I suggest holding off on playing it for another week cuz new release. I think that's all. Hihi
  14. Don't worry about it, Ralts is actually broken currently anyway. It's fixed for the next release. But, remember, Ralts only appears to the most kind-hearted trainers...
  15. "...strikes like lightning, and never the same thought twice." http://www.poke-place.com/crystaline/

  16. >get to cousin's house >the first thing I see is a girl pulling a snake out of her hair...

    1. Joker


      Medusa! DON'T LOOK AT HER AME!!!!!

    2. Ikaru


      He'll be fine

    3. Godot


      well... the snake will be fine >>

  17. That's a very, very good possibility. Operating System would be like, Mac/Windows, or more specifically, XP/Vista, etc. But if you're in Safe Mode, that is probably it. Why do you run in Safe?
  18. Art class became boring for me, because all we did was draw. But all I did in every class was draw 'cuz that's how I kept myself awake. Then in Art I didn't also have any lecture to keep me entertained, so it was just like, kwhatevs. If we're sticking to academic subjects- English. I'm about even in terms of scores for all the core subjects, but in my freshman year I had this certain English teacher who was the most nightmarish teacher ever. And yet, I probably learned more from him than all of my other classes combined. Since then, any other analysis seems easymode to me. I got a 14% in my chemistry class. don't put me in there. Second languages definitely aren't needed. If a student wants to learn a language, the class won't help. If they don't want to,, the class won't teach it to them. It's totally arbitrary. Pretty sure I'd be fine without any of them. >>
  19. We're leaving after my finals. >> gg.
  20. oshi- I'm going out of town this next week, and so I will have literally nothing else to do but this... Testing starts when I get back
  21. I think I found my new job... If so, I can even work from home, which means I never have to you leave you guys ever this summer. :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mashew



    3. Will


      Oh boy, here we go.

    4. Maelstrom


      inb4 too good to be true.

  22. One topic for it is enough. Bump the other one if you really need. We certainly don't need three. http://www.poke-plac...lm&fromsearch=1
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