All right then, talk with me, guys, about the whole mini-modding thing.
It's clear my allowing it hasn't really worked out. At the same time, I don't really feel comfortable disallowing it. The reason is because it's my biased sense that the people who dislike it just don't like being reminded that they have to follow the rules as well. I get that it's annoying to have 14 people jump down your throat every time you tell someone to shut up- but it's annoying to those 14 people if you violate the rules of the community that they understand and agree to abide by.
What we certainly can do with out is the non-auth issuing threats and warnings as if they had the power to enact those things. Maybe before, I failed to make that distinction clear- remind people of the rules, sure, but don't try to enforce them yourselves. This also includes things like taking people into back channels and force-crashing them for misbehavior.
Is that something I failed to clarify before? I don't know. Maybe issuing those threats is what mini-modding is. If so, then sure, stop the mini-modding, but I don't see how reminding each other of the rules can really be a bad thing. In fact, if I were a member, and I were in violation of the rules, I would rather one of my friends - or even a not-friend!- mention it to me so that I could stop before auth got around to warning me.
I hope you guys see where I'm coming from. Now if people are threatening on auth's behalf, yes, that's a problem, and yes it needs to stop. Beyond that, is there a problem?