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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. All right then, talk with me, guys, about the whole mini-modding thing. It's clear my allowing it hasn't really worked out. At the same time, I don't really feel comfortable disallowing it. The reason is because it's my biased sense that the people who dislike it just don't like being reminded that they have to follow the rules as well. I get that it's annoying to have 14 people jump down your throat every time you tell someone to shut up- but it's annoying to those 14 people if you violate the rules of the community that they understand and agree to abide by. What we certainly can do with out is the non-auth issuing threats and warnings as if they had the power to enact those things. Maybe before, I failed to make that distinction clear- remind people of the rules, sure, but don't try to enforce them yourselves. This also includes things like taking people into back channels and force-crashing them for misbehavior. Is that something I failed to clarify before? I don't know. Maybe issuing those threats is what mini-modding is. If so, then sure, stop the mini-modding, but I don't see how reminding each other of the rules can really be a bad thing. In fact, if I were a member, and I were in violation of the rules, I would rather one of my friends - or even a not-friend!- mention it to me so that I could stop before auth got around to warning me. I hope you guys see where I'm coming from. Now if people are threatening on auth's behalf, yes, that's a problem, and yes it needs to stop. Beyond that, is there a problem?
  2. Most exciting change yet for the game: I just cut down the Pokemon Center text from 7 lines to three. >.>

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    1. Conor


      that should of been done like 9 years ago...

  3. The panda is sad with this one.

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  4. One time I got lost in Kaito's closet. It was the scariest thing ever! There was this giant demon with three eyes, two mouths, and one hundred and seventy two teeth (I asked him if he'd wait while I counted; he was curious how many teeth he had too (and he actually only has one hundred and seventy fully grown in, but his wisdom teeth were starting to come in, so we agreed we'd count each of those as a half for now)) who tried to eat me (I mean, after I was done counting.)! I think there might also have been a secret passage to the lost city of Mu in there...
  5. A wild derpfest appeared!
  6. That moment when, for the game, I almost accidentally gave Sigilyph Wonder Guard

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  7. I'll just keep dev' screenshots here over time. For starters, I'm adding a few things to the original area. Like this kind young girl. sup.
  8. ...So if Allan was shot, does that mean he had to take a... Bullet? Happy Birthday! *also shot*
  9. What the fuck kind of name is 'Dominion' for a mental hospital? It's too accurate, what happened to them all giving them happy ironic "peaceful" names like SUNNYDALE? still, :c about that...
  10. Mael- I wish. But not yet. Swim- Well you COULD try, buuut, I think you'll be better off raising some other Pokemon, too. >> Wolf- Psh, I'm not even trying to make it challenging just so much as not mindless.
  11. Apparently there's a 1/3 chance I'll kill myself? Challenge accepted. http://www.poke-place.com/crystaline/

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    1. Noivy


      All of the people I know who all into that category are the most upbeat, intelligent people I know. That number is much lower than what it really is imo.

  12. Area B For the next update, I've modified the level limit for Pokemon obedience. In the main series games, you have to have a certain badge for traded Pokemon up to level __ to obey you. This now applies to all non-traded Pokemon as well. Why am I putting this in? Many users seem to get their starter, and then just sweep every trainer in the game effortlessly with it. In doing so, that Pokemon far surpasses the game's level curve, making the battles completely mindless. Doing that completely takes the challenge out of the game- both battling, and catching/raising Pokemon. Expanding this level limit will discourage this sort of play, and force people to actually, you know, put thought into their choices in the game. c: The levels have also been adjusted to suit the game's curve (meaning that Kadabra will no longer disobey before anyone else does), and furthermore the implementation of this limit will allow me to raise the levels of the wild Pokemon. I had deliberately kept them lower before so people didn't quickly become over-levelled, but now that's not an issue. When I proposed this change to a handful of people on the server, it was generally well-received. Hopefully everyone is able to adapt their play-style accordingly.
  13. And then there's that person who does everything you try to do, but does it 10x better, and without even trying. /die

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  14. ...I finally removed that blasted McAffe scan nightmare from my netbook and dear god, this thing runs like a brand new computer now. o_o

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    1. Voctrode


      It annoyed me too, maybe my computer will run better without it now too.

      inb4 virusvirusvirusvirusvirusvirusvirusvirusvirus

  15. Topic closed; I found a delicious sprite sheet with everything I'll ever need. <3
  16. Fortunately this should be the only time this happens. >keyword "should" Anyway, looking around in it, the system is now DS-based rather than GBA, although it'll still have GBA-era graphics. The whole thing is much faster, smoother, and it's worth the loss.
  17. So the system the game is built on was updated today. ^ is good thing Unfortunately, they changed how files are saved, so when the next version is released, you all will actually need to delete your old save files in order for it to work. >.> Much bleh is had on that note... Sorry, but this is one of those things that is quite out of my control, and it's necessary if 4th/5th gen content is going to stay functional in the game. :x
  18. List trimmed to remove Evolutions not yet attainable (by stone/trade, etc) and removed Ralts & Co because it was glitched. >.> Ralts will actually be Ralts in the next update.
  19. I can definitely work with those Cloud, thank you~ Only Oshawott remains then...
  20. Amethyst


    And so, the citizens of Reborn were no longer afraid to click youtube links. And there was no rejoicing.
  21. Regarding Spambots, it isn't that our security isn't working, it's just that there are so many more of them... 130 per day.

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    1. Kiozo


      That's incredibly ridiculous.

  22. Crobat shows just fine to me. I'll probably put in a Trainer who wants to trade Kadabra for Kadabra, that way it can be evolved.
  23. Though, 'tis true, I confess, that though my prior entreaty was poorly acquiesced, I submitest to thou a new behest for thy ever-benevolent designatory and spritely- not fae, but pixeline- services. Verily though, 'tis a new subject warranted of thy creative proclivities now, that being the of the Zed, the E and the L. Though the chronological necessity of this be minimal, 'tis for thy own benefit that this inquiry doth be pre-emptively submitted for thine consideration. Thy leisure may be taken on all such accounts, provided most happily that the intended arte is completed betwixt thy lavish pacing and the dusk of the coming product. With greate thanks, Ye olde Amethyst
  24. Reward Available To Description
  25. That awkward moment when all the wrong things go boom.

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