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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Yeah, it's an error with the text registration I'm working on still. For now, just use the manual registration. Be sure to manually refresh your card afterwards too, otherwise it may not appear as if it updated to you, even if it did.
  2. Community Hall is used for member introductions, and by the same token, can be used for their leaving. So it would have been fine there.
  3. That's the title screen... Just press like, Space Bar, or, anything really.
  4. All of them off. :c DraconJet has an extra four somewhere, Allan and Dragonite both missing 2.
  5. Ahah, yeah, they belong to Julia or something; who knows, but nice try!
  6. Seems like we've got everything. Closing this, thanks guys~
  7. Ah, forgot about this. Thanks to EGC, I've found something that'll work if we choose to do this~ Thanks though. Closed
  8. No EXP share yet, saving that for much later.
  9. Regardless of league/server being down right now... Shelly's profile is up.

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    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Amethyst


      ...Shelly's the temp. Bennett's only gone for a little bit.

    3. Noivy


      Wasn't Shelly like super high ranking last year?

    4. Maelstrom


      Shh, don't scare the hopefuls. Even if its true. >D

  10. That is lovely. Still, I'll see if I can find another script for it...
  11. Afraid I don't have an option to silence it, sorry. :C
  12. Wine is an emulator for Windows, right? Or does it just process EXE files?
  13. I'll waste you no time- Here's your download link~ A few notes, though, first, about what you should expect. This is the FIRST release (implying more! ) meaning it is not very long. In total, seems to be about 4 hours length. It goes up to the first badge, and I will continue to release between each Badge. All 649 Pokemon will be included, but only 119 are in currently. The link provided goes to an updated version from what I released earlier privately. Included are lots of minor bug fixes, Pachirisu is fixed, and I've also added a Ralts somewhere... No, I'm not telling you where, look for it yourselves. :c On that note, the reason I'm not releasing the list of where everything is because you all *waves hands frantically at the lot of you* are perfectly capable of figuring that out yourselves. Talk! Share things! Hey look, I even made a place for you to do it~ Also when if you find any more bugs they go there too ^ Speaking of bugs! The system is not perfect. It's a replication of the 3rd gen game system, meaning some 4th or 5th gen content is incomplete. Mostly 5th. Moves, abilities, items- they're all there! But if they're new, they won't have an effect. For instance, Scald will be a water type move that does damage, but it will never burn. This, like many other errors, is part of the system scripts which someone else is working on, and is thereby effectively out of my control. Just bear with it- the whole thing is sort of "close enough." This game is intended to be more difficult than a normal one. That means both in terms of catching Pokemon and battling them. Good luck~ I feel like I had much more to say, but I forgot it... What else is new? Well, now that this first release is out, I'm going to be taking a break from this for a couple weeks. Don't panic, I mean that couple of weeks bit. Just to finish out the school semester, do my term papers that I've been completely ignoring, yadda-yadda-yadda, and then come summer I'll be working on it full force again. I only started this project two weeks ago. ...And maybe it seemed like a long time to you guys, but I did amateur gamedev for seven years before I started Reborn, and releasing a demo after only two weeks working on a solo project is kind of ridiculously fast. Credit goes to Maruno, Flameguru and P-Sign of Pokecommunity for making the system to allow this speed of progress. Hopefully I'm able to maintain it come summer. About the server, the back up is down for now, but Nyu's going to fix the original as soon as he can. Sorry for the downtime, everyone~ League will run, at least Emerald/Ruby only if we're on the original server. Script stuff and all that. In the meantime, download the game and amuse yourselves~
  14. This topic is all kinds of obsolete. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/obtainable.html
  15. Well, the Aces/Staff are suddenly serving as my second wave of beta testers, so I'm going to patch up the game and release a modified version to general public tonight.

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    1. Amethyst


      I know a lot of people are waiting patiently, and I wanted to have it up by now, but there's much more to be fixed. Won't take long, and it'll still be up tonight.

    2. Kiozo


      Awesome Ame, good job~

    3. Dragonite149
  16. Hi! So you're interested in the game, that's great! Firstly, if you're looking for a download link, Here you go! Secondly, if you've found a bug, make sure it hasn't been reported already. Then go ahead and make a new topic for it. Provide screen shots if possible, and be as descriptive as you can. If the game crashes, try to get the error message! The same goes for feedback- make sure there isn't a topic about it already, and then make one. Feel free to use this area for casual discussion about the game as well. I may also post updates here as I progress. Have fun~ Episode 1- Reborn, the City of Ruin Episode 2- Reap What's Been Sewn Episode 3- Domino Episode 4- Aftershocks Episode 5- Escape! from Reborn City Episode 6- Poison in Vein Episode 7- Poison in Vain Episode 8- Of Fathers Forgotten Episode 9- Sister's Keeper Episode 10- Into Darkness Episode 11- Out of Light Episode 12- Demarcation Episode 13- Cascade Episode 14- //outlier.corruption
  17. SPECIAL THANKS: Maruno Flameguru P-Sign Kitty Will Ice AisuKiba Saya Monoke Ikaru Savage Tenshi Mashew Hark Eternal Edge TheScarletSword Maelstrom Ashen-tan Patrick Everyone who's helped make Reborn a success!
  18. KNOWN BUGS (Updated 3/4/13): --SYSTEM ISSUES*: ----Some 4th/5th Gen Abilities have no effect- Which ones? ----Some 4/5th Gen Moves have no effect- Which ones? ----Some 5th Gen Items have no effect --INTERFACE ISSUES**: ----Missing Pokemart sounds ----Missing item use sounds ----No sound on level up ----Most attacks do not have animations ----Possible to give a Pokemon no name at all ----On some computers, the game will not load. Still trying to figure this one out. --CONTENT BUGS***: [FIXED] indicates the problem is solved for the next full release.
  19. Treehouse is still around, just not very lively anymore. I uh, go offline. >>
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