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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Shou 'nough will. Testing's done, I have some very minor things to fix, and I'll put it up sometime tomorrow.
  2. You'd ask me, and I'd say go ahead, I can't stop you. As for the canon story line, it isn't really documented anywhere... And probably the only person who knows all of it would be myself. I'll try to put as much of it as I can into the game.
  3. No server...? However will I choose who's going to test the game this weekend? D:

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    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Mashew



    3. 片思い


      I will test it... for science!

    4. Dragonite149


      i'd like to be considered in this random number generator thingy :)

  4. A lot of high schools are adopting that policy. Mine tried to enforce it on freshman and failed hard. Others have better success. still dumb.
  5. I wasn't challenging that most people have the sense to switch it out. I'm challenging if that can be considered in examining its counters.
  6. I see this argument with Chandelure a lot, and I'm kind of confused about it. People say it can't be countered, because it just switches out of whatever threatens it. But at that point we're not considering the Pokemon itself, but the entire team and skill of the players. Is that always considered when looking at counters? Because if so, then there are a lot of other pokemon that can't be countered, circumstanitally, etc. If it isn't usually considered, what makes Chandelure so special that we get to consider that?
  7. >It's actually a new game I am now officially very okay with all of this.
  8. Is it just me or does PalimDomo have a birthday like every other day....

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    1. Ikaru


      That is very clearly "pail"mDomo, totally different.

    2. Joker


      Just reminded me how far away my B-Day is. D:

  9. Ohai. I wish I saw this thread before I said welcome in your RMT. Derp. ...Welcome anyway!
  10. I'm impressed, both by the effort in creating the team and the RMT itself. Props on that. Also, welcome! How does Hitmontop use Rapid Spin... okay, whatever. XD I honestly have little to say in terms of critique of the team itself because I have not played our LU (or any LU (or really anything besides OU)) as much as I would like to be able to say I have, but off the top of my head the greatest threat I can think of might be like, hail teams, with three ice weaknesses, and only one resist, in your weather-setter no less.
  11. Owen is probably referring to the old STK clan, which grew quickly last year and caused a lot of tension. However, some of that was due to poor moderation. SU has been perfectly fine, and there's nothing wrong with encouraging clans provided they do stay in the rules, which really shouldn't be a question anyway. However, I dislike to make boards for things only to see them unused. While I realise that having such a section may foster clan activity, I would rather not create that until there is forum-based clan activity enough to warrant its existence. In other words, you all can make your clan topics as you see fit, probably in Trainers Journal, and then if there get to be enough of them, I'll make a section just for them. Sooo what I just said? ~Ikaru
  12. Yes, it'll be public. I'm only going to have one, or maybe two people test it before though, but I want to be able to watch those people play the whole way through. So, I'm not quite sure how I'm going to work that yet.
  13. oshi, and I just test drove that deck last night. Shucks. He didn't realise we were using DN, and so he hadn't sent it due to not being able to get YVD to work. :c
  14. wait waitwaitwaitwait wat PS hoping to get the first release out by Monday (hint: That means it would be helpful to have overworldism of Sirius/Aster/Eclipse before then, dear william )
  15. It was replaced in role and identity by Espeon, suffered an emotional breakdown, and then was referenced months later by Ikaru in what I can only assume to be a half-arsed attempt at trolling. c:
  16. Classical conditioning. no u
  17. Cain/Victoria/Fern PS, words of wisdom:
  18. So, you wanna know who the third rival is? It's Gary motherfucking Oak. No, just kidding. It's worse:
  19. And I know... that instead of me, you'd die- You already have, and I know... that you're suicidally- inclined.

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  20. Yeah, that seems to be an odd technicality in the way the scripts process double battles.. On the other hand, it MAY mean that 6+6 v 6+6 IS possible, so I'm not inclined to fix that until I test it No official ETA, but I'll be disappointed if it takes more than a couple weeks for the first release.
  21. bleh, hardly remember. I know it was always pretty empy there- it was a purposeless place. Just another hangout forum, really. So when I started this place, learning from it, I made a point to always have there be a REASON to be on the forum/site. As for feeling... I can barely remember. D:
  22. One's strongest spirit animals are not only those that they love, but those that they fear or scorn. Amethyst? There's nothing I want to do that I fear reprimand or repercussion for. At least, nothing I wouldn't do for the very sake of that repercussion. Society doesn't change if nobody turns their heads. With anything I do, I have to hope that they turn their bodies, too, and march in a new direction. Rozen Maiden Pandora Hearts Wolfs Rain --It kind of changes here based on what mood I'm in/what I've seen recently, but at the current moment... Neon Genesis Evangellion Tokyo Mew Mew Therapy? Been doing it since I was 13, nothing new by now.
  23. I've basically already designed the story of the game around the other way. However, all 31 Leaders will be X-Leagued.
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