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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. First post updated with some more screens Erick- That would have actually made a lot of sense. Derp, too late now.
  2. ...That's a tough one. Miltank. I usually name animals based on their personalities though, so I guess it would depend how it acted. I would die of <3 if I could get a wolfie or foxxie as a pet. <333 Ignoring how well they may actually connect to myself, I do know a few of my totem animals via other means. Wolf, Cat, Fox, Moth, Spider, I'd be hard-pressed for a sixth though... Possibly Dog. :c Blehdog.
  3. It happened before. I kept it for a few days, and then it was changed twice more, and then eventually I went back to normal.
  4. She's soooo adorable, so I really can't complain. c: In fact, I could use a new one myself...
  5. The overgrazing is largely contributed to by the meat production, yes, because it is a biological fact that between each level of a food chain, 90% of the energy is lost. So to clarify, say we've got a snake, who eats a bird, who eats insects, who eat plants. Plant < Insect < Bird < Snake And let's say for the argument's sake that each of these things needs 1000 units of energy- I think that would be calories; someone correct me if I'm wrong- per day, and that each plant provides 100 calories. So the insect eats 10 plants a day to make 1000 calories. However, because of the way in which this energy is metabolised, most of it (90%) goes towards nourishing and energizing the insect, meaning when that insect is ingested, the bird only receives from it 100 calories. The bird then has to eat 10 insects a day, and so by the same mathematical processes, the snake has to eat 10 birds a day. So, in order to feed a snake, it, in the long run, takes 1000 plants. Compare this to if the snake at plants, providing the same levels of calories, it would only take 10 more plants to feed a snake. Here's one of many sources for that, restating the exact same arguement as applied to the relevant scenario. As for the cows? I don't think we have to worry about overpopulation of an animal we're forcibly breeding for slaughter. In fact, with no use for them anymore, I would worry about their survival. Humans have managed to tame just about all other wild animals- I think wild cows are the least of our worries. Anyway, I'm vegetarian because... So many reasons. Time just gives me more and more. Between health reasons, that ^, meat-borne disease, ethical conflicts, the fact that I hate touching meat, always have, and always have thought it was gross, that if I eat meat now I get sick, or that if I eat much iron I could die, or the fact that the general idea is just putrid to me in the first place... I don't know where to start. The reason I became vegetarian though was... Kind of on a whim. I didn't know any of that a time, except perhaps the ethical dilemmas, which I didn't think much about, and- I've always hated touching meat. Slices of ham, the store bought kind... are so slimey and gross.... Anyway, I didn't walk in on a hunted deer hanging in a fridge. I didn't get sick from it one day and decide to stop eating. I just kind of decided, I don't really like meat that much anyway, so let's be slightly environmentally minded and stop eating it. kdone. No old cravings for bacon, no random chicken binges... Just, bai meat. I started eating much better after that, too. Like, actually caring what I ate, rather than just having whatever mediocre meal (mediocre by my tastes; her cooking was fine) my mom decided to make that night. And I haven't regretted it a moment since. Also, I consider myself vegetarian, not vegan. I don't eat meat, eggs, or fish, and because of the latter two some would call me a vegan. But, I do eat eggs if they're cooked into like, a cake, or bread, or something. To be honest, I just don't like eggs. Plus, I still have some leather products and such. I try to be!
  6. Aha, that's exactly the part I was hoping to avoid doing. Fiiine, I won't be lazy. Got them done based off of those. I'll need those for the executives, too, naturally.
  7. In 4th gen, before I really got into the competitive aspect of battling, I always held myself to a few types- Dark, Ghost and Psychic (though I did cheat for a couple pokemon I really liked outside of those, those being Crobat and Kingdra). I had always heard that Rain teams dominated all the tournaments and such, so when I loaded up PO for the first time, I figured I'd give making one a shot, using only my normal pokemon types- dark, ghost and psychic. Aaand it just stuck. It's the same team that I've kept using and kept tweaking into what I use now (the exact process was detailed in the RMT thread) though no longer sticking to those three types because I've come to like water much more. But it is more than that, too. I don't use things I don't like no matter how good they are. I wouldn't use rain just because it's good. The truth is, the spirit of the rain is one of my best friends. When I was younger, I was caught in a storm far away from home, the water and thunder was coming down like there was no tomorrow- and I wished there wouldn't have been. I heard a voice in the wind, stuttered and broken breath- as if crying. I spoke to her, and she spoke back, and I heard her sorrow, and felt it, and fell down the thousands of feet from the troposphere with each of her tears. Since then, the spirit of the rain has been among my best friends, and I have missed her dearly in these winter months. But, that's why I favor the condition. Probably because I'm the patriarchal figure of this community. D: Wha? I don't know, you tell me, so I can fix it! I don't want to be scary. :C Comedy is not my strong suit. If I am, I've done a very good job of hiding it, even from myself. That's what we're here for? I've been okay, thanks! You? Terrible social habits on my part. I generally never initiate conversation with anyone unless I have a direct reason to do so- even if I want to, I don't think of it when I can or can't when I think of it, etc. I've lost some of my closest friends because of this. '-' Hum. Nothing really suits me quite as well, but if I had to choose another team... I'd just make a different rain team >> << Gardevoir. No, Mismagius. No, Absol. No, Gardevoir. No- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah There are two main cases wherein I'm considered a leader, and that is firstly here, and secondly in the games that I run at anime conventions. In both cases, it was just something my friends and I started for fun, and then I happened to be the one who stepped up and kept running with it (or in the latter case, stepped up and was a total gloryhog). I never really made the decision to start running panels or games for 80+ people, or to start a site with 1000+. When Reborn started, it was just 12 people who I happened to host a forum for. Then it grew. Culturally defined. That doesn't mean I'm able to escape my own values though, and I see no problem using those terms as long as it is mutually understood that we are referring to the concepts of "right" and "wrong" as signified through the varying systems of signs each individual has encountered. I generally lack them, so it's often a relief. If I don't, well then it depends on the opinion (and its origin) c: Learning is necessarily painful, unavoidable, and invaluable. If I'm in the right mood. ily <3 Mash did it. ._. FIGHTING EVIL BY MOONLIGHT WINNING LOVE BY DAYLIGHT NEVER RUNNING FROM A REAL FIGHT SHE IS THE ONE CALLED SAILOR MOON ^ seriously. When I was six was the first, and only year, we got cable as a kid. I found cartoon network, and things like Pinky and the Brain, Courage, etc kinda bored me. Sailor Moon was totally awesome, but I thought it was a girl's show, so I didn't watch much. It was sort of a guilty pleasure (silly younger me, imposing gender limitations on myself (I'll be saying that for the rest of my life)). But I liked the animation, and I found it legitimate entertaining. Then we moved, and I lost cable. I was left with just WB Kids- Pokemon and YuGiOh (and another guilty pleasure in Mew Mew Power)- and mind I didn't even recognise any of this as anime, nor did I have any conception of Japan at the time outside of the model of a Tokyo building a kid in my first grade class fashioned out of toothpicks. I simply thought these shows used a similar, engaging and alluring art style. A few years later, one of my mom's friends, knowing I missed it, video taped for me an entire week of Cartoon Network as a birthday present. Here, despite not having cable, I discovered Toonami, and while Dragon Ball Z bored me, there was a show called Outlaw Star that I ended up really liking. Outlaw Star is the show that I consider to really get me into anime, because that's when I started looking for it outside of the TV- as before then, I just had the seven or so episodes that were on, and so that's when I really started getting into it. Kinda explained this above, but basically I just made a small little forum for my friends from various communities to exchange Friend Codes and trade/battle when 4th gen WIFI was the hottest new thing (I didn't know NetBattle or Shoddy even existed yet). Mael set it up with me, and the people who came included Saya, Ice, Lara, AZKnight, Hyperlisk, Monkey, etc. Then it grew into this. Nyu was an IRL friend of Monkey/Hyperlisk, and he was from one of the "various communities" that I pulled for Reborn's original forum. Originally, Hyperlisk hosted a server for us on Shoddy, but when we moved to PO, he said he couldn't anymore, and suggested that I ask Nyu. and we all lived happily ever after. {1,2,3...18}{20,21,22...} It improves his thinking capacities 32%. Suigintou from Rozen Maiden, the girl who's always in my avatar. It's kind of a problem, but she is basically my standard of beauty. I have a problem with this, where my favorite season is just whatever it is at the time (Except Summer, Summer is gross.). So currently I would say it's spring, because everything's so pretty and warm and my friend the Rain has come back <3 and yay, but by the time fall comes around I'll be me-gustaing for all the pretty falling leaves and spiritual energy, and then in winter- well, I just like snow. But yeah. For now let's say spring. Ooh, one that actually makes me think. Hum... I think I would try to use it to purify the planet and society. For instance, I might (there might be a better option, I'd have to think about it, but I'm making this up on the fly) start with oil distributors. Knock out the kingpins, and anyone else who tries to make a business out of selling it. Force the auto-industry to adapt more enivronmental fuel options. This is perfectly possible, but in the current system it won't happen because there's too much money to be made on oil. In the meantime, we continue to scar the planet. Next, environmentally toxic power plants. After those I'd have to figure out what the next main environmental hazards are. Eventually I'd like to work my way down to kingpins of food processing/GMO and the corporate power structure. Force them to stop putting poison into food products/implementing manufactured obsolescence.. If I'm feeling really tyrannical maybe I'll target meat companies too? After all, it's ten times more economic to feed a population on grains and veggies than meat- 90% of the energy in food is lost by doing that. Extremely wasteful. Not to mention primitive and of questionable ethics. I imagine most of you are less than pleased at that last bit. Perhaps I'll stop there.
  8. They both have chemicals made from aborted fetuses, so neither. Too expensive. Maybe you feel like their a threat to your own importance in the community? Well, I am studying psychology... I played basketball for like six years as a kid, and soccer for one. Then did soccer in high school. Not really a sports person. I don't like being around other people that much, and contrary to what I tell my interviewers, I am not a team player. Few can reach the level of awesomeness that is Nyu. Maybe someday... Like I said, everyone. But, compared to the ones I listed, I feel like you're relatively 'real'/open about yourself in a very down-to-earth and naturalistic way. Shoot, didn't think of it QQ He would totally fit the bill for the above list I go beforehand so it's not an issue. c: ...Such an odd question.
  9. I realised afterwards I mixed up Spinel and Agate town. OH WELL. >> << Anyway, Sir William, when thou gettest the chance couldst thou also be a dear and maketh 3rd gen style overworld sprites for Team Meteor, particularly the grunts? I'm going to start working on their first event in a couple days
  10. Hard. Cut back on tildes 20% while still maintaining your old lifestyle! Call now and you can receive our information brochure on just how the program works, and you can be on your way to a tilde-free body in just days! Kitty. Duh. Because you're a responsible insomniac? Because you're pretty Duh. I actually don't know for sure, but wild guess says Red? Mystery of the world Who did that? You haven't submitted the proper paperwork. Contact your local representative and ask for a Write of Mandamus All of them? But if I had to choose just ten, in no particular order: Mael, Ika, Scarlet, Ashen, Mash, Liz, Hark, Tyler, Inuki, Lara General reason: Mostly people I know pretty well online, but I'd be particularly curious to how their IRL personas compare to their online ones. Amethyst is something that is very centred with me. In my youth, I became obsessed with sleep/dreams, rain, the moon, healing, these sorts of things, It turns out that the magickal correspondences of the Amethyst match those exactly. Plus it's purple and gorgeous, and I was actually given a large amethyst at birth which I still keep. The crystal is something that holds a lot of power and meaning for me, and so in likening myself to it, I hope to adopt and achieve that same influence. Fire is gross. Come back to it later or something. Not a whole lot, to be honest... Might hop around on one foot or something but I don't really care about klondike. No what? Well anyway, I'm not a fan of forced last words. My life will be my own. +Android Users: The PO Android App is NOT standalone.. In order to make a team you will have to download the PC version of Pokemon Online from http://www.pokemon-online.eu Outside? http://www.pokemonreborn.com/faq.html#mod Not a question. :c Suigintou from Rozen Maiden! She's sooooo pretty I have a secret attention whorish side too, except it's probably not all that secret, especially because I was in theatre. It was when I was 13... so, like 6-7 years now?
  11. Ily! And am jelly for your double breakage.:C
  12. Room for one more? I wasn't going to do this, especially given the fad-ism (It's formspring all over again), but after derping with Batl's, I figure it may be useful, particularly for new members who may not be totally comfortable approaching me (I don't bite, I swear. D: ) or anyone else, for the owner to be available for answerage. And I promise this topic will be 100% tilde free. (ironically I typo'd that % as a tilde at first.)
  13. I never played Colloseum. :c
  14. Kay, three things: 1. Because everyone wants to know where their place in the game is going to be, let me make this clear: Users are not a part of the main story. Y'all can be regular trainers, but the main story is dedicated to the Reborn Leaders/Meteor. I exist as the professor, but I have every intention of dying for the rest of the game after that. (not literally >>) 2. Sidequests will take place during the X-League. They'll be how people get Legendaries. However, that means they won't be in for quite a while, so hold your horises. 3. Ice brought something up. Apparently, there's already an Agate Village in the Gamecube Pokemon games. After further research, I found that the places in the Orre region are named after geologic features (whereas Reborn's names are based off of crystals), they both share a desert with sparse population, and in fact, the location of the Agate Town/Village places are such that... it makes sense to say that Reborn borders the Orre region, with Agate being in between them. There may or may not have been a time lapse. Orre may have collapsed when Reborn began to thrive. I'm not going to worry about that too much in the story though.
  15. Well, you've got plenty of time; show us what you can do. I'll also probably draft a few tracks myself, but music is definitely the one thing we're lacking right now.
  16. Increased Spam security setting. Hopefully it works. :x

  17. Sure, just post in that other thread with a character for it And... you said you do music composition?
  18. *Meteor, not Magma. But yeah, as Slut mis-said, we do have a distinct original orginisation already, Team Meteor. Their original creator was Will in his Reborn-based comic, +Infinitas, so I've asked him to get back to me with character designs for the leader + 3 executives. Team Meteor's a bit more crafty than past orginisations- they already have Reborn in the palm of their hand, but nobody knows it. Needless to say, the story of this is a bit darker than most other Pokemon games... But, it is fully charted.
  19. :c Try to have fun! It'll be an experience.
  20. (20:48) Ame|Working: By the way, this is kind of random, but I've been meaning to ask you for a while, (20:48) Ame|Working: I don't know like, anything about you really. (20:48) Kiozo: XD (20:48) Ame|Working: I mean I know your name is Will and you were at Mys and CAP before that, but... like, what's your plan for life? Do you go to work or school or anything? o.o (20:48) Kiozo: Well, hold those thoughts. (20:49) Ame|Working: *held* (20:49) Kiozo: I have made a thread for this stuff like everyone else did ^ lazy man's way, both of us. And to think before that moment I didn't see the point in these threads. Okay. Derrrrrp. anyway, gogogo.
  21. *insert awkward silence here*
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