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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Cain's already the comic relief/hitting on everyone rival. :c Anyway, actually, yeah, I think I'll just give other auth their own sidequests.
  2. Icy Wind is a creative choice for Gengar, and will definitely help the triples situtation, but I'd wonder at its effectiveness in singles. A lot of what I would say has already been said. One more point- Heat Wave on Chandelure over Flamethrower. Invaluable for triples. For Excadrill, keeping Earthquake is fine, because in trips you can turn to Rock Slide, but on Hippowdon, where its your only attacking move- I'd recommend replacing it. Honchkrow... doesn't really have the bulk to abuse Roost. Even a good Mach Punch from Breloom + residual sand damage will probably put it out. If you want a better Breloom counter thats more applicable to league, I'd suggest Xatu. Stoutland seems pretty solid, though I personally prefer Reversal to Fire Fang. Ultimately though, if you're creative and persistent, this team can make it all the way. There are some better choices, but you could probably do it with this if you really tried.
  3. faux pas Why... the potato thing... just, why.
  4. So I have a lot of people asking if they can be trainers in the game, and the answer is absol-utely. Just post here, and I'll fit you in. A couple things- Use a name that might, you know, actually be a name. I'm not going to put someone in as "Cool Trainer dragonmaster" or "Youngster Darkness13". I reserve the right to change names to be more, uh, name-ish. Try and not all choose the same Trainer Class (Psychic, Cool Trainer, Bug Cather, etc). I know some are just cooler, but I'd rather not have 24893 cool trainers and nothing else. I also reserve the right to change/tone down the team based on what point in the game we're at. But, if you post a team, I'll work towards that general direction. For instance if you say Infernape, Bronzong and Reuniclus, you might get like, Monferno, Bronzor and Duosion, or if those don't make sense to have in that area, I might for instance place Duosion with another Psychic type that's close to that place. It's okay if you guys submit multiple ones. There'll be no shortage of trainers and I don't have a limit. Just post this information (everything optional): Trainer Name: Trainer Class: Battle start/end text: Team: For the time being, I'm going to put most of you on Opal Bridge. It's the center of the city, and a Trainers-Only free-for-all for all levels. All Pokemon are game for this area.
  5. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/faq.html#rr ^ ding about the money. Sorry about the timing. :c But welcome nonetheless!
  6. Answered on the server, but a total of 12 pokemon isn't possible. :C PS First post updated with a few screens
  7. There are a couple places that still host it. I think I downloaded my copy from a site called Crankeye. I haven't found a crack just yet, but it oughtn't be too hard. Found a program to trick RMXP into working on my netbook (it's not supposed to usually), so guess what I've been doing at work/on the bus/in class. All 15 Starters are available to choose from at the start of the game. Two rivals will choose with you... Unfortunately, it's a little unbalanced because there's no suitable water/poison type... Oh well. It seems like general favor, and the way it's worked out so far, there will only be 17 badges. In compensation, there will be an Elite 4. I have places for all of the leaders now, so... Hopefully I'll get some screens up in the next day or so.
  8. Ahah, I remember you saying it the other day, too, but do I remember? Nope. Welcome back. I'm glad you've changed this much.
  9. I love the internet. Making tools to do shit you shouldn't be able to do since 1986

  10. It's a round robin. If we're using the traditional point system, you each get one point for a draw.
  11. I've already developed a base tileset for the city. I'll post some screenshots soon.
  12. RMXP, so like Raptor. Your brother said he started making some maps already, but we're really going to need to communicate fast and effecitvely if we're going to keep the same visual standards across the whole game. I would like to see examples of both of your work, though. Mapping for this is difficult because the scripts are modified to, like a normal Pokemon game, keep the character centred at all times. So, in out door locations, there always have to be buffer tiles. Most Pokemon games stack rows upon rows of trees for this, but being in a giant city, we can't really do that. I'm having to be very specific about every map piece because not only is there the issue of buffer tiles, but the outdoor maps are auto-connected without teleport events- so everything has to match up perfectly.
  13. All the regular trainers are going to be based off of members, to some degree. All drama's going to be included regardless. Just in some cases it may or may not also be worth a badge. Ehh, I'd feel sketchy about reserving legends till X-League when normal trainers have them. Multibattles are already planned... For gym purposes though? Hm... Possibly. X-League champion may very well end up with 6 level 100's, so I don't think we can get any Redder than that. All Pokemon will be catchable. Already on this. Level curve will have to be continually tweaked. Pretty sure we're running animated sprites so nope.avi
  14. So that would be myself, Ikaru, you, Hark, Edge and one more person. I would vote Mael, being that he was originally the co-founder. If we decided to do two-per type, anyway. So if it was between doubling up on badges per type, or cutting out 11 of the leaders to be put in other roles, which would people prefer? VOTE NOW.
  15. Well, we're doing at least 17, so it's not 8 in any case. I would determine it by who could be worked into the story to be battled other than gym battles.
  16. Does it happen on servers other than Reborn?
  17. Actually, it kinda just looks like you're going :3 because you can't contain the squeeeeeee.
  18. What have you done already Patrick? I may be able to incorporate it. And I like how I just got six completely different ideas. Okay, let's see: Elite 8 seems a little overkill to me... But, if we stick to Elite 4 + 17 + champ then that leaves...6 battles unaccounted for, that might still might be okay to work in otherwise. I considered this too, but my main concern is- where do the other six badges come from? Unless we had some auth play as leaders for the game... Inner city + outer city leaders? Could work, actually...
  19. One of my friends will be stepping in to take his place. He has a deck just about ready; only needs to send it in.
  20. So I like how I'm totally stealing Patrick's thunder. I've started putting this together already- a game based on Reborn. I'm going to use this topic to gather input and stuff, and possibly post occasional screens as I progress. Like so. But probably mainly input. For instance, I have one very key dilemma: I for sure want to include all Reborn Leaders to date. However, as we know, there has been more than one leader for many of the types. Should I include multiple badges of some types (this would result in 28 total badges) Or should I choose one of our leaders for each type and allocate the others to other parts of the story (would result in 17 battles, but less importance for the characters not chosen to be official leaders)? Or some other way of balancing them that you have an idea for?
  21. Amethyst

    See ya

    Awhh. Well, I hope things clear up for you soon. Feel free to drop by if you ever get a chance. And keep on bombin'. D:
  22. Welcome! ....Your name reminds me of Baten Kaitos... pay it no mind~
  23. ...Looks like old habits die hard.

    1. Mashew
    2. Maelstrom


      Bad ones die the hardest.

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