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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. sassy DID robot makes everyone suffer, more at 10

  2. class trial in session! clothing optional.

  3. about time we learned monokuma's true kink

    1. SilverAngelus


      "Why were these clothes in the toilet in the first place?" "Well I know why those clothes was in the toilet! It's because Kokichi is a little shit!"

      Image result for laughing emoji

    2. Alistair


      great now I have to watch if I want to learn Monokuma's kink REEEEEE

  4. angry cat noises commence

  5. that is literally what we've been doing this episode and the last ;~; it's been a major focus think again, 🅱epsi.
  6. fuck you makoto >:C

  7. the mastermind revealed...!

  8. we talkin' cosplay drama up inhere

  9. no plans to do that, sorry.
  10. you useless fucking robot...........

  11. i liked how that went so yeah, probably that's a thing this time too, even if it is less impactful without a new gen. that has been answered in the thing below!! that makes one of us. anyway first post for this time detailing the scoreboard categories read here blahblah i'm goin' the fuck to sleep lmao party hard kids baii
  12. that'll teach me to say 'this is the last post for the cycle' ever again. fuck AI. anyway hi, check it out, it's E18, comin' at you now so here's the rundown on things this time around: USUM Updates As expected... and for that matter, promised! Fortunately: unlike E17, there's not all that much to do-- only a handful of pokemon/forms/moves, etc, and Marcello is already hardlining on that to get it sorted. bless Marcello. The biggest issue here is the sprites, but I mean -flips hair- I can handle those. Also unlike E17, I'm not starting with this personally, so it'll be a bit longer before it's checked off. Instead, I'm starting with... AI It's always such a pleasure. Remember when I tried to make the game better, but actually introduced like a dozen inaction bugs that ruined the experience for multiple waves of testing? twice? ...this is the second time. So this time I now know to expect that testing will take several months while we pick out those inaction bugs (they're really hard to pin down!!!). Anyway I talked last time about how there are ~350 function codes for all moves, and for E17 I did 120 of them. That leaves 230 for E18. I am currently cutting my way through a l l of those, as you can see on the status widget on the right. despite the low percentage, i'm about halfway done. So, a couple more weeks and I'll be set. Aside from that our other focus for this episode is potion usage, which we will rewrite entirely like we did for the switch algorithm last time. Maps normally this section is graphics/maps because i do them together, and to an extent that is still true here, however i don't really foresee the areas i'm mapping this episode even really needing that much in the way of graphics (and i'm sure i'll start taking some Liberties™ and promptly ruin that but) so I'm going to just simplify this down to le mappo's for this episod. in E17 there were seven areas i had to map. for E18, there are four. and one of them is not a giant fucking desert. so you know, that helps. Eventing as usual: this is the part of stuff that makes things on map do stuff blablahbalhabljdhfbdjf so i don't really foresee this being even a significant drain on this episode because i don't have any particularly troublesome (to make) puzzles planned yet but any issues or slowness that arises in this section is usually because of puzzles. if you suffer, i suffered first. that's what true love is. <3 Story here we are. the bulk. normally story is pretty quick-- so it's a good place for the bulk to be. but everyone knows i kind of dicked myself in terms story workload for the rest of the game after E17, so everything is effectively doubled. also, looking back at past episodes, E16 was sidequest-focused, and E17 was focused on exploration... E18's focus is the story itself. the last one it's similar to in that regard is probably E15. so we gonna kick some stuff into gear here. Sidequests exist. but i don't have much planned for them this time. there's a handful of events i need to do and maybe one or two or three small areas and other than that this should be ez to the pz like a blue moon fresh lemon squeezy. a good amount of other stuff was done for this in prior episodes. thanks, past-ame. Misc Updates as usual, the throw-away category. this is used for any changes to the existing game, which i have a small handful planned for but due to deliberately shifting focus and limiting revisions for the sake of forward progress, should not be very much. the rest of this goes to bug fixing. AKA fixing the AI we broke six parts earlier. whee. so there's what you can expect and understand from our scoreboard this time around. can i call it that? scoreboard? i dont know if it has a better name but i'm calling it that from now on cuz it sounds cool. like it's a game, or a war against nothingness in a place that has yet to be created so call up atreyu or whatever.
  13. the art and text localization departments forgot to check in with each other i guess

  14. pls no bugs pls no bugs pls no bugs pls no bugs

    1. Dreamy


      Ame there is always bugs.



      you should know this by now

    2. Amethyst


      dont do this to me......................................................

    3. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      A wild Weedle has appeared.

  15. no results found for wdawsdwsadewd

  16. yeah sure i can't promise to be on top of it always cuz that's a drain on time but if i see questions i have a good answer for, sure so rock climb, some to do; not lots. i'd say most of it has been done in advance
  17. being left-handed has never been less right.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Godot


      Is it wrong? It's left up to you to decide now.

    3. FairFamily




      I hope this doesn't goes the way  I think it does go (meaning Gonta killed Miu) because that would be extremely dissapointing.


      The avatar user error is basically the most ambiguous truth bullet in existance. I can pin the blame on multiple characters because of it.


      "Maki, Keebo and Himiko weren't considered people because of an avatar user error. This made them non-people and allowed them pass through the wall. "

      "Kokichi could have killed Miu because of the avatar user error which disables all special settings."

      "Kaito could have been the killer because the avatar user error shifted his internal clock to the default setting which was used for logging out."

      "Shuichi could have killed because the avatar user error allowed him to push objects because he gained debugging rights." 


      What doesn't make sense is that by switching the cables you get a fully functional avatar in the virtual world (including memory) but suddenly gets memory loss after comming out. It's like switching the cables of a headphone with recording functions. It won't work. 



    4. Amethyst


      yeah i definitely get what you mean by that. it's because of that that i wasn't really a fan of the despair disease motive in the second game. when they make up their own rules it doesn't feel bad and sci-fi is just futuristic magic, which falls into breaking core laws of mystery writing.

  18. what i might do is just link to the posts from here when i make one but the actual updates themselves will still be there this is just a consistent discussion hub maybe i link to here from status widget too that's for the upcoming post i mentioned but it'll be talking about the work itself rather than time cuz ^ that. i mean. most devs are humans. but in my case time estimates just put unnecessary pressure on me and that negatively effects things.
  19. hi so those of you who were here during E15/E16's development periods might remember the status thread from way back then one bit of feedback i heard with the new dev blog during E17 is it felt badsville to have a place to actually discuss development status updates since it was always cross-post or i mean where do you even talk about my throwaway taglines on the side widget nowhere, that's where well now here, that's where pretend that was really clever with the shifting space, it was definitely intentional, thanks and those of you who remember the status thread probably remember the fundamental problem with it-- that the actual discussions of the status updates was thrown offtrack and clouded out primarily by people contributing little more than a two word line about their excitement. mods had some fun corralling those ones. but that's not the worst thing. rather than saying 'dont do thing' im more of a fan of saying 'heres a place where it's fine to do thing' and although it's prooooobably still not exactly a good post if that's all you have to contribute, you know, do what you gotta do. but maybe try to have some actual discussion too, if you can find it in your heart of hearts. anyway, 4% hype or whatever. category rundown for the episode coming later idk
  20. confessing . . .

  21. play more video games b r u v s

    1. FraRPetO


      ame hi you should play doki doki literature club and i'll watch

    2. Amethyst


      i have already played it a couple times ^^ hence my avatar was monika for a while

  22. i guess in a sense, she's the embodiment of erotic asphyxiation.

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