Hi everyone~ I know every other announcement being about behavior and such is getting a bit tedious, and I would like to curb it soon before the entire Mews board is just 'BEHAVE NOW OR ELSE' however, it is important that we continue to be diligent about our conduct on both the server and website!
Today I'd like to address one thing that I've seen coming up a number of times lately, and that is the concept of "mini-modding." So that we're all clear on what a "minimod" is, it's used to refer to a normal user (non-auth) who tells other users how to behave according to the server rules. The term is often used likening them to a tattle-tale, and it is presumed that "minimods" are doing it only to gain favor with the auth, and do not contribute anything else to the community. In other words, it's thrown out as an insult.
...And I don't get it. True, some internet communities do discourage, or even in their rules prohibit mini-modding. This isn't one of them.
Lately I have seen some users reminding each other of how they ought to behave, only to be disregarded and then insulted as a "minimod." Minimod's use a counter is going to stop now.
As far as I'm concerned, normal users not only are allowed to politely keep each other in check, but should. Go ahead! Make the mods job easier, please! Not only that, but it's going to be better for the offending party to be reminded by a normal user, rather than a mod, which then counts for their warning and they're one step closer to having to be muted. Everyone wins~
On the contrary, if you are breaking the rules and someone points that out to you, calling them a minimod is not only not an excuse, but is annoying and makes it appear as if you don't care about the community rules (in which case, what are you doing here?).
However, as all things, there is a limit. As normal users, feel free to remind others of how they ought (not) to act. What I would not like to see, however, is normal users threatening to take matters into their own hands, by whatever means that may be. If you feel someone is in violation of the rules, notify a moderator (with logs whenever possible), and let them deal with it. Do not try to crash them/get them banned/etc- just remind me them that they need to mind themselves, and pass it along to a mod if it continues.
I think, and hope, that we can all agree that that is a perfectly reasonable expectations, yes? ...Yes. Moving on!
Reborn has a few new affiliates, although one of them is not yet listed, and therefore will be announced separately. The other two include Nintendo Gaming, a general gaming forum run by Bluedemon, the webmaster of one of our former affiliates, and The Battle Palace, another Pokemon forum run by Majin Buu, which a few of our server-regulars frequent. If you're so inclined, check them out~
...I have a new thing for you all pretty soon; just working on the final touches...