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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Well, they're going to stay open but I actually have the first bill for the site in March, and then after that in May. Allan: Yes, applying it shortly
  2. So I have a few things this week! Let's start out with a couple small notes: Please remember that all server rules also apply to the forum! We expect similar behavior of you in both places, and although until recently the forums have been quite enough that we haven't had to really get on any one's case, that doesn't mean this is a free-for-all zone. There are also some additional rules specifically for the forum, standard to most website. For instance: Don't make a post if it doesn't contribute anything to the topic. Making a post to say "i agree" or just to post an image contributes nothing! Find something real to say~ Double posting (twice in a row) is discouraged! If you have something new to add, just edit your previous post. This helps keep it clean! An exception to this rule is if you're adding substantial new content. For instance, a new drawing in your art thread. That'll bump the topic, since there's something new to see~ On topic necromancy: Many servers discourage posting in topics that are older than ___. Reborn's policy on this is that if you have something new to add, and if the discussion is still relevant, date shouldn't matter. On the other hand, if those things are not true, please refrain. Please observe quality standards we have in place for Set contributions and RMT responses. Those posts pay higher amounts of $R than others, and if we spam posts just for the point of accumulating $R, we will not only delete them but dock you of the illegitimate points (and maybe a few more...). For most of you this won't be a problem; just make sure your posts are worth their space~ Next up, due to the continued excess of them floating around still, the price of Retry Tokens has been increased to $R 1500. Boo. :c On the other hand, there's a new reliable way to get lots of $R. More on that later. With the recent influx of traffic... ...again... we've had to hire some extra help for keeping tabs over the crowds of people around Reborn now, both night and day. Consequently, we have a few promotions! Firstly, Eternal Edge is joining the ranks of the admins, and although he's currently out of town, this has already been cleared with him, and he is ready to ban some trolls~ Additionally, for the late-night/euro crowd, we've had to temp-auth some people, namely Cyrus and Phoenix multiple times to cover the graveyard shift. Rather than constantly temping/retemping, etc, both of them are joining the staff, and will be helping to keep everything under control at any and perhaps all hours. ...Personally I just hope they find time to sleep, too. >> Anyway, as I hope most of you realise, running a site is expensive! Nyu is great to take care of hosting the server (though I'm sure that's not cheap either, and I would like to pay him at least a little bit back someday... However, for now, the site's renewal fees are coming up. I put ads on the site (ads much cooler than google's, may I say. Anyone see those Gyarados hats the other week? >>) to help, but that has earned us exactly.. $6.45. No, clicking won't help, it's based on time and traffic. It costs around $150 to run the site for a year... And while I can throw it on a credit card if I need, understandably, I'd rather not. So! Reborn is accepting donations! What I've done is put a donation link at the bottom of the main site. It's through PayPal, so you know it's safe, secure, and none of your info is going to get stolen. If you have a card, you can donate, you don't need an account on PayPal or anything. I don't expect you all to pay for the site, but seriously, anything helps (oh god I'm a homeless person). However, I am not so unfair as to expect something for nothing! I will be rewarding members' donations at a rate of $R 1000 per $1 USD, with a bonus of $R1000 for every 5 dollar block donated at once. So $5 gets you $R 6000, $10 gets $R 12,000, and so on~ But that's not all! Donating members also automatically receive Ace Member status! ...What? Ace Member? What's that? For noteworthy or otherwise special, elite or generally awesome members of Reborn, a new Member Group has been created: The Ace Member. In most ways, the Ace Member is identical to the member- it's not like forum auth. However, Ace Members have a number of little benefits, such as much less restriction on their forum activity. Many limits imposed on normal members are doubled/quintupled/completely-removed for Ace Members. Perhaps most notably, Ace Members have access to a secret forum, the Reborn Nightclub, exclusive only for staff and Ace Members~ As time goes on there, might even be more Ace-exclusive content. Who knows~ Now you're wondering, how do I attain this all glorious status?! Well, let me tell you- there are a few ways. The following people will earn Ace Status automatically: Former Staff Reborn League Champions Donating Members For everyone else, there's Mastercard a Shop Item to promote yourself. It currently costs $R 3000, and is available under the Personalise Your Account section. More coming soon~
  3. I ask because how old I thought he was is not congruous with having a roommate, so I find it curious. and yes. yes he is. ... that awkward moment when your old best friend's name was riku, also.
  4. I used to think Soy Milk was gross... I think I was brain washed; this is delcious. o_o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blaze Fury

      Blaze Fury

      I must try this "Soy Milk"

    3. Cloud




      Two problems right in the name.

    4. Zen


      I hate cow's milk, so I am content in drinking soy milk.

      Be warned, though, that soy milk supposedly contains a compound similar to estrogen. I'll leave its possible side effects to your imagination >:3

  5. Got it to work~ Thank you Allan! <3
  6. ...Count 650... Means two things were duplicated... I can probably work off of this though, I'll run it through a few times and see if I can find where it doubled. Will get back to you shortly
  7. Definite troll post. Fun and exciting days don't happen away from Reborn. :c And awh. How old's your roommate? ...And you for that matter?
  8. Amethyst


    Added, added, also tier question
  9. Amethyst


    Added; along with a few more similar ones
  10. Amethyst


    ^ not sure if asking or suggesting the question. XD So just in case- Every two weeks on the dot~ Surprisingly that's not something that gets asked much though, at least not to me... Anyone else see that much?
  11. Amethyst


    Got the league already, markdown is a good one though
  12. The reward on the Species Census 2 quest has now been doubled from its original value.

  13. Ice Fang.... fixed, and everything locked, and the Movedex data entry IS indeed done. Now... *turns to the mods*.... Thank you Phoenix, and everyone who helped out! This was a monumental task to complete, especially in such short time!
  14. Hi mind the rape comments thanks bye
  15. Amethyst


    So, one thing that's been on our radar to do for a while has been to create an FAQ page to refer new people with common (aka Frequently Asked!) questions to. I sort of have a preliminary list of what needs to be included, but I'm sure that there are some really big ones that I'm missing, so is there anything else you all can think of that we ought to include besides the following:
  16. Hai~ The wercomage is of this topic! Prease remember that this is a Enrish onry serber. Thank you and enjoy your sutay!
  17. Dear lord we're actually going to finish this Locked and updated [quote] --Magnet Rise --Flare Blitz --Force Palm --Aura Sphere --Brave Bird --Earth Power --Switcheroo --Giga Impact --Nasty Plot --Bullet Punch --Avalanche --Ice Shard --Shadow Claw --Thunder Fang --Ice Fang --Fire Fang [/quote]
  18. Quagsire doesn't care how many Curses you have. In any case, exactly what move about that is illegal with Storm Drain? I would say even if you don't use the Sp.Atk boost, a water immunity is better than a water not-immunity, especially on a team like this.
  19. Well, we do tend to be pretty stable~ Welcome! <3
  20. Amethyst


    Hai~ I remember you from last nightsies. Welcome. <3
  21. ...We gained 36 (non-spambot) members last night. Woo~

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Voctrode


      Sounds reasonable, bro

    3. Voctrode


      However all comments must correctly use the word serendipitous correctly and with actual meaning to the post.

    4. Yuki


      What a serendipitous idea!

  22. We don't... have an LC tier yet. That's NU. ._.;
  23. Originally I hated Pokemon. My grandmother got me a Gameboy when I was 4, with two games: Tetris Attack and Star Wars. I was a hipster child, apparently, and hated popular things like Star Wars, and so when Pokemon was all the rage in the first grade class room I was like "looooool lame." In those exact words, surely. Over the following summer, however, one of my old friends from preschool moved near me, and when he first came over he brought his fancy gameboy color, along with this OP Pokemon game, Blue. He was herpderpin' along Viridian Forest, and I knew about five Pokemon: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Caterpie, Charmander and Pidgey. Well, all he was finding was Caterpie, of course, and I was like meh, but he told me that Viridan Forest was the only location Pikachu could be caught, and suddenly I was mildly interested. He let me play around on his game for a little bit, and while the exact details are fuzzy, I can be sure I demanded my father take me to Toys R' Us and get the game the next day. Foolishly, I wanted to get the exact same game as him- it was apparent even to both of my parents that I should get Red to contrast his Blue, but I didn't want to miss out on anything he had. So I got Blue despite their protests and facepalmed for it later. It didn't really matter- both of us got both Red and Blue and Yellow and both Gold and Silver and Crystal, etc. For the most part, though, we synchronised our purchases. I got Silver; he got Gold. I got Ruby; he got Sapphire. We went to get the first three gens together, because we were inseparable through Elementary school. Come Middle School, we were put in different classes, but I can be sure that even my other friends- all we did in class was play Ruby/Sapphire under the desks while our rotund and ever-increasingly bald English teacher droned with all the emotion of a breakfast spoon. When D/P came out, things changed. He went to a different high school- really, all of my friends did, and not a single one of them went to the same school as each other, either. How we managed that, I don't know. So most of my friends were on the internet. Naturally, we were thrilled when D/P came out boasting internet playability. I set up a small little site for my online friends to swap code, trade and battle on. It was called PokePlace, and had about 12 members, though all of them active. We played through that summer, and when school started, everyone stopped caring. The site was taken down, and we went on with our lives. Suddenly the next summer, everyone got bored and started playing again, so I put the site back up, this time under the name PokePlace, Reborn. School came and it died, and Summer came, and it was [Reborn] and school came and it died and Summer came and it was [[Reborn]] (in the state that we currently know it.) Last summer it kinda died again, or at least was on life support, but naturally we kicked it back into life, and now it's {Reborn}. And it's working out, isn't it~? However nothing has shaped the site more than the existence of the League. After middle school, having effectively lost my friends, I ended up adopting a new best friend online, and although I forget how the idea ever came up, I somehow made a promise to him that I would start up a league, replicating the games, but with a human-level of difficulty, and with all 17 types. At that time an E4 and Champion was planned, too, but to execute it was redundant, so that was nulled. I began the league a full four years after promising it. It originally opened on a site called Monkeypro, where both he and I frequented. Accordingly, it also started as the MonkeyPro League. It was mid-February when this happened, so the PokePlace [Reborn] site wasn't up. It found surprising success, and only terminated as a result of my personal sudden vanishment (I spent two weeks locked in my room doing I can't remember what and denying my very existence as a rejected lump of flesh). Come the next summer. I set up the site again, and got things back and rolling. Where we had been on Shoddy before, I found this ballerific new Pokemon simulator, Pokemon Online, where hardly 50 people were on the main server at any given time. With the help of Nyu, another member of Monkeypro, we got Reborn's server up, and the league rolling again. Originally, it was just the original members of MP who competed, but being a public server, some others showed up, and- the rest, as they say, is history. To this day the person for whom the league was created has not so much as registered a team- nor does he have any intention to do so, ever.
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