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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. If it's a two turn set up anyway, what about Skill Swap? Skill Swap from Machamp, switch Lapras into its place, Skill Swap to that in the same turn. Though in that case... It looks like Hippowdon is probably the most defensive OHKO user, followed by Gliscor? Maybe one of them instead.
  2. Because there were only four valid votes, there were a lot of ties. ._.
  3. Third time's the charm, right? Pokemon marked in Red are proposed to move up in tiers. Pokemon marked in Blue are proposed to move down in tiers. Pokemon in Green are Suspect between the tier they are currently listed in, and one tier higher. Ubers (Pokemon banned from the OverUsed tier): OverUsed (Pokemon banned from the Borderline tier)*: *A note about Reborn's OU: One of the greatest appeals of Reborn is that we do not follow Smogon tiering. Drizzle+SwiftSwim will not be banned here in the foreseeable future, and if it is (unlikely), SandStream+SandRush and Drought+Chlorophyll will go right along with it. Pokemon like Blaziken and Garchomp that have been banned by Smogon are probably not going to make it to Ubers here for the sake of preserving a (reasonably balanced) environment in which they can still be used. Shadow Tag Chandelure is another such case, but we have had an in depth discussion on it recently in which justification for its ban could not be logically resolved. Borderline (Pokemon banned from the UnderUsed tier): UnderUsed (Pokemon banned from the LittleUsed tier): LittleUsed (Pokemon banned from NeverUsed tier): NeverUsed (Pokemon not banned from any tier): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rule #1- Discussion of these Tiers should be kept off of the main server chaat. Back channels are fine, and posting the log if something is decided might be nice- but for the most part let's try and keep tier discussion to the forum (server talk about tiers tends to turn hostile). Preferably this topic, but if a single Pokemon warrants a high amount of debate, a separate topic can be made for it. Rule #2- ITT: Opinions And chances are, someone does not share the same opinion as you. But we are contesting ideas, not people. Remain respectful of those ideas, and the people behind them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So we've got our suspects, but then a few more nominations for ban. You're probably either wondering why in the world these would be nominated, or you've already figured it out because of Bidoof. Moody. The previous agreement on Reborn was that the Moody ability would be banned to OU. However, we do not actually have a method to enforce this, and Moody is being exploited in the lower tiers. So until we find a method that does work, we need to ban the individual Pokemon, or let Moody persist. I'm opting for the former, even if it's just temporary. There are only a handful of Moody Pokemon, and of them, Smeargle is already OU. I've disincluded Remoraid and Snorunt do to their frailty- I think their set up even in NU is a far cry. Bidoof on the other hand does have the bulk to viably use Eviolite, and thereby, as ridiculous as it may be, could probably stand to be taken out of NU. The evolved forms however, definitely prove problematic. Glalie has respectable speed to get quick subs (provided it doesn't chance a speed drop), while the other two both have... marginal...bulk. Enough to be annoying after a few boosts, anyway. Where do we want to put these guys? I'll move onto the Suspects after this is settled.
  4. Results are as follows! Numeric Scores:
  5. >2.5 feet of snow and still going strong >let's open the ice cream store!

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amethyst


      do it. I'll buy you a hot chocolate. >>

    3. Bullet


      Ice cream is really good

  6. ...Awwwh, no! Nooooooooooooo!
  7. I posted the answer in a news post, foo. >>
  8. I considered Beach, but I couldn't think of a place in the game so far where Pokemon are encounterable on a beach? ...Although there are some trainer battles... Hm, okay. Underground would be Cave Sky area- Again, no Pokemon you encounter flying through the air- or trainers.
  9. I know, right? :x Especially water types. Though to be honest... I feel like if Pokemon were real, it would be about as practical to go Surf out on the sea and fight without a water type... Ultimately I was just trying to be 1- true to the anime, 2- semi-realistic. water type 4 ubers.
  10. And then league at eight... ......Might I suggest a biphasic sleep schedule? Biphasic means you sleep in two parts. The more 'phases' you sleep in, the less you have to sleep. For a biphasic sleep schedule, one generally only needs 4-5 hours a night (after their body adjusts). Ideally, these sleep times are twelve hours apart.... And actually your schedule allows that (if only your parents will). I see sleeping from 3:30-5:30 AM/PM? Maybe 3:15-5:30 if you're reliably home at that time. It's best if it's balanced, but if you need, you can even push the 3:30 AM back to 2:30 if you want to get that fifth hour.
  11. This is an idea I had back when we were still completely unsure what 5th gen was going to bring for us, however, I still think that it would be neat, and I'm going to be highly, highly disappointed if it doesn't appear in the next generation: Field effects. We already see in-game the various locations that are battled in. In fact in the anime, ever since the first episode and through the Indigo League we see the fields they battle on play key roles in battles. The anime has shown us time after time that the best battlers are those that use the field to their advantage- how many times has Ash pulled through a battle only by quick thinking and using the field. In one episode, Charizard flat out melted the field to prevent Gary's Blastoise from dodging, turning the match around. In Candice's gym, Ash only won by having his Pokemon gain speed by richocheting and skating between the various ornaments of the field. And while I don't expect this level of detail from a game, much more can still be done. This topic is just to throw out some of the countless ideas that could be worked in: Indoor Grassland Forest Dirt Path Mountain Cave Ocean Marsh Desert Tundra Underwater Rock Field Ice Field Lava Field Water Field Any other ideas?
  12. And then my Geography teacher showed FMA as part of today's lesson.

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  13. The last few movedex things are particularly lucrative right now. >> jus' saiyan. As for the sleep thing... Hmbleh... What time do you leave for/get back from school?
  14. It may not be all that new. I hope that it isn't- if so, intelligence may yet be sustained in smaller circles for some time more.
  15. I care! I'm sorry, I should have said something. >< What's been going on exactly? You confessed your love for me Then forgot about it >< ~ Slim
  16. I have it; I simply haven't played it yet on account of I'd like to finish the story of the first one first. >>
  17. You may in the other topic. In any case I haven't played the second one yet, so I don't know the difference.
  18. Male- Hazama's Hair Female- Gardevoir's Dress Gardevoir's Dres Backing Both Genders- yo dawg we herd u liek reborn so we put reborn in yo reborn so yo can be reborn while yo be reborn Tsuna's Hoodie X-Gloves X-Gear Xanxus' Jacket Xanxus' Plumage Flames of Rage
  19. Aaaand implemented birthday $R. 750 a pop, and I've applied to everyone who I can find from the start of the year. Woo~
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