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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. ...Should give out $R as birthday presents...

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  2. So many birthydays! ...So little cake...
  3. That awkward moment when you want to cry, but can't, because if your hair gets wet, it'll ruin your perm...

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    1. Mashew


      I would like this more.. Except if it dropped the hair part. I ahve a natural perm QQ

  4. But Allan, you lamp you... You light up my life. <3
  5. Today I talked in depth with a hispanic youth who did not feel that racism had impacted his life, and a lower class girl who did not feel that sexism affected hers. Today, I can be proud of our culture's progress.

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hyouka
    3. Amethyst


      True. I'll accept the small victories for now, though.

    4. Phazer


      Talk to me, I'm mexican and dyslexic.

  6. This topic title worries me a bit, but happy birthday! (PS, what's your favorite Pokemon?)
  7. ...Whatever just crashed us wasn't the Beat Up glitch...

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    1. Joker


      Crap. I'll beat up the Beat Up users anyway. lol

  8. Rather than re-posting everything, being that it is now updated and identical, please refer to The Tier Change II topic for the prosecutions and various defenses of the nominated Pokemon. ~~~---XXX--- Before voting please ensure that you have actually READ and CONSIDERED the respect arguments for each Pokemon. That granted, all currently registered members (as of 1/29/12) are eligible to vote. ---XXX---~~~ In order to vote, please use the form below: [quote] Currently in Ubers: [b]Deoxys-S:[/b] [XX] [/quote] [quote] Currently in OU: [b]Bronzong:[/b] [XX] [b]Darmanitan:[/b] [XX] [b]Keldeo:[/b] [XX] [b]Meloetta:[/b] [XX] [b]Mew:[/b] [XX] [b]Starmie:[/b] [XX] [b]Suicune:[/b] [XX] [b]Swampert:[/b] [XX] [b]Victini:[/b] [XX] [b]Weavile:[/b] [XX] [/quote] [quote] Currently in BL: [b]Celebi:[/b] [XX] [b]Crobat:[/b] [XX] [b]Jolteon:[/b] [XX] [b]Ludicolo:[/b] [XX] [b]Mandibuzz:[/b] [XX] [b]Roserade:[/b] [XX] [b]Scrafty:[/b] [XX] [b]Togekiss:[/b] [XX] [/quote][quote] Currently in UU: [b]Archeops:[/b] [XX] [b]Azumarill:[/b] [XX] [b]Braviary:[/b] [XX] [b]Electivire:[/b] [XX] [b]Houndoom:[/b] [XX] [b]Lapras:[/b] [XX] [b]Moltres:[/b] [XX] [b]Registeel:[/b] [XX] [b]Sawsbuck:[/b] [XX] [b]Seismitoed:[/b] [XX] [b]Slowking:[/b] [XX] [b]Steelix:[/b] [XX] [b]Stoutland:[/b] [XX] [b]Venusaur:[/b] [XX] [b]Virizion:[/b] [XX] [/quote][quote] Currently in LU: [b]Absol:[/b] [XX] [b]Crawdaunt:[/b] [XX] [b]Exeggutor:[/b] [XX] [b]Hariyama:[/b] [XX] [b]Honchkrow:[/b] [XX] [b]Leafeon:[/b] [XX] [b]Liepard:[/b] [XX] [b]Primeape:[/b] [XX] [b]Qwilfish:[/b] [XX] [b]Rampardos:[/b] [XX] [b]Regice:[/b] [XX] [b]Regigas:[/b] [XX] [b]Relicanth:[/b] [XX] [b]Sigilyph:[/b] [XX] [b]Throh:[/b] [XX] [b]Vanilluxe:[/b] [XX] [b]Weezing:[/b] [XX] [/quote] [quote] Currently in NU: [b]Basculin:[/b] [XX] [b]Butterfree:[/b] [XX] [b]Cinccino:[/b] [XX] [b]Combusken:[/b] [XX] [b]Cottonee:[/b] [XX] [b]Cryogonal:[/b] [XX] [b]Electrode:[/b] [XX] [b]Fraxure:[/b] [XX] [b]Golduck:[/b] [XX] [b]Gurdurr:[/b] [XX] [b]Jynx:[/b] [XX] [b]Machoke:[/b] [XX] [b]Magneton:[/b] [XX] [b]Marowak:[/b] [XX] [b]Murkrow:[/b] [XX] [b]Rhydon:[/b] [XX] [b]Tangela:[/b] [XX] [/quote] Substitute "[XX]" with the code for the tier you think the Pokemon belongs in. Tiers are automatically assigned point values and votes totaled after removing outliers, so it is crucial that you DO use the given code: Scoring system: Votes are scored on point, not majority: Outliers (more than one tier in the reverse suggested direction, more than three in the intended) will be removed except in special cases (like Thundurus. ._.). Point values will be averaged, and scored as such: Voting will be open until 2/1. You do not have to vote for EVERY Pokemon on the list
  9. ...And like a charm, it's back! Bots should be auto-blocked again, yay~

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  10. The spambot rush is due to a temporary downtime in our security system's connection interface. It shouldn't persist...

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  11. Bro, where you been since this section was made?
  12. Blez has a back up for us. Advanced Connect

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    1. Amethyst


      lol we crashed the back up server. >>

    2. Cyrus


      Ame for best host ever.

  13. I've always kept my fingernails long... :C Can't stand them short. ><
  14. Yeah, actually, coding that in as we speak. Fixed for the post though. Edit: Though, that's why the IVs are there: 30Spd IVs turns into Ice
  15. I'd take Heat Wave over Firey Dance for Volcarona, just because it is triples. Heat Wave hits all opponents-it doesn't get much better than that.
  16. Firstly, what do I mean by ranks? I mean those little custom titles above one's name- "Bug Catcher," "Ace Trainer," etc. They can be customised through a site shop item, but if you don't, then they scale with your posts. However, I've realized since the addition of the 'Change Own Post Count' item, it's not exactly hard to break 2,000 posts, which was previously our highest rank. So, the ranks on the site have been shifted as follows: Posts ------------------------- Title 0 ...................................... Jr. Trainer 1 ...................................... Youngster 10 ................................... Bug Catcher 25 .................................... Hiker 50 .................................... Swimmer 75 .................................... PokeManiac 100 .................................. Juggler 150 .................................. Chaneller 200 .................................. Psychic 300 .................................. Ace Trainer 500 .................................. Rival 1000 ................................ Professor 5000 ................................ Pokemon Master 9001 ................................ Impossible 20000 .............................. ??? 50000 .............................. ??? 100000 ............................ ??? 500000 ............................ ??? 1000000 .......................... ??? Hm...? It's a secret- if you want to find out, better start saving up and buying in bulk~ On the note of the Site Shop, the price of Retry Tokens has been increased- I can hear your groans now; but they were much more popular than I expected. However, in return, the restock rate of them has been increased as well. This means that the people with the $R have a greater secured chance of getting them~ Seems fair, hm? And now for something completely different. If you pay any amount of attention you've probably seen my "Cut-off Checks Post" things on some of the Strategydex topics. This is mostly for my own organisation, but for your reference, here's what it means for you: I post that after the Pokemon and its sets have already been entered into the database. If it's in the database, it's been quality checked- only the best sets make it. Others might be edited/revised. Credit is being given where due- and if there are insufficient sets I'm making them myself. If the forum topic has less than two sets I'll post the second one I add for everyone's reference. This also means that new sets will probably not be accepted for the Pokemon on which I post for some time- and even then, standards will be higher. (So let's do some quick logic: I'm posting second sets for all the Pokemon. People who posted second sets for Pokemon get bonuses. I'm going in order by national Pokedex number, THEREFORE it's in y'alls interest to post those second sets for the lower-numbered Pokemon SOONER before I sweep them up. >>) ((Jus' saiyan. Lookin' out for you here.)) (((Also it helps me not have to write so many sets))) >>
  17. <p "="">Nasty Sweeper Raichu (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/dex.html?a=31"]Lightningrod[/url] EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/dex.html?m=417"]Nasty Plot[/url] - [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/dex.html?m=237"]Hidden Power[/url] Ice - [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/dex.html?m=85"]Thunderbolt[/url] - [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/dex.html?m=411"]Focus Blast[/url] IVs: 30 Spd Alternate Moves: [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/dex.html?m=57"]Surf[/url] This set uses Focus Sash to ensure that frail Raichu gets its +2 boost from Nasty Plot. After that, it's a straight-out sweep, with the given moves getting perfect coverage bar Shedinja. However, if your team is in need of a water move, Surf is another perfectly viable option (however Static will be needed over Lightningrod).
  18. Well that's disappointing; the lighting makes it show more yellow in these pictures. In reality, it's a dark orange on one side;a lighter orange on the other.
  19. Do you think they're plotting to take over the fruit industry...?
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