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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Haiwelcomestuffs. <3 And you're not older than everyone. Most people, sure, but you're not even the oldest.
  2. OverUsed (Pokemon banned from the Borderline tier)*: Zoroark Borderline (Pokemon banned from the UnderUsed tier): Rotom-W UnderUsed (Pokemon banned from the LittleUsed tier): Feraligatr Magnezone LittleUsed (Pokemon banned from NeverUsed tier): Cradily Toxicroak Armaldo Beartic Camerupt Slaking NeverUsed (Pokemon not banned from any tier): Ferroseed Gligar Kyurem PorygonZ Raikou Thundurus Xatu ~~~---XXX--- Before voting please ensure that you have actually READ and CONSIDERED the respect arguments for each Pokemon. That granted, all currently registered members (as of 1/22/12) are eligible to vote. ---XXX---~~~ In order to vote, please use the form below: [quote] Currently in OU: [b]Dusknoir:[/b] [XX] [b]Zoroark:[/b] [XX] [/quote] [quote] Currently in BL: [b]Jellicent:[/b] [XX] [b]Rotom-W:[/b] [XX] [/quote][quote] Currently in UU: [b]Accelgor:[/b] [XX] [b]Carracosta:[/b] [XX] [b]Feraligatr:[/b] [XX] [b]Magnezone:[/b] [XX] [/quote][quote] Currently in LU: [b]Ambipom:[/b] [XX] [b]Ampharos:[/b] [XX] [b]Armaldo:[/b] [XX] [b]Beartic:[/b] [XX] [b]Camerupt:[/b] [XX] [b]Cradily:[/b] [XX] [b]Slaking:[/b] [XX] [b]Toxicroak:[/b] [XX] [/quote] [quote] Currently in NU: [b]Amoongus:[/b] [XX] [b]Ferroseed:[/b] [XX] [b]Gligar:[/b] [XX] [b]Kyurem:[/b] [XX] [b]PorygonZ:[/b] [XX] [b]Raikou:[/b] [XX] [b]Thundurus:[/b] [XX] [b]Xatu:[/b] [XX][/quote] Substitute "[XX]" with the code for the tier you think the Pokemon belongs in. Tiers are automatically assigned point values and votes totaled after removing outliers, so it is crucial that you DO use the given code: Scoring system: Votes are scored on point, not majority: Outliers (more than one tier in the reverse suggested direction, more than three in the intended) will be removed except in special cases (like Thundurus. ._.). Point values will be averaged, and scored as such: Voting will be open until 1/25.
  3. The worst thing a girl can say http://www.poke-place.com/crystaline/

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amethyst


      Exactly. So said person, should just get his ass in gear. *cough* Though he'll never read this, I'm sure. He doesn't come on much anymore.

    3. Voctrode


      Well.. Tori said things like through the 3 years I've known her (though slightly less harshly)


  4. LIDDELL vs KOGA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peridot the Jolteon- 41 (;_ the Haunter- 41 Vynieard the Venasaur- 41 Gibbous the Nidoking- 41 2BOB the Snorlax- 42 Deliverance the Lapras- 41 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ K: Fwahahaha! L: ...Um. A: Wait a second... K: A mere child like you dares to challenge me! A: I know this guy! L: What? A: He joined... er, joins the Elite 4, later! I beat him when I challenged them. L: So he's probably pretty good. A: Nah. Not even his Crobat gave me trouble. L: The fuck is a Crobat? A: Don't worry about it. Just sweep the nut. K: Very well! I shall show you true terror as a ninja master! A: Wow, he's even more of a nut now... K: You shall feel the despair of poison and sleep techniques! A: Despair? Hi, Koga, nice to see you again, here, meet my friend, FULL HEAL. Koga sends out Venonat! Go, Gibbous! Gibbous uses Strength, Venonant tries Disable, but it fails. Strength- Sleep Powder puts Gibbous to sleep! Gibbous wakes up immediately. Venonat uses Psychich! It's super effective! Gibbous doesn't care! Strength. Venonat is KO'd! Koga sends out Venonat! ...>.> This one is (;_'s! (;_ uses Hypnosis! It misses. Venonat uses Psybeam. It's super effective! Hypnosis hits. DREAM EATER. Koga sends out Venona! A: Okay, this is getting ridiculous. hypnosisdreameaterbye. Koga sends out Venomoth! Venomoth uses Psychic! It's super effective! Haunter is reduced to 30% HP. Hypnosis! Venomoth falls asleep! Koga uses.. X-ATTACK on Venomoth... Dream Eater! A critical hit! It's super effective! Venomoth is OHKO'd! Koga is defeated! A: So his Venomoth is level 50... All your Pokemon level 41? Someone has some gridning to do. L: Shh. A: Next! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIDELL vs SABRINA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S: I had a vision of your arrival! I have had Psychic powers since I was a child. I first learned to bend spoons with my mind. A: Yeah, yeah, just battle already! L: ...You're quite impatient, aren't you. A: Shh. S: I dislike fighting, but if you wish I will show you my powers! Sabrina sends out Abra! A: See, her WEAKEST pokemon is level 50. You've gotta get up on your game, Liddell. L: Whatever. Go, Peridot! Peridot uses Pin Missle; it hits two times. Sabrina applies an X-Defend! Pin Missle KO's! Peridot levels up! Sabrina sends out Kadabra! Pin Missle! ...it misses. Kadabra uses Psychic. ...ow. Pin Missle! ...it misses again. Kadabra uses Psywave.. it misses too. Pin Missle! A critical hit! Hit four times! Kadabra is left with like 3 HP. Sabrina applies an X-Defend.. wut. Pin Missle! A critical hit! Kadabra is KO'd! Sabrina sends out Alakazam! Go, 2BOB! Alakzam hurps a durp and tries Recover. Nothing happens. 2 BOB uses Amnesia! Alakazam recovers again.. nothin'. Snorlax tries Surf, it does 33%. Alakazam uses Psywave! ...it does like, 15 (out of 200+) damage. Amnesia again. Alakazam recovers... Surf does about 40% now. Alakazam uses Psywave... it misses! Let's try a Body Slam. Oh look, Alakazam dies instantly. Sabrina is defeated! A: ...So they were all level 50. Whatever. Still have to grind! L: Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. Doesn't the military teach you some something or other as basic training? Or is that just Marines/whatevers? Though the rest of them are on my list as well, and the last one mostly accomplished. >>
  6. ...Why would Power Whip be banned? No matter, good thing we're making sets for Reborn's metagame and not Smogon etc's. If Seeb Bomb wasn't already included in the Alt Moves, I would add it though.
  7. Physical Sleep Sweep Venusaur (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Chlorophyll EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Sleep Powder - Growth - Earthquake - Power Whip Alternate Moves: Seed Bomb, Outrage Designed for use in Drought, Venusaur comes in at double speed and puts the opponent to sleep. Use growth as they switch out for its doubled effect in sun, giving Venusaur 588 attack. From there, sweep away. Power Whip is chosen for STAB and strength, but Seed Bomb can be used if the low accuracy puts you off. Earthquake gets better coverage, but using Outrage instead allows for a stronger attack and also the ability to hit things like Dragonite which Venusaur might otherwise have trouble with. Leftovers is chosen for sustainability and recovery over time if Sleep Powder misses or a sleeping opponent stays put, but Life Orb is viable as well.
  8. Actually I'll be studying abroad there either next year or the one after. I just have to be patient... I guesss... Mrrrror. Anyway, yessir @ the Saya thing.
  9. Proposing an amendment to the original voting plan: On Monday, voting opens for some of the less-disputable Pokemon. I'll make a list of those below shortly. Just the ones that are kinda like, duh. Then have the full voting next week. Fair? OverUsed (Pokemon banned from the Borderline tier)*: Borderline (Pokemon banned from the UnderUsed tier): UnderUsed (Pokemon banned from the LittleUsed tier): LittleUsed (Pokemon banned from NeverUsed tier): NeverUsed (Pokemon not banned from any tier): These are just things that I get a sense there isn't going to be much if any debate over. If anyone has issue with these things, post a defense within the next couple days and we'll move it to the next vote.
  10. ...Water Absorb beats Cursed Body anyway. It allows Rain-counterability, and is reliable whereas Cursed Body is chance, isn't it? and regardless, out of your control.
  11. The Zorua Pokedoll now displays in front properly.

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  12. Hurpdurp. I'm still used to Julia always doing singles, so when I think of electric mono, I don't even consider triples. Durpdurpdurp. But, in that case, Reflect is a great idea.
  13. So, a while ago, as I sometimes do, I made a topic asking what features people wanted to see around the site. One of the suggestionss was so glaringly obvious (and brilliant) that after realising that I had never thought of it before, I had to and get myself a nice, hot cup of repeated-facepalm. And now, said feature has been actualised: Cards can now be created from Pokemon Online Export data! There's a link to that page from the normal registration-but it may take over as the "normal" method if it's more commonly used (and, after some time to allow for testing.) Oh, yes, testing. As well all know, I am Ame prone to mistakes, so I'm inb4ing a range of errors on this thing. Although the only ones I've found myself have already been corrected, there may still be some odd glitches- So if you find anything, please report it in Community Hall. Speaking of community! We're welcoming a few more people to staff to compensate for the site's sudden growth spurt. Among these are two returning staff members. Firstly, Slim Shady- who has spent a good deal of time working around the site to improve the community, from running the tutor thread to setting up the RMT forum, and even a few up and coming events. Slim Shady is actually taking on the role of Forum Moderator, something we haven't had or needed for a long time. Secondly, TheScarletSword, a former admin, is returning as a less-specifc staff position- You can expect to see him help out in a variety of places, most notably... Well, you'll find out in a week or two, but I think the older members will remember what Scarlet does~ Finally, we're also welcoming a new face to the staff. Although he's a relatively new member, in his time here, he's proved to be highly responsible, diplomatic and mature, in addition to having great leadership ability and helping out around the site. I'm pleased to announce that Kaito is joining the team as a server mod~ Congrats to the three of them, along with my sincerest thanks~ Edit: A note about "Operator": Operator isn't a person, it's just a utility authpiece we needed. It's been used in the past for various testing and other functions, and it may lurk quite a bit. No need to concern yourself with it.
  14. That's how it was before, and personally I don't see it as a threat to be moved up, nor weak enough to be moved down. If you want to make a case for it, by all means, go ahead, and it'll be added.
  15. Klutz is a useless ability- switch it to Limber so you can absorb enemy T-Wave. Also try Choice Scarf over Specs. You don't want them to be hitting you harder, and it's not like Lopunny is using the SpAtk anyway. Plus if you Thunder Wave them after having a scarf, they're basically completely useless. I'd also recommend Jump Kick over Low Kick- Although Low Kick will be better for those few things, a stronger move is going to be better in general. Firstly, switch Anticipation to Oblivious. Again, Oblivious isn't great, but it does more than Anticipation. Secondly, Max out the Speed EVs. Whiscash doesn't need that much investment in bulk- it'll benefit more from getting more out of its Dragon Dance. I think this is a decent set, but you might consider switch Modest to Timid and Scarf to Specs- Since Swanna already has higher speed, it'll get more out a boosted SpAtk. Also maybe Scald over Surf. Matter of preference. Make it Chansey; max HP instead of SpDef, then it's good. Spikes over toxic. Possibly Whirlwind over either of those. Another example where- Celebii needs the speed more than the health. Plus you have Nasty Plot to boost your Sp.Atk, so make it Timid instead. Another thing your team could use is some form of priority. I noticed, if I recall correctly, before you made the changes, you had Mienshao on your team? If you're so inclined, Mienshao makes a fantastic Anti-Lead, much more so than Lopunny, and has Fake Out, covering your priority. plusitscute.
  16. I really like the core concept of the team, but I think that it can be taken to greater heights. why not switch out Jellicent for Slowbro or Slowking? Each of them has the same weaknesses, the same bulk/recovery, and can status with Scald. Then you have a tri-regenerative core backing you. Even just Amoongus and Jellicent form a brilliant core alone, but when you throw in Mienshao's utility, it becomes even better. If you really wanted to beat a dead horse, swap Alakazam for Reuniclus. Granted, you can't have both Regenerator and Magic Guard, but it might be fun nonetheless. Though yeah, there is that double ghost/dark weakness, but it's not as if those are prominent attacking types outside of Gengar and Chandelure. ....Curse you, wynaut... Trolled by own troll.
  17. Oh, I see. Yeah, perhaps. Though maybe not from Rotom. What other Electric types learn that? Moreover, Erick, being that it's a monoelectric team, you're not going to get many electric attacks coming at you. Motor Drive/Volt Absorb/etc are going to be completely useless. You're better off running Vital Spirit/Sap Sipper, etc
  18. Mantine's more defensive... On the other hand, Swanna has Roost. And Hurricane. I think Swanna wins...
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