Well you guys are lame and don't like to decide for me. Drat on making ME actually do the work QQQQQ
Day 7
Peridot the Jolteon- 37
(;_ the Haunter- 37
Vynieard the Venasaur- 37
Gibbous the Nidoking- 37
2BOB the Snorlax- 30
Welcome to Silph Co, home of the HOSTILE TAKEOVERS. If we can do anything to make your customer experience more satisfactory, please GIVE US ALL YOUR POKEMON AND DIE.
GmfO: What kept you, Liddell?
L: If you're here, shouldn't you be like, stopping Team Rocket or something?
GmfO: Hahaha! I thought you'd turn up if I waited here!
L: So you're risking the lives of innocents and success of an evil corporation just to troll me?
GmfO: I guess Team Rocket slowed you down! Not that I care!
L: I knew you were a douche before this, but geez!
GmfO: I saw you in Saffron so I decided to see if you got better!
L: Pay no mind to the hostile take over we're in the middle of. Let's get this over with quickly.
Gary sends out Sandslash! Go, 2BOB!
Sandslash uses Poison Sting! 2BOB responds with Surf, bringing it to the red. Sand Attack misses. Surf- Sandslash is KO'd!
...Well aware that I have Surf, Gary sends in Ninetales!
Two surfs; dead.
Gary sends out Cloyster. Go, Peridot!
Gary sends in Kadabra!
Peridot uses Pin Missile; it hits two times, doing about 50% HP. Kadabra tries Disable; it fails. Pin Missle, Kadabra is KO'd!
Gary sends in Jolteon! Go, Gibbous!
Of course, forgetting that poison is WEAK to bug in Gen 1... Jolteon uses Pin Missle. It hits five times! A critical hit!
Gibbous is fine. Strength! Pin Missle. Strength! It's in the red.
Gary uses POTION.
Not Hyper Potion.
Not Super Potion.
Just.. normal old Potion...
Strength kills it.
GmfO: Oh-oh! So you are ready for BOSS ROCKET
L: Do the world a favor and stop talking.
GmfO: Well, Liddell! I'm moving on up and ahead! By checking my Pokedex I'm starting to see what's strong and how they evolve! I'm moving on to the Pokemon league to boot out the Elite Four!
L: No one cares, Gary.
GmfO: Liddell, well, good luck. Have fun with BOSS ROCKET and that girl.
L: That girl?
GmfO: Don't sweat it! Smell ya!
L: Amie...
Lapras get! And of course, there only one thing a Lapras around here can be named...
LIDELL vs JESSI- jk, I sent out Gibbous and they ran away screaming.
G: Ah, Liddell. So we meet again.
L: Indeed.
G: Amie, the President and I have been discussing a vital business proposition.
L: Amie, are you all right?
G: Keep your nose out of grown-up matters...
A: Be careful!
G: ...or, experience a world of pain!
Giovanni sends out Nidorino! Go, Deliverance! jk, go Gibbous!
Strength! Nidorino uses Focus Energy. Strength! Nidorino is KO'd!
Gionvanni sends out Persian! Go, Deliverance! jkjk, go (;_!
Persian uses Growl; and then can't do anything to (;_. Nightshadenightshadenightshade. Deliverance levels up!
Giovanni sends out Rhyhorn! Go, Deliverance! ...Deliverance is level 17. Rhyhorn is level 37...... let's do this.
Deliverance is faster, Surf! Rhyhorn is left with only a few HP. It uses Tail Whip. Water gun finishes it off! Deliverance levels up!
Giovanni sends out Nidoqueen!
Deliverance switches out for Gibbous! Nidoqueen Double Kicks. Does nothing. Surf! Nidoqueen uses Tail Whip. Surf! Nidoqueen is KO'd!
Giovanni was defeated!
G: Blast it all! You ruined our plans for Silph!
L: Easily, at that.
G: But Team Rocket will never fall!
A: Hah, THAT's a lie!
G: Amie! Liddell! Never forget that all Pokemon exist for Team Rocket! I must go, but I shall return!
A: Wait, what about Emerald and Lithion!
L: It's too late. He's gone already. At least you're free.
A: ...That doesn't mean anything if I don't have my Pokemon.
L: Don't you have any others?
A: They all... died.
L: ...I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?
A: I challenged the Elite Four... And won... barely. By luck. I didn't even deserve to win... Right after that, the machine glitched... It linked to the Time Travel machine built by a man named Bill, and... it fired backwards... I guess.
L: Bill, the scientist from Cerulean?
A: The same... I was going to speak to him when I first saw you in Cerulean, but then the Rockets stole my Pokemon... Now, without them, it doesn't matter.
L: Chances are Giovanni still has them... I'll get them back, promise.
A: You mean we will.
L: Huh?
A: You think I'm just going to sit around and wait for you to play the hero? I'm coming with you!
L: ...All right. Then where to?
A: You're collecting the badges, right? If I remember right, I read in the reports that you finally defeat Giovanni in the Viridian City gym... That might be where his base is, too, but I don't think you were able to get in without the other seven badges first.
L: ...Then I need to finish the gym challenge. Simple. Let's get going.
Amie joined the party!