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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Okay, so we have a fancy new club system, and I can see a solid handful of you are rarin' to get some fired up. That's great! First, let's talk about the types of clubs. Public-- Anyone can view and anyone can post. You don't have to be a member to be involved. Open-- Anyone can view topics but you have to join to contribute. Anyone can join. Closed-- Anyone can see the club and who's in it, but to join or participate you have to be approved by the leader Private-- Entirely hidden clubs. Users have to be invited by a leader to get access. Of these, only Private clubs will be approved without application. Those are free-reign! For anything else, you can submit an application using the Staff Contact page! It is linked under the Home drop down menu at the top left. Instructions are there, but I will go over more detailed steps in this thread. First, we're assuming you want to make a Public, Open, or Closed Club. In that case you need to get a total of five people together who are willing to be in the club. That's the minimum! Clubs who lose members and have fewer than five for a long time may be deleted... so you know, if you ever wanted to force the main character into your club so it doesn't have to disband, there you go. We might check in with the other members listed at random, so don't just go including people without them agreeing! You'll also need to decide on a Vice President-- someone to help you moderate the club. We're assuming you're going to be the president if you're starting it, so you've got that covered. Next, navigate to the Clubs page. If you are a Veteran or higher, you should see a button at the top right that says Start a Club! Create the club, select the type, and fill in the details. It won't appear just yet though! Finally, use the link above and jot down your details. Once we've checked everything out, we'll approve the club and you can go to town! We hope you'll all have lots of fun with the new system. Enjoy!
  2. Ooops, forgot to do that. As of this post they are now updated-- the link is the same as before. Thanks to everyone for sticking around to play more~
  3. reuploaded for a patch; please redownload if you got it before this post currently only mega link is up; second one is following
  4. So we're here, almost exactly a year later. ...Actually I was really hoping it wouldn't take this long, but, I've probably said that about every episode since like, E3. So you know, whatever. Let's just get to it. Ground rules! Below is the list of notable changes (Field Effect changes will be in the Readme)! Mirror 1 (Mega) Mirror 2 (Local; prefer other mirror) Enjoy!
  5. hi there, i'm ame from the overwatch team and welcome to the december community update. this month, we're deleting the entire forum: Speakeasy? gone. Nightclub? deleted EXP system? toast. ...actually i'm pretty sure that deleted itself months ago against anyone's will... which makes me pretty salty about the plug-in i bought for it, but you know... whatever. Ace Members? dead. just kidding they're veterans now Veterans? anihiliated. double just kidding the veterans are fine and in fact they have a lot more permissions than before Clubs? all traces of them removed actually they're now fully available so you can make your own clubs and stuff if you're a veteran or higher anyway there are four kinds: public, open, closed and private. the first three are visible; private is not there's rules to making clubs and stuff so administrators will need to approve them but we'll talk about those rules in a different topic soon but tl;dr you need a president a vice president and at least three other members. like a japanese high school. because you wouldn't be on this forum if you weren't at least a little bit of a weeb. and even if you aren't, i'm a level 89 dark weeb. or it can be a private club. those are free reign. gosh, overwatch has gotten weird, hasn't it? with the removal of the EXP system, there's no longer any reason for us to limit rep/reactions so harshly. therefore all groups have had daily reputation limits significantly expanded. Reactions per Day per Group: Members: 3 => 10 Veterans: 4 => 30 Supporters: 4 => 30 Developers: 10 => 30 Staff: 10 => Unlimited Since the ace members have joined the veterans group, the veterans group has received ace's permissions wherever possible to make sure that those former aces are losing as little as possible. That includes a lot of trivial things, but some of the notable expansions include: Tinted name color Display name changes ever: 60 days => 45 days Increased attachment/cover photo/profile picture size PM storage: 200 => 300 Can create clubs Can view who reacted to posts Attachment space: 3mb => 5mb Can close own polls Can edit posts silently Can hide and lock/unlock own content I will also pre-emptively say that all of these changes are benefits I would like to be able to maintain but if these things begin to cause problems (such as if we suddenly are running out of upload space, or if hiding content gets out of hand, etc) then we will make whatever changes necessary. If you had access to the Nightclub forum before, you should have received an invitation to the new Nightclub... club... ... uhm, we'll work on the name. If you were missed and did not receive an invitation, please accost me vigorously until you do. Additionally, due to recent site errors (you know the ones. i know you do) we now have a new theme! ...We thought the old theme was causing our problems, but apparently that's not the case. So... that just means we have two themes now!!! You can switch between them at the bottom through the drop down menu that says "Theme". Note that on our new default theme, Brave, you can use this button... ...to switch the accent color on the forum. No points for guessing what the color options are. As for the errors themselves... no promises on them being fixed yet. But we're getting there. We might be there. Too soon to say. In the mean time, please be satisfied by this pretty theme. please. pls...... and i mean, i guess there's the community release too. if you're, you know, into that.
  6. *looks at forum title looks at zarc* oh. um. hi. @ sceptile, like I explained, sexuality is never cut and dry. if a person is attracted to 99 females and 1 male in their life that doesn't mean they're not straight... and no matter what numbers we choose there it's nobody's place but the individual themselves to say what they identify as. this is especially true when we recognize that genders themselves are not cut and dry. even then, i would probably not be alone if i were to argue that a guy liking female machamp, to reuse my earlier counterpoint, is "less gay" that a guy liking male gardevoir, since machamp is very masculine and gardevoir is very feminine. in the end, there's no right answer. so as a tenet of respect, i ask you to not tell anybody else what they can or cannot identify as. that said, this kind of discussion is not the purpose of this topic and if you wish to continue it, i invite you to message me or make a new topic in the appropriate forum.
  7. put like that-- gay af-- it sounds pretty rude but just because we're talking about sexuality here doesn't mean that it's intended to be from a point of criticism. quite the opposite. respect is a pillar of this community, and it's even more necessary in a topic like this. sexuality is never black or white-- it is always a spectrum. even someone who identifies as straight can be attracted to their own gender sometimes and that doesn't mean they're not straight. even then, this isn't about attraction. it's about cashmoney gainz. so let's be kind. ^^
  8. i thought about it but two factors -- firstly it's not quite the same question since even male gardevoir is still feminine. for a real equivalent i'd want to think of a pokemon that is stereotypically attractive to women, and then question the female version of that pokemon. i'm not sure what that would be though. someone elsewhere on the internet made a comparison to female machamp but i don't really think machamp is usually considered attractive even if it is quite masculine. the second factor is that even straight girls are in general much less afraid of being seen as gay because there's less social pressure around that kind of thing when it's girls as opposed to guys. so not as worth imo
  9. so earlier today i happened upon this topic asking if you would marry a yandere gardevoir for $1m. i hadn't seen it before somehow, and me mentioning it lead my friends and i into a new question and this one is specifically for the straight guys in the room. ladies and lgbt folks, this would be too easy so let's sit this out (just kidding, that's what the second two options are for, but i'm particularly interested in that one demographic...) the question is simple, boys: would you marry a male gardevoir for $100k? cheating and divorce are not an option. if you want an out, you gotta go Henry VIII style. but i personally won't forgive you for that. so really there's no escape. what'll it be? -- and if the answer is no, how much would it take to convince you?
  10. okay, i took care of that status for you; thanks for the report!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZEL


      B-but what's the point of bullying you into deleting a status if I can't even subsequently wield that newly acquired power to achieve something good

    3. Amethyst


      honestly, even i know deleting that status was something good :D

    4. ZEL


      okie dokie pls have 1 whole nice day all day today & thanks for your assistance

      i'm still a Big fan

  11. how to kill people with fortune telling

    1. Anime
    2. Anime


      oh shit, i still need to finish DR1, last time i got Celeste excuted

  12. i changed it because i felt like the stone-sand bowl thing was way cliche and overdone. it's basically something you can find on most 40 year old's facebook pages tbh. i wanted something that wasn't so rehashed.
  13. someone call miu, we got some wax for her to play with

  14. it's an all out civil war!

  15. We probably wouldn't be looking to make big changes to things like that at this point but it could possibly be a late feature implement if we have time in E19 or something. That said, for E17 the mail pocket has already been reappropriated to being a 'Crystals' pocket, for Mega-stones and Z-Crystals If we were going to do free space in the future I suppose I'd break the battle items pocket because honedgely who even uses those.... (yes ok some people but not enough to justify a full pocket)
  16. I do get asked that frequently, and it's possible that I have griped about it in the past. But at this point, it doesn't really phase me at all because like I said in the post I understand that those people-- even the ones who do come off as rude directly to me (not that that's a good thing)-- are just excited to play it too. Even now my tag line on the development blog isn't because I'm annoyed, I'm just poking fun at the fact that I don't know either. So nobody needs to console or defend me here on this ^^ Just like Ikaru said, try to be helpful to those people. That is absolutely the best thing I could ask. That said it has become abundantly clear to me that I need a better way to demonstrate progress and what's going on during testing. It's difficult because there aren't necessarily goals in terms of time or number of fixes... Right now I'm thinking of some kind of "rules are made up and points dont matter" score system. I may give that a try with community.
  17. It was funny for a while. But that was a while ago. This really isn't just about -that- question though. It's about a lot of questions that newcomers tend to show up and ask. They're just wee littles. They didn't know we had an FAQ for the game. They didn't know someone asked the same damn question in the discord chat two hours ago, and they didn't know that was a known bug. Cuz honestly, who's gonna scroll through walls of text and topics if you just want a quick answer so you can keep playing your gosh-darned pocketmans? I'm not saying that it's ideal for users to not look through pre-existing topics, or that we shouldn't encourage them to use pre-existing resources..... but not everyone is going to think to do that in the first place. And so, for those times when someone does end up asking a common or should-be-obvious question, I'd like to ask you all, as veteran/senior/senpai members of the site, a favor: Please be patient with others. It very well may be the seventh person today to show up asking if Mega Evolution is in the game yet. I understand that after so many times of seeing that question, it gets frustrating. It's like how have you managed to not see the answer to this yet when someone probably just said it half an hour ago and also eight times yesterday?? ...But is it really that person's fault? It may be obvious to you but for someone who just found the game two hours ago and has been having fun but was curious and just wants to ask a hopefully-friendly community for a quick answer (and they might even be a bit nervous about speaking up at all)-- getting a snappy reply back can feel really bad. In fact, it can be the difference between them fucking right off, or hey, maybe they like it here and end up being someone who sticks around to help other newcomers too. Whenever I talk about this, I'm reminded of a certain comic. Many of you are probably intimately familiar with it: And if you haven't seen it before, then I guess you're one of-- oh. nevermind. I won't go for the low-hanging fruit. But that's just things that everyone knows-- let alone things no one knows (including me!!) like when is episode 17 going to be out. And when someone is asking something like that, it's usually not out of impatience so much as it is a genuine excitement or curiosity. It's something people can look forward to. After hearing that question so much as regulars around the site, I totally get how it would become grating over a while. But you know what? I've been doing this-- answering those kinds of questions-- a lot longer and a lot more than most of you. And if I can still be patient with those people-- and I can-- then you can too. I would love to lead by example in that regard, and I hope that some of you have seen that when I can, I do. But I definitely can't always be there. I can't always be paying to the chat or all the forum topics-- There's just not enough time, and even more limiting, I only have so much energy to spend towards such things as well. ...Which is also exactly why I need everyone else to step up. And also? I get it-- maybe you don't have the energy to type out a pleasant response to the same question for the 100th time total. It happens. In that case... rather than typing something passive aggressive or that makes you sound annoyed with another person, just-- don't. That's preferable. It's like that old platitude-- if you don't have anything nice to say......... let someone else say it instead. But let's make sure that, whatever we say, we can be proud of it as a community. It would really mean a lot to me to see people come together on this more. Thanks for listening.
  18. I went ahead and updated all of our plug-ins for the server this afternoon-- there were a solid number which hadn't been updated in a while! So hopefully things should work a bit better now.
  19. assassins need friends too.

    1. Slicster


      Allegiance means nothing to them

    2. QualityGamingYT
    3. Maelstrom


      Give Maki Roll some love.

  20. i do love my freshly delivered organ meat..........

  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xESjhTbxKkI want to learn your friend's true feelings? GROUND SLAM THEM.

    1. Felicity


      OR open a dialogue like  a sane person


      or blackmail them

    2. Amethyst


      why not all at once?

    3. SilverAngelus


      Or slap them and see how they react

  22. lycanroc is time-based fwiw i do personally consider type:null to be legendary but honestly it got shafted in sun and moon and that felt bad/10 jan and i pow-wow'd a while back before there was any real confirmation and we decided then that, since i promised all non-legends would be available before post-game in reborn, it was better to just make it available even if it is legendary than have it end up being not legendary and not available and tripping over that promise we also decided which ever way we were going to treat it, we should keep it consistent between both of our games so there was never really any chance it wouldn't be included. ^^
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