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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. This post will be brief. Sentences are kept under 5 words. 5 is a number. Not a word. Shut up. :c Congratulations to Hark! He's taking over Ruby line. Yay~ Soon: TXV: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. Details will follow. Implications are accurate. Final note: Sigmund- Electric. See? I can be non-tl;dr. "Tl;dr" is also one word. Challenge it not.
  2. Crisis is inherent with mid-adolescence. I think when I got that bored is about when I started running this site/going to anime cons...
  3. Seems extremely silly to me... Does the problem even still persist?
  4. If you don't mind my asking, why are you going there? Like, I understand 139.5% if you don't want to say though.
  5. Ohmigod you came back!!!11 Welcome. How was it~?
  6. I feel like a jerk or something for picking Squid twice in a row, but it's so perfect.
  7. Amethyst


    NO WAIT DONT GO PLEASE QQ :c Well, I'll see you around sometimes then. Good luck in the first life!
  8. Hi. I've been watching you for a while- I mean, not that I've been watching you, but I've seen you a few times, and- well, I just, um, wanted to say that I think... I think you're really pretty. <3 Both Genders- Kanto Pokedex Fez (Red) Mismagius Blouse (Normal, Shiny) Mismagius Jacket (Normal, Shiny) Mismagius Hat (Normal, Shiny) Misdreavus Necklace Mismagius Shirt (Black) Mismagius Necklace Dying Will Flames (Rain, Cloud, Mist, Storm, Sky, Sun, Thunder, THUNDER, THUNDER CA-*shot*) Ren's Hoodie Chandelure Candelebra Wings (Normal, Shiny) Litwick Flame (Normal, Shiny)
  9. I wish this was facebook so I could Like the above post.
  10. Awww, that sucks. Why is he going?
  11. Ah, that sounds fun! Of course, I would know all about living with my best friend too, but the difference is she came to me. I can only imagine through seeing Kitty how hectic it must be to make the move yourself. So, best of luck. Hope to see you again soon
  12. Just by posting and stuff. And you should get 300 the first time you visit the sprite shop.
  13. Bro. Welcome back, at last~ It's great to have you around again. But I feel sorry for the once-famous Nidoking. And after he -almost- had a good shot what with Sheer Force + Orb this gen
  14. Uh oh... I don't suppose you can stay up late? ...Or get up really really early? >>
  15. What? Your REBORN LEAGUE is evolving! (do-de-do-de-do-de-dododo...) Congratulations! Your REBORN LEAGUE evolved into... well... REBORN LEAGUE. REBORN. It's open as of today, folks. The official league hours are 9-1 EST* but we won't begin battles until 9:30 as usual. The half hour buffer time is just when we'll collect names and such for the order. Really, it's no different than it has been, we're just officialising it now. Mashew is running the Emerald line tonight, but Laura and Aya are on it, and both are available tonight, so if you want to meet the two of them in one shot this is your chance to do it. Oh, and you could also try for a badge but... don't hold your breath. But to all the challengers, good luck! *So I sent out an email about the opening and said 7-11 EST... yeah, that's MST. Herpderp, sorry, I had a blonde moment. 9-1 EST. Same as usual.
  16. Dragonz, what's your favorite Pokemon? inb4adragontype inb4notadragontypejusttoprovemewrong
  17. I just killed the annoying floating $R thing in posts entirely. Couldn't move it, so I killed it. Anyone mind? You can still see totals in profiles.

    Read more  
    1. Godot


      you monster!!!

    2. Noivy


      THANK YOU! <3

  18. [quote name='Find the Horizon' timestamp='1318725450' post='20033'] (also fix the rupees things in the posts, it goes over the words sometimes and makes it hard to read :c) [/quote] I really would love to, but. Herp. The $R software thing tells me there's a new version which I can only hope will fix it. And yet, when I go to the website to get said new version no new version exists. :c Also, moving to Community Hall.
  19. Hai Horizon! I imagine you won't be the only one anyway~ Wecome back. :3
  20. I... have to second squid also. It has 'tude. Squiditude.
  21. All right, we can get it later. Thanks. And to... Lock, Unlock it, Strike it, Copy, Post it, Paste it, Automate it, Write it, Type it, Click, Rewrite it, Log it, Save it, Recreate it, Technologic Technologic Technologic ... Will --Tri Attack --Super Fang --Slash --Substitute
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