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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. ...Noobitude is now my new favorite word. Carry on.
  2. Another interesting concept, though. You all have a great knack for these things. However, given the two-turn set up, wouldn't it be more effective simply to baton pass to it or something?
  3. Amethyst


    Hiya! So I've heard about a lot you guys lately, and I remember seeing you talking to Mashew a few times. Or at least.. one or two of you. I don't even know. Good of you to finally make it on to the site, and welcome~
  4. Brown recluses used to live in this house. One bit my father. We're used to them. Old news. Big spiders are better. Easier to see, easier to kill. Usually harmless anyway.
  5. I could actually see Mael as Beast or Wolverine, if Dom wasn't Wolverine. Actually. I vote Dom for Beast and Mael for Wolverine. Mael's as classic to Reborn as Wolverine is to X-men. Hell, he was the co-founder of the place. And wolves are not the same as wolverines. They're way cooler.
  6. How is everyone feeling?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Godot


      good... my first day off from school and work in months... so i am a little confused with what to do with my free time

    3. Dragonz996


      same old stuff~

  7. Status updates are functional now, just on the left menu. Sorry about that!

  8. Status updates are function, just on the right-menu now. Sorry about that!

  9. ...Yeah, that's a Dominus look-alike. Impressive.
  10. Dark: Absol Electric: Luxray Poison: Crobat Flying: Articuno Water: Turquoise Vaporeon Ground: Nidoking Rock: Lunatone Psychic: Gardevoir Fire: Ninetales Ghost: Mismagius Fighting: Mienshao Steel: Jirachi Bug: Butterfree Grass: Lilligant Ice: Froslass Dragon: Dragonair Normal: Cinccino!
  11. Yayyyyyyy! However. That caps lock button has got to go...
  12. So Stargates are out... Well fortunately for us, one of the last things I did before the server went down was connect all of the areas with footpaths, and in one case, a water way. However, I wasn't able to finish the rail to the NetherHub/CtF but the one that's started DOES point in that general direction? >>
  13. Wigglytuff, Exploud, Delcatty, Spinda, Kangaskhan, Tauros, and Castform. Post a set for any of these in the next day and get a bonus $R70~

    1. Amethyst


      (All pure normal types on pages 13 and 12 currently)

  14. Once again, as I periodically share, after looking through the site statistics, I've noticed some oddities that I found amusing. These are phrases that people have searched for on google, and in turn found Reborn because of: ...Well firstly, I'm seeing about... 37 different variants of "How can Conkledurr learn Drain Punch and Mach Punch?" I wasn't aware that was such an issue... ..."Pokemon decaf" Poke-place Reborn, bringing you the finest PokeCoffee since 2006. ...This one's for Ikaru. More than one person has found Reborn looking for an LP of Blaze Black ..."Aladdin sultan his underwear." Make me sorry I did that Disney thing once.. I should get back to that... "furries opinions on bronnies" Thank you, Cyrus. "Pokemon emerald were here honey" Huh? ............"Sexy my little pony gijinka" "Maid-sama yaoi" woahthere. "just wanted candy" It's okay little boy. You can haz candy "my littlle pony is weird#sclient=psy" huh? ....................."Nidoking hentai" .......... "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" Poke-Place Reborn, your #1 source for nnnnnnnnn. And of course The number one keyphrase that refers people to our site: "Pokemon yuri" I give up.
  15. Psssssssh using Gemstones as names? What kind of losers do that? ..........
  16. Yay~ But remember, if you lose, I'm gonna turn you into a doll! <3

    1. Mashew


      ...Do it well...

    2. Noivy



  17. Moltres @ Petaya Berry Trait: Flame Body EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Air Slash - Flamethrower - Substitute - Agility The standard Empoleon strategy, as applied to Moltres. This seems to do best early-game, or as a lead to avoid Stealth Rocks, but you will get some surprising power out of it. Substitute first, as with a lead, hoping your opponent sets up in some form. Then pull off the Agility. From there you're pretty much set already. Sub down to pinch health in order to activate Petaya, giving Moltres' already good SpA a much desired boost. From there, it's STAB all the way. Fire/Flying begets some surprisingly good coverage, and if there's something that can't be OHKO'd you always have a 30% chance of flinch from Air Slash.
  18. 25 more power + 10% chance freeze. Far better. Also, why Sassy? As opposed to like, Calm
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