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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. ...Just kidding! PerSnickety's totally fine, he actually KO'd that last Electrode in one hit trololololo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day 14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BrokenOpal the Starmie- 31 Turquoise the Vaporeon- 32 Lithion the Magnemite- 31 Mina the Crobat- 31 Snickety the Quagsire- 31 Emerald the Poliwrath- 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm at Pryce... It hasn't been that long since I fought... Uh, massacred Jasmine, but... Still, she said I was nice... I've been anything but nice, really. So... We're going to try to change that. A: Hello there! I'm Amie, nice to meet y- P: Pokemon have many experiences in their lives, just like we do. A: ...you. I would like to challenge you to a- P: I, too, have seen and suffered much in my life. A: ...Uhm, excuse me, but- P: Since I am your elder, let me show you what I mean. A: ...You know, wisdom doesn't always come with age... I would like to learn something, of course, but- P: I have been training Pokemon since before you were born. A: Well, yeah, you're like, a million years old- whoops, trying to be nice... P: I do not lose easily. I, Pryce--the Winter Trainer-- shall demonstrate my power! Pryce sends out Seel! A: You know... YOU'RE the one who's not very nice. Go, Emerald (Level 31 Poliwrath)! Emerald uses Hypnosis! It misses! Seel uses Hail! ...Both Pokemon are buffetted by the hail. Nice going, bro. Emerald uses Hypnosis! It misses again! Seel uses Icy Wind. Emerald's speed falls! Emerald uses Hypnosis! It misses again again! Seel uses Icy Wind again! Emerald's speed falls again! Seel uses Icy Wind again again! Emerald's speed falls again again! Emerald uses Hypnosis again again again! Seel falls asleep! Emerald is tightening its focus! Seel is fast asleep! ...Seel uses SNORE?! Emerald lost its focus and couldn't attack ...fffff. So much for that strategy. The hell are the odds of a seel having SNORE?! Fine. New plan. Seel uses Snore again. ...Emerald flinched! wat. Seel uses Snore again again! A critical hit! Gaaaaaah. But despite all this hax and hail damage and icy wind and snoring, Emerald's still not in bad shape. Emerald uses Rain Dance! Emerald, come back. You're in charge, Lithion! Lithion uses THUNDAR. It's super effective! Seel faints! Pryce sends out Piloswine! Amie recalls Lithion for Emerald again! Math time, everyone! Take a surf attack from a poliwrath. Add mystic water, factor it by stab, and then add a rain boost- what do you get? One dead Piloswine~ Emerald grew to level 32! To take out Dewgong on the last turn of Rain, Lithion returns to the field~ P: Hmph... You are quite the trainer. A: ...Well NOW you say something nice. I mean- um... Thank you? Dewgong uses Aurora Beam! A critical hit! ...It's not very effective. THUNDAR. Dewgong fainted! P: Hmm... Seems as if my luck has run out. A: Actually, YOU were the one who was lucky. But~ Rain > Luck. P: I am impressed by your prowess A: ...Well... Thanks. P: With your strong will, I know you will overcome all life's obstacles. You are worthy of this badge! Amie received the Glacier Badge from Pryce! A: ...I accept it with great honor and respect, sir. ... A: Being nice is borrrrrrrrrring. [scroll] Newbark Town- DaQiao the Quilava- lv 25 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- [s]Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 18[/s] Cherrygrove City- [s]Sauria the Gyarados- Lv 24[/s] Route 30- #27 the Pidgeotto- lv 32 Route 31- TopPercent the Raticate- Lv 25 Dark Cave- Violet City- Emerald the Poliwrath- Lv 32 Sprout Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 32- Snickety the Quagsire- Lv 31 Ruins of Alph- Serenity the Natu- Lv 22 Union Cave- [s]Geodude[/s] Route 33- [s]Rattata[/s] Azalea Town- Stricken the Fearow- Lv 24 Slowpoke Well- [s]Soma the Zubat- Lv 21[/s] Ilex Forest- Repentence the Gloom- Lv 25 Route 34- [s]Rattata[/s] Goldenrod City- Turquoise the Vaporeon- Lv 32 Route 35- FemmeFatale the Nidorino- Lv 18 Route 36- Moon'sDoom the Noctowl- Lv 21 National Park- Paperweight the Caterpie- Lv 14 Route 37- [s]Pidgey[/s] Ecruteak City- [s]Pineco[/s] Burned Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 42- [s]Mareep[/s] Mt. Mortar- Mina the Crobat- Lv 31 Mahogany Town- Julia the Electrode- Lv 23 Route 38- Lithion the Magneton- Lv 32 Route 27- [s]Tentacool[/s] Route 39- [s]Magnemite[/s] Olivine City- [s]Magikarp[/s] Route 40- Broken Opal the Starmie- Lv 32 Route 41- Social Down the Tentacool- Lv 25 Cianwood- Shuckie the Shuckle- Lv 20 Route 47- Queengler the Kingler- Lv 22 Cliff Cave- [s]Tentacool[/s] Safari Zone- TigerLily the Seaking- Lv 25 Lake of Rage- Sauremix the Red Gyarados- Lv 30 [/scroll]
  2. U MAD? cuz we're at the lake of raegfaic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BrokenOpal the Starmie- 30 Turquoise the Vaporeon- 30 Lithion the Magnemite- 30 Mina the Crobat- 30 Snickety the Quagsire- 30 Emerald the Poliwrath- 30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Gyarados appeared! Mina used U-turn! Turquoise, come out! Turquoise takes a Dragon Rage, a Twister, and then uses STAB Rain-Boosted, Mystic Water Surf! ... A CRITICAL HIT ...The Red Gyarados survives, and is caught one Dusk Ball later. We'll name it... Sauremix ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now to storm us some Rocket HQs! Yeeeeehaw! Giovanni: Muahaha, we've been waiting for you. So, you are Amie... A: Yeah, that's right. And who are you supposed to be? Giovanni: Me? You don't know who I am? A: That's what I just said. Giovanni: It is me, Giovanni. A: ...Who? Giovanni: The majestic Giovanni himself! A: ...Yeah, not ringing a bell. Were you on American Idol or something once? Giovanni: Whahahaha! A: I'm pretty sure that guy had a much better voice than you though... Wasn't he a tenor anyway? Giovanni: ...Huh? I don't sound anything like Giovanni? A: Not really. Also, I'm pretty sure he was in brighter clothes, at least, for his first audition. Giovanni: I don't even look like Giovanni? A: ..Not really. I think he was younger too. Giovanni: How come? I've worked so hard to mimic him! A: ... That's weird. Why wouldn't you mimic one of the people who actually WON that show? FLASHYSPINNINGCOSTUMECANGE Petrel: I am a Team Rocket Executive! A: ....waitnowhat, back up, I thought we were talking about American Idol. Where did Team Rock come from? ._. P: You must be trying to sneak into the radio-transmitter room. A: Oh, that's what it's called? I'm kinda just following Lance actually. I wasn't really paying attention to what he said. P: Well, that's not going to happen. A: I'm also not really paying attention to what you say. P: That room is protected with a special password. The password is "Hail Giovanni." A: ...Oh? Okay, thanks for telling me. See ya. P: Surprised to hear it from me? A: Not really, you kinda seem like a goof in the first place, so... I'll be getting into the radio-transmitterthingy now if you don't mind. P: Knowing the password won't help you though. A: ...What P: The door won't open unelss I say the password. It only reacts to my voice. A: ...So I'll just get a clip of your voice from that episode of American Idol. Done and done. Thanks, see ya. Petrel sends out Zubat! A: ...Wait, what? How is THAT a segue into a battle? Ugh. Okay, fine. Go, Turquouise! Turquoise used Surf! Petrel was washed away into a pool of his own failure! Amie borrowed the computer Petrel was working on. Amie obtained American Idol Voice Clip! Amie put the American Idol Voice Clip in the Key Items Pocket! One short stroll through the rocket base later, and the gate is unlocked Ariana: Hold it right there Amie: What nowwwwwwww Ariana: We can't let a brat like you do as you please forever. It'll hurt Team Rocket's pride over and over again. Making it lessen, you see. Amie: I may be a kid dressed in the dorkies clothes this side of Mt. Silver, but I understand the concept of hurting pride. You don't have to explain. Ariana: ...So, it's time to finish you. However strong you may be, if the two of us fight at the same time, you'll have no chance of winning. Don't you agree? Amie's thought process: Dear Ariana, I regret to inform you that you are unfortunate mistaken in your assumptions that two undere levelled Rocket trainers each with less than six Pokemon have any chance of defeating me regardless of if they team up or not. Let us first not ignore the fact that although I cannot be two people, I CAN use two pokemon at once, and am more than capable of commanding both of them effectively. However, even ignoring that, given the difference in strength, I would venture to guess that even did I use only one Pokemon, thanks to the multitude of Area of Effect moves I possess in my arsenal, I should still have no problem taking the both of you out even if you did have full teams. However, as I am allowed to use two Pokemon in this scenario, I feel inclined to inform you that my team is in fact weather-based, relying on the move Rain Dance. Now in case you were unaware, this tactic is actually MORE effective in doubles due to the fact that more of my party is able to use the effect of the limited-turn rain each turn, so in fact by challenging me both at once you are doing me a FAVOR, and I hope you enjoy your Thunders and 1.5 boosted Surfs to the face. Also, this does not mention the fact that more than half of my team actually carries Surf, and incidentally, half of my team also possesses the latent ability, Water Absorb meaning with each attack not only will you be drowning in your own patetic foolishness, but I will also be saving myself a number of potions- that is, if you even succeed in inflicting any damage in the first place. With love, Amie~ What Amie actually said: surflol And thus, Ariana was defeated. And THEN Lance shows up L: Sorry, Amie. I saw how well you were doing, so I just hung back. A: Oh, haha... It's fine. I needed the EXP more than you anyway. L: Now all there is left to do is turn off that odd radio signal. A: How? L: It's this machine that's causing the problems. I don't see a switch anywhere... We have no choice. We have to make all the Electrode faint. A: ... L: That should stop this machine from transmitting that strange signal. A: ....... L: It's not fault of the Electrode, so it makes me feel sad. A: ........... L: Let's split the job. You take this side. A: ...but... electrode... and... explosion... and... fffffffffffu. TIME BOMB NUMBER 1 FAITO Electrode uses Rollout! Persnickety uses MudBomb. Electrode survives in critical health. ...And now that I think about it, this is the first wild Pokemon I've found in Mahogany. Julia the Electrode was caught! TIME BOMB NUMBER 2 FAITO Electrode uses Spark! PerSnicket lols. Turn 2! Electrode uses Screech! ...only to be KO'd. TIME BOMB NUMBER 3 FAITO Spark! Re-lol. ._. One more hit, and I'm safe! Electrode uses- ... .................................. ............................................................... [scroll] Newbark Town- DaQiao the Quilava- lv 25 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- [s]Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 18[/s] Cherrygrove City- [s]Sauria the Gyarados- Lv 24[/s] Route 30- #27 the Pidgeotto- lv 32 Route 31- TopPercent the Raticate- Lv 25 Dark Cave- Violet City- Emerald the Poliwrath- Lv 31 Sprout Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 32- Snickety the Quagsire- Lv 31 Ruins of Alph- Serenity the Natu- Lv 22 Union Cave- [s]Geodude[/s] Route 33- [s]Rattata[/s] Azalea Town- Stricken the Fearow- Lv 24 Slowpoke Well- [s]Soma the Zubat- Lv 21[/s] Ilex Forest- Repentence the Gloom- Lv 25 Route 34- [s]Rattata[/s] Goldenrod City- Turquoise the Vaporeon- Lv 32 Route 35- FemmeFatale the Nidorino- Lv 18 Route 36- Moon'sDoom the Noctowl- Lv 21 National Park- Paperweight the Caterpie- Lv 14 Route 37- [s]Pidgey[/s] Ecruteak City- [s]Pineco[/s] Burned Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 42- [s]Mareep[/s] Mt. Mortar- Mina the Crobat- Lv 31 Mahogany Town- Julia the Electrode- Lv 23 Route 38- Lithion the Magneton- Lv 31 Route 27- [s]Tentacool[/s] Route 39- [s]Magnemite[/s] Olivine City- [s]Magikarp[/s] Route 40- Broken Opal the Starmie- Lv 31 Route 41- Social Down the Tentacool- Lv 25 Cianwood- Shuckie the Shuckle- Lv 20 Route 47- Queengler the Kingler- Lv 22 Cliff Cave- [s]Tentacool[/s] Safari Zone- TigerLily the Seaking- Lv 25 Lake of Rage- Sauremix the Red Gyarados- Lv 30 [/scroll]
  3. What are you talking about? It's not perverted at all. o.o; She's just showing a little bit of skin, so what?

  4. ...So like...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Amethyst


      ...I screwed something up? ._. The So like yeah was just the greatest intellectual feat my mind could produce last night. o.o That's all... What'd I do now? D:

    3. Mashew



    4. Will


      So like...she was all like..."man you gotta lotta walls and you don't like, show people shit..."

  5. What he said~ I've seen you around though I don't think you've said that much But Yayofficialwelcome One of us... One of us...
  6. I've played LBP2 before and it was all right, but it's not going to be my first choice. But FF and I don't get along. Maybe Kitty'll get it, but I probably won't.
  7. I'll only have money for two at first.... I'm going to have a hard enough time choosing as is. D:
  8. Soooo yeah, I had a hurp and forgot Kitty was bringing her XBox. Kitty and I decided on a PS3. So this topic is now irrelevant, yay! Thanks though, everyone~
  9. Herpderp. Sooo late. But: Inuki- Maybe I'm biased by what Leech Seed looks like in the anime (am I supposed to accept that as canon for the games? or fanart for that matter?)- but while the seed itself is fine, the growth is kinda.. artificial. Also, the place in which it cuts off seems kinda random, as if you didn't finish. That said, I realise a looot more effort went into this, it being animated, rather than the other single-frame pictures, so I'm going to be more lenient with scoring because of that. Creativity- 4/5 Construction- 4/5 Kitty- Pretty, and an intense angle. However, because of the angle of the swiping "arm," if you can call what cats have arms, it looks a little disjointed. Also, perhaps there's some way to show the motion better... Creativity- 4/5 Construction- 3/5 Will- Well, shit. How the HELL you pulled off an effect like that in pencil is beyond me. I really don't know what else to say. Creativity- 4/5 Construction 5/5 Definitely going with Will here. Congrats again, and thanks to all of you who entered~
  10. .________. So I'm like, what, five years late on this? But: (11:27:27) +Amethyst: ...I have a dilemma. (11:27:38) +Amethyst: [s]So I tried to update the forums, and...[/s] (11:27:51) +Setsuna: Ame. (11:27:53) +Setsuna: I fucking swear. (11:27:54) +Setsuna: >> (11:27:55) [Ninja] Erick: ._. (11:28:01) +Setsuna: We told you not to update the forums. (11:28:02) +Amethyst: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. XD (11:28:13) +Setsuna: YOU BETTER BE KIDDING. (11:28:15) +Setsuna: I WOULD KILL YOU. (11:28:28) [Ninja] Erick: The forums are fine. (11:28:35) +Amethyst: My grandfather sent me a giant LCD TV... And we literally have nowhere to put it. (11:29:07) +Amethyst: So I'm thinking if we just send it back, I could get the credit for it (11:29:10) [I4]Izaya Orihara: I'll take it if you want. (11:29:11) [I4]Izaya Orihara: >> (11:29:13) [I4]Izaya Orihara: << (11:29:35) +Amethyst: And in that case... The reccomendation is for me to get a console (11:29:50) +Amethyst: Being that the most recent thing I have is a DSLite. But... Which console. D:[/quote] The price of the TV when refunded is enough for me to get any console + probably two games (though I'd have to get a PS3 used, shouldn't be a problem)... Currently I have a Gamecube, PS2, and DSLite... However, the PS2 is [s]hacked[/s] broken, and therefore can't read any game discs, but has to play them from a hard drive [s]which I download them to[/s]. Soooo it won't play any PS2 games from a disk, only PS1. How that works, I don't know. My favorite types of games are generally RPGs and Strategy RPGs, followed by fighters. ...I really could care less about any shooters, like Halo, or CoD. Property damage aside, I could probably crush a case full of such games and not think twice about it. There's a wrench in all of this, no matter what, though. That being that, I actually feel really guilty anytime I play any sort of video game, yes, even Pokemon, because it's just about the least productive thing I could be doing. To be honest, thinking about it rationally... Games are a horrible waste of time, money and energy. If I get any sort of console it'll just be furthering that unhealthy habit. However, I really don't know what else I would -do- with a Amazon credit... Bleh. So yeah. watdo. Thoughts please. D:
  11. And crosed This weeks random draw winner is... Cyrus! And for my pick... Have to go with Wirr. Can definitery imagine her saying that given the situation, despite how anti-her personarity it is. Burret and Arran post your picks and Irr take care of the money.
  12. Ashley has been slain. The final 3 remain.
  13. Neo has been slain. 4 remain.
  14. Closed. Thanks everyone. The decided team is: Amethyst Tenshi Saya Monoke Ikaru Inuki Savage and Dragonz ~ [color="#00BFFF"]Bullet: 6 auth and an asian. not surprised.jpg >> <<[/color]
  15. Round one is complete. Good work, to those of you who were able to complete it. As for the rest of you... I am disappointed. As punishment for your failure, you will all be dismissed. From life, that is. Void, Find the Horizon!, Miss Kitty, Dominus, EssGeezuz, AZKnight and Iszac are all hereby eliminated. 5 remain. To those that have not failed me, you will receive your new marks within the day.
  16. Maybe it's just the angle, but in that picture, Inuki looks like someone from the 70's...
  17. Well I WAS going to make a second round taking the top four out, and then like, voting on the next six for the last three places, however that's obviously not going to happen because I derped and spaced it yesterday, and I don't have the time today. If someone else wants to make that poll go for it, otherwise we'll just go with these
  18. [url="http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html"]This is the reality of my life, all in one blogpost. [/url]
  19. Amethyst


    *hesitates* Well... ...Free. ...and ever-lasting.
  20. Dragonz996 has been slain. 12 remain. Two days left. Tick-Tock, Reapers.
  21. Amethyst


    ...Is the snack bar going to turn into what the mini-bar, or whatever, was at WoA?
  22. Both Genders- Choker Collar Spike Collar
  23. >> << inb4nooneissurprised http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB0RloVyLBM Really, I like all the Rozen Maiden OP's, and of the three I like the song of this one, the first one, the least (not saying much because I do still really like it) but the accompanying video seems most appropriate in this one. Also, purely for nostalgia's sake, because there is no denying it's an epic-as-hell song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDdUg-5_K2s dat bass riff
  24. Amethyst


    Hiya~ Finally welcome to the site~ >> <<
  25. Beyond, into the world that didn't exist before! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day 12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BrokenOpal the Starmie- 28 Turquoise the Vaporeon- 28 Lithion the Magnemite- 28 Mina the Crobat- 28 Snickety the Quagsire- 28 Emerald the Poliwrath- 28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Route 47! With some surprising awesome music to boot~ But, does it have awesome Pokemon to match? Probably not~ But that's okay! ...Well before I even find any Grass, I enter the Cliff Cave area... And... There's something special here. <3 Let's see if I find it~ *sigh* Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo That's not it! Kingler was caught! Blaaaaaaaaah. I was going to come up with something for the name, but. It's a girl. So this Queengler. >.> and is staying in the box for a very long time. D: Now... The route 47 catch! ...Tentacool. Surprise! Go die. ...and the next pokemon I run into was a Seel. Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel. I really would've enjoyed having its Hydration on this team. ._. But oh well... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAFARI ZONE I'm supposed to catch a Geodude? ...Sorry, Rokurolla, but fuck that noise. Let's see what I end up with... After reviewing all the options, I realise it's... possible to catch a Dratini while fishing, if unlikely, so what the hell. And it's... ... ...Seaking. Hm, actually, this might not be the worst thing in the world. Throw one piece of bait, and 11 balls, and it's caught~ If it's useful or not... We'll determine later. I've named her TigerLily after the pattern on her back and such... Retire immediately since Safari Zone + Nuzlocket = lolno, buuuuutttttt... Ffffail. This Seaking has Water Veil, not Swift Swim. x.x USELESS. BACK IN THE BOX. AND STAY THERE, SCRUB. Oh, um, I, I mean, I'm truly very sorry Ms.TigerLily but despite everyone's best efforts you could not possible be of service to us at this exact moment, so if you kindly please wait in the PC box with the rest of your [s]useless[/s] friends, I'm sure you will be most comofortable! ^.^ ....But the real shame... Is that Misdreavus was available in both the Safari Zone and Route 47. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soooooooo back to you Jasmine! ...And the trainers who fake me out by pretending they're going to battle me... J: Thanks for your help at the Lighthouse. A: Oh, yeah, yeah. No problem. Actually I don't think I wrote anything about that so your saying that doesn't do much for our audience... J: But this is different. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Jasmine, a Gym Leader. I use the... clang! A: thewat J: Steel type! A: ...Oh, yeah. I don't think that's called the Clang though. J: ...Do you know about the Steel type? A: ...I know it's not called the Clang. J: They are very hard, cold, sharp, and really strong! A: Cold and sharp... Sounds like another Steel leader I know. J: Um... I'm not lying. A: ...Another Steel leader who's your exact opposite. Whatever, let's do this! Jasmine sends out Magnemite! Amie stars with Mina! (Lv 30 Crobat) ...Whoops forgot to set my lead. That's fine. Mina U-Turns to PerSnickety (Lv 30 Quagsire)! Magnemite uses Thunderbolt... It doesn't affect PerSnickety~ Persnickety uses Mud Bomb! Magnemite drops dead! Jasmine sends out Steelix! PerSnickety, come back! Goooooooooo Turquoise (Lv 30 Vaporeon)! The Magnemite are the small fries. Steelix is the real challenge. Especially since it's 5 LEVELS ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE INVOLVED IN THIS BATTLE But 5 levels or not, I suspect it won't like a Turquoise's Surf~ Turquoise, go for it! ... ... ... It's a one hit KO! >> << >> << J: Properly tempered steel won't be made rusty by things like this! A: ...Uh huh, just one-shotted. Water > Steel, end of story. jasminesendsmagnemitegopersnicketymudbombkthxbai J: Well done... Amie is the victor! ...Without even taking any damage. Woo J: You're a better trainer than me in both skill and kindness... A: ...Uh, kindness? J: In accordance with League rules, I confer upon you this badge. Amie received the Mineral Badge from Jasmine! A: No wait, really back up. You said kindness? Ask Bugsy, or Whitney, or Ch- ANY other leader; I've been anything but kind! ... ...Why say that... [scroll] Newbark Town- DaQiao the Quilava- lv 25 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- [s]Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 18[/s] Cherrygrove City- [s]Sauria the Gyarados- Lv 24[/w] Route 30- #27 the Pidgeotto- lv 32 Route 31- TopPercent the Raticate- Lv 25 Dark Cave- Violet City- Emerald the Poliwrath- Lv 30 Sprout Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 32- Snickety the Quagsire- Lv 30 Ruins of Alph- Serenity the Natu- Lv 22 Union Cave- [s]Geodude[/s] Route 33- [s]Rattata[/s] Azalea Town- Stricken the Fearow- Lv 24 Slowpoke Well- [s]Soma the Zubat- Lv 21[/s] Ilex Forest- Repentence the Gloom- Lv 25 Route 34- [s]Rattata[/s] Goldenrod City- Turquoise the Vaporeon- Lv 30 Route 35- FemmeFatale the Nidorino- Lv 18 Route 36- Moon'sDoom the Noctowl- Lv 21 National Park- Paperweight the Caterpie- Lv 14 Route 37- [s]Pidgey[/s] Ecruteak City- [s]Pineco[/s] Burned Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 42- [s]Mareep[/s] Mt. Mortar- Mina the Crobat- Lv 30 Mahogany Town- Route 38- Lithion the Magneton- Lv 30 Route 27- [s]Tentacool[/s] Route 39- [s]Magnemite[/s] Olivine City- [s]Magikarp[/s] Route 40- Broken Opal the Starmie- Lv 30 Route 41- Social Down the Tentacool- Lv 25 Cianwood- Shuckie the Shuckle- Lv 20 Route 47- Queengler the Kingler- Lv 22 Cliff Cave- [s]Tentacool[/s] Safari Zone- TigerLily the Seaking- Lv 25 [/scroll]
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