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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Amethyst


    Dear Reborn: If you wake up one day to find that this site no longer exists, it is because I went back in time and [i]shot my younger self[/i] before he had a chance to make it, thus creating a time paradox. Please pay any passing time paradoxes no mind.
  2. Both Genders- Dress Shoes (Purple) Tuxedo Jacket (Purple)
  3. inb4selfhate

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bullet




    3. Godot


      i read this as inb4 fate


  4. To the masses, I asked AisuKiba to confirm Tyler's identity earlier. As we know, she and Ashley don't really get along that well, so she has no reason to lie on Ashley's behalf (and in fact, she told me she thought Ashley was fake at first too). Anyway, Kiba has confirmed, she's seen videos of him singing live. Although for reasons outside of his control, he had to remove his account, he does indeed exist, and moreover there are a number of pictures of him available on a separate facebook account that I have now seen. So tl;dr Tyler is real. No reason to question that any longer.
  5. BUILDING KICK [u]Rules[/u] -There will be three judges, myself and two other members, any of whom are free to volunteer. First come first serve -Being a judge will mean you cannot enter the contest yourself. -Members can PM me images for future weeks contests. Their use is not guaranteed. -If a Member's image is chosen, they may not enter the contest that week -You are limited to one caption per week, but it can be changed before the contest close -The contest ends on SUNDAY at 12 AM EST [u]Prizes[/u] -Each judge's favorite caption will receive $R400. If this means three different people get $R400 or one gets $R1200- so be it. -One random entrant each week will be given $R300. This is independent of the winner. Judges will be included in this draw. -If a Member's image is chosen, they will be awarded $R500 [u]This week's Image~[/u] [spoiler][img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/cc/cc11.png[/img][/spoiler] To enter, just post the caption you think best suits the image in this topic~
  6. Cloud- Alakazam-colored Torterra + Vileplume: Creativity- 7/10- Well, I'm not really sure why Alakazam's colors were chosen; that seems like a very random decision to me. However, replacing the plant on Torterra's back to make a new kind of Torterra DOES make sense. I suppose it is best to have a unifying color pallette so it doesn't look quite so obvious, but in the end I just question why yellow from Alakazam, of all things. I would say one or two of the natural colors of Torterra or Vileplume would have been better. Perhaps, keeping the red of the plume, and then turning the green parts of Torterra Red. Then you would have had some synergy between similar colors of red and brown as well. Construction- 3/5- This is where we get a bit iffy. The sprite itself is pretty low quality, and although the sprite fits together pretty well in the middle, the edges are rough and unkept. At parts, your black outline turns to a light grey, and there are miscellaneous pixels around the border of the sprite even besides that. These sorts of errors really take away from the overall effect of the sprite. TOTAL: 10/15 Dragonz- Turtle fusions: Creativity- 5/10- Well, it's kind of a noble idea. Actually, I'm surprised at how well Torterra and Blastoises pieces fit onto Torkoal and Carracosta this way. In that regard, well done. However, that said it's a pretty simply deal, especially given that neither turtle has any other features of the other. It almost looks random, especially in Torkoalterra's case, where the colors don't sync up at all Construction- 2/5- Torkoalterra looks good on the whole, however Carracosta with Blastoise's Hydro Cannons needs some work. Those cannons are pixely and distorted, and don't even seem to fit into the shell all that smoothly. With a bit more careful work, that could have been fixed. However even beyond that, although those sprites look good against the dark background of the forum, viewing them separately is something terrible. You've accidentally overwritten all of the image outlines in both sprites into the transparent color, which looks rather... well, awful against a white background. It's tedious to undo that sort of thing, so your best bet is just to be more careful in the future TOTAL: 7/15 DrMudkip- Mewtwo + Genesect + ...Raichu? Creativity- 4/10- Not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, points for combining Mewtwo and Genesect, the two legendaries that are man-made. They definitely have some real connectivity in that regard. However, then Raichu's tail comes in out of nowhere and spoils how good that could have been... Construction- 1/5- Don't even know where to begin here... Firstly, transparent background please. Secondly, NEVER. EVER. EVER. Save a sprite as a jpg; it just destroys it. Thirdly, all though it's for the most part well combined, I'm not sure what happened to this thing's left leg. It's like its tail... becomes the leg? And then... Raichu tail outta nowhere. wat. TOTAL: 5/15 Tenshi- Laprobopass Creativity- 6/10- I... don't... get it. It's just such a random combination. XD Or maybe that's the point? But I concede, the parts of latios that are added fit -right- onto Probopass, and in the end, its form is definitely improved, aesthetically.. Construction- 4/5- Over all not bad... It only gets a bit sketchy at the tips of the wings, the form becomes distorted. I have little other criticism besides. TOTAL: 10/15 Inuki- Skarmbliss...tar...tran...rugly. Creativity- wat/10- Skarmbliss fusion. Brilliant. What I want to know is how Tyranitar got mixed in there? ...And then Heatran... And then Purugly. No, I can actually forgive those two because the face it has is kinda totally perfect. But, T-tar is the wrench in all these plans, I think. It just kinda makes me go... You know. Wat. Construction- 4/5- As it stands, Skarmory and Blissey alone are probably among the hardest forms to combine, so cutting you some slack here... No, really, that's in the creativity category. The shading and outline on the bottom half is my only complaint- it becomes somewhat contrived with poor shading. TOTAL: wat+4/15 Shotoman- Seoxsagor Creativity- 7/10- This one I had to think about... Misdreavus' pearls match Deoxys' core, and then the alternate core color is replicated over parts of Scizor, whose color scheme takes over. Perhaps the only thing that doesn't sit well with me is the head. You use Misdeavus's head and all though it blends nicely into the rest of the body in this case, it's difficult to kind of... conceptualise. Misdreavus's head is very soft and curvacious, in stark contrast to the perceived steel of Scizors body. It's difficult to see that sort of material taking on such a soft form for a head. Construction- 4/5- I can have very few nitpicks about the construction of the image. Someone ordered seamless, and they got it. My only question is what happened to the feet? The legs kinda just disappear into the shadow, and that's it. It also doesn't appear as if they're sinking into said shadow or anything, so I simply wonder. TOTAL: 11/15 Will- Tri-dreigon Creativity- 8/10- Great concept. Unifying the titans of weather together. I do wonder if there's a reason beyond the convenience of its form for which Hydreigon was chosen to contain these three, but on the whole, its simple, unique, and original. Construction- 4/5- As someone commented about the picture previously, it can be somewhat difficult to see the titans at first. Looking closely, it's no problem, though even I myself didn't notice the details in the arms or lower body until glancing back at it again just now. It's difficult to make those things more apaprent given the media and such, but that would be the biggest improvement. Color would probably help a lot. TOTAL: 12/15 And so, my winner is Will, with Shotoman the runner-up. As for the the random drawing... Inuki has it~ Distributing prize money now. Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter~
  7. ...Rokurolla is dead. I'm really wishing I had caught that second Geodude after all... But it's far too late now. And yet, this evening. We'll be taking down Whitney. --- Day 5 --- DaQiao the Quilava- 17 Soma the Zubat- 7 Adirael the Togepi- 8 #27 the Pidgeotto- 18 Snickety the Wooper- 15 Sauria the Mystery Pokemon --- Ilex Forest. I seek repentence. The shrine ahead will offer me solace... And a vessel of my second chance. ...Oddish arrives. Par for the course of the place. He's caught. Repentence. --- A kindly but gruff man has offered me the skill Headbutt. DaQiao has eagerly accepted the ability, and I have plans to put it to use immediately. From a tree in Azalea Town falls... A wild Spearow. I have no interest in using a Spearow, but... I'll catch him anyway. After all... Never know when something could happen to my present flier, #27. With little reason the name, Stricken becomes the Spearow's. And the Spearow goes to remain in a box until much further notice. --- We've arrived on the far side of Ilex Forest. Truly a brief stroll at most, but I feel like we're regaining our momentum. Let's see if the grasses here will be kind. But if it's another Rattata, I'm going to shoot something. ...For fucks sake. Die. ...And then I as I continue to stroll through the grass, I find nothing but Drowzee and Abra. I get Rattata, of all things, when Drowzee and Abra, pokemon of my favorite type, are errywhar. *shoots Paul* --- For some reason Radio Cards in Goldenrod are a hot commodity. Everyone's talking about them. Guess I may as well get one too, I thought, but there's this ditzy girl standing in right in front of me taking her sweet time... Ditz: I heard about the Quiz to win a radio card, so here I am to get one... But this quiz is so hard! Well, I figure I may as well step up and see for myself. Question 1! Can you check the Town Map with your Pokegear? ...Well, sure, anyone who has that should know. But surely these questions get a lot harder. Question 2! Nidorina can only be female, correct? ...Duh. Duhduhduh. Question 3! Kurt the Pokeball creator uses apricorns as ingredients, yes? Okay, I can see how the average person might not know this. But he does. Sorry, that's incorrect! ...Wait, what? Oh. You said Apricots, not Apricorns. What's an Apricorn anyway? Is that a real thing? Trick question. Alright. But you can just do it again, so it still shouldn't be holding up that one girl for so long... Question 4! It's impossible to use a TM on Magikarp, is that true? Sadly. Last question! Proffessor Oak's Pokemon Talk Show is he on with Marie? ...Another trick question. It's Mary, not Marie. But living here, that girl should know that... Suddenly I win. I take my radio card and walk away, all the while thinking less of that ignorant girl who -still- can't get the questions right. --- After horde of welcomed trainers, I've arrived at the Route 35 grass... Give me something good, please~ ...Hm. Level 12... She's not too bad. Soma switches in to weaken her. ...And she takes the attacks surprisingly well, for her level. Pokeball, do your thing! NidoranF was caught! She's going in the box for now, but I feel like, she may some use in a future date. Nidoqueen could be helpful and quite the... FemmeFatale. --- While battling a passing trainer's Jigglypuff, I learned something interesting about Soma, my Zubat. Cute Charm afflicted Soma with Attract status, but Soma did not hesitate to finish Jigglypuff with a bite attack... Rawr? --- Route 36... Whatcha got?! ...Hm... New, but not exciting. HootHoot was caught~ The name... Moon'sDoom. I am prepared to give $R100 to whoever gets the reference. >> << --- So it's Tuesday as of ten minutes ago! And luckily for me, they hold contests in the dead of night! However, Nuzlocking in a bug catching contest is a one way street to failure... So let's hope I luck out on my first encounter~ ...lolcaterpie. Luck, huh. Caught... A name... Tempted to put "Deadweight" since this level 14 Caterpie will never learn Confusion and is therefore useless to me... But I'll be nice. Since it's clearly not dead. It'll be... Paperweight. Now the results! Third place... A Kakuna. Second place... Scyther... Goodness, I shudder to think what beat a Scyther. First Place... ...what. the. fuck. CATERPIE. IN FIRST PLACE. IS IT MINE? NOPE. wat. ._. --- Many hours later, it's time to face Whitney... Whitney... Widely regarded as the BITCHIEST gym leader of all time... Her Miltank stalls out with Attract, and then sweeps with Rollout. A rock type move? But if we look at my team... 4/6 of them are weak to Rock... This is not good. (Whoops, did I just give away another hint at what kind of Pokemon Sauria is?) But it's okay. I have a plan~ A secret weapon. <3 Let's rock, Whitney. But as I approach her... Wait... That's... W: Hi! I'm Whitney! A: ...You! W: ...You! I saw you at the radio tower just now! A: You're the ditzy girl from the Radio Tower who couldn't figure out that ridiculously simple quiz! How is a dumb girl like YOU a Gym Leader?! W: Everyone was into Pokemon, so I got into it too! A: ...But how does that get you to be a Gym Leader? W: Pokemon are super cute! A: But that doesn't-... W: You want to battle? A: Less and less with each word you speak... W: I'm warning you- I'm good! A: ...Yeah, so says your reputation. But I sware, each leader is nuttier than the next... Let's get this over with. Whitney sends out Clefairy! Amie sends out Soma (Lv 20 Zubat) Zubat lands a supersonic, Clefairy is confused! It hurts itself in its confusion! Zubat uses Bite, it does moderate damage, but Clefairy snaps out of confusion to use Metronome. It becomes Weather Ball! Soma hangs tough. Wing Attack! Clefairy is in critical condition, but it uses Metronome! Metronome becomes... GUILLOTINE?! ...But it misses; phew! Whitney heals Clefairy with a Super Potion as it gets trounched by another Wing Attack. Make that two, but Clefairy's Cute Charm infatuates Soma! Soma dodges the DoubleSlap, and- Well. He's apparently into this sort of thing. Soma, finish it off with bite! He's happy to obey. Rawr, Soma. Rawr. You are officially my S&M boy for life. Clefairy faints! Soma, switch out! Come back! W: H-hey! Just one left? But I ain't losin' you hear? A: Wanna bet? It's time for my secret weapon... Go, Sauria! Sauria's Intimidate lowers Miltank's attack power! ...I hadn't even thought about that; it's just an added bonus. This is going to be even easier than I thought. So I've given a couple clues away about Sauria already... Wanna know? We know it's a she, so Miltank won't be pulling any of that Attract bullshit. We know it couldn't hurt a Ghastly just a few short levels ago. It's weak to Rock... And knows Intimidate. Any guesses? Sauria, the name is derived from that of a mythic sea-lizard... Because we've got a motherfucking Gyarados all up in Whitney's business. Miltank uses Stomp, and to my dismay, it's a critical hit right off the bat. However, Sauria tanks it like a beast, staying in the green. Exact damage... 31, out 72 health. Sauria uses Bite back. Despite her massive attack, it doesn't do too much, but it'll get the job done. Another Stomp. Sauria flinched! ...Sigh. Unlucky. Let's use a Super Potion just in case she happens to get another crit. A third Stomp. But now we're back in business. This exchange continues, Miltank losing health a faster rate than Sauria. W: Poor me! A: Don't expect any sympathy from me... Perhaps if you were more intelligent, you wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place~ Stomp. Another flinch. Stomp. Another another flinch. Throw a second super potion in there. We're not losing this, and I'm not taking any risks, even if I look like a bitch for it. I'm not letting another incident happen like with Rokurolla. Stimp. Another another another flinch. That's three in a row... Stomp. We finally got in the bite to bring Miltank to critical condition. It shouldn't be long now~ But I'm disappointed. I spent $2000 dollars on a Protect TM for Sauria, so that she could stop Rollout in its tracks before it could do anything, and Whitney won't even use the move despite its super effectivity. Oh well~ Leader Whitney used a second super potion! Stomp. Bite. Stomp. Bite. Stomp. Bite. Stomp. Bite. Miltank's only hanging on by a thread now. Stomp! A critical hit! Sauria is in critical condition! ...But survives. The critical hit did 31 damage, just as I meassured earlier, and so Sauria survives with just enough health. One more Bite. Miltank goes down. It's over. W: Ugh... A: Doesn't your Miltank know Milkdrink...? You could have easily avoided this. W: Waaaaaaaah! A: ...Wait, what. W: Waaaaaaaah! A: Uh... W: Y-you meanie! A: Um... Newsflash, this is what challengers do. No, this is what Pokemon Trainers do. This is the life we live. ...And I know the loss that comes with it. ...I'm sorry, I've been overly harsh on you, haven't I? W: Sniff... A: I... really do apologise. I know what it's like to lose a team-mate... And a friend. But you've lost both of yours now. However, they've... all gone to a better place. And- surely, you have others... They'll carry you through. They'll support you. W: W-what? A: I know. It's difficult. I'm sorry. It'll get better. All we can do is... Never give up. Never forget. ...And, grind like hell. ...Uhm, however... In the mean time... W: ...What do you want? A: ...Well. The badge. W: ...A badge? A: ...For winning the gym battle? W: Oh, right. I forgot. Here's the Plain Badge. Amie received the Plain Badge from Whitney! A: Thank you, Whitney. ...Good bye, and good luck. --- [scroll] Newbark Town- DaQiao the Quilava- lv 20 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- [s]Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 18[/s] Cherrygrove City- Sauria the Gyarados- Lv 20 Route 30- #27 the Pidgeotto- lv 20 Route 31- TopPercent the Rattata- Lv 11 Dark Cave- Violet City- Adirael the Togepi- Lv 8 Sprout Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 32- Snickety the Quagsire- Lv 20 Ruins of Alph- Union Cave- [s]Geodude[/s] Route 33- [s]Rattata[/s] Azalea Town- Stricken the Spearow- Lv 6 Slowpoke Well- Soma the Zubat- Lv 20 Ilex Forest- Repentence the Oddish- Lv 20 Route 34- [s]Rattata[/s] Goldenrod City- Route 35- FemmeFatale the NidoranF- Lv 12 Route 36- Moon'sDoom the HootHoot- Lv 12 [/scroll]
  8. Aaaaaaaand that's it. Thank you to everyone who entered~ And congratulations to our winners! In 3rd Place, Saya Monoke and Ice! 2nd Place, Known Mafia and El Ramrod! And in 1st Place, Cloud with Tenshi! You call all post or PM with how you want me to divide the prize money. If I don't hear from you all, I'll just assume it's half and half within the next week.
  9. Both Genders- Dress Pants (Purple) Tuxedo Shirt (White) The Tuxedo Shirt came out about 100x better than I thought it would. Just a rough approximation, you know.
  10. What Ikaru said. And very cute, Kitty, thank you~ (though are you a persian now?)
  11. Two difficult battles stand in my way... Am I ready? --- Day 4 --- DaQiao the Quilava- 14 Rokurolla the Geodude- 14 Adirael the Togepi- 8 #27 the Pidgey- 13 Snickety the Wooper- 14 Mystery Pokemon --- Hell. No. --- It's the dead of night. But children never sleep. And what else is Bugsy? It's been a long day of training. But it's time to squish these disgusting little- ...Eh, you all know how I feel about bugs. B: I'm Bugsy! I never lose when it comes to Bug-type Pokemon! A: Good thing I don't have any then, right? B: My research is going to make me the authority on Bug-type Pokemon! A: Your research... So that's what you ignore Shelly for? I think someone needs to get their priorities straight. B: No! Let me demonstrate what I've learned from my studies. A: Hah. And allow me to pay you back in spades for the pain you've caused your little sister! Amie sends out her Mystery Pokemon! Bugsy sends out Scyther. A: ...I know what's coming. That's not going to work. Amie recalls the Mystery Pokemon, sending out Rokurolla (Lv 17 Geodude). Scyther U-Turns to Metapod! Amazingly it does nearly half of Rokurolla's health... This is not good. Rokurolla tries a Rock Throw, it misses. Metapod tackles. 1 damage~ Rock throw! It's a hit! Metaphod goes down immediately! ...However, because it was only sent out against Scyther, there was no EXP for the Mystery Pokemon. Right, no point in switching then. Scyther U-Turns! Rokurolla is in critical condition, but Kakuna switches into a Rock Slide. Down in one hit! A: Nowhere to run to now, Bugsy. What would you do if you couldn't just run from your sister all the time, either? Hm? Don't you have anything to say for yourself? B: Even though it's my last Pokemon, Bug Pokemon are tough! A: ...You're hopeless. Bugsy sends out Scyther! Amie recalls Rokurolla for #27! (Level 17 Pidgey) It's an even match, but if U-Turn did that much to Rokurolla, I'm not sure how #27 will fare... But we have to try! Scyther uses a Leer attack! #27 Gusts! It's super effective but- does... almost... nothing. Ugh. Well, I know one thing- with -1 defense, there's no way that #27 will take a U-Turn, even from full health. #27, come back! You're in charge, DaQiao (Lv 16 Quilava) Scyther starts with Quick Attack.... 40 power does 17 damage... Therefore, U-Turn is 70x1.5/2... 52.5... DaQiao can survive a single U-Turn, but if he crits with anything, I'll be screwed no matter what. Not only that, but its special defense isn't lacking.... I'm going to need Rock Throw for this, but Rokurolla is too weak... Therefore. Amie uses a super potion on Rokurolla! Scyther uses Quick Attack! It didn't crit! DaQiao, switch out, come back! You're in charge, Rokurolla! One Rock Throw should do it, if I can just hit... Scyther uses Leer! Rock Throw hits! It's super effective! The foe's Scyther fainted! Rokurolla levels up! ...It wants to learn the move Selfdestruct... Not on your life! B: Ah, that's the end of it... A: And not a moment too soon... I knew we couldn't have lasted much longer. I did the math. B: Whoa, amazing! You're an expert on Pokemon! A: No. I just know how to not take things too far. Do you really think I could have made a timely and rational decision if I spent an hour looking into the all the various exact data? But that's what you do. Your wasting your life with that nonsense. You should just end it. B: My research isn't complete yet. A: And when will it be? You've devoted how much of your life to it? And if you want to spend yourself that way then alright, but at least don't do it at the expense of those around you. Do you even KNOW how your sister feels about you? She works so hard to be like you, and to be GOOD ENOUGH for you, and you don't even notice! You just turn away callously, and then she feels like you care about your stupid books more than her! And after finally meeting you, I can say without a doubt... She's right. You obviously do care more about your research. All this time, that's all you talk about, and you haven't even said a word about her. It's like she doesn't even exist to you! And that's what's slowly killing her! And you don't care. You're awful. I hate Bug Pokemon with a passion, but you're something else. You really take the cake when it comes to being disgusting. So do something about it, rather than analysing your life away! B: ... A: ...I'm done here. Do as you please. I'm- B: Okay. A: ...What? B: ...You win. Just... take this Badge. A: ...As a promise from you, then. Amie received the Hive Badge from Bugsy! Sigh of relief... We're done in Azalea Town... This has been a stressful experience through and through between Team Rocket and Bugsy's Heartlessness. I'm moving on before it can get any worse. ...Spoke to soon. Out of nowhere comes Paul... P: ...Tell me something. A: You again... What do you want? P: Is it true that Team Rocket has returned? A: Guess so. But it's not much of a problem. I already kicked their sorry butts. P: What? You beat them? Hah! Quit lying. A: I'm NOT lying. But believe what you want; it makes no difference to me~ P: Are you serious? Then let's see how good you are. A: Gladly. I was looking for a way to release my anger from the battle with Bugsy anyway! Paul sends out Gastly! Amie sends out the Mystery Pokemon! Amie Recalls the Mystery Pokemon and sends out #27 (Lv 17 Pidgey!) Gastly uses Curse, cutting its own HP by half, and #27's by a quarter! Well that's fine, I can just switch back out. #27, okay! Come back! Alright, go Sauria, the mystery Pokemon! On the switch, Gastly uses... Mean Look... You've got to be fucking kidding me. That. Just. Screwed. Me. Over. Big time. ...Maybe. Let's hope Paul's not too smart. I can't attack a Gastly with this Pokemon... Not yet... I have to hope he uses Curse again. I'll be wasting my turns until he does... But Gastly is only using Spite... This is not good, folks. ...YES! Gastly used Curse, KOing itself! Sauria loses a quarter of its health, but it'll live! Let's get out of there, though! Sauria, switch out! Come back! Paul sends out Croconaw! Go, PerSnickety (Lv 15 Wooper)! ...I'm out powered, but let's hope Paul doesn't know about Water Absorb. Croconaw drops Snickety's speed with a Scary Face, but Snickety returns the favor with Mudshot! Snickety won't be out speeding anyway, but still... It might help a team mate. That said, my team is water-weak bar Snickety, and its hopeless if that thing has Ice Fang... This is.. really my only hope! Croconaw uses Scary Face again! Mud Shot! Scary Face a third time! Paul, I wonder if your Croconaw has anything besides water moves~? (Feel free to not prove me wrong, please.) Croconaw is almost at half health... C'mon, PerSnickety... Bite! That's not good PerSnickety flinched! Alright... Let's try something... A big risk... Snickety, good, come back! You're in charge, DaQiao (Level 16 Quilava)! Croconaw lands a Bite attack on DaQiao. So if he uses a water move next... Snickety, take the stage! ...No, it's another Scary Face. Drat. But if that's his attack patter, I may be able to use it. Croconaw uses Bite again. PerSnickety is in critical condition! But we can't afford to take the same risk as last time... Snickety, come back! Go, #27! ...Sheist, but Bite takes out most of its health too... This is NOT good. I can outspeed, but but not KO... No, in this situation... Croconaw sits at a -4 speed... Perhaps Rokurolla can outspeed it and KO. But if not, it'll be the end of Roku... It also means right now, I have to bank on Croconaw using either a water move, or Scary Face to transition... ...I don't like this. But I have to! Snickety returns again! Gotcha, that was a Water Gun! PerSnickety recovers health! Now he obviously won't try that again, so I should be safe to switch to Rokurolla. The only problem we may have is if he uses Scary Face, because then I WONT outspeed. Go Rokurolla... (Level 18 Geodude) He used Bite! Perfect! Now with -4 speed, can a Jolly Geodude outspeed and KO a Croconaw of the same level? Can Rock Throw even hit for that matter? And if it does will it KO? ...20 speed. 39 attack. Wooper has 13 speed, and is outsped by -3 at -2. So at -3, his speed was more than 7. DaQiao, at two levels lower, has a speed of 36. Croconaw is naturally slower than Quilava, but its defense is greater than its special defense... Snickety has 15 special attack... Rokurolla has 39 attack... Mudshot is 65 power... Rockthrow is 50... I'm not sure I can KO it. Rock Throw has a 90 accuracy... Magnitude always hits, with an 85% chance of being at least 50 power... Magnitude is the safer choice. However no matter what it's a risk... Mainly I wanted Rokurolla for Falkner and Bugsy... In that sense, he's served his purpose... But as one of my MVPs, I wouldn't like to see him go. I have no other choice though. Magnitude! Hoping for a level of 7 or better! 65% chance of success! Aaaaaand... Magnitude 7! ...But Croconaw barely hangs on... Water Gun... It's super effective... Rokurolla goes down... Ugh... Number 27, you need to take over... Quick attack. Kill. Croconaw goes down. DaQiao and #27 both level up, but this doesn't feel like a victory. P: Say, you've got a lot of nerve, coming here. A: ...The time for words is finished, Paul. Paul sends out Zubat. Go, DaQiao. Ember. Zubat loses half its health. Supersonic misses. We're not messing around. Rokurolla was the first Pokemon we caught. Fitting to be the first to be lost. But a fitting revenge is in order. P: That's ridiculous. There's no way I could lose to a wimp like you! A: In this battle, there will be no victor. The chance of victory has just been spoiled for the both of us. And you are hence forth my enemy. Finish it, DaQiao. Zubat faints to another Ember. P: Hmph. Useless Pokemon! A: You say that! You say that now! You're not the one whose Pokemon was just MURDERED! Meanwhile, #27 goes through a flashy evolution sequence off to the side that goes completely unnoticed as I yell at Paul. A: ...And you have the BALLS to call ANY pokemon useless?! P: I hate the weak. A: W-what...? P: Pokemon, Trainers. It doesn't matter who or what. I hate to see them hanging around. A: You... You're heartless... Even more than Bugsy... P: That goes for Team Rocket too. They think they're big and tough as long as they hang around in a group. But get them alone and they're weak. I hate them all. A: ....I don't care what you think... Just go. P: You won't be an exception if you get in my way. A: ...Leave. He turns coldly as ever and does so. I can only stand in horror. I shouldn't have taken the risk. I knew he was going to use Water Gun. I could have switched back to Per Snickety. Another Mudshot, he would have survived, and then Rokurolla could have finished it off... No, even before that... I was only half-done with training. I got lazy, and wanted to see how I could do... I thought, if Bugsy's battle went that well, Paul shouldn't be a problem. I was careless. I was lazy. I was wrong. I can yell at Paul all I want. But Rokurolla's death is on my hands. Mine. Just like he said, a wimp. A failure of a trainer. --- [scroll] Newbark Town- DaQiao the Quilava- lv 17 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- [s]Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 18[/s] Cherrygrove City- Route 30- #27 the Pidgeotto- lv 18 Route 31- TopPercent the Rattata- Lv 11 Dark Cave- Violet City- Adirael the Togepi- Lv 8 Sprout Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 32- Snickety the Wooper- Lv 15 Ruins of Alph- ???- Sauria, the Mystery Pokemon Union Cave- [s]Geodude[/s] Route 33- [s]Rattata[/s] Azalea Town- Slowpoke Well- Soma the Zubat- Lv 7 [/scroll]
  12. I'm really only using the core rules: If a Pokemon faints, it must be released, and you can only catch the very first Pokemon you encounter in an area. Exceptions can be made for HM Slaves, but they must never be used in battle. So I'm allowing Items/Poke Centers, though no revives. If my starter is KO'd... Sad day. He'll be gone. :'( And all battles count. Rival, Elite 4, wild rattata. Anything. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Protect the egg," the mysterious flower maiden says. "It's very important." With a twirl and a spin, she's off again. Quite an eccentric character, but who isn't around here? But really, what's so important about this egg? --- Day 3 - DaQiao the Cyndaquil- 12 Rokurolla the Geodude- 13 TopPercent the Rattata- 11 #27 the Pidgey- 11 Snickety the Wooper- 10 Mystery Egg --- Trollin' down Route 32, I come to a realisation. Most other water types got -nothin'- on Snickety, thanks to its Water Absorb ability. Although its attacking power is diminished at the moment due to a poor nature, I may get some use of it after all. Meanwhile, I'm finding that although TopPercent is in the Top Percent of Rattata no matter what Joey says, Rattata is still in the bottom percent of Pokemon in general. Well, I just lied. I already knew that. On the next catch, she'll probably be the one to go... --- "How would you like to have this dielicious Slowpoketail?! For you right now, just 1,000,000*!" *approx. $12500 For a SNACK? I don't care if he's a corrupt vender, or a team rocket member, or just a suspiciously-stocked merchant. Ignore why anyone would buy that- they obviously won't- Why would anyone waste their time pricing it that! Good grief. lrn2economy --- ...Nevermind what I said about replacing TopPercent later. I'm going to make a quick detour. And we're back, having acquired a new team mate, so TopPercent has met an early box. ...Who did I catch, you ask? Well, I won't say just yet~ --- Anyway, back to this random Pokemon center in the road here. Just gonna heal up and head out to Union Cave so- ...Oh? ...TOGEPI hatched from the EGG! It's a boy... He'll be named Adirael, after the angel of the same name. Magically, professor Elm knows... He's watching... Somewhere... Fuck that's creepy. But he wants me to go take the egg allllllll the way back to him... To that, I say: NO U Onwards to Union Cave! ...Except there's one more trainer who wants to stand in my way. Well that's fine. We'll make short work of him. Adirael starts out to get some experience, but DaQiao quickly takes the stage and makes short work of it, levelling up Adirael twice and even himself in the process. #27 gets the second kill, sending Adirael to level 4~ The bird keeper sends in Spearow... Level 8, huh? I think #27 can net it. Spearow gets off a leer, then a peck, which does more than I would have liked, but we're still good. Two Gust attacks take the Spearow out, and send Adirael and herself both up a level each, even learning Quick Attack herself. And that's all she wrote. Except... What? DaQiao is evolving! Congratulations, your DaQiao evolved into a Quilava~ Yatta~ --- [scroll] Newbark Town- DaQiao the Quilava- lv 14 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 13 Cherrygrove City- Route 30- #27 the Pidgey- lv 13 Route 31- TopPercent the Rattata- Lv 11 Dark Cave- Violet City- Adirael the Togepi- Lv 5 Sprout Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 32- Snickety the Wooper- Lv 13 Ruins of Alph- ???- ??? Union Cave- [s]Geodude[/s] [/scroll] --- Union cave... It's a poor follow-up to Mt. Moon, but my Pokeball is at the ready. However I don't expect much... I was right not to. A second Geodude. Rokurolla is ballin' it up already; he doesn't need help. Snickety makes short work of it. We press on. A bit later, we've made it out of the cave... A refreshing shower douses the area, but Snickety is tired from tanking whordes of Geodude and Sandshrew... Just a little further. If I can just avoid any rock pokemon- ...Ffffffuck you, Hiker Anthony. Alright, first turn Potion snickety, second turn, switch and massacre. Gogogogo. We're in town, but something shady is up... Team Rocket? Never heard of them. >.> A quick heal, and we're looking at the Route 33 catch... ... ...Yet ANOTHER Rattata. kisdkfbjhbfjhbjhb. Die. It's okay! I convinced some old man to punch a guard in the face and now I can get into the slowpoke well for a second chance~ ...After a word from our neighborhood grunt. ...Or three. I've cleared out all the grunts without finding a single wild pokemon. That can't be good... But alright. Only Proton is left! Time to- encounter a wild Pokemon while walking up to him! Level 7, well, it's not that bad... One tackle attack from Rokurolla, and it's done. The Pokeball snags it; Zubat was caught! We'll name him... Soma. Perhaps Zubat isn't quite a vampire, but it's close enough. Now only Proton is le- ...Hello? Oh, hey Anthony. What's up? You know I just met you half an hour ago and you're about twenty feet away? ...And how do I have reception in this well. ...Anyway, yes? I see. I know, Rattata are everywhere. Well you have a Machop, of course they're easy to take care of. ...Right, bye. ... WAIT YOU CALLED ME JUST TO BRAG ABOUT HOW EASILY YOU CAN KILL A BLOODY RATTATA?! ffff. But it's fine. Because NOW only Proton is left. --- P: What do we have here? A: A bust. You're under arrest... by a common civilian... for the unlawful treatment of Slowpoke and distribution of their tails! P: I am often labelled as the meanest and cruellest guy in Team Rocket. A: And I'm often labelled as someone who doesn't care what you're often labelled as. P: I strongly urge you not to interfere with our business! A: And I strongly urge you to GTFO! Proton sends out Zubat, Amie sends out the mystery Pokemon, but quickly recalls her for Rokurolla (Lv 14 Geodude) instead! Rokurolla gets a supersonic right off the bat, no pun intended. It hurts itself, but remains relatively unscratched by Leech Life. The second turn, it hurts itself again. The third turn, again... We're down to less than half health now. Rokurolla snaps out of confusion! Rock Throw! It's super effective! A One Hit KO! Proton sends in Koffing. Amie sends in the mystery Pokemon! P: It doesn't matter where we go, there's always someone who disagrees with us... A: So you cut Pokemon tails off at a variety of places then? Disgusting. Amie recalls the mystery Pokemon for DaQiao! (Lv 14 Quilava) DaQiao dodges a smog attack right away, and strikes back with Ember~ Poison Gas misses as well! Ember the second! But Koffing barely survives... Poison Gas hits this time... Better end this quick. P: Are you serious? Did you come here thinking you could mess with our plans? A: I am, and I did. And I was right. DaQiao, Quick Attack! Koffing faints, it's over. P: Grr... For a kid to be this good... I didn't see it coming. A: Well then you'd better open your eyes, mister. But what's a group of thugs like you doing here in the first place!? P: Humph... Team Rocket was indeed broken up three years ago. But we continued our activities underground. A small obstacle like you won't be much of a problem for our mission. A: Well, newsflash, Proton, you just got your ass kicked by a "small obstacle" so I advise you to cut the crap and get out of here! P: And I advise you to be very afraid of what is to come! Before I can even speak, he's gone... A: Hmph... This isn't over. --- [scroll] Newbark Town- DaQiao the Quilava- lv 14 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 14 Cherrygrove City- Route 30- #27 the Pidgey- lv 13 Route 31- TopPercent the Rattata- Lv 11 Dark Cave- Violet City- Adirael the Togepi- Lv 8 Sprout Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 32- Snickety the Wooper- Lv 14 Ruins of Alph- ???- ??? Union Cave- [s]Geodude[/s] Route 33- [s]Rattata[/s] Azalea Town- Slowpoke Well- Soma the Zubat- Lv 7 [/scroll]
  13. Aaaaaaaaaand closed, cuz Sunday. What, me ending it on time for once? Unheard of! The winner of this week's random draw isssss Neo! And my choice goes to Inuki! Bullet and Rodaku, post yo digz. You know da drillz. whathappenedtothispoistidonteven
  14. Soooooooooooooooooooooo hai. Just an FYI to all Reborn League challengers~ Saya has decided that she would like to step down from her position running the Black Line for the time, and so Tenshi has been chosen to take her place~ Not too much should change... Fern will be moving to the Silver Line, and Lin to the Black Line, hopefully to clear up some of Black's traffic. Beyond that, the days of availability or nothing else should change. Given that he's going to be new to this, please bear with us for any slowness or issues in the next few days. I don't know what sort of issues there could be, but, one never does know, now does he... Anyway, you should give Tenshi your congratulations. I would say "we" instead of "you," but I instead owe him my thanks. On a completely different note, with the Tag-Team tournament finally drawing to a close, I already have a plan for TXIV, which I intend to get underway next week... I won't say what it is just yet, but that you're going to need to be skilled in more than just battling to win~
  15. Both Genders- Blastoise Mask Torterra Shield
  16. Day 3 --- This is where it gets serious. The gruesome battle will begin. Rokurolla faces off against the ultimate- YOUNGSTER JOEY HIS RATTATA IS TOP PERCENT. Too bad it was OHKO'd to a crit. "Hey can I get your number?" HELL NO CREEPY BOY --- And before I know it, I've hit Route 31. But if destiny wants to drive a hard bargain, I'll just have to barter. A level 5 appears. Rokurolla takes the floor. I might KO in one hit again... However... It hangs on, with a decent amount to spare. Pokeball, let's do this. Caught her. The name? TopPercent. --- Won't be going into Dark Cave just yet... Let's go, Violet City. No, we move right on through. Sprout Tower, you know what I'm pulling for... After going through several floors without a single breath, found- a Rattata... again. However, this one is even weaker than TopPercent was, in terms of level, and even TopPercent barely survived... Being that I had no interested in one Ratatta, let alone two, and I'm almost sure that nothing I have can even leave it alive... I won't try. Ta-ta, Rattata. Such a shame, I was hoping for a Ghastly... --- Clearing the Sprout Tower with ease, I still don't feel quite ready for Falkner. So let's make one more detour, to Route 32~ Can't go far, sure... But there's one patch of grass and that's all I need to find- Something not half bad. Now I just have to not kill it... It's a higher level than even TopPercent was though, so it might be alright. Switching in #27 to get the job done. Two tackles later and he's in the red. Pokeball, go! And thus was caught, Wooper. Named... Hm. Snickety. Woo-Per Snickety. --- Perhaps I'm simply getting tired, but I feel like being bold. Violet City Gym, meet- a partially prepared challenger. Let's do this. F: I'm Falkner, the Violet City Gym Leader! A: Nice to meet you~ F: People say you can clip Flying-type Pokemon's wings with a jolt of electricity... A: That... is how the typing works, yes. F: I won't allow such insults to bird Pokemon! A: Woah, calm down. It's just the system, not an insult. F: I'll show you the real power of the magnificent bird Pokemon! A: The magnificent power of a level 9 Pidgey? A bit quick to jump the gun aren't you... But that's fine. Alright. Per-Snickety (Lv 10 Wooper), you're up~ Pidgey leads with a sand attack, Snickety launches into action with a Tail Whip~ Sure to keep the upper-hand, with a higher level, #27 (Lv 11 Pidgey) takes the stage! It handles a tackle fairly well from the start, and retalliates with its own Tackle. Faster and stronger, #27 instantly takes out nearly 75% of Falkner's Pidgey's health. It returns with another sand attack. Let's see if #27 can make the killing hit~ It's done! Pidgey is KO'd! Falkner sends in Pidgeotto. We're not going to pull any punches now though. F: The wind is finally with us! A: Yeah, a head-wind~ Go, Rokurolla (Level 12 Geodude)! The only threat is if that Pidgeotto still carries Mud Slap, but being that it's no longer a TM, I may be in the clear. Time to find out. Pidgeotto tries a Gust attack... Five damage, okay~ Rokurolla hits back with Rock Throw, doing over 2/3s of Pidgeotto's health. Looks like this one is in the bag. F: We can still fly! A: You sure about that? Seems like you're on a crash course to me. Pidgeotto Roosts, recovering nearly to full health AND dodging the second Rock Throw. Well, if it's carrying Roost, we need a new plan. Pidgeotto Roosts a second time, restoring its health fully. Perfect! Rokurolla uses Rock Polish! Now not only does Rokurolla outspeed Pidgeotto, but there's no way it can take those Rock Throws even if it does Roost. Good game, Falkner, but this match is over! And Rokurolla earns a well deserved full-level up. F: I understand... I'll bow out gracefully... A: That's very- F: ...For pity's sake! My dad's cherished bird Pokemon... A: ...Yelling like that isn't very graceful. F: But a defeat is a defeat. All right. Take this official Pokemon League Badge. This one is the Zephyr Badge. Amie received the Zephyr Badge from Falkner! A: Thank you much fully~ F: As for your next move... I would suggest Azalea Town. I'm going to train harder to become the greatest Bird Keeper of all! A: Azalea Town, right? Sounds like a plan. Good luck, birdbrain~ Suddenly, an urgent phone call, a delivery, and our sixth slot is filled. --- Newbark Town- DaQiao the Cyndaquil- lv 12 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 13 Cherrygrove City- Route 30- #27 the Pidgey- lv 11 Route 31- TopPercent the Rattata- Lv 11 Dark Cave- Violet City- Mystery Egg Sprout Tower- [s]Rattata[/s] Route 32- Snickety the Wooper- Lv 10 ---
  17. Winter asked me to draw a picture of Ikaru of him and Titania, sooooooo here it is! See, she's holding his hand~ [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/titaru.png[/img] I think it suits them perfectly~
  18. Right. The below is written with what Knight said in mind, then. ----------------------------------------------------- Day 2- Completed the light stroll to Cherrygrove City. DaQiao is walking in at level 8 and he's feeling pretty cool. An energetic old man takes the liberty of introducing a young girl to the workings of a Pokemon town, and for it, is conned out of his precious running shoes (which I assure, you cannot be any more fashionable than her present ones). But thank god for being able to set the game to auto-run. I CAN MOVE FASTER THAN A BRAVE SHUCKLE NOW YAYYYY One trip to the PokeCenter and Mart later, we're off. --- Newbark Town- DaQiao the Cyndaquil lv 8 Route 29- Cherrygrove City- Route 30- --- Level 2 Pidgeys don't got nothin' on DaQiao. Boss. ...And Level 2 Pidgeys is all I'm finding. ...Wait! A level four (4!) Pidgey! The horror! Though even that was silenced by a well-timed crit. You have nothing on us, Pidgey! Bro'd it to a Mr.Pokemon's house. And through a field of Level 2 Pidgeys back to Cherrygrove, and haphazardly on my way back to home, where- OH HOLY FUCK ITS A RIVAL BATTLE WATCH OUT ...Except his Totodile is only level 5 still... though I feel bad. Elm shoulda just given them all to me, so none of them would be stolen into a life of crime and slavery. Imeanwhat*shot* Totodile goes down easily, what with DaQiao being twice its level after the experience is applied~ Good game though, ???. Meanwhile, back at the lab, after the police officer so rudely accuses ME of stealing the pokemon, he has the balls the ask for the real culprits name. I should give him a fake name just to spite him. I could name him "You." You did it, I say to the officer. It would be the end of his career. Suck on that, douchewaffle. But I won't. I'm gonna name him Paul, because that's basically who he is, even down to the hairstyle. Haimom goingonadventureforlife seeyounever loveyoubyemom --- Ethan has brought me into the grass and given me Pokeballs. Let it begin. As I take my first step, let fate dictate once and for all which paths will be walked! As I predicted, it only took one step to find the first Pokemon. A level 2... Mhm... Well, then, let's hope DaQiao doesn't kill it in one hit. ...A critical hit! So much for that. So, Sentret was not caught. Thus was smoked my Route 29 chance. --- Newbark Town- DaQiao the Cyndaquil- lv 10 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Cherrygrove City- Route 30- --- We walk alone, DaQiao. But that's alright. Furret would have been low-mileage anyway, as cruel as it is to say. ...Also. I am sick and tired of the these motherfucking level2pidgey on this motherfucking plain. [s]cwutididthar[/s] But it's okay, because there's another route just right around the corner? Route 30? No... Route 46! In truth, it's just a dead end coming up from the south side, but- there's a grassy knoll ripe for the harvest. Three steps in. Encounter. Level three. ...It's exactly the pokemon I was hoping for. It only takes a single Ember to bring it down into catching-range. Ember from a level 11 Cyndaquil against a level 3 Pokemon? Maybe you've already guessed which it is. One Pokeball later, and it's done. Geodude was caught! A nick name... Rokurolla. Roku is the bastardised version of Rock, punned to Roggenrola, which is funny, because it's not. But with this, the battle against Falkner has gotten a lot easier~ --- Healing in Cherrygrove, and we're right on our way again. One step into Route 30, the land of level 2 Pidgey. Let's see if I can land myself something other than that. ...Why, no, I can't! Alright, level 2 pidgey #27, you're mine. Rokurolla is put to immediate use. It says NO U to the tackle attack, which is already flimsy enough. Return the tackle. Another round. Rokurolla attacks- ...A CRITICAL HIT! AGAIN. But, this Pidgey survives. Pidgey #27, you're a bro. I approve. It's caught. And I realise, I was wrong. It's not a bro, it's a sis. "Would you like to give Pidgey a nickname?" She already has one. --- Newbark Town- DaQiao the Cyndaquil- lv 11 Route 29- [s]Sentret[/s] Route 46- Rokurolla the Geodude- lv 3 Cherrygrove City- Route 30- #27 the Pidgey- lv 2 ---
  19. So there's two days left and only one person has been removed. People aren't battling to avoid elimination? Well. Any team who fails to complete at least one battle will default to receiving the third place prize. Moreover, if there's a tie, and two teams are left with neither member eliminated, then they'll both receive only the second place prize instead of first place. Therefore, you have nothing to lose by battling. I suggest you do so.
  20. Male- Lt. Surge's Tank-top Lt. Surge's Pants Female- Titania's Tank Titania's Pants
  21. Chronicles of a Wayward Nuzlocke HeartGold~ Playing 4th gen Johto in English for the first time, and also HG for the first time, being as I played a Japanese SoulSilver before. Comparison time, yay~ Also playing a girl, cuz I did a boy last time, and opposites are fun. However. I will be bitching about her sense of fashion the whole way. Just warning you. Because it is really terrible. I mean really. What the hell. Really, it's just the hat. And the hair. And the like, over-all-shorts. And colorsche- just kill me. ...I've chosen Cyndaquil for the starter, because Totodile isn't cute, and although Meganium is prettier than Typhlosion, I also don't feel like losing a starter to Falkner. Cyndaquil's a guy... Sigh, I wanted a girl, because I don't have a good guy name, so after some deliberation... I decided to name it what I would have if it was a girl anyway. >> It can be a trap Cyndaquil. Or just a femininely-named one. We'll see. Anyway, I've acquired DaQiao the Cyndaquil- hooray for Romance of the Three Kingdoms, wherein Da Qiao is my favorite character~ But that's an aside. After some meandering, I took my first step into the route just outside of newbark, and met a HootHoot. Of course, I have no Pokeballs yet, so my first chance is auto-forfeit. However, this is just the beginning. I would love to play more, but I'm tired, and feel like I'm about to pass out. So I'm going to go do that now~
  22. Both Genders- Handgun Bomb I feel like the bomb would go well with a trollfaic
  23. Both Genders- Pikachu Tail Pikachu Hood
  24. Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Guess what. Both Genders- Cat Ears (Brown, Gray, White, Black) Cat Tail (Brown, Gray, White, Black)
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