[scroll](16:47) Amethyst: Are you still muted?
(16:48) [Ninja] Erick: yes
(16:49) Amethyst: I read through the logs, both of the posted ones. I dunno, it's kinda a blurred line here.
(16:49) Amethyst: I understand it's not as if you're trying to be disrespectful.
(16:49) Amethyst: And to be honest, your points are on the whole perfectly valid.
(16:50) Amethyst: But, I would say it -is- somewhat insensitive... Essentially, you're a doctor trying to forcefeed a spoonful of reality to a patient who wants none of it.
(16:50) Amethyst: Not that I blame her; reality can taste pretty nasty.
(16:51) [Ninja] Erick: mhmm
(16:51) Amethyst: Even if recognizing it might do her better in the long run... If she doesn't want to hear it, there's no point in trying to force such a view onto her.
(16:52) Amethyst: In this case, I actually would have reccomended she just ignore you if it was bugging her...
(16:53) [Ninja] Erick: mhmm'
(16:53) Amethyst: Well, I'm thinking.
(16:54) Amethyst: She deals with her problems in emotions and sympathy not logic and solutions.
(16:54) Amethyst: Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just a difference between people. Try and respect that, I think is the bottom line.
(16:56) [Ninja] Erick: I understand, although I meant n disresect towards her
(16:56) [Ninja] Erick: *no
(16:58) Amethyst: Which is good. But one doesn't have to mean something in order to deliver it. Though the world would be a better place- accidents would never happen and such- it can't be so...
(16:58) Amethyst: So just be mindful, please.
(16:58) Amethyst: I'm unmuting you though.
(16:58) [Ninja] Erick: thank you ame.
(16:59) [Ninja] Erick: I'll try my best
(16:59) Amethyst: And for that, we thank you in turn~[/scroll]