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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Wtf, stop being tall, people. ._.
  2. It's not locked. o.o

  3. This is just a notice. Anyone who's been in the league for a while should know that one is not allowed to change their Hidden Power type. However, since we stopped using post-based registration we've failed to keep exact records on which types are being recorded. I'm fixing that! So in the coming days/weeks/months/millenia don't be surprised if I randomly bop in and ask you "Hey, what's your Hidden Power type? okbai" I've added a note to the registration page, but from now on, it should be recorded on cards as "HP ____" filling in the blank with one's chosen type. If anyone wants to save me the trouble, also, post your HP Types on this topic and I can get to it straight away. To make it worth your time, I'll even throw in $30 R or so if you do.
  4. WHAT THE DIGITAL ART 14- [spoiler] [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/cry/014.png[/img] [/spoiler]
  5. [scroll](16:47) Amethyst: Are you still muted? (16:48) [Ninja] Erick: yes (16:49) Amethyst: I read through the logs, both of the posted ones. I dunno, it's kinda a blurred line here. (16:49) Amethyst: I understand it's not as if you're trying to be disrespectful. (16:49) Amethyst: And to be honest, your points are on the whole perfectly valid. (16:50) Amethyst: But, I would say it -is- somewhat insensitive... Essentially, you're a doctor trying to forcefeed a spoonful of reality to a patient who wants none of it. (16:50) Amethyst: Not that I blame her; reality can taste pretty nasty. (16:51) [Ninja] Erick: mhmm (16:51) Amethyst: Even if recognizing it might do her better in the long run... If she doesn't want to hear it, there's no point in trying to force such a view onto her. (16:52) Amethyst: In this case, I actually would have reccomended she just ignore you if it was bugging her... (16:53) [Ninja] Erick: mhmm' (16:53) Amethyst: Well, I'm thinking. (16:54) Amethyst: She deals with her problems in emotions and sympathy not logic and solutions. (16:54) Amethyst: Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just a difference between people. Try and respect that, I think is the bottom line. (16:56) [Ninja] Erick: I understand, although I meant n disresect towards her (16:56) [Ninja] Erick: *no (16:58) Amethyst: Which is good. But one doesn't have to mean something in order to deliver it. Though the world would be a better place- accidents would never happen and such- it can't be so... (16:58) Amethyst: So just be mindful, please. (16:58) Amethyst: I'm unmuting you though. (16:58) [Ninja] Erick: thank you ame. (16:59) [Ninja] Erick: I'll try my best (16:59) Amethyst: And for that, we thank you in turn~[/scroll]
  6. Let's say $R500 to each winner, $R300 to a random entrant. Also, since spriting takes a longer period of time, maybe make this a bi-weekly contest? Additionally, in your fusions, it should be clear without specification which Pokemon are being fused.
  7. I really would be okay with no Jedi. I really would have been okay with Soul Calibur four not having them either. I mean, really, what the fuck was that. ._.
  8. The contest is closed. Thanks to all who have entered. Yay for haiku posts. The random drawing A winner is Rodaku. Congratulations. To Bullet and Hark, I'll take care of the prizes. Just post your choices. Meanwhile, for my pick... I have to go with Allan. Had not thought of that...
  9. If Amaterasu makes it in, I will buy a Wii U just for that. I say this fully knowing the chances of that are about 0.00000000002 %, but. It would be nice to have a character that I [i]actually[/i] like rather than just kinda like because it's the best SSB has. Alternatively, replacing Falco with Krystal? >> <<
  10. Aaaaand so, all Round 1 Battles are completed. Everyone may now move on to Round 2! Match ups are posted already~ Hop to it; you have a week!
  11. By the way, since it seems you all do this much better, or more often than I do, and since I've been meaning to say it for a while, I'm leaving the updating of the theme to whatever members wish to do so. I will, however, if requested, continue to host the upload.
  12. ...Oh. XD Well, then. *shuts up* Don't butter me please I swear I'm not a biscuit. T_T
  13. What the ballerific. Some of these are amazing, and collectively they're beyond that just for the bulk. And I could say Nyu's code there is equally amazing because beyond that I probably wouldn't have bothered to look at more than a fraction of these to be honest. But dayum.
  14. ...You know, just sayin', when you mention the person's name in the sentence before, saying they remain nameless has little effectiveness~ Unless it isn't Drake, in which case, well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. (please don't) THAT ASIDE, welcome and hai and enjoy your stay and <3
  15. I once got up to septople. Stupid internet. Sorry about that.
  16. [quote name='Ikaru' timestamp='1308429680' post='16314'] I don't do much at all with my dA account, so you won't have much of a following from me, sadly :c Definitely checking it out though; I always love to see other people's works and such~ [/quote] Thaaaaat. And hi! I'm think I've seen you around the server once or a few times but yayyyy official welcome!
  17. Actually, it would be baller if Rapid Spin worked like it did in the anime- that it could deflect projectile attacks.
  18. Those abilities will null Bulb's effect. The pokemon needs to take damage for Bulb or Battery to activate. Also if anything, HP's type should be changed, probably to something that does better against other electrics. And the other moves ought to be special to make better use of Lighting Rod. Megahorn is strong enough you might be able to get away with it, especially since it'll help against grass types, but isn't there a better choice than Waterfall?
  19. There'll be a brief hiatus after a few more pages while I get used the schedule with my new job/write the next section. 13- [spoiler] [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/cry/013.png[/img] [/spoiler]
  20. And I just looked it up. Balrog's Japanese name is... *drumroll* M Bison! [b]What the fuck, Street Fight[/b]
  21. Nope, only rain increases its hit rate. It's unaffected by sand and hail, and accuracy drops in sun.
  22. To clarify something about yesterday, those items are for the character M Bison, whose Japanese name is Vega. When I input it, I didn't realize that there was an entirely different Street Fighter character English-named Vega (Japanese, Balrog), which IMO is dumb and inviting trouble on SF's part. But with those items, I used the Japanese name because M Bison sounds [i]retarded[/i]. Female- Skyla's Hair Skyla's Top Skyla's Gloves Skyla's Shorts Skyla's Garter Skyla's Boots Breaking for a few days now, though. Sorry~
  23. Anyone who posts a set for Clefable today gets an extra $R 50~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dragonz996


      I'm first, hurr

    3. Neo


      set done :3

    4. Bullet


      ...that explains random clefable sets appearing :o

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