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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Just make a list. Because it seems like I forget things a lot. I do for get things a lot. If anyone puts on Item Requests, I'll have to kill them. Those are dealt with separately.
  2. Male- Vega's Cap Vega's Jacket Vega's Cape Vega's Cape Backing Vega's Trousers Vega's Boosts Girl stuff tomorrow, and then after that I'll be breaking for a few days to update some of the database stuff in preparation for the new shop system.
  3. ...Fixed the formatting. >> << Sorry. ._. I didn't mean to get that carried away. v.v
  4. Yeah, I told him that was fine. Generally speaking it's just proof that the battle actually happened; a screen shot suffices if a log can't be gotten.
  5. Poor Blue. [u]Rules[/u] -There will be three judges, myself and two other members, any of whom are free to volunteer. First come first serve -Being a judge will mean you cannot enter the contest yourself. -Members can PM me images for future weeks contests. Their use is not guaranteed. -If a Member's image is chosen, they may not enter the contest that week -You are limited to one caption per week, but it can be changed before the contest close -The contest ends on SUNDAY at 12 AM EST [u]Prizes[/u] -Each judge's favorite caption will receive $R400. If this means three different people get $R400 or one gets $R1200- so be it. -One random entrant each week will be given $R300. This is independent of the winner. Judges will be included in this draw. -If a Member's image is chosen, they will be awarded $R500 [u]This week's Image~[/u] [spoiler][img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/cc/cc8.png[/img][/spoiler] To enter, just post the caption you think best suits the image in this topic~
  6. Both Genders- Rocket Grunt Belt Female- Rocket Grunt Shorts Male- Gold Medallion
  7. Both Genders- Rocket Grunt Boots Rocket Grunt Gloves
  8. Indeed. Except. I don't even know what to say to that image. XD 12- [spoiler] [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/cry/012.png[/img] [/spoiler]
  9. The scoreboard is posted. All logs must be posted in this topic to count. Please post each new log or group of new logs in a new post rather than editing an old one. [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/t13.html"]Scoreboard[/url] Round 1 ends June 20th
  10. Bullet and Rodaku, post your CC7 picks~

  11. Okkkkkkkkkkkkay so. contestclosedthankstoeveryonewhoenteredandallthatstuffisayeveryweekexceptthistimeimeanitEVENMOREevenifimnotusingspaces.what? Bullet and Rodaku, post your picks; I'll take care of the... distribution. The winner of the random draw this week is Tink! As for my choice... fisdufkdsf First winter posted, and I love the Joltik line, even if I think it was backword... It should've been "I'm electric" not bug... But I knew what he was going for.. But then Tink posted and I'm like loooooooooolwut okay I'm going with that one. And when Will posted and it's like grrrrwhotopick I'm also hyper this morning what? Eeny meeny miney Will. Auu.
  12. That last one was so me three or four years ago, except with like twenty spiders instead of one... Also, moving to the Fan Club
  13. For Protagonist, definitely Misty, like the others. Not much to say there. But over all? Sabrina. Owns everything. Sometimes literally.
  14. Both Genders- Rocket Grunt Hat Rocket Grunt Shirt
  15. Reposted from MP; this speaks for itself. http://alexonsager.net/pokemon/
  16. Wait. are we doing... Favorite character or favorite protagonist? They're- different. Also, being as this is an actual discussion, moving this to Jubilife.
  17. People have different understandings of what's joking and meaningful, and somewhere in the blurred line lies wit. No need to criticise it though... If for no other reason than she's awake! I heard from Titania just a bit ago~
  18. Both Genders- Track Pants (Blue, Black)
  19. Wrong. You will have a partner, even if we're not sure who yet. Do count on participating though
  20. I missed yesterday, so a double dose today. Both Genders- Warhammer Nyancat Scarf Longcat Scarf Fracs Tacgnol
  21. And congrats to them! After review by the staff, Winter and Inuki have been chosen to join the moderation team on the server, so congratulations to them! I don't think I need to say that they deserve your respect for this, but to pre-empt our usual fuss around these things... I'd like to make it clear there is no more auth than there really ever has been; they're filling the spots of now inactive former-auth so there's no need to be concerned about it~ Especially not if you follow the rules~ Which you all should~ [s]OR ELSE.[/s] <3 *throws confetti and runs off*
  22. Fixed; I double failed because that's not the first time it was pointed out to me, and I still forgot. Thanks for the heads up though. ._. 11- [spoiler] [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/cry/011.png[/img] [/spoiler]
  23. <3 It doesn't help that that posted itself seven times. A new record.
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