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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Both Genders- Katana Dragonslayer Sword Vorpal Sword Thank you Dragonz for requesting some better swords. The first one I did looks terribly cartoonish anyway; I must have been half asleep or something.
  2. D'aww, guiz. This is sweet, but entirely unnecessary. 'Sides, if I'm converting PBC nubs into talented and interesting individuals, that's reward enough for me.
  3. Both Genders- Elias' Sunglasses Radomus' Cane With a shield + staff, my sprite looks like one of the magicians from Flyff...
  4. I'm closing this topic; something I should have done earlier. Regardless of the validity or lack thereof of the points being made here, leaving this open is only inviting more arguement.
  5. You should drop it as well, Neo. It's not going to get anywhere.
  6. Yeah, sorry. I actually do have another full section and a half done and not posted, but CRY has taken over most of my drawing time. Rest assured, this is not forgotten about though.
  7. Woah. ...If you had a shorter face, you'd look like my father when he was younger... Ish. ...
  8. Geo, keep rocking the boat and I may not be so inclined to throw you a life-saver.
  9. Thank you much, I try~ 7- http://www.pokemonreborn.com/cry/007.png
  10. Both Genders- Torkoal Shield Male- Radomus' Pyramid Hat Female- Julia's Pom Poms
  11. Wow, so many people want to judge. Okay, we're just going to do this first come first serve for judging. So Rodaku and Mael have it this time. The rest of you are still free to enter.
  12. I know, I know. But trust me when I say it's all been discussed and effectively taken care of already. It won't happen again, this is assured. And by the way, it was only one of the auth. The rest, including myself, had absolutely no knowledge of this. It should not reflect poorly on the rest of them.
  13. Though many people know by now, there hasn't been an official announcement yet made, for reasons that will be mentioned just below. So, the whole hooplah about Geo being banned? Yeah. That. Turns out, the whole thing was a semi-elaborate prank that he dreamed up basically to mess with the staff. In other words, his ban was staged. Among the staff, almost next to no one was in on the gig, including myself (otherwise, you all would not have seen such a lengthy parting letter from me to him), and so, this puts us in a rather interesting dilemma. The timing was horrid, given our auth's recently renewed will to really clean-up the server. Although it was sad, this was definitely seen as a result of that. Or would have been had it been genuine. However, given the fact that it was allowed to happen by the auth, we can't entirely fault Geo. It's for that reason that he will be unbanned. However. In doing this, I must make perfectly clear that the auth's intentions to increase enforcement and continue to foster a more positive and clean environment are not at all reduced. Although he will be returning to the server, Geo/Neku is expected, like everyone else to maintain proper conduct and etiquette, and should he not, we'll find ourselves in a situation like this for real. He's been warned. There is one final consideration as well, that being that this entire prank thing was in itself, just a very large form of trolling. Trolling, as you all know, is something we specifically do not allow, and thus, there must be some repercussion. Had this not been something allowed by the staff, I probably would just leave him banned permanently, but as it was and I cannot, I'll only leaving him banned for a set period of time. The debate between the staff over exactly how long that would be has been the cause of the tardiness of this announcement, and for that, I apologize. However, based on his behavior then and since, he will be unbanned on June 6th. There's going to be a follow-up announcement some time this weekend specifically regarding the Reborn League, and possibly some bittersweet news, so stay tuned.
  14. Wasn't requested. You could do so.
  15. Both Genders- Blastoise Shield Carracosta Shield Torkoal comes tomorrow
  16. Yeah, that's true. And so it happens more oftehn than not that the players intentions are less than pure. Doesn't mean all of them though.
  17. You have some valid points, but I think there are some distinctions that aren't being made, and others that are being assumed when they oughtn't. There's no denying that the people who project confidence are certainly more interesting, but in no way does that necessitate that they have to do it in a mean way. Confidence =/= jerkishness There's a better word for that that I can't think of, but you get the point. And moreover, the people I was referring to, and the people I understood Cyrus to be referring to, were not the types who just date a variety of people- you're right, that does make sense before settling- but rather the ones who callously cheat on others and break the hearts of those around them- and yet others continue to be drawn to them despite that. And although in stereotypical culture, there would be a lot of cross over between those two groups, their misgivings are entirely different.
  18. Both Genders- Geo's Nuke Trigger Troll Faic ...did I really just add THAT to the store........
  19. Now, now, class. Settle down. [u]Rules[/u] -There will be three judges, myself and two other members, any of whom are free to volunteer. -Being a judge will mean you cannot enter the contest yourself. -Members can PM me images for future weeks contests. Their use is not guaranteed. -If a Member's image is chosen, they may not enter the contest that week -You are limited to one caption per week, but it can be changed before the contest close -The contest ends on SUNDAY at 12 AM EST [u]Prizes[/u] -Each judge's favorite caption will receive $R400. If this means three different people get $R400 or one gets $R1200- so be it. -One random entrant each week will be given $R300. This is independent of the winner. -If a Member's image is chosen, they will be awarded $R500 [u]This week's Image~[/u] [spoiler][img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/cc/cc5.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/cc/cc5.jpg"]Can't click that spoiler?[/url] To enter, just post the caption you think best suits the image in this topic~
  20. And if not, then that high school is doin it rong. So here's the thing with those types of people. They may look like they're popular and have a bunch of friends, but the truth is by and large, they don't know how to be a decent enough person to really let someone get close to them. They choose a quantity of artificial relationships over a few genuine quality ones. Now, they'll die before they admit this because they have an ego to protect, but think about it, and it makes sense. They're the ones losing out.
  21. Would someone please translate that for me...?
  22. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1306210103' post='14574'] Males can't use Pink and Females can't use Blue D: [/quote] They could if you were to request it. I said if anyone wants alternate colorations of anything to say so. And ily2 winter Ah... Since I'm already posting here Both Genders- Soul (Blue, Orange) However, it's not put in the database just yet, will be doing that shortly.
  23. And to be clear, we don't care if you use the word, so long as you're not calling other people things like that.
  24. Contest closed~ Thanks to everyone who entered. This weeks random winner is... Rodaku! And for my pick, I'm going with Tlight. So happens, Rodaku was my second choice, but I think Tlight's has stronger voice~ Congrats to you both. Bullet and Inuki, post your pics, I'll take care of the cash. Next one opens tomorrow, as always~
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