Though many people know by now, there hasn't been an official announcement yet made, for reasons that will be mentioned just below.
So, the whole hooplah about Geo being banned? Yeah. That.
Turns out, the whole thing was a semi-elaborate prank that he dreamed up basically to mess with the staff.
In other words, his ban was staged. Among the staff, almost next to no one was in on the gig, including myself (otherwise, you all would not have seen such a lengthy parting letter from me to him), and so, this puts us in a rather interesting dilemma.
The timing was horrid, given our auth's recently renewed will to really clean-up the server. Although it was sad, this was definitely seen as a result of that. Or would have been had it been genuine. However, given the fact that it was allowed to happen by the auth, we can't entirely fault Geo.
It's for that reason that he will be unbanned.
In doing this, I must make perfectly clear that the auth's intentions to increase enforcement and continue to foster a more positive and clean environment are not at all reduced. Although he will be returning to the server, Geo/Neku is expected, like everyone else to maintain proper conduct and etiquette, and should he not, we'll find ourselves in a situation like this for real. He's been warned.
There is one final consideration as well, that being that this entire prank thing was in itself, just a very large form of trolling. Trolling, as you all know, is something we specifically do not allow, and thus, there must be some repercussion. Had this not been something allowed by the staff, I probably would just leave him banned permanently, but as it was and I cannot, I'll only leaving him banned for a set period of time.
The debate between the staff over exactly how long that would be has been the cause of the tardiness of this announcement, and for that, I apologize. However, based on his behavior then and since, he will be unbanned on June 6th.
There's going to be a follow-up announcement some time this weekend specifically regarding the Reborn League, and possibly some bittersweet news, so stay tuned.