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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Sorry, I should've mentioned about the topics in the first place. I'm aware that a lot of people have posted things in confidence there, so all nightclub topics will be quarantined in a hidden forum. If people want to get specific posts or content out of there then the content authors can PM staff to arrange it. Alternatively, whatever needs to be done can be done until the time this takes effect.
  2. hi! i'll get right to the point since you already have an idea of what's up from the topic title. after various discussions of how we should handle things like Ace Membership and the EXP system, we've decided to put of them to rest. Since it was created, the EXP system never really lived up to its potential. a lot of that is on us as staff for not more actively rewarding participation but it's possible the system was impractical in the first place. further complicating this is the fact that the plug in we were using to support this system broke as of the site update a few months ago, making it even more inconvenient. we've talked about many ways to revise the EXP system, but in the end, nothing was agreed upon as being effective enough without unreasonably higher amounts of both staff and member participation. as for the ace system, while we did explore alternatives to earning it since the proverbial doors have been closed last december, the conclusion we arrived at was that the status was no longer necessary. the original goal of the ace forum and membership was to create a sense of subcommunity for veteran users in a site that has been quickly growing for a long time. other incentives, like showdown quirks, beta testing, and whatever else there was, were added later to give it more purpose. at this point, we have decided we use little by letting it go, since our need for subcommunity can be better met by a new feature. in essence, it is being replaced with something for all users. the keen user may already know just what that is from pecking around profiles and such on the site-- that's clubs! clubs are a new feature recently added to our software which allows forums to make their own groups, invite other users, schedule acitvities, and post topics to their own create forum areas. it's pretty nifty! there are several different types of clubs: public clubs can be accessed by anyone without joining, open clubs are visible and can be joined by anyone closed clubs can only be explored by members, and members must be approved by the leader and private clubs which are totally hidden except by joining through invitation with these new features, we're happy to turn control over your subcommunities and groups over to you all, and we're interested to see how you can use them! users will have free opportunity to create private clubs, but for all other types we will ask for promised participation of at least five total members. just like in anime! now you can live your japanese high school dreams through here. wait, that's just me?? al-all right... many of you, especially current Aces may be wondering what is going to be happening with beta testing if ace is going away. be not afeared-- current aces will be able to keep their testing status for future episodes as we will be moving beta activity to its own club. we will have a set number of slots which will probably increase with each episode. all existing aces will be the original club members, but only those who participate will remain for future tests. we will also accept applications from other users to occupy any free slots, however the application process is TBA. as a final note, please be advised that these changes will take effect after the Episode 17 beta, meaning nothing will be changing for the time being! clubs will be set to full access at the same time EXP and Ace membership is retired, which is with E17's community release. At that time the Ace member group will be removed, and its priveleges will be freely distributed to Member and Veteran users. That means more ability to do stuff for you guys! Since it is no longer relevant to EXP, the daily reputation caps will also be greatly boosted so you can freely rep each other away! If you have any questions about these upcoming changes, please feel free to ask. Otherwise, we'll see you with the community release in a few weeks!
  3. in which ame's hobby backfires, scarring her for life

    1. FairFamily


      From a scale to 1 to 10. How ready where you to bolt out of that room when you had that revelation?



      don't forget rule 34. ;)


    2. Amethyst
  4. just another day with the crippling realization that dead dead dead dead dead dead dead

  5. they certainly spared no quarter on making these executions brutal again........

  6. Yes, it's possible I would if testing went very smoothly. But it seems that is not destined to happen. '-'
  7. I suppose the consideration of their privacy is generally something to keep hold of, but, well, that hasn't stoppped me before. with permission, granted. but whatever. I don't really like the idea of if I had to do things either because necessity should not drive design. but that's semantics. yes, i could see it being reasonable to explore past things or tie up loose ends. answering question. i dont think it should exist -just- for that but it can be a goal.
  8. I like that take a lot. I don't really like to think of that because I think DLC is almost always inherently commercial. I think the DLC's I mind the least are things that change how we experience the game. I think of things like skins in leagues, alternate classes in BL, etc. This is stuff that wouldn't really be practical to produce as an extra feature in main development, but that's cool to have later on, and maybe could only be funded that way. As far as story elements, I think if it's that important to the story, it probably should have just been in the main story anyway. Otherwise we don't need it. It's strange writing. It's commecial writing. I dislike that. It's not effective for me to talk about my plans for Reborn in this context though... because everyone will see that at some point anyway. Moreover, it's best saved for the time we get to it rather than spilling the beans earlier. Besides (mostly to a couple others), I explicitly said this is not about Reborn. Just in general. Maybe it informs how I think of post-games in the future, but Reborn's is all but slated as is. Right now I think if I can't be bothered to play them how can I make them? I wonder about that. It feels disingenuine. But Reborn needs it, if nothing else.
  9. not presently, but it's always possible something could come up in the future!
  10. and we're back! with all all new serving of sadness



    1. Maelstrom


      It's true. Kaede was gone too soon. qq.

    2. Alistair
  11. before anything, please be assured that this topic is not about, and not likely to affect Reborn's post-game. much of that is already written as necessitated. whatever is said here, i've got 50 bajillion legendaries to account for because gamefreak won't fucking stop making them and some reason so there's really no getting around that. but this is not about that. my answer to the question is a definite 'no.' i can barely be counted upon to finish a game most of the time, let alone go above and beyond the call of duty black ops edition for post games. and if i do finish a game, even if it's a game i really enjoyed, i just. i do not care. i cannot care. even if i am having so much fun playing the main game and i think yeah, i'm gonna do all the post-game stuff!!! i just lose all motivation to play when i beat the main storyline. (it is especially silly when i sometimes stop playing games outright because i dont want them to be over yet because i was enjoying them so much. this is what post-game is for. still, she does not care.) cuz for me it's all about the story. that's my focus with games, i suppose. no story no life but i don't know if this is just me or if this is actually a more common sentiment. so. poll. do you care? or are there certain things that make you care? does it depend on the game? tell me your secrets.
  12. you thought very, very wrong. now that y'all mention it cacnea should have been marked as evo-only since that was a limited event (i think it wasn't since it was originally always cacnea?) so i have fixed that too i think there might be other instances of such things since that egg, and some others, have been update to have more potential species in e17. i cant remember what's changed where though so if you guys notice inconsistencies like this after the episode is out + list is fully updated, lemme know plsthx
  13. tbh i forgot the roggenrola event was a thing. oops. i'll fix that.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UscLhECg8U  the despair begins, and hit its like a train

    1. Rain Spectre

      Rain Spectre

      Ame, you're going to be a broken wreck by the end of the game.

    2. Amethyst


      joke's on the game, i was a broken wreck when i started it.............

  15. dont dare you dabble in despair, or we'll devise your defeat~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Amethyst


      if she's got an avatar like that... good luck with that one, ali.

    3. Eviora


      Everyone is so scared of Monaca! All Monaca did was try to make her Big Sis happy! You're all so mean!

    4. Alistair



      I don't know what's good for myself, so I might as well make friends with Monaca ;)

  16. it's finally time to start the class trial~ <3

  17. update: the past attempts i made at making future updates not take several hours did indeed make this update not take several hours
    go me
    you may now return to your regularly scheduled whatever y'all doin' round here

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Amethyst


      You mean how you have to click on it? Yeah I'd like to change that too... it's set up differently though so I haven't found how to do that yet. Update probably wouldn't change that.

      Update probably did change the tabs brightness though

    3. seki108


      Well, at least I'm probably not going insane (at the rate I thought I was)

    4. Dreamy


      There's the click, and the arrow difference, and the spacing difference, and the colour difference, and the lack of icons by each text. its like every part of it is just slightly different, except maybe the text itself.

  18. i think the announcement system isn't working? so uh. here.

    forum maintenance in the american evening of 10/16

    we gonna try to fix some shit

    we probs gonna make it worse

    but we gonna try anyway

    1. Wolfox


      the important thing is that you at least try to fix things :)

    2. Howin


      I can see it.

  19. https://youtu.be/mp-2EmtQ_JY did you really think it would be that easy...

  20. https://youtu.be/NF6JesQ0zCQ you could tie me up and poor hot wax on me and i'd still obsess over this game

    1. Alistair



      As if restraints and hot wax were a bad thing~

  21. I can see you put a lot of effort into it! The hair style is pretty slick and the outfit's design definitely isn't something that would be out of place in the city... By chance have you tested it to see how well it works in-game? At a glance some of the sizing seems off probably because of the different pixel resolutions so making that all consistent would be the next step. Keep it up!
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