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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. It's official. [url="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/3008-Pokemon-White"]Yahtzee said so.[/url]
  2. Wasn't planning on doing this, but there's a lull in the league regardless, so I may as well. Regardless of my general absence from +Infinitas for story reasons, sounds fun. [u]Emerald (Politoed)-[/u] Very solemn, almost meditative. She's extremely reserved- not in a timid sense, but more of being in her own world- withdrawn, from everyone and everything. Yes, she listens, and yes, she's conscious- but you can tell that she's never "all there." ...That is, until she enters battle, wherein she is intensely focused... Not on the enemy's actions, but her own, for what reason even I do not know. [u]Topaz (Whimsicott)-[/u] Bouncy and excited, finding humour and joy in everything. However, also extremely manipulative. She'll be overly friendly- even flirtatious to get what she wants, or do anything else- even if it means lying, cheating, stealing, etc. In this sense, she is rather spoiled. However, she will answer to me if I tell her to do something, or stop doing something. ...She'll also try to be generally cute and awesome to distract me from telling her to do anything/scolding her, and she would usually succeed. [u]Sapphire (Sharpedo)-[/u] Silent. There to speak with actions, not words, and nothing more. Unlike how most Sharpedo appear to act, his moves are not preformed out of aggression, but precision and a desperation for personal betterment. Each time, a closer jet, or each time, a stronger Earthquake. Efficiency is his middle name, and he does not stop trying to improve until he literally physically cannot continue. Despite his stoic attitude, he is normally agreeable- until someone deliberately tries to assert dominance over him. Then the show's over. [u]Turquoise (Vapreon)-[/u] Laziness isn't quite the right word- but she's very, very calm. Down-key to a slothful point, where all she wants to do sometimes is sleep, preferably curled up next to her friends (...that's me! (and Topaz)). However, she suffers from frequent insomnia due to her constant abuse of her dream wold ability disrupting her natural sleeping patterns. She yearns to find a way back into the dream world, and correct this, even if it means losing her greatest competitive gift. Despite this, she's otherwise very considerate of others, and a sweet young Pokemon willing to do anything for those close to her. [u]Aquamarine (Kingdra)-[/u] A natural leader. She's there to command everyone else what to do, and how to do it. She's strict, and bold- but far from thinking herself superior. On the contrary, she often acts a protective, almost motherly, figure to her teammates, encouraging them always to do their best, and shielding them from harm when they're down. Her ability to connect the other Pokemon together is impressive, even to me. Regardless, she is respectful and compassionate to everyone... At least, before her friends come to harm. The second there's a threat to anyone she cares about, she is into take it down in a fury. [u]Opal (Espeon)-[/u] The princess, and the tsundere. She is extremely affectionate, as long as she gets what she wants- but still she'll never [i]admit[/i] to any such affection. Instead, covering her tracks with a facade of superiority and putting down those she cares about most... Despite how loudly her actions say otherwise. When it comes down to the wire, however, she needs those she's close to, no matter how hard she tries to deny it- and falls apart without their support. [u]Broken Opal (Starmie)-[/u] Once also a valued and active member of Amethyst's team, after it was replaced by Espeon, and flat-out had its integral identity stolen from it, it became an emotional wreck. Though it sits in the back box of Amethyst's PC, it waits, resenting him for the sudden, undeserved betrayal- the neglect festering into an unbridled envy over Espeon, and insecurity wrecking its mind. It desperately wishes, begs for a second chance, an opportunity to redeem itself, to earn a place back at his side- at the same time cursing itself, feeling guilty for ever thinking of returning and serving him, the one who so callously cast it aside after everything it had done- and then pretended like it never existed. Torn, shattered, forgotten...
  3. Yes and no. That's the problem I was trying to stop in the first place. However as you can see, my attempts have been less than successful.
  4. Another re-post from MP. http://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/03/15/weirdest-pokemon-black-white/ Ghost types, ghost types everywhere on that list. And still so popular?
  5. Because I'm not as smart as you. I'll do that, thank you. And yeah.. Surprise!
  6. A separate form will have to be made for X-League, but that's not a priority atm... Badges work the same for X-League as for normal league. A trainer who clears the league has a separate variable that writes in the non-X badge automatically.
  7. As of now, Trainer Cards are to serve as one's registration. Please find the automated form [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/card.html"]here[/url].
  8. After much futzing and generally failing on my part, and generally being awesome on Nyu's part, I now declare the trainer card generator fully operational! This is fantastic news for Reborn, because it means that creating, updating and rankshifting cards is forever gone. More importantly for most of you, the long wait for them to be created is vanished with them. Firstly, and most importantly, it means we can get rid of that messy registration thread. From now on, your trainer card IS your registration. This means a few things for us: On the plus, it means that re-registrations are never going to be mixed up again. It means you don't have to earn a badge to get your card, and it means that league as a whole should run a lot faster, and smoother, without me needing to ask you a million times who you've beaten. There are a couple downsides, in that the cards are no longer hand-made, they can't be as custom. We're no longer able to support all ranges of colors in the background (I'm sad too; I lose my fancy multicolor business... for now. I have ideas.) or custom sprites. Instead, we're using sprites from PO's range (specifically the Reborn theme) so customs can be used through the theme. Note that this entire system of working with PO's sprites is temporary anyway. In the future, cards will have your own personalized sprite auto-updated with it, but that's still somewhat far off. The biggest downside is that most of your teams' information is not yet in the database, however. All challengers will need to go to our card form, located here, fill out that form, and submit it. We will check these cards against your current registrations, so do not try to change any moves if you intend to keep your badges. Also, I totally just lied. Not all challengers have to do that- a number of players' teams were copied over during testing. If you're on the following list, you do not need to fill out that form: Regardless of if you're in that list or not though, most of our badge information is either outdated or incorrect entirely, so please notify Ikaru or myself so that we can correct it for you. Again, we will check everything against our records, so do not attempt to cheat. I've also activated a feature that will display users trainer cards above their signatures, so if you're someone who has yours IN your signature already, after you fill out that form you'll probably want to remove it so as not to be redundant. Due to the automation of both cards and logs now (the front end of logs has yet to come, but we can thank Scarlet in the mean time for being a severely epic baws when it comes to databasizing them), we no longer have need for quite so many positions across staff, therefore within the next week, there will probably be a reshuffle of our staff members. Nothing you wouldn't expect though. Fair heads up. Some final, unrelated points... There's been some degree of drama regarding Mysidia. Reborn will be hosting them for as long as necessary until they get their server situation figured out. They are easily our closest affiliate, so everyone is to welcome them and try to behave yourselves. <3 Additionally, there are a number of people close to our community who I think have spent far too much time in hospital beds lately. Being that we all wish them the best, I was thinking of organizing some form of a collective Get Well card for these people... I may have more on that later in the week. I'm quite sure that's not all, but I've forgotten the rest. If you have any questions about this card business, or anything else I suppose, please don't be afraid to ask me.
  9. [u]Day 3- 3:55 AM[/u] Kay, getting up is a lot easier than it was two nights ago, which either means the times I keep falling asleep on the bus... ....or in my psych exam... ...are adding up. Which is bad and that needs to stop. It also could just mean that I've gotten used to it quickly, but that's wishful thinking and meh. That is one thing I failed to mention earlier though- that waking up is usually a much easier process for people on this schedule. I'm also noticing it's better for my schedule if I shift both of my sleeping times back 15 minutes so I'm going to try and hope it doesn't gather momentum... Hm, what else? Still a few dizzy spells every now and then... Still can't remember any other dreams. But I'm otherwise okay. [u]Later.[/u] Failed. Set my alarm to PM instead of AM. Sigh. precautions have been taken that this may never happen again. [u]Day 4- 3:52[/u] I can get up at this earlier time almost effortlessly now, a major improvement from the first day, but the dizzy spells and such continue, and I generally tend to have less of a sense of purpose at these hours... Mror. Time to find out how badly I did on the psych exam I kept falling asleep during... I can't look... ...Okay, nevermind. The email saying grades were in lied, so, I have no idea. Wtf, email, way to mess with me. "grades are posted... PSYCH" is not okay just because it's a psych class. Sigh. Failure imminent. [u]11:08 AM[/u] ...Kay, well. I fell asleep on the bus again- well, as usual- only this time I didn't wake up when we reached my school. Thank god one of the other girls woke me up, but, mrrr. This is a problem. I would bring my DS or something to keep my awake on the bus, but SAYA STILL HAS MY CHARGER so no. Itthues. [u]Dream Log-[/u] The details are long gone because it was nearly an hour ago... I was hanging out with a friend... I can't remember who, and part of me doesn't want to, if it is who I think it is, but I also had my computer up, logged into the server, lurkin'. Suddenly, there was a huge spam attack on the server. about 5 different users start spam whoring like you wouldn't believe. I was a bit panicked trying to stop them, stumbled as I typed their names (none of them simple- they were deliberately composed to be difficult to type) and generally failed to mute any of them. Instead, I tried turning automod on heavy to snag them all at once- but it already was on. Somehow they were bypassing it. So, I was left to go for the kill. No sooner did I select to ban one of them than my computer crashed. FFFU- Well, I had some difficulty re-booting the computer so I logged on with my other one- the leader computer to kill, but when I got there, the spammers were gone. Fantastic. Problem solved, right? Wrong. No sooner had I established that though than the second computer was comandeered remotely. The spammers responsible for the attack had managed to hack my computers, both of them, using the flood as a decoy. Overriding my local commands with their scripts, I was effectively powerless as they proceeded to delete everything (and somehow cause the computers to self-destruct; new function?) Well, that was done, but they weren't satisfied. I am quite sure they moved on to torturing me personally via various electronic otherthings. The hackers' voice echoed in my house, as all of the lights instantly bursted, leaving us in darkness. The TV was next, no surprise, but then they apparently hacked both my friend and my dog...? And about the time that I was defeated, my alarm went off. >.> I don't usually lose in my dreams... [u]Day 5- 3:47 AM[/u] This is an update, but more of the same. Very tired. Somewhat dizzy. Somewhat purposeless. I don't feel like writing a whole lot right now... What to do...
  10. According to the logs posted in this topic, N8 failed to complete his battles, so there was no chance. =s
  11. Tournament closed; thanks to everyone who entered~ First place- Bullet [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/t/p/T121.png[/img] What can I say...? Surprise! Second place- Tie between Knight and Dragonz [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/t/p/T122.png[/img] Both of you will receive the prize- this being of course, if Knight wishes to re-register eventually... Just let me know which one you want. Aaaand as always, commemorative PIN for everyone who entered~ [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/t/p/T12P.png[/img] Expect a post about T13 within a day or two~
  12. Winter...... Like I said, it has to be more than one chunk. It's great to try but if you don't split up your sleeping times, you're not going to get anywhere. ._. [u]Day 2-3:30 AM[/u] Just woke up... No fwooshiness. I actually had a dizzy spell earlier, but, auu. Happens. Anyway, got up easier and better than I did yesterday. Which shouldn't be the case actually... Mrowr. Aaaaaand, no dream recall earlier. So pretty uneventful here, though the dizzy thing is a bit concerning... [u]Day 2- 11:08 AM[/u] So tired. School. To be fair I'm always this tired when getting up in the mornings. I'm just not a morning person at all... Actually, doing this, it's been easier for me to get up, because I have a reason to, that being not to break the schedule. Before, I would fall back asleep and get up again many and many times over. No more of that! ...theoretically... But still so tired... Zzz...
  13. Some people were curious about what went down, so here it is, rather than clogging the server: And yes, I'm in a good mood tonight~ [quote] (22:25) Dr.Doom: I love how you morons act as if I care. I mean it's not as if I haven't been banned from EVERY server on this game or anything. (22:26) Dr.Doom: It's OK, one day you'll graduate the third grade and be able to form your first individual coherent thought. (22:26) Amethyst: You're right, you haven't. Because I haven't banned you yet. (22:26) Amethyst: Want me to change that? <3 (22:26) Dr.Doom: Sure, (22:26) Amethyst: I'd be more than willing, of course! (22:26) Amethyst: Anything to make your day brighter~ (22:26) Dr.Doom: I mean I only come on here to show you your stupidity (22:26) Dr.Doom: If that makes you cry like a bitch (22:26) Dr.Doom: Then do the bitchy thing (22:27) Amethyst: After all, I can't imagine you're very happy here with all us dorks and morons. (22:27) Amethyst: So why do you stay? (22:27) Dr.Doom: I'm the master of puppets (22:27) Dr.Doom: And I'm pulling your strings (22:27) Dr.Doom: Now dance bitch (22:27) Amethyst: Are you having fun? (22:27) Dr.Doom: Always (22:27) Dr.Doom: Life is a party (22:27) Dr.Doom: And I'm the guy who brought the keg. (22:28) Dr.Doom: You're teh one who wasn't invited because she's a fat ugly dork (22:28) Dr.Doom: Poor you (22:28) Amethyst: I know, right? And how horrible that you have to suffer through talking to me. (22:28) Amethyst: So again, I ask, why? (22:28) Amethyst: I'm honestly very curious. (22:28) Amethyst: Don't you have anything better to do? (22:29) Dr.Doom: At 0029 on a Monday morning (22:29) Dr.Doom: What could I possibly have going on? (22:30) Dr.Doom: Well I have that social mixer in 15 minutes, but the caterer already set up so I'm just waiting for the guests to arrive (22:30) Amethyst: It's really sad, I think. (22:30) Dr.Doom: Seriously, do you idiots all read from the same play book or is their a collective mind for stupidity somewhere? (22:30) Dr.Doom: I mean I couldn't possibly be trying to educate you or anything. (22:30) Dr.Doom: That would be silly. (22:31) Amethyst: Because you choose to spend your free time pushing people away from you, and spreading negative energy... (22:31) Dr.Doom: Getting someone to change their ways so the mean kids at school will stop picking on them. (22:31) Dr.Doom: Gee, why would anyone do that? (22:31) Amethyst: It'll only make your own life more lonely in the end. (22:31) Amethyst: For that, I pity you. (22:31) Dr.Doom: Negative? (22:31) Amethyst: Would you like a hug? (22:31) Dr.Doom: What's negative about my energy? (22:31) Dr.Doom: I'm positively charged. (22:32) Amethyst: What's positive about addressing a group of strangers and repeatedly insulting them about their intelligence and social abilities? (22:32) Dr.Doom: I got rid of all my electrons. (22:32) Dr.Doom: Well, if I came up to a blind man and said he was blind, would that be stating a fact or making fun of him? (22:32) Dr.Doom: How is it any different when I call a stupid person stupid? (22:32) Dr.Doom: It's not, they just take offense to that because they didn't realize they were idiots. (22:33) Dr.Doom: I say we bring back the dunce caps. (22:33) Dr.Doom: That way, the idiots know they're idiots. (22:33) Amethyst: And what does that help? (22:34) Dr.Doom: Well, if I slap a thousand people and one of them ducks the second time around (22:34) Dr.Doom: It's all worth it (22:35) Dr.Doom: Also, it's fucking hilarious to see you people get so worked up over nothing. (22:35) Amethyst: Not at all. It would teach that person to be afraid, and not trust people. You would slowly be breaking the world apart. (22:35) Amethyst: I'm sorry, who is worked up? (22:35) Dr.Doom: Who muted whom for making fun of them and challenging their authority? (22:35) Dr.Doom: Oh right, I muted Al Gore (22:35) Dr.Doom: WAIT A MINUTE! That's not what happened. (22:36) Amethyst: I muted you for being disrespectful to the members of my community. (22:36) Amethyst: I could care less if you challenge my authority. (22:36) Dr.Doom: Uh-huh (22:36) Dr.Doom: And Al Gore doesn't think we're all going to die in 2012 (22:36) Dr.Doom: When are you going to stop deluding yourself girly? (22:36) Amethyst: This isn't about Al Gore, though, or me. (22:37) Amethyst: This is about the whole you're digging with your own rage. (22:37) Amethyst: I know you won't listen to me. (22:37) Amethyst: And I know even if you did, you'd die before you admitted it. (22:37) Dr.Doom: But rage gets stronger as it goes on (22:37) Amethyst: So I won't ask that. (22:37) Dr.Doom: See how I worked in a Pokemon reference (22:37) Dr.Doom: HA! (22:37) Amethyst: But I just want you to step back. Look at the choices you're making, and ask yourself, (22:37) Dr.Doom: Admitted what? (22:37) Amethyst: Is that really going to make you happy? (22:38) Dr.Doom: I was happy when I entered and I was happy when I leave (22:38) Amethyst: Don't answer me. (22:38) Amethyst: I don't care about your answer, honestly. (22:38) Dr.Doom: No choices made will affect that, nothing said will affect that (22:38) Amethyst: And after your behavior, I'm not particularly inclined to care about you. (22:38) Dr.Doom: If you didn't care, why ask? (22:38) Dr.Doom: That's such a stupid thing to say (22:38) Amethyst: But the humanistic part of me inclines me just to point out that you are only hurting yourself. (22:39) Dr.Doom: Dur, I don't care what you have to say but I'm going to continue to talk to you and ask you questions because I think I'm smart when in reality I spend 43 hours a week playing Pokemon (22:39) Dr.Doom: If I were hurting myself, why are you the one craddling your skinned pride? (22:39) Amethyst: I didn't say that I don't care about what you have to say. (22:39) Amethyst: I said I don't care about you. (22:39) Dr.Doom: While I'm doing the hustle (22:39) Amethyst: I also said that I'm VERY curious on what you have to say earlier. (22:39) Amethyst: It's not every day I get to meet someone like you. (22:40) Dr.Doom: Oh, so intelligence is a rare breed in your neck of the woods (22:40) Amethyst: Someone who's so insecure in their ownself that they have to fight so hard to put everyone else down... (22:40) Dr.Doom: Well maybe you should put the Pokemon games down once in a while. (22:40) Dr.Doom: Read a book or something. (22:40) Dr.Doom: Tut tut (22:40) Amethyst: But, you should know, (22:40) Dr.Doom: Typical projectionist reasoning (22:40) Dr.Doom: You assume the entire world reacts the same way you do (22:41) Amethyst: You are a beautiful, wonderful person who is fully able to accomplish anything you wish to in life. (22:41) Amethyst: All you have to do is wish, and you can be whoever you like. Forget your insecurities. Forget your past. (22:41) Amethyst: You can be a better person. (22:41) Dr.Doom: No I can't, flight is a physical impossibility. (22:42) Amethyst: Not at all. You just have to believe. <3 (22:42) Dr.Doom: Oh great, you're one of those "believe and achieve" types (22:42) Dr.Doom: Because that's worked so well the past 40 years (22:42) Amethyst: Sorry, are you just now figuring this out? (22:42) Dr.Doom: No, I always knew you were an idiot (22:42) Dr.Doom: I just wasn't aware how deep your idiocy was rooted (22:43) Dr.Doom: I now see that you are bred from idiots. (22:43) Dr.Doom: And no amount of reasoning could possibly open your eyes to the light. (22:43) Amethyst: You can tell my parental lineage from how I speak? Wow, so insightful. Shouldn't you be doing something else with such wisdom? (22:43) Dr.Doom: Well, have fun living in your deluded little fantasy world (22:43) Amethyst: I do. <3 (22:44) Amethyst: Much more fun, so I gather, than you know how to have. (22:44) Amethyst: Please have a good night, feel better~ (22:44) Dr.Doom: Oh by the way, my personality is "narcissistic." Not what you were projecting onto me from your own feelings of insecurity (22:44) Dr.Doom: Mkay? (22:44) Dr.Doom: One day you might wake up from your dream (22:45) Dr.Doom: Of course, I've been awake the entire time dancing the night away (22:45) Amethyst: Why bother defending yourself to an idiot? (22:45) Amethyst: And why should I wake? (22:45) Amethyst: In my dreams, I can fly. (22:45) Dr.Doom: What part of "educate" do you not understand? (22:45) Dr.Doom: The strong protect the weak, the intelligent teach the dimwitted (22:45) Dr.Doom: It's the order of things (22:46) Dr.Doom: Because they aren't real. (22:46) Dr.Doom: Reality may be harsh, but you'll have to face it sooner or later (22:46) Dr.Doom: And you aren't anywhere near prepared [/quote] Several minutes later he came back and I was forced to ban him for being disrespectful to some other members.
  14. Yay, sleep deprivation buddies! Although, based on your times, it looks like that's still monophasic, in which case that's... normal? o.o Also, the note about the weekend, like I said this schedule has to be kept every day, otherwise the body won't adjust.... That means not having irregular weekend patterns. Which I'm meh about myself, but my monophasic bed time for the past few months has been slipping later and later and it's just meh. [u]Day 1, second waking[/u] Failed already. I slept a bit extra... Like I said, this whole GETTING up thing is a problem for me. It's okay. I will just have to do better tomorrow. >.>; So there's no world-fwooshiness this morning, but... cognitive report: My hand-eye coordination, memory, learned skills, etc all seem to remain undaunted. I do notice, however, that my thoughts and... sense of purpose, if you will, are much less organized. On most days, I wake up with a clear sense of what I need to do and exactly how to do it, and for what, etc. Today... I can't think of what to do. To be fair, this may not be an artifact of sleep deprivation. Cannot remember a dream from the last nap.
  15. [u]Day 1- 5:02 AM[/u] So, I started writing that huge wall of TL;DR up there right after I got up at 3:30 (I did it! I didn't think I'd be able to get up without someone yelling at me, but I did! (Nevermind the fact that the world was all sajdhbjerhfbiubefdfhbwbr3wiuefdflooooosh)). It's now five. So I'm a bit slow on the uptake. What do I need to say? Actually, the floosh part was my main descriptive adjective. That may be telling in itself. Even so! I should note I didn't exactly sleep well last night (3 hours, monophasic, yikes). So I'm already [i]fucking exhausted[/i]. I so just want to lay down and cuddle my cute little kitten and fall back asleep but NO. FIGHT THE URGE. WE GOT THIS, BROs. We got this. [u]Dream Log-[/u] I preface this saying that I usually don't remember my dreams [i]at all[/i] so if I remember anything, it's a vast improvement. Also, I'll use shortened versions of names to protect the innocent... Also also note this was half an hour ago now: I was in some sort of... cobblestone pier. But it was a hotel on that pier, or some sort of lodging that I was temporarily staying at. Very nice place outside. Outside of it is all I remember. It's crowded, people everywhere, even though it's day, the atmosphere is that of a busy city street at night- not like traffic-busy street, I mean, outside nightclubs and parties-busy. Energetic atmosphere. Very much. I come out, wander around a bit. There's this girl I know from anime conventions, Bri, she and I are friends- and she's pretty cute. Significantly younger than me, so it's not like there would be anything between us, but one can't say she's not cute. She's prancing off with her own friends though, in bright pink make up, some fancy dress, fishnets, and a veil. Vintage fashion, but it looks great. Apparently she's my roommate at this hotel in the dream though, and rather fond of me. She blows me a kiss (friendly, not flirty, if that makes any sense. :s) as she heads off. I wander around the walkway a bit- it's pleasant despite the healthy bustle, and water drifts gently about on all sides... The walkway is a bridge; I'm not quite sure how to explain it, especially being foggy on details myself. But I take stock of the surroundings, and note that there are three potential places to eat (I was apparently hungry?) Moreover, I knew people working at each of them. My current girlfriend, Z (whom I also met at an anime con...), was at work at one of them, so saving the best for last, I went off to try another one first. I arrive at this place... It seemed somewhat like Taco Bell, if Taco Bell wasn't called that, and was condensed into only a single counter at the side of this walk way. There was a long single-file line for service though, and only one clerk in attendance. For some reason, I knew that clerk to be my very first girlfriend, Mer (also also whom I first met at an anime con........). She and I... lost contact, to say the least. So I was curious to see her, and catch up with her. Oddly, I could not recall her face in the dream though, so when a rather poorly looking girl passed by me, I nearly mistook her for Mer, based on hair style alone (and had it been her, she would not have aged well. >.>) but I realized and refrained. For whatever reason, in the end, I was not able to talk to Mer, and moved on to the second store. ...Which was Subway. Also with a long single file line, and only one staff taking orders. This clerk I believed to be my friend, Oli-L (whom I have most recently seen at an anime convention...). I waited in line to grab a sandwhich and have a word with her... Note, this Subway was somewhat outdoors... Think of like, at the airport. The shops all have their own distinct rooms, but often times without walls, that just blend into the main terminals? It was much like that, but in this pier area rather than an airport... Anyway, my turn came, but apparently my friend's shift had ended... My order was taken by a ratty looking boy with black hair and a hoodie to match- and he was positively the least enthusiastic employee you could have possibly found. He was not in foul attitude, rather, just lacking emotion in itself, and seemed rather displeased with the whole affair of his business. So slow was he to take my order, in fact, that my alarm full went off before he allowed me to finish. Oddness. inb4noonereadsanyofthis. and that's fine, I guess.
  16. A long time ago, as anyone who's known me for that long can attest to, I was pretty heavy into the research of exactly how sleep works, and how it can be restructured to suit the needs of a person's body and life. I should back up further. A longer time ago, there was this thing called preschool, in which kids like me were forced to take things called naps. Well I said fuck that and dropped out of preschool because I didn't wanna take naps. It was boring and stupid and boring and a waste of time and boring. Moral of the story is I hate sleep. I really, really, really hate sleep. With a passion. Every time I wake up, I feel depressed and miserable and like I've basically just wasted my life. This has been the case for as long as I can remember. The likely explanation is that I have a chemical imbalance, and thus naturally need less sleep than the average person. I'm okay with that. Back to our original point. Four years ago, 'bout the time that I met Saya, little bit after, I started do a bunch of research into these things, Oneirology, the study of sleep and dreams. Polyphasic sleeping- sleeping in more than one chunk, the everyman schedule... Anybody in my high school class could probably tell you I had eccentric sleeping habits, and I did briefly attempt to switch into these alternative sleeping schedules, which I'll explain in a bit. Some of them may have even believed I was successful. I was not, nor did I try very hard, because I realized that such pieces didn't exactly fit around my high school timing- at least, not the one that I was so ambitious to jump into at first. And so, whatever. Note to self: Run on sentences prevalent. Work on that. [i]Anyway[/i] due to various conditions and failures on my part recently (coupled with the fact that I promised myself I'd wait until college before trying again, and then I would go for it like all hell) I am restarting this endeavor. And so, I'm going to keep track of my progress here for a couple reasons. -Firstly, because I am Mr. Tl;dr. -Secondly, because I have shit to say and my diary file is already clogged enough without me flushing a whole new category of random crap into it. -Thirdly, most importantly, because [i]I really need your guys help with this[/i] In a few ways. Firstly, foremost, I have heard [i]rumours[/i] about people being altered by doing this. Of course, this was from people who were doing a more intense version of what I'm going to try, and there's a good chance they were doin it rong. Still, as a safety precaution, you guys need to spot me. If I experience a dramatic shift in personality, functionality, etc, for the worse after a few weeks, make me stop. I may not be aware of it. And yet, I don't see why that would happen. I also need y'alls help if anyone can spare it... To like, give me wake up calls at 0 in the morning? I'm lucky to not be [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSo5SYRMjv0&feature=related"]Nayuki,[/url] as to whom there was an allusion made earlier- in that a single alarm will always wake me up with out fail. My problem lies not in [i]waking[/i] up, but [i]getting[/i] up. I fall back asleep like, boom. Sooooo if there's any kind, generous, nocturnal person who wants to like, call me at a certain time every night and make sure I actually get MOVING I would greatly greatly appreciate it. Finally, I'm kinda just using this to socially pressure myself into maintaining the schedule. That part's all me through you though, so don't worry about it. So. Yeah. Why am I doing this? Because I have a lot to do, a lot I want to do, and not a lot of time to do it. Time. Time is my moral enemy, which is funny, because it's not mortal. Still. This is my private counter strike against its flow. I'll take back the time the human body naturally wants to spend sleeping, and put it to better use. I'm sure there are some of you reading this who think I'm insane, and you're right, because you value your sleep and don't know what to do with your bored self half the time you're awake anyway. Well. To these people I say, sweet dreams. But that's not how I work. Kinda the opposite. So, what exactly am I doing? There are a couple options within this realm of shifting schedules, and by a couple, I mean a lot. But the core, general concept is [b]polyphasic sleeping[/b]. Polyphasic is not a word I expect anyone to know, if only because it's not in any dictionary I've seen. But if we take it apart, Poly, being the common prefix for Multi, and Phasic, refering to Phases, it should be understandable. Multi-phase sleeping, or sleeping in more than one chunk. In contrast, most humans naturally take on a monophasic schedule, meaning having only one phase. We sleep all at once. In between, is biphasic, two chunks of sleep, triphasic, so on and so on. The natural human circadian rhythm (meaning the times in 24 hour period where your body is at its most tired) is actually [i]biphasic[/i] though, not monophasic. Which means most humans are sleeping unnaturally to their body's rhythm already. The standard circadian rhythm would have us sleep a large portion through the night, and then a nap for a couple hours around 5-6 in the evening. Of course, this can and will vary greatly from person to person, but the point remains that sleeping in more than one chunk is certainly not unheard of. However, in its usual sense, the term polyphasic sleeping pushes the limits of this. "Now wait," you're saying, "back up. Why would anyone [i]want[/i] to break up the time they sleep? It's difficult to schedule, you might miss out on dreams, or have trouble falling asleep/getting up." You might even have insomnia or some other sleeping disorder. Well, funny thing about sleeping in phases. [i][b]The more chunks, or phases you sleep in, the less time you need to sleep per day, total[/b][/i]. This may seem odd, possibly counter-intuitive, but allow me to explain. As we sleep, the body shifts through different stages of a snoozing process. There are four stages of sleep, and then an REM stage, all which we cycle through multiple times in a normal 8 hour sleeping period. If you don't already know, REM is the stage responsible for dream sleep- it stands for Rapid Eye Movement, in accordance with just that, made as a result of the dreams we have. Oddly enough though, these phases are not all equal. REM sleep is the only phase that's actually necessary for human survival. Stages 3 and 4 actually do produce some vital hormones for our health, but we don't need to remain in those stages as long as we end up doing by default. As for Stages 1 and 2...? Useless. They're the fat of sleep. Funny thing about how these play together though, about 80% of our sleeping time [i]is[/i] spend in these useless 1 and 2 Stages. The human body only needs about 1.5-2 hours of REM Sleep each night- most often coming in 20 minute chunks through our sleep-cycle. But. The human body is a marvelous thing. We can adapt to changes in our environment- even if they are self-induced. Suppose that for a very long time, the body was unable to get to sleep for more than half an hour at a time. Normally, we would not even reach a state of REM sleep within that time. However, if these conditions persist, the body adjusts, and compresses the sleep cycle- particularly our useless stages, to fit all the REM sleep we need in. I'll connect the dots for you. We cut out the useless sleeping time from the first four stages (there is one... odd side effect from losing phases 3 and 4, that being that people tend to develop weird cravings for grapes? I dunno, but otherwise it's fine) and keep the REM time in tact. 1.5-2 hours of REM sleep necessary per night. Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaning, using this method, we can reduce our sleeping time to only needing 2 hours of sleep per day. The drawback is scheduling. I mentioned before. The less you sleep, the more phases you need to sleep in. There's sort of a mathematical art to this. It makes sense: We stay in REM for about 20 minutes at a time. Therefore, that's the shortest amount of time you can sleep. We need 2 hours, or six 20 minute-blocks. Therefore, if we sleep for 20 minutes, six times a day (that's exactly four hours apart), we can optimize our awake time. This specific schedule of sleep is called the Uberman Schedule. If you are familiar with that term, you can probably guess why, considering the great positive effect it can have, but also the immense will-power it takes to maintain it. Returning to the math, however, if you refigure the times for each number of phases from 1 to 6 (max) you can chart the progression: 1 Phase- 8 hours- 8 hours total. 2 Phases- 2.5 hours- 5 hours total 3 Phases 1.25 hours- 3.75 hours 8 hours between nap start times 4 Phases- 45 minutes- 3 hours total- 6 hours between nap start times 5 Phases- 30 minutes- 2.5 hours total- About 5 hours (4:48) between nap start times 6 Phases- 20 minutes- 2 hours total - 4 hours between nap start times These are mathematical approximations, by the way, not solid statistic. Also realize that the exact numbers will vary person to person anyway- not like there's any scientific way to meassure them. Anyway! You get the pattern. There is also a hybrid multiphasic schedule, known as the Everyman Schedule. This involves sleeping one core period of 2-4 hours and then taking 2-4 smaller naps throughout the day. It is generally more schedule friendly, as with such a program, you have a lot more variability and control over when you sleep. With variants on the Uberman schedule, keeping the spacing equal between each nap is very important, but with everyman, you are free to space them as you need/works best for you. The important thing in any case, The important thing, and only way this is going to work, [b][i]Is that you keep the same schedule from day to day, as close as possible, and stay to it as if your life depends on it[/i][/b] (i hope my readers realize when I say "you" by now I'm actually referring to myself) Otherwise you're just wasting your time, energy and willpower. Will-power. Most people do not even come close to having the motivation or strength to carry out a schedule like this. Which is why it isn't more popular. There also isn't a lot of official research on the subject- One Scientist tried it under official personal experiment, but he himself lacked the will power to maintain an uberman schedule, although he did eventually settle into a biphasic one, finding that optimal for his self. As a final note, this shift in sleeping style is also known to rid people of their insomnia/narcolepsy/sleep talking/walking/night terrors. And while you might think it would subvert dream content, it actually tends to do the opposite. Anyway, I am well aware that this post is all over the place in terms of organization... My apologies for that. I should be totally over that by about day 10 or so. Expect it to be its worst at day 3 (isn't it [i]always[/i] worst at day 3, when it comes to making/breaking habits?) For people shifting to the uberman schedule, hallucinations are experienced from sleep deprivation from days 3-10 as it is in this time that the body is adjusting to the sudden shift in sleep conditions. During this time, please bear with me while I become dumber than dirt- and if I don't get better by day 21, that's when you need to make me stop this business. But, this shouldn't be necessary. Why? Because I am not starting with the uberman schedule, or going for that at all this time. I am sticking to a standard biphasic schedule, although a rather minimalistic one. We will see how it goes! My sleeping times are planned to be from 1:30-3:30 7:30-9:30 Both AM, MST (GMT -7) And Imma use this topic to keep track of my incoherent thoughts and dreams and yay! Making a new post though, since I've rambled here enough.
  17. Bravo! Raichu (M/F) @ Life Orb Trait: Lightning Rod EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe Timid Nature - Encore - Thunderbolt - Hidden Power Ice - Focus Blast/Agility This set uses Encore to its fully ability. Switch into an electric attack, using Lightning Rod to absorb it and gain a special attack boost. One downfall of this set is that Raichu is not stupendously fast, but it is not bad either. Speed should be maxed to accommodate, allowing you snag an Encore before your opponent can switch to a different attack. Boom. +2 Boost. Your opponent will almost surely switch. At this point you can use Agility to fix Raichu's mediocre speed (base 100 is no longer so great) or proceed to sweep with your boosted power
  18. I can't tell you; it already got me.

  19. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1301486160' post='12140'] Ame, why don't you just Encore it when its Shell Smashing and kill it when it has -SpDef ._. [/quote] Like I said, Ice Shard. Encore would go before Shell Smash, and after Ice Shard, so I can't. [quote name='Bullet' timestamp='1301488037' post='12142'] Sigilyph, it's too fucking frail until it gets to +3 or so. SE moves will roll over it until then. [/quote] That's what I thought previously. Of course, my only SE moves to it are on Sharpedo, which failed to KO it when it had +1. [quote] Gengar, I jsut can't see how 130 SpAttack is too low. I just can't ._. [/quote] Maybe it's just me, but it never seems to do anything useful- not when I'm using it; not when its used against me.
  20. My mother is on my bed, drinking a beer, calling our cat a dominatrix and inquiring about said cat's whips and chains. ....

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      Only in America.

    3. Godot
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      Or something like that.

  21. Since my team has changed considerably since my last list... [u]Overrated[/u] [b]Garchomp[/b]- Why? I just don't get it. I didn't get why it was banned to ubers in gen 4, and even now I don't get why people think it's so great. Okay. Strong. It's not bad, sure. But 4x Ice weakness, its only borderline-mediocre speed, and lack of dragon dance do not make this a fantastic pokemon in my eyes. In terms of my team, I never have any trouble OHKOing it because of Kingdra- Kingdra aside, it's even otherwise easy to stall. So. I dunno. Keep using it, sure! Makes it easier for me. [b]Gengar[/b]- Okay. Gengar's cool and all. As much of a bro as it always has been. But that's the problem. Its special attack is too low to OHKO much of anything, and it's too frail to take a hit in return. Good speed as always, alright, and some variety to its moves, but this is another one that sees a lot of popularity, and I no longer see that it's for any good reason. [b]Blaziken[/b]- Due to the discussion earlier. Blaziken was one of the last things that would have come to mind considering over-powered, and what does Smogon do? LOLBAN. I wasn't even aware in the [i]slightest[/i] that it was remotely an issue to the metagame, and you know what, I'm still not aware of that. A thought: If Smogon had not banned the drizzle/swift swim combo, would Blaziken be banned now? Probably not... [b]Conkledurr[/b]- I get countering Excadrill. I really do. I get it having strong priority, bulk, and good attacking power. Does this earn it a spot on so many teams? No. I think not. This guy's stats make him look like a threat, and yet- never have any trouble with him. Vaporeon, which, mind, is relatively physically frail before an Acid Armor can shrug off this things attacks even if unboosted. What, you're bulking up? Well isn't that cute (lol, Conkledurr cute), here, have a special attack on your mediocre SpD. Bai bai now~ [u]Underrated[/u] [b]Machamp[/b]- In contrast to the above. Conkledurr came along, the bigger better replacement for Machamp, effectively, and everyone kinda seemed forget about this guy. Even with Golurk getting No Guard/Dynamic Punch, Machamp still has his own power, and is no less threatening now than he ever was before. Just, over shadowed, strangely. I'm not even saying he's better- just, kinda... gone. [b]Golurk[/b]- In conjunction with the above. After a Rock Polish, DynamicNoGuard is kinda a jerk to have to deal with, especially given that this thing is immune to two come types of priority. [b]Sigilyph[/b]- Ran into one earlier tonight, who's set I'm definitely going to post later, because I found it to be very effective- but it was a biiiiiiiiiiiitch to take down. Maybe it's just me and my stallish team- or its centralization on Topaz, but not being able to Leech Seed that thing, AND it tanking my special hits with Cosmic Power AND it Psychoshifting burn to my physical sweepers, I was hard-pressed to find a way to KO this. But over all, very impresseed by it, and its usage. [u]Hated[/u]- inb4peopleinb4ingNattoreiintheirheads. [b]Nattorei[/b]- Get. The hell. Out. Of. My. Life. Thanks~ Okay. Let's review. You have two weaknesses, fire and fighting. I run a rain team, so obviously I'm not going to be using any Fire. I have fighting on my espeon, but uh, 30% damage only? Yikes. OH. And you have a decent attack stat to abuse your shit speed with Gyro Ball, taking out my non-water Pokemon, and Power Whip taking out the water ones. Hm.. It's not like I can stall you with Turquoise or anything because of bloody Leech Seed, nor can I stall with Topaz because you're part grass. I can 20% damage you one hurricane at a time, and hope you don't kill me, and try and finish you off with another 30% Earthquake, but FOR CHRISTS SAKE STOP BEING SO BULKY. Fact: I started carrying Focus Blast on Politoed just for this thing. Incidentally, as soon as I start doing that, they all seem to disappear... NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING. I am more than happy to have this thing out of my life. <3 Just. Ugh. Make me cry why don't you... [b]Tyranitar[/b]- I used to use a Tyranitar. He used to be my friend. He is no longer my friend. I hate sand. I don't even hate sand because it's effective, or takes away my rain. I hate sand because it's ugly and stingy and dirty, and when I'm fighting in it, even in a simulator I legimately [i]just feel bad[/i]. No joke. I honestly don't know why. Now when you take something like Tyranitar who has all the right bulk to be able to survive anything short of a Hi Jump Kick (maybe that's why they banned Blaziken; they were getting in the way of their precious sand streamers >.>) it makes me a sad panda. Hippo I can deal with. Then again, you never see Hippo much anymore, AGAIN, NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING. But Tyranitar just kills my soul. [b]Cloyster[/b]- SOMEHOW I always manage to avoid being swept by this thing, but I honestly don't know how. It's a set up. And without Topaz, my team is incredibly weak to set up. Guess what Topaz uses? Substitute. Guess what Cloyster doesn't care about? Substitute. Guess what Topaz relies on? Priority. Guess what Cloyster can also use? Priority. There's just no winning against this thing, especially since it has an incredulous defense in the first place, and resists most of my other special attacks. I don't hate it nearly as much as the above to, but it still makes me grrr.
  22. Moved for Winter.[quote]Pokemon: Durant 255 Atk/255 Speed. Moves: Hone Claws Iron Head Stone Edge Bug Bite Item: Focus Sash. Ability: Hustle Gender: Male Nature: Adamant This is apart of my league team. Uhm. I put Focus Sash on it because if someone were to have a Fire Type, I wouldn't have time to set Durant up and I wouldn't be able to get full use out of it and all. So once it's set up with Hone Claws, it's a lethal weapon (pun, get it?). Since Swarm only boosts Bug type moves in a pinch it wouldn't be the best idea to use that, whist Hustle, even though lowering accuracy as described in its description raises attack and is better once you have Hone Claws. It's also an ok sweeper and manages to tick people off sometimes... That's it I suppose. Oh and also Bug Bite gets you out of sticky situations too with Water/Ground type Pokemon when Iron Head wouldn't do much damage and Stone Edge still has chances of missing. Bug Bite's able to knock them out. [/quote]
  23. Previously, [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1032"]Miss Lucy[/url] and [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1049"]Silence[/url]. ...As a disclaimer, just because I borrowed the name and somewhat based the character off of her (>> <<) does not mean that this Tania has any real relevance to our gym leader. [quote]INT. CAFETERIA. DAY. An asylum's crowded cafeteria, painted in sterile off-white. Uniformed patients receive their meals and take seats. LILY, 15 with jet black hair, sheepishly receives her plate of gray slop. She finds and approaches a seat next to two people. We also see TANIA, 17 with platinum blonde hair, holding her own tray of food as she stares at Lily. Tania grins, and follows her. Lily sits next to RENEE, 19 with messy brown hair, who is huddled over her food,but not eating it. Across from Renee is BRUCE, 20, a very, very large man, morosely eating his share . DR.STRIPE, a lanky, greasy fellow in a white lab coat calls patients to the Drug Service desk to recieve medication throughout the scene. Tania takes the seat across from Lily, next to Bruce. She sets her food down, but doesn't look at it, instead staring at Lily, who flinches, embarrassed, when she realizes she's being watched. TANIA Boo. LILY Sorry, I- I didn't see you there... TANIA Obviously. I'd ask your name, but I don't really care. Call me Tania, by the way. Tania yawns, and stretches, slouching over the table. She notices Renee, quietly muttering to herself as she quivers. RENEE ...Seventeen... Lentil soul, grey lentils, but never quite cooked... Eighteen... No eggs used... Pot of slop... Might be mice. Cheep. Cheep cheep cheep. TANIA Oh. Hey. Thanks. Tania reaches across the table and takes Renee's tray from her, scooting it back towards herself. RENEE ...Vanished, vanished and gone... Like love like life like yesterdays newspaper, section 17A Senator to approve new... LILY Hey, you haven't even eaten yours yet... Give hers back. TANIA You want it? Take it, girly. Tania picks up the plate of slop, and flings it at Lily's face. She is quick to react, and scoots aside letting the slop fall to the floor behind her. Lily follows it with her eyes, and after a second turns back to Tania, who has already flung her own serving of food at Lily. Caught of guard, it strikes her in the face, but bounces off and falls onto the ground. Tania giggles. Lily is aghast. LILY You... Y-you- TANIA Have good aim? Thanks, babe. LILY And now you have nothing to eat! So serves you right. Tania reaches across the table again, snags Lily's tray from her, and slides it back. TANIA You sure, honey? But I wouldn't touch this stuff anyway. I eat new girls like you for breakfast. DR.STRIPE Lawson. Bruce shuffles out of his seat, and moves to the Drug Service desk. RENEE Stripe's a- Stripe's a- Stripe's a- Stripe's a- TANIA Wonderful doctor, right? Stow it, queen crack-head. Bruce returns to his seat and continues eating. TANIA Besides, Dr.Stripe is the boss here; try not to cross him. Consider that your protip, new girl. RENEE Twenty three, there was- LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU SHNOCKWITS- twenty four... Twenty... Twenty nine... TANIA Whatever twirls your tutu, hon. LILY I shouldn't be here... I'm not crazy, honestly... TANIA Duh, chicky. This is a mental asylum; no one here is crazy. Why'd they really put you in? DR.STRIPE McCormack. Renee jumps, and proceeds to the Drug Service window. LILY Well... My psychiatrist... Referred me to Dr.Stripe- He... advanced on me, and- when I told on him, he said I was delusional... Tania giggles. Renee sits down, still quivering. RENEE ...Thirty five... Thirty six... Thirty... nine... Forty... Forty... seven. Forty... eight... Nine... Ten... Eleven... Renee falls over onto the table, unconscious. TANIA Newsflash, new girl. That's what he DOES. That's what all the doctors do. This place isn't an asylum, it's a whorehouse. On hearing this, Bruce coughs. TANIA Oooh, the boys are no exception. They just get to take it up the- Bruce pounds his fist onto the table, making a incredible bang, shaking most of the room. Everyone falls silent, except Renee who is jolted awake. She begins to run about, screaming. RENEE One hundred! Ninety nine- ninety... Mommy? Eighty something, where's my stash you fuckbag?! Seventy thr- I want my fix! Sixt- Fift- Fort- Motherfucking blast off! Thirty three, twenty two, twenty one and a half... Give me the fucking money! Seventeen, twelve, nine, eight, Dr. Stripe~ seven, six, Stripey, I've been a bad girl, five, four, three, why dont you go FUCK YOURSELF, two, JUST LIKE YOU FUCK, one, EVERY FUCKING PERSON IN- Dr.Stripe appears behind Renee, holding her, dispensing a syringe's contents into her neck. She falls limp, and two orderlies appear to drag her away. DR.STRIPE Such inexcusable behavior, children... I hope you will do better. Please, resume your meals. Dr.Stripe returns behind the counter. DR.STRIPE Schlusser. TANIA That's me. Ta-ta for now, girly. Tania happily hops up and skips to the desk. After an awkward silence, Tania returns. She winks at Lily, and spits out three pills from her mouth. TANIA Tongued, baby. Oldest trick in the book. DR.STRIPE Silverman. Lily begins to stand. Tania winks at her again. She timidly makes her way to the desk. DR.STRIPE Lily Silverman... Pretty name. Pretty girl. Here you go. Dr.Stripe hands Lily a small cup with several pills. Lily takes it and begins to walk away. DR.STRIPE No, no. Please, do it here. Lily pauses, turning back to Stripe. She stares at the cup, and quickly tosses it into her mouth, with a grimace. She pretends to swallow, obviously trying to hide the drugs in her mouth. DR.STRIPE Mouth open, tongue up. Lily is forced to comply. Three of the pills rest under her tongue. DR.STRIPE ...That's unfortunate. Naughty girl, Lily... Very naughty. Moments later, we see Lily returning to her seat, looking defeated. BRUCE Welcome to asylum, "Place of Healing." But patients are sane ones. Little backwards, yes? Only person who is "sick" is Stripe. LILY ...It's not right... TANIA Don't like it? Build a little bridge, and GET OVER IT. You're stuck here, hon. We all are. BRUCE She not tell you that she like to take it from Stripe. Tania jumps up and slaps Bruce. TANIA DO NOT talk about me like that, or God help me I'll make your life more of a living hell than Stripe ever could! And you- Suddenly, Bruce picks up his tray and bashes Tania in the face with it. She is knocked onto the floor. He stands, towering over her. TANIA Y-you... You'll be locked in Solitary Confinement for weeks, I'll- BRUCE You cry to Stripe, who console you in all wrong ways. You get fill, and you forget all this. That is why you stay here. Because you know no person on outside would ever TOUCH you or your vile, acidic being. And when you done, you will hop about, giggle like school-slut, because you are ONLY one that belong here! Bruce raises his fist, nearly the size of Tania's head, ready to beat her into the ground. Suddenly, Lily stands and places herself between Bruce and Tania. LILY Stop it! Stop hurting every- Bruce strikes. Lily intercepts the blow. She is knocked over Tania. Stripe appears behind Bruce, beginning to inject him as well. Bruce is phased but still conscious. Panicked, Stripe prepares a second shot as Bruce lumbers around, lifting him off the ground and choking him. Stripe drops several syringes, but Tania catches them, climbing to her feet. She stabs Bruce in the back with one of them. Lily also manages to her feet, shaking, blood trickling down her face. LILY STOP IT! Tania stabs a third syringe into Bruce's back. He begins to weaken. She moves to inject a fourth, but Lily grabs her, trying to restrain her. Tania gets the upperhand, and pins Lily to the ground. Behind her, Bruce finally collapses, as Dr.Stripe struggles to regain his breath. Tania wrestles Lily into a submissive position.Lily screams, as Tania breathes heavily, grinning. Tania Anyone... You'll do... Suffer, please. Tania begins to inject the last syrninge into Lily's neck. Dr.Stripe appears over Tania. LILY ...Why...? DR.STRIPE Well done, my pet. TANIA Why? Because, Schadenfreude's my middle name, girly. Welcome to the asylum. Tania leans over, kissing Lily on the forehead. Lily's eyes begin to close... FADE TO BLACK [/quote]
  24. I haven't felt very stormish for a while. Simply Amethyst is... a much more elegant and suiting name now, methinks...

  25. She was some ubernoob who came on randomly, and was like, who wants to battle? Of course, James took her up on that, but we were able to tell her about James' plot, and she forfeit, so James was only able to snag Zekrom (also: "Zekrom used Cut!" ._.) ...And so she asked again, who wants to battle? And she started a battle with James AGAIN. And all she did the whole time was just switching. So James swept ubers with a Butterfree. ._.
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