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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Haha. Yeah, Bullet. I'm vegetarian, so I end up eating a lot of soy/tofu products.
  2. Registration update: Ikaru Scarlet Layton Inuki Dragonz Tink Bullet Geo Allan Dominus N8 Kingo Saya Dazza Ice If you're seeing this and bummed your name isn't on it, it's not too late to do something about it. Just do it quick. Like, within the next day quick.
  3. [b]1. The age you will be on your next birthday:[/b] [url="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/298/5/e/15_minutes____by_ler_ac-d2lpke4.jpg"]15. There is log behind this, sh.[/url] [b]2. A place you'd like to travel:[/b] [url="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2008/176/0/0/Yakushima_Mountains_by_texantransplanted.jpg"]Yakushima[/url] [b]3. Your favorite place:[/b] [url="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/091/9/b/Whenever__Wherever_by_hack7oriole.jpg"]Wherever she is.[/url] [b]4. Your favorite object:[/b] [url="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs20/f/2007/291/3/c/__February_Amethyst_by_Moonrain_Soliloquy.png"]Amethyst[/url] [b]5. Favorite food:[/b] [url="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs32/i/2008/211/8/b/Yummy_Raspberries_by_HannahHavoc.jpg"]Raspberries[/url] [b]6. Your favorite animal:[/b] [url="http://khalypso.deviantart.com/art/Create-a-Wolf-v2-144937481"]Wolfie~[/url] [b]7. Your favorite color:[/b] [url="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs29/i/2008/047/9/0/purple_by_Amaryllis000.jpg"]Purple[/url] [b]8. The town/state/etc in which you live:[/b] [url="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/197/4/f/4f09db307d30719631664838022cae85.jpg"]Denver[/url] [b]9. Name of past pet:[/b] [url="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs16/f/2007/163/c/0/Valentina_Deco_by_blue_fusion.jpg"]Valentina[/url] [b]10. A dream come true:[/b] No results found for: Zshael [b]11. Your nickname/screenname:[/b] [url="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/036/7/8/_infinitas_pg__1_by_supahfish-d38wb67.jpg"]AmethystStorm (this was the only result; Will would be proud?)[/url] [b]12. Middle name:[/b] [url="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/144/a/e/Mr__Kinsey_by_whitetiger13.jpg"]Kinsey[/url] [b]13. Favorite Smell:[/b] [url="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/276/e/e/lavender_wood__at__by_daesiy-d3016qc.png"]Lavender[/url] [b]14. Bad habit of yours:[/b] [url="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/062/a/1/Scientific_Mind_by_Faeliscity.jpg"]Distractedness[/url] [b]15. Your first job:[/b] [url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=Being+a+scary+kitty#/d2f2xwy"]Being a kitty.[/url] [b]16. Favorite Movie:[/b] [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/013/3/7/Sunset_by_HeiligerShadowfax.png"]The Ballad of Jack and Rose[/url] [b]17. What are you doing right now?[/b] No results found for: This [b]18. Whats The Weather Like?[/b] [url="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/178/9/4/If_your_kisses_cant_hold___by_goth_kittie_13.jpg"]Can't tell.[/url] [b]19. Favorite Sport:[/b] [url="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs33/f/2008/294/e/9/Kuroshituji___Fencing_tiem_by_Miyukiko.jpg"]Fencing[/url] [b]20. Favorite Music/Style/Band:[/b] [url="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2009/248/d/5/Kanon_Wakeshima_by_Fairie_Haira.jpg"]Kanon Wakeshima[/url]
  4. He's alive! <3 I was wondering where you'd gotten off to. Glad to see you're still alive. But yeah, you've basically got the important part. A couple people are jamming their way into the X-League, we're working on a new league system, and there's a ballerific mainsite waiting for content now, among other things... Plus the Pokedex Project, which you should totally post some sets for.
  5. The one weekend something official and Pokemon related comes to Denver, I'm out of town. AMETHYST SMASH.
  6. I would have made this announcement sooner, but I was awaiting a confirmation on certain parts of it, which was since confirmed, and then unconfirmed, and then fell out of existence entirely, so nevermind. That said, [b]the league will only be running Monday and Tuesday of this week[/b] because I am being forced to leave the state later this week, and therefore will not be around to... do anything. Because I'm pressed for time for other developments, I was planning to drop this entire week, however due to the tardiness of this announcement, namely because I don't feel it's fair to spring absence on you the day of- I'm allowing these first two days. In some form of apology,[b] TXI is scheduled for Thursday night mid-way through the league hour[/b], so that you may all be still somewhat entertained. We have a lot of newcomers since our last themed tournament, so I'm encouraging everyone who will be around to enter. Consider this absence an investment. Within the coming weeks, [b]a new league system should be instated that will greatly alleviate (though not eliminate) waiting times.[/b] Please bear with us until then.
  7. Amethyst


    Banned for using that damn Penguin... Banned for ninja'ing me.
  8. Aladdin! So this was actually the first one I meant to do, but the universe was sending me strong Cinderella vibes last week. In any case, here we go. With its own little theme song with some guy who can only half-sing. Follow along if you want: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkN_RFEJ17E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkN_RFEJ17E[/url] "Agrabah- City of Mystery!" Okay, wait, I remember nothing mysterious about this city at all except for in KH the question of where the hell the keyhole is. The salesman narrator is selling hookah. What's the intended audience age of this film again? Hookah? Really, Disney? This young? And yet, the same guy just threw the stars into the sky. Either we've already smoked too much of something, or that is pretty badass. Jaffar yells "Quickly, follow the trail!" ...but there's no one riding at first other than himself. He must be lonely. Poor guy. I missed the bird's name, and can't remember, but his over the top sarcasm reminds me of a certain steel leader. In regards to the obviously scummy thug being unworthy to enter the Cave of Wonders- "What a surprise. I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from that surprise." Maybe it's just because I'm a theatre kid, but Aladdin gets major points for singing One Jump Ahead while pretty awesomely avoiding all the guards. And a guy is just casually sleeping on a bed of nails? Wait, what? Not only does he look to be in peace, lying in the middle of the street over a BOARD FULL OF SPIKES, but he's bloody smiling at it. ...Massochist? Disney... *shakes head* ...And another guy is just casually dancing on coal. I think we have some misplaced stereotypes about... whateverculture... what culture IS this anyway? Aladdin shares his bread with the kids, the monkey does, begrudingly. Well, at least we've clearly establish all of the characters' morals. "If I were you," Aladdin says to prince, "I could afford some manners." A seemingly cool line, but they are then thrust into what I can only assume is mud. I thought we were in a desert though? "Weren't you, Raja? You were just playing with that over-dressed self absorbed prince Ahkmed, weren't you?" (whose pants are in the tiger's mouth) I forget that she was one of the few Disney Princesses that was actually cool. Suddenly I'm okay with getting her on the which Disney Princess are you quiz I took a long time ago. ...Don't ask why I did... It was an odd situation... Shut up. Sultan- "Jafar! My most trusted advisor!" lolustupidbro? I mean just look at the guy. Who would trust that? He looks like a freaking [s]Arbok[/s] Kobra all on his own! You don't trust snake people... Jafar was totally in Slytherin. Just saying. ...I had forgotten that Jafar's staff does the mind control thing. I suspect it may be the Millenium Rod. Only Marik was about 289384 times cooler than Jafar. And less of a lonely snake. The bird's name is Iago. How appropriate. D'aw Raja doesn't want her to go, but still he helps her escape, only to lay down and whimper. No wonder tigers used to be my favorite animal. Firebreathers REALLY need to wear more than their underwear and a turban. God. Why.. Just, why. I understand it's hot out, but no. In the scene where Aladdin gets Jasmine out of the jam when she's about to have her arm cut off for stealing (disney propogating yet another baseless stereotype, they don't actually do that, but thanks for playing, Walt) they're both kinda particularly fantastic. Why? Because Aladdin picks up an Apple, backwards, without looking, WITH HIS TOES. Not only is that not, possible, but its extra not possible the way he does it. So go him. Secondly just because Jasmine plays along so well, and her pretending the camel was the doctor (the delivery of the line particularly) was both awesome and generally adorable. Also she pole vaults between buildings on her first try. Who says girls can't do stuff? They each describe their respective woes about their living conditions- complete opposites of each other- ending in one word, "trapped", and they smile at each other as if they saw eye to eye perfectly, when really that's the LAST thing they should do. They should be arguing about who's life sucks more. This entire scene is bullshit. Argue goddamit, do not romantically fall to each other to a calm woodwind background theme! ...And they begin to kiss. Just like that. What the fuck. They've known each other all of five and a half minutes. Dayum, Jasmine is easy. [s]I'm not easy too am I? D:[/s] TIGERS CAN HUG. I WANT A TIGER HUG. Tony doesn't count. "You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? Whoever has the Gold makes the Rules." I like it. So true. Enter the magic carpet. Who stalks the monkey. Magic stalkers. Who can fly. Baller. It certainly has an odd way of making friends though. And then it sulks off. Poor guy. Uh, thing. Wait, Aladdin called it a he. ...Can carpets have genetalia? pleasesaynopleasesaynopleasesaynopleasesayno Aladdin goes to get the lamp, Apu is a stupid stupid monkey. You stupid monkey. Good on the carpet for trying to stop him. But eh. I do like how all the jewels in the cave are distractions from his acheiving the key to his wishes- yay mini-metaphors for life. Though it contradicts the earlier supposition about money being the most powerful influence. Awwyea, magic carpet chase scene a la 1992 3d cg animation. Feelin' it old school, yo. Also, poor awesomemagic carpet. It finds friends only to have to ferry them through endless infernos and columns of lava. Life is rough, bro. I'd be pretty upset if I was that carpet. Keep on truckin' carpet. No sooner do I type that than is the carpet trapped under a rock! Nooo! Come back, I love you, Carpet!...sentences I never thought I'd say. So Aladdin screws everything up, and Carpet saves his ass again. And Apu steals the lamp back. Aladdin does nothing at all, of course. Just falls like a helpless damsel. Enter Robin Williams. Oh, no wonder the Carpet is so awesome, he's in with the Genie- they even have a secret handshake. Cool. I would like to write something about You Ain't Never Had a Friend, but it's too much of a mindfuck. "In case of emergency, exits are located here here here here here here here here here here here here here ANYWHERE" And while I admire the humour based off of airplane rides as applied to magic carpets, they didn't have airplanes in this time period, so- wait. I guess they didn't really have magic carpets either... damn. Iago has some fantastic voice mimmicking techniques too. Wow. So not only minutes after they express how much they hate each other Jafar sees marrying Jasmine as a preferable choice. NO WONDER THE DIVORCE RATE IS SKYROCKETING. Again with the recurring theme of freedom... Freedom against power, what is true freedom- and then Jafar's just over there, he's the only one not feeling unfree- technically speaking- PINOCHIO. That's it, I'm doing Pinocchio next week, and I swear I will misspell it everytime. Huh, and there's Sebastian from Little Mermaid. Looks like my next two weeks are planned. ...I was in the middle of a thought, wasn't I. Technically speaking Jafar is the oppressor, but then we're back to the same damn theme as Cinderella. OH. AND LOOK. JUST LIKE THE FAIRY GOD MOTHER ALADIN MAGICALLY BECOMES A PRINCE THROUGH THE GENIE. Moral: Magic is the only way to solve your problems ever. Correction: Using magic to marry into nobility is the only way to solve all of your problems forever. ...And they turn Apu into an elephant, just like the mice into horses and THIS IS EXACTLY CINDERELLA, JUST GENDERSWAPPED. Aladdin is officially the princess here. Jasmine is prince charming (she does wear the pants after all, and after the genie's transformation, Aladdin just has some weird gown thing. it all makes sense.) We even have the overly childish ridiculous kingfigure head to the prince who can't or won't get anything done himself, yet is obssessed with the eventual marriage of their child. Aladdinrella. Well, I give Disney credit on their musical numbers still. Prince Ali was less trippy than the last, and yet sufficiently fast paced and over the top, jesus is the genie over the top butwhatdoyouexpectfromhisvoiceactoranyway, and blah blah blah. There was more of a thought there but it's five in the morning, so it's not there anymore. Iago crashes into something I think at least twice in every scene he appears. He's a medical miracle. Of course, Jasmine comes in and owns all three of them at once, because she's awesome like that. That's the main difference between this and Cinderella- in this, Prince Charming, AKA Jasmine actually has decent character. And the princess is a boy. Whatever. ...And of course, so we have this whole conflict set up between trying to be smooth and coy, and trying to be yourself, and Aladdin was ALREADY owned by her once for doing that, so what does he do? The exact same thing. Probably because his head is still full of sand from the cave. So he fails, obviously, and the Genie tells him to be himself. What does he do? HE STILL DOESN'T. And this time she goes for it. Because Disney still sucks. But it's the most famous song from the show, I can't really hate it. I would like to point out that the magic carpet is still doing all the work. Also, they flew from India or wherever to Egypt to China (and are going to be back in India) all in one night (all in one three minute song). Holy fuck that Carpet goes crazy fast. I want one. Please. And again Jasmine is awesome, and tricks him into admitting himself. Go her. And yet, despite that, they still killed the lesson about being himself, because he DIDNT and here it is WORKING OUT ANYWAY And even after she catches him he STILL doesn't tell the truth because he is the dumbest dumbass that ever... dumbed an... ass. Also Ikaru shot me during that last line, I'm sure. Don't ask why. "You're speechless, I see. A fine quality in a wife." If I didn't hate Jafar before, I do now. Though I do grant that at least Disney is putting their sexism on the villain's side this time, so that's an improvement. Yay, Aladdin broke the Millenium Rod! ...Wait, is that even possible? "Jafar, my most trusted councelor, plotting against me all this time! How could he..." How many trusted advisors DON'T plot against their lords? (none) Further evidence that Jasmine is the guy and Aladin the princess: Fathers of daughters do not encourage them to choose mates. They threaten to kill the mates, have them thrown in jail if not, cut off all contact, forbid the daughter any human contact ever, and ship her to California and force her to never speak to you again. ...I mean what. Whereas fathers of sons behave as the sultan does: "You finally found one? Yay!" I do like how Aladdin is rebelling against the Fairy God Mother effect here, acknowledging his own worthlessness without the genie's support. In that sense could Aladdin bes seen as a modern response to the criticisms of Cinderella? Iago's voice impressions may be fantastic, but his acting sucks. ...Holy crap, horny flamingo, ew. Jafar gets the lamp, and wishes to becme sultan. Apparently all that's required for this is Jafar stealing the previous Sultan's clothes, and the Genie picking up the palace for no reason in particular. "Oh sure let's just place the whole palace on this random mountain (MOUNTAIN IN A DESERT) for no reason herpderp" On the note of stealing the sultan's clothes, apparently the boxers are not sultanry. I guess royalty is like that- only the outside matters, no one really cares what's underneath. Did I just try to make a metaphor about ruling class' underwear...? So Jafar makes it in his power to expose Aladdin for what he truly is. As if that's a villanous thing to do. Jasmine is for some reason surprised as if she didn't know? But none of this would have happened if Aladdin had just not been an unintelligent donkey in the first place and told the truth (tragic hero element?). I just don't agree with its exposal (i don't even care if I'm making up words anymore) being through Jafar... ...Wait, did he just get thrown into the Himalayas, or what? He should have frostbite in those clothes already. So he begins to trudge back, but look! Magic Carpet is randomly here to save the day again! I swear, everyone pulls their weight except Aladdin himself... Freeloader- oh wait, I guess that's his character. Kinda. And then Jafar is just reduced to a lustful egocentric slimebag, losing any sort of former cunning that may have been established for him. Jasmine plays him like a pipe, because she's just that cool. "How many times do I have to kill you boy?!" Well, let's see. One for the execution. One for the rotting in prison. One for crushed in the cave of wonders. One for the Himalayas... Let's say five, no, six for good meassure. Six. Almost there, Jafar! The carpet tries to get the lamp, but... Poor carpet. After all his hardwork and chivalry, he is reduced to a pile of seams... ...I totally forgot through all of my snake references that Jafar turns into one. Herpityderpderp. ...How does Iago even fit in the lamp? Actually it doesnt matter. Nothing matters anymore. Because the climax is over, everything magically returns to normal! I'm not even exaggerating, things literally just start popping back into place with no reason! It's not like Jafar's magic wore off or anything. He's certainly still well and alive! It's not like Genie is doing it. It's just, happening~ "Quick, wish for something outrageous! Wish for the Nile!" "Uh... I wish for the Nile." "NO WAY!!!!" I lol'd. So the resolution- the Sultan abolished the law that cause the whole conflict in the first place. Why didn't we do this before? Because culture is sexist. Princes could choose their wedded, but princesses couldn't. So Jasmine wasn't secretly a prince, but Aladdin itself is actually Disney's version of feminism... Kinda. Ish. Not really. I should probably go to sleep before my thoughts get any less coherent.
  9. [quote]Start of turn 7 The foe's Sapphire used Ice Fang! The attack of the foe's Sapphire missed! Rotom-C used Thunder! It's super effective! A critical hit! The foe's Sapphire lost 65% of its health! The foe's Sapphire fainted! Rain continues to fall! AmethystStorm: .... Dragonz996: O_O Dragonz996: you can QQ now ._.[/quote] Yeah. Taking you up on that. Q motherfucking Q.
  10. try putting some chains on it? Maybe this place is just trendier...
  11. Uh. This was before the tophat, N8. I think I was 14 at the time of this? Back then I wore abercrombie because my uncle got it for me and I had no idea or mind for the cultural implications. And for your information, N8, the days I wear that hat out and about I get all sorts of compliments from total strangers on it. <3
  12. There are so many things wrong with that picture I don't even know where to begin....
  13. It's by color group, so shininess doesn't make a difference.
  14. So it's just about been forever! Welcome to the long-overdue Tournament 11. You all voted, and although 1v1 won, we discovered that didn't exactly work. Then one final late vote tied it up, and Rainbow was decided! But then I thought why[b] [/b]not make it A DOUBLE RAINBOW 'cuz that would be like, so totally intense. Tournament 11 will be themed to Rainbow Teams! What does this mean? [u]Rules:[/u] -Each competitor will register six Pokemon species by the restrictions below. -Battles will take place 6v6 Singles -The Tournament will be held in Double Elimination. -Other clauses are left for the players to decide match by match [u]Restricted Pokemon:[/u] -Pokemon in Reborn's Uber Tier May not be used -You must use one Pokemon each from the following color groups: --Red --Blue --Yellow --Green --Purple --Any group not yet used [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_color"]Color Groups can be found here.[/url] [u]Registration[/u] PM species names to Ame no later than Tuesday, February 22nd [b]This tournament will take place on Thursday, February 24th at 8:00 PM EST on the Reborn Server[/b] [u]Prizes:[/u] 2nd Up- Choice of Retry or Fight-Up Credits for League (can rematch a leader same night; can fight 5 leaders above lowest missing badge) 1st- Custom Member Title Scoreboard: [img]http://pokemonreborn.com/images/t/sb/11.png[/img]
  15. [url="http://paper-kit.blogspot.com/search/label/Pokemon"]http://paper-kit.blogspot.com/search/label/Pokemon[/url] Reposted from MP again, but this is the ballerest thing ever. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5YYBFVqJ3e8/TRiIZ0HmsuI/AAAAAAAAAWs/9TgbsZSIrjA/s1600/DSC08459ff.jpg[/img] Par examplar. If I read the page right, these things are about a foot big, you need a special paper to do them, but I might consider trying it one day just for the sheer level of epic involved here.
  16. Well, since you keep insisting, I'm going to go ahead and change that.
  17. Dump of stuff. Meet what I actually do in class. Random: Alone I distinctly remember studying Hobbes' social theory during this one, but in retrospect it's probably more based off of this. I Can't Anymore Much like that is from the heartbreaking story Miscellaneous Character Designs: Illusionist Revised design I've had for quite some time. Now with about 50% accidentally looking like Michael Jackson. (it was a problem before; trust me) Illusionist Same character; different pose (kinda hastily done ._.) Death Very rough abstraction of anthropomorphosized death. Tried to get the imagery of the grim reaper without being overly cliche about it. The scythe is intend to be non-solid, that's not just laziness, but I haven't decided what sort of effect I will use for it in the end. Darker Girl Probably my favorite in terms of design. Erm, she would be dark if her clothes/hair appeared black as they're supposed to. Curse my lack of copic markers. Flower Girl Link title says it all... Imagination This is what I imagined the girl who's been talking to me at night lately to look like. These are mostly very old drawings, back when I was trying to do art for every leader. That obviously never happened because I have no tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime. Julia Hardy Terra And then this was the original concept art for- Cain
  18. Hi. Also, she told Geo. That's how I knew actually.
  19. Happy birthday, Shelly. Thanks for kicking some serious ass for me this year.
  20. Hah, if that was a Will-o-wisp, it must have missed. No burn felt; on the contrary I'm glad somebody has legitimate background info on the story. With regards to background about her parents, sure, all that is knowable from the previous incarnations of the tale, but to a seven year old girl seeing this at the time, she only has the information that they give her. If they did say her father had since died, I must have missed it, but I'm pretty sure there was no mention of her mother at all. In any case, as for dancing again, like I vaguely said before, I intend to take on one movie per weekend. So expect more incoherency in the future~
  21. Dragonite is no where to be seen in Platinum. Garchomp could be ago, then. If you're going to have a grass/dragon type, I'd reccomend some anti-ice. Torterra's twice-out as a starter for redundancy and weakness, but personally I'm not a fan of either Infernape or Empoleon. I was gonna say Togekiss, but that's not exactly going to help your ice weakness.. So... Lucario? You can get Riolu as a gift too, and steel will resist Ice.
  22. I've actually never seen Nostalgia Critic, but the name tells me all I need to know. Like I said. Just random thoughts. ._.
  23. This is my small weekend quest. In various forms or another, I've recently realized that I haven't seen any Disney movies since I was about 12. That's probably not true, but it's close enough an estimate that I'm willing to say it. So begins my quest: Rewatch all the old disney classics... and a few nonclassics. Because why the hell not? And why the hell not? Write down my random thoughts on all of them too. Makes for discussion. Or something. Cinderella is first on the list, seeing as my old high school is adpating a stage version of it. I have it [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgTwrns4qD8"]Here on youtube if you want to watch along.[/url] First thing that comes up is some goofy old tone of music with a log with a color scheme that makes me want to puke. We're off to a great start! How did they not lose the 8 year old audience in the opening credits alone? A story book! I don't remember the movie opening with a storybook... "Here in a stately chateau..." I though this was a kids show? Why does the bird have a nightcap? There are just so many things wrong with that... And the other one has ... what do you call the head-towel thing? How was this okay with me as kid? "If you tell a wish, it won't come true." I forgot that's where that was from... WHY DO ALL OF THESE BIRDS HAVE CLOTHES? Oh, that one's naked. Scandalous punk. ...Even the mice have shirts. No pants though. I guess Disney just didn't wanna animate mouse crotches. Can't say I blame them. She's ballroom dancing with a pillow. I understand she's been abused and whatever, but I think this girl needs some serious psychiatric help. Oh. They animated panties for all these girl mice though. Call me a perv for noticing, but one angle kinda make it obvious. I wonder how the animator behind that felt... "What's up Jack?" "Just drawn undeerwear on mice." ...Oh, so Cinderella made all the clothes. Definitely needs therapy. Or maybe just a friend (who's a therapist). I think Jack the mouse said the cat's name was Lucifer? I approve. But he looks like a Skuntank. And acts like one too. I'm naming my next (first) Skuntank Lucifer. Clearly Cinderella's not the only mentally disturbed one here. Poor doggy Bruno. All twitchedy on the floor. So I never realized the parallel here. Cinderella says she'll never give up her dreams, but then tells Bruno the dog to give up on his... Hrm... She's playing the role of the oppressor and the opressed. Ah, the mice getting the corn... For some reason the corn Cinderella puts out that the mice steal.. is my acid test (lasting impression) of the entire film. Why? Who knows. Instead of risking Jack's life, they should just eat Gus. Problem solved. Jack kicks the cat into his bowl of milk, but um, FALCOM MOUSE KICK kicked Lucifer up... But Lucifer's face went... down, into the bowl. Momentum failure. Gus's gluttony will be his downfall... He can't let go of all that corn to save his life, literally. So that is... In turn fulfilling Lucifer's gluttony? Lots of hypocrasy in parallels here. I suspect it's making a social commentary on the favored class of the era. Bells ring calling Cinderella, and she just mumbes "coming" as if they can hear her two floors up? >.>; But! She does so balancing a plate on her head as she goes up the stairs? Go her. Pro balance is pro. Hm... I didn't not notice her drop a slipper on the step before.. Parallel to at the palace later. But she accidentally saved Gus' life doing so... Who does she save with dropping the glass slipper? Herself? What does this symbolize? Why aren't I better at analysis? Angry king made a ridiculous mess of the castle. Fantastic. He doesn't seem like a bad guy in spite of the anger... But.. doesn't anyone care about the Crown that flew out the window? ...Not only does the King crawl on the table, he like, belly flops across it... what the hell? I mean I get the over dramatic comicism for kids, but... It's a bit ridiculous even if you ask me. I'm with Lucifer on how bad the sisters are doing with the song though... Ow ow ow ow ow... Props to their actresses for sucking so well. And props to Cinderella for generally kicking their asses without any effort what so ever. True to Disney Princess fashion, of course. Trippy bubbles too. What the fuck did Anastasia do to that poor defenseless flute... That woodwind did nothing to deserve such abuse... D: "What have we discussed, girls? Self Control above all else?" *knock knock* "WHAT?!" Yeah. Definite controlled rage there. Nice goin', stepmom. By the way, where is daddy in all this? And what happened to her mom? Missing links, missing links everywhere! ...That's beside the point. More hypocrasy. Hm. So she has only a few hours to do a ridiculous amount of chores (Nice going, Gus) and the first thing she does is twirl around in her tower (why does she live in the tower anyway, and why was there a mousetrap up there? I don't expect the rest of her family should have been so bothered to put one up in her quarters) and kill a bunch of time. Silly child. Again, she just says "I'm coming" instead of calling back so they can HEAR her. No wonder they keep yelling... So all the animals make her dress for her. "Leave the sewin' to the women!" says one mouse. Leave it to Disney to include sexism even in their anthropomorophosized characters... Butt-scootin' cat! Oh come on, why bother picking up the pearls from that neckalce? It's as good as broken... And I'm pretty sure Gus's tail grows in length... Wow, the mice sew in and out of the dress blind? I'd love to see that one screw up wherein the inner mouse doesn't duck in time, and the needle pierces his head and he falls into the bottom of the dress, bleeding to death, stuck on the pin forever....... Maybe I'm the one who needs help. But damn do those animals know how to work. ...why don't they do chores with Cinderella? Wow, the carriage is here and the sisters are dressed in basically a tanktop and dress. How... classless. Gus is special ed. Poor kid. Okay, NOW the sisters are in proper dresses. With rumps bigger than camel humps... And so the sisters tear her dress apart in from of an increasinly red background, and trot out with their rears flying around with more bounce than you see in an opening of Baywatch. Nice Disney. That's another one that must have been awkward to animate. "Ass! Ass everywhere!" So Fairy God Mother appears... And Cinderella's never met her before? She cries on a bench and then this old woman materializes her and the bench and not only does she not NOTICE at first, but then she starts talking to this crazy old lady saying she's looking for a MAGIC WAND and not only believes her (she talks to animals and ballroom dances with pillows (practice for the actual ball? How convenient. But I wonder who taught her?)) but even FIGURES OUT that she's a Fairy Godmother! Oh, that MUST be it? Happens all the time, you know. Hey, Miss Fairy Godmother, where have you been the rest of her life? I'm sure this isn't the first time miss Step Mom has been a royal jerkhead. Just everything is wrong with this. Bring my back to the Grimm brothers wherein it was her mother's grave, and the spirit of her real mom that answered her wish. Bring me back to lentils, and wishes and me watching too much Sondheim! So she starts charming a pumpkin with her Salak da lamaka helik da lamaka bippity boppity boo and some random chorus joins in out of nowhere. She's not even saying the magic words; this is not even a song; I'm not even sure what to think. Well, I like how the Mice have no problem at all with being turned into horses (no problem adjusting either)... How does the real horse feel about being so out-classed? Also, way to go Disney, enforcing the idea that looks are everything. Get the fuck out of my culture. OUT. Then again, it's not as if Cinderella isn't nice, but it's not as if that matters to our prospective prince. He doesn't care. As long as she's hawt, dawg. If she's bitch then screw, she can be the evil queen. Maleficent anyone? I also like how the Fairy Godmother inspects the shade of Cinderella's eyes when creating a WHITE dress. No problems with white here, white's a bro, don't get me wrong, but uh. Eye color? Doesn't so much matter on white. Oh, here we get to the dream theme again. This whole sequence is "a dream come true" presumably because Cinderella never gave up on her dreams? But she still told Bruno to... And look, Bruno is a footman now! Still serving under Cinderella. The moral of the story is... If you want your dreams to come true, crush other peoples'? Holy- they actually formally introduce EVERY girl to the prince. Poor prince. Poor girls. So much competition. Fortunately the sisters look absurd. Also... Monocles are now Yo-yos. Baller. Okay So Cinderella is dancing by her self in the middle of the ball. Freak. But the prince goes for it. He must be into the odd-ball types. And that's all it took to win the prince. Show up late, look lost, meander around and start dancing by yourself. The king says "when the boy proposes." Jumping the gun aren't we a bit, Kingy? The lyrics say "So this is love" Quite a song considering the two have not yet SPOKEN A SINGLE WORD TO EACH OTHER. But they certainly have danced quite a ways off the ground. Forever and ever. And the cock-block clock begins to chime just before the first kiss... (on the first date? Cinderella's easy) ...And apparently she is so dense as to not realize that she was dancing with the prince? Given the spectacle everyone made, how could she not? Did the thought never even cross her mind? Oh Right She's blonde. And the pumpkin is trampled by the horses. Poor pumpkin! He served well! Hm. How do the slippers not evaporate anyway? Metaphorical.. She left a slipper on the stairs in a rush, both times, and both times, it accidentally saved her. Is it a comment on haste? I... don't know. Hm. Any thoughts? No one cares. I know. Shut up. Quite honestly I'll be surprised if anyone bothered to read all this. That king is just a little -too- obsessed with Grandchildren. It's kinda creepy.. The king hust shoved a ton of cigars in the Grand Duke's mouth out of nowhere... I like how offscreen anywhere is infinite stock of anything. The Grand Duke and King both end up sitting in the chandelier due to their trampoline-hell of a bed (and what the hell was that.) and the King realizes Eureka on the Glass Slipper, so he proceeds to cut them down. I don't care how he lands. In physics applied to disney movies, that slipper would be dust. Idiot. Trampoline bed suddenly gives out. Walt Disney does not know the meaning of the word physics The stepmother has some crazy intense eyes though. They glow in the (Randomly appearing) dark. I suspect she may be a cat. Lucifer's mother perhaps. It would make sense. She could be hiding her cat ears in her ridiclous hair. The ones we're able to see are obviously decoys. Mice also have x-ray eyesight to see keys through pockets. It's their superpower. The sight-gimmick with the slipper fitting on Anastia is kinda... lame... But go mice people. Haul that key! Only about 500 more stairs to go before the tower?! Where are your mouse holes now?! I feel sorry for these mice. They're working so hard to get Cinderella free... Only for her to leave them forever. T_T Mice stock forks! And candles.... An army of birds and mice cannot stop Lucifer..... So we call on Bruno! Here we go! Suddenly Cinderellas dreams are dependent on those of the ones she crushed before! But lo and behold, Bruno will do it without hesitancy [s]because he's a dog[/s] [s]because it's Disney[/s] ... why again? Because the theme to this movie is contorted. Or... that you have to accept the dreams of even those under you to truly realize your own? Hm. Meanwhile Druzella, what a name, struggles to fit the shoe on herself. Grim brothers version: The sisters thought, once she's married, she'd never need to walk. So what's one toe, or a heel? One step sister cuts off her toes to make the shoe fit. The prince nearly takes her as a wife, when he notices the blood in the shoe. He takes her back tries the other sister The second sister cuts off her heel! Oops. Same mistake. Oh well~ Cinderella then gets the bloody shoe. Guess they cleaned it up for Disney. Can see why, but it's a much less powerful ending as far as punishing crooked desperation. Furthermore, Cinderella has RIDICULOUSLY tiny feet. What the hell Size three, children's... (Only children don't wear high heels [s](Unless I raise them[/s] (We hope (Much less glass ones (We hope?)))) Suddenly, Bruno charges at Lucifer, who jumps striaght out the tower window and falls to his death! Well, we don't actually see him land, and since cats always land on all fours he's probably fine. But for drama's sake, I'm pretending he fell to his death. Damn Skuntank. Cinderella escapes! The evil step mother's plans have been foiled! The Grand Duke calls the footman with the slipper (haha get it, slipper? foot man? oh disney. oh bloody loldisney) to try the slipper on Cinderella But the step mother trips him, breaking the slipper once and for all! Its magical miracle karma has worn off! Its shattered into a thousand pieces! And everyone who has half a soul really wants to FALCON PAWNCH the Stepmothers' lights out right about now. Thirty seconds later, a wedding scene. These people waste no time. Watch, I bet the baby will be here in less than a week. That's how impatient the King is. And frame out with the random pointless story book. The brothers would be ashamed. Personally, I wanna know if Bruno was content with devouring Lucifer a top the tower. Screw Cinderella, what about the dog? Even the horse got a happy ending, getting to lead all the royal steeds. And the mice never see Cinderella again after all his hard work! Lucifer probably lives after all his foul deeds! And the sisters keep all their body parts attached. Shame. Classics... Well, one of many anyway. It's three in the morning, I'm posting this without any editing whatsoever. If you have a problem with that, too bad. Actually, I'll be impressed if anyone bothered to read my random incoherency. I'm going to sleep, dang it. [s]I want my blood soaked slipper ending[/s] Bah.
  24. Champions to the Reborn League register their new addition for taking on the X-League in this topic. Simply copy and paste the following code into a response, fill it out, and submit. Your trainer card will updated for the X-League shortly. Your seventh team member can be legendary, though it does not have to be. [code][quote] [b]Seventh Pokemon[/b]: Shiny/Not Shiny Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4[/quote][/code] Or for a full restart: [code][quote] [b]First Pokemon[/b]: Shiny/Not Shiny Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 [b]Second Pokemon[/b]: Shiny/Not Shiny Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 [b]Third Pokemon[/b]: Shiny/Not Shiny Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 [b]Fourth Pokemon[/b]: Shiny/Not Shiny Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 [b]Fifth Pokemon[/b]: Shiny/Not Shiny Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 [b]Sixth Pokemon[/b]: Shiny/Not Shiny Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 [b]Seventh Pokemon[/b]: Shiny/Not Shiny Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 [b]Trainer Card Colors[/b] (Silver, Gold, Black, Or White + Any Color) Trainer Sprite (Can be found anywhere provided it's standard size)[/quote][/code] Note only the seventh can be legendary.
  25. So 1v1 was tried and fell through. I guess we'll do a rainbow tournament next after all! [/random revival]
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