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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  2. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  3. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  4. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  5. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  6. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  7. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  8. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  9. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  10. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  11. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  12. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  13. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  14. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  15. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  16. To submit a set for this Pokémon, please Copy and Paste the following code into a new reply and fill it out accordingly. Please post only set per reply. [quote][Set Name] [Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item] Trait: [Ability] EVs: [EVs] [Nature] Nature - Move 1 - Move 2 - Move 3 - Move 4 [Description of Set][/quote] Please note that the format for the set's details matches that produced by Pokemon Online's Export Button, so feel free to copy/paste sets directly from your teams, with your own description provided.
  17. Congratulations to the winner of the Banner Creation Contest... ...Who... wishes to remain anonymous. Well, that's not exactly great for the publicity of it, but the work they put in is much appreciate nonetheless! The second place Banner was the work of Ikaru, while both of the entries with 1 vote each were Hark's, and the final entry belong to Inuki. Again, thank you to everyone who took the time to create an entry. [i]All[/i] competitors have been marked for reward in credit in a system planned for Reborn's near future... More on that at another time. The banners for all five skins have been finished, and you can see them below: [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/site/assets/templates/foundation/images/banner1.png"]Monochrome[/url] [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/site/assets/templates/foundation/images/banner2.png"]Blue[/url] [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/site/assets/templates/foundation/images/banner3.png"]Red[/url] [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/site/assets/templates/foundation/images/banner4.png"]Green[/url] [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/site/assets/templates/foundation/images/banner5.png"]Purple[/url] Finally, Lin is now available for battle as of next week, when the Reborn League will at last be in full swing. Official policies on X-League will follow shortly there-after.
  18. Solitary No one is here, and that's exactly how it should be. There is a self, standing alone, isolated in the embrace of a black sea's abyss. Lusting for the ice, the dark and coldness at the ocean's bottom, a heart is sunk, frozen in the depths forevermore. Like the ship's anchor, there it lies. Though it may be lifted by the strongest of men, the best-steeled of chains, the most powerful of vessels, it does not- and will never move. So it rests, until time's end. It sits among the junk and other fallen garbage- empty jugs, worn boots and the broken lumber o'erthrown in storms. There, it only wishes to stay. The heart of a lone wolf sits there, among its kin. It sits, silently sinking into the soft sand of the sea-bed and the solace brought in a breaking spirit no longer bound to the blight of a solitary being. To be alone was not such a terrible thing, it found, and on the contrary was in fact... highly preferable. To be in the company of others is to stare into a bright white light. But as light is said to be greater than the darkness, to one not used to it the sting is off-putting, and like so, this was cast away in shock. That's exactly how it should be. It must stay alone, isolated, and solitary. Oops, my inner-emo kid is showing.
  19. Previous Registration deleted. This to be considered valid as a continuation. [STK]Thomas [quote]I've beat julia and florina. Heracross Not Shiny Night Slash Close Combat Megahorn Stone Edge Skarmory Not Shiny Brave Bird Stealth Rock Whirlwind Roost Electivire Not Shiny Fire Punch Ice Punch Thunderpunch Earthquake Flygon Not Shiny U-Turn Outrage Earthquake Stone Edge Starmie Not Shiny Surf Thunderbolt Psychic Rapid Spin Tyranitar Not Shiny Crunch Earthquake Ice Beam Fire Blast Trainer Card Colors (White + Red) Trainer Sprite: 161[/quote] Trainer Card still needs to be made.
  20. Absol was chosen as the theme's mascot, because I feel it represents the duality of black and white better than any other single Pokemon could. It definitely has nothing to do with how extraordinarily biased I am. And N8, the list is: Monochrome- Absol Red- Scizor Blue- Lucario Green- Gardevoir Purple- Mismagius It's also a complete coincidence that my three favorite pokemon happen to be on that list. Yep. Mhm.
  21. English has no room to talk about have extra vowels in its words. Here's the full list of English names, sans the event Pokemon: [url="http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/7926/g5english.jpg"]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/7926/g5english.jpg[/url]
  22. Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who entered so much for doing so. I really appreciate that you were all willing to put the time and effort into making these banners for us, and I hope that the other members feel the same way. ... That said, everyone is free to vote-away. Vote for yourself if you submitted one, or don't. I'll give y'alls the rest of the weekend.
  23. ...I don't know how you could. She was on Kobra's Realm under the name Sezrirahael, but I don't think you would have known that. And she wasn't around here before June.
  24. You'll recognize a few people here and there, but yeah, most of the people around here are fresh meat pulled in from the server. I would do a more elaborate welcome post, but, um, I feel like there's little point coming from me. Still! Fantastic to have you backyay!
  25. It's not. The registry is just hating us at the moment. Advanced Connect:
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