[quote name='N8theGr8' post='7008' date='Nov 24 2010, 04:49 PM']And @ Ame, you're saying your Kingdra can sweep provided it gets defensive passes and a sub passed to it. First, that's really reliant on another Poke, which incidentally also gets raped by Nattorei if it's Vaporeon, and second, really, any Pokemon can sweep if it gets +6 Defense and a Sub passed to it. That's not saying the Pokemon's good, that's just saying it was put in a great spot. I guess what I'm saying is that Kingdra isn't so much as the threat as the way you set it up is.[/quote]
Nah, I'm saying it can take out Nattorei under those conditions; it can sweep most of the time anyway.
Conceded about how it's the way it's set up though. But since that is how I've used it, literally since 5th gen debuted, that's what I know.
Also, I'm fairly confident Vaporeon can wall Nattorei between Hydrestion and Acid Armor. Leech Seed would make it more difficult, but many don't carry that anyway.