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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Stars- I guess it would, I hadn't even thought about that. Mashew- And you said something about being a dad, right? Okay.
  2. Kitty, this all happened before I even met you. Knight, Tremorintheblood, from WoA, is my actual father, I don't even remember who cookie monster is, but I think you got thrown in in relation to somebody else, maybe as a brother or something?
  3. So... This is something that I've been doing... I think since I was thirteen. On all the sites that I commonly frequented and owned, random things happened between the members, and eventually they were compiled into a Family tree for that site. And then every year or so I go back and update with all the new people- or from whatever site is around at the time, or so. Well. Here it is, and it's that time again. [url="http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7171/familytreebx2ye8ch2.png"]Family Tree[/url] You'll notice that it's kind of, um, chaotic. Ignore the large amounts of incest, inbreeding, homosexual implications, 3/4 ways, polygamy, missing wives, and asexual spawning. It's kind of an anything-goes tree. While I realize that you all do not know the vast majority of these people (and hell, I don't even know a good third of them) if you look hard you will see some familiar names. If you want to be added, just tell me if you want your own branch, or who you want to be related to. Now that I think about it, most of you would probably show up as children of Kitty and myself...
  4. Oh god, she's in the everything-reminds-her-of-him phase. Quick, nobody say anything! Jay kay, we love you Saya, but this topic is kinda getting off track.
  5. I couldn't possibly love him. I don't even know him. He's not the one who I go home to every night and who's always loyally waiting for me, and does her best to make me happy in spite of everything in either of our lives- and invariably succeeds- and he's not the one who I'm going to spend my life with, because the thought of being with that one person forever is so reassuring that it instantly lets me forget the rest of my troubles, and he's not the one who I know and trust and love more than anyone else in the world- so. I love you, Kitty. Get over it.
  6. JACKET. He had a really cool jacket, with like, bandanas tied at the elbows and it was all white and black- and kind of borderline Elegant Gothic, but I was just wondering if it would fit me because while he was really skinny, he was also really tall so I dunno if, it might be too Long, so it'd be Hard to wear. Also had a really cool design. but yeah.
  7. I'm not leaving you! I don't think he even knew I was a boy! I don't even know his name, age, or size of his- I'm not leaving you, I swear~ <3
  8. And that's why I was sitting in the back of the room. >.>;
  9. But I have to money... Blame him. And that was the second night in a row he was there, I think- but he redyed/highlighted his hair between then, because before he was just blonde but then he had like black streaks and such in it and... I want his hair.
  10. [quote name='Bullet' post='5682' date='Oct 18 2010, 07:22 AM']O_O What happened this time?[/quote] Look. There was this boy at work. And I swear I'm not gay... But if you saw him, you'd understand. But Kitty, you do enough for me. It's not like I even talked to him*, I'm still yours. <3 *I just growlpurred at him once or twice and took a couple pictures with him and then he stood around and watched me for like half an hour and kept calling me cute...
  11. Rain Dish is a water immunity now? I had no idea. What are we missing? Dragon, Dark (Justice Heart should have been), Steel, Bug (i get whatever ability is bug immunity), Ice (Ice Body -should- be,) Rock and Flying. With the exception of those two, I think the others are probably difficult to come up with an immunity for- Steel aside apparently as well. o.o ...not like anyone uses Steel type to attack...
  12. If you're calling Doryzuu underrated, you haven't been keeping up on your reading around the bigger meta-game sites. Doryzuu was incredibly over-hyped for weeks- I quote, from a proposed article on Smogon: "Pokemon will rise and fall from favor based on their ability, or lack their of to check or counter [Doryzuu]" Everyone made a such a big deal about Sand Throw for so long- then we get in game, and, yeah, it's good, and yeah, a +2 Doryzuu in sand is going to hurt. But it's not the meta-game breaker we thought it would be.
  13. [quote]pay attention to detail[/quote] I lose. No, I know Zoroark won't be making any games by itself any time soon, but mindgames can swing in it your favor, and it certainly is going to be a fun new element.
  14. Oh, how could I forget those two? [b]Urugumosu-[/b] Never caused me any problems at all- mind the fact I usually have Rocks up, and I have an Aqua Jet ready to revenge kill at any time. But this thing doesn't scare me. [b]Voltolos-[/b] Bullet, you can't be faster than this thing. Because of Mischievous Heart, it can always Thunder Wave off the get-go, and proceed to sweep its slower opponent. This thing definitely tore me up because I'd forgotten about that.
  15. After some battles on Beta, my opinions of some of the more popular Pokemon. Note my team, which in some regards may skew my responses: BellyDrum Politoed EntryHazard Nattorei SpeedBoost Sharpedo Sub/DD Kingdra Resdration Vaporeon LifeOrb Starmie [b]Ditto-[/b] Often works well. Very popular. Annoying, but not anywhere near broken enough to get to Ubers. Ditto loved to switch in on Sharpedo and of course, Kingdra- but in either case Nattorei or Vaporeon could force it out. Thanks to Aqua Jet, Sharpedo could also take on its own dittoclones if they were dumb/weak enough. [b]Cloyster-[/b] Mentioned here; not popular. Only saw one, in fact, and Vaporeon walled it entirely. It Shell Broke some more to get ready to take it out, but at that point its defenses were low enough to allow it to be surfed down to death instantly. [b]Chandellier-[/b] Saw a good number, but they mostly stayed in the background, away from my rain team. They loved to come in on Nattorei though- either calm mind up or fire blast off the get-go. In the former case, I could set up with hazards in the time, or rush to my next pokemon by making Nattorei explode itself. Regardless, Aqua Jet from Sharpedo spelled death for these things. [b]Jaroda-[/b] Thiiiiiiiis bitch. Note I only have two ice moves on my team, and if Sharpedo isn't SpeedBoosted already Jaroda seems to be faster than that or Starmie. Even a +2 Leaf Storm is basically a KO on anything on my team except Nattorei- who can only hope to explode with enough force to allow Kingdra's Outrage to take it out. If Jaroda runs Sub or Screens, both of which I've seen, it's all over for me. Never saw it attack with anything but Leaf Storm though. Something with Herbivore might counter. [b]Doryzuu-[/b] The rumoured atomic bomb of Gen V... I didn't see it that much. In fact, I only saw two sand teams at all- much more rain. It doesn't like Sharpedo's Aqua Jet. That said, it still took me down once (not a sweep, it was 1v1 at the end) outside of sand with a scarf. Hm... [b]Ononukusu-[/b] Monstrous power- Took a good 66% out of +6 Def Vaporeon with +1 or 2, I forget which. But This Thing v Vaporeon was a double KO- it killed itself with life orb. Still, all of the others I saw were easily taken down by Kingdra. [b]Sazandora-[/b] Sometimes I didn't even need Kingdra for this- and it seldom did anything terribly helpful. Saw a few, they tried, they failed. [b]Nattorei-[/b] Ugh. They say these things walk all over rain teams. They don't. They are annoying though- in most cases I switched into my own and see who got bored and switched out first- Sharpedo's Earthquake or... Something, would deal with this later. Definitely not a good solution, but I really didn't have any great trouble with them. [b]Burungeru-[/b] A common wall... But not a great one. I didn't see any Nattorei/Burungeru cores, to my surprise- but for the most part, Burungeru itself caused me little trouble. A Crunch, a Thunder- often two- and it was down. [b]Sharpedo-[/b] To my surprise I only saw one enemy shark (and no Blaziken to match), oddly, as a lead. My shark plays revenge kill, and aqua jet got the better of the opposing one after it was weakened. Not a huge problem. On my side, Sharpedo has been a beast. Aqua Jet makes it a revenge killer, and the subsequent boost turns it into a sweeper. [b]Breloom-[/b] Technician Breloom proves to be... much stronger than I had imagined. Mach Punch/SD is powerful enough alone, but Spore doesn't help. I was able to kill it through Aqua Jet, but if it chose to use Mach Punch, I don't know if Sharpedo would have outsped it. Surprising few of them. [b]Roopushin-[/b] With that bulk and monstrous attack, I knew this thing would be a nightmare. Its ability to check Doryzuu should have made it a popular nightmare. It was not. I saw it only twice- both times it did next to nothing useful. Mach Punch isn't enjoyable, but it wasn't a nuisance. [b]Rotom-[/b] For my purposes, Rotom losing its ghost type was not a welcome change. Yet, the Rotom-W's I've seen (none else yet) have all made good use of that change with a STAB Hydro Pump now flying out. Ouch. They've not been easy to deal with- Outrage has been the best, so far... [b]Kyruemu-[/b] I'm told this Ice Dragon has a massive 680 Base Stat total. From how difficult to fight it was when I saw it, I'd believe it. Difficult to fight, but not well used. I'm told that it lacks moves to make use of its numbers, and although it did take out half my team, I got the impression that it was flailing around as it did so. Not a huge worry- just another thing for ubernoobers to abuse. [b]Zoroark-[/b] Alright, I only saw one, disguised as a Dusclops (not Noir...) but it messed my shit up. Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Focus Blast, Flamethrower took out half my team before I figured out what was going on. I feel stupid for that. But I'm proud of it. I want to hug it. [b]Zuruzukin-[/b] Oh god, Derpface. Bulk Up/Dragon Dance, Dragon Tail, Drain Punch- Lots of D's. Here's two more- Deadly. This thing, though built like a wall, swept me. Gamefreak seems to think it's Dragon? I was not expecting the phaze. Healing through Drain Punch is very effective. It also likes to run payback sometimes... Haven't compensated for this yet- it takes any non-fighting attack well, it seems, and I lack those. Missing 4th Gen Threats (OU 4th Gen Pokemon that I did not see at all): Skarmory Blissey Jolteon SporeLoom Heatran Snorlax Dragonite Weaville Zapdos Togekiss Gyarados Smeargle Mind, this is only a few hours of battles- just initial impressions of the new metagame. On my end: Bellydrum Politoed as a lead: Beat most enemy Politoed- could usually take out at least one opposing pokemon if it got set up. Solid lead, but Dittobait. Nattorei: Excellent at getting entry hazards up, but not much of anything else. Chandellierbait. SpeedBoost Sharpedo: Tied with Kingdra for my MVP. This has been beast. More dittobait though. Sub/DD Kingdra: Tied with Sharpedo for MVP. As excellent as in 4th gen, but with the addition of unending rain. ...dittobait... Hydration Vaporeon: Epic stall/wall/tank/whatever you need it to be. I am throughly impressed. Acid Armor+Rest is difficult to beat. Can take on most ditto. Life Orb Starmie: By far my least valuable player. Didn't have the utility, speed or power it did in 4th gen. Sadly, the Star's probably going to go. .02
  16. Now that it's officially out, what Pokemon seem to be the most dangerous- in your experiences? I'd add some myself, but I... really haven't battled much.
  17. Due to fifth gen's sudden release, the Reborn League will be put on hold for about a month as the metagame and leaders cope with the changes. Excessum can do whatever. A new client and tentative date will appear in time, as well as new schedules. ...And apparently a new electric leader...
  18. I tried to bake a cake, but it wasn't a lie, so it stopped being a cake. Happyagainbirthdayandwelcomeback.
  19. Geo, if they're not willing to commit to something as simple as that, they will not make good leaders.
  20. [quote]Horizon was a young couple who set off with Amethyst's Penis to seek her fortune in the great world of the inside of a Snorlax. With said penis and a hearty Zuruzukin at her side, she cut through the world and was able to settle down in a nice house as a boring Cashierwith her husband N8, whom had #$^%$^^%$6h5oujbtdh45 children with her. Meanwhile, a very naughty duck was watching her the entire-time, probably jacking off. Horizon enjoyed that duck. Yep.[/quote]
  21. Three quick notes, the first of which all of the regulars probably know. Reborn is now featuring the Excessum League as well, under the guidance of Mashew, Geo and Ice. Their operations will debut whenever we have all needed information with a doubtlessly greater success than the Evo League saw. Huzzah? We now have a custom 404 page, inspired by Ice. [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/junkstuff"]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/junkstuff[/url] if you haven't seen it. Finally, I should note League will start an hour late tomorrow, and may not run Thursday. Updates to follow.
  22. Hm.... Different Amethyst? Kitty's still my top pick, and she knows that.
  23. [quote]Ashley, a young W Trainer with her trusty Penis as a starter pokemon, and Miley Cyrus, her HM Slave, had many great adventures throughout her long and happy life. At the end of her journey, however, she married a manthing named Doro, who would force her to develop a fettish for pain, and inspire her to use threesomes as a method of transportation. In the end, she settled down in a cozy shack inside of Doro, where she became Amethyst's Sex Slave, and had Orange children.[/quote]
  24. If ROMs do wifi and somebody wants to let me borrow one the celebii, I would love them forever.
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