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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. That's something I intend to resolve shortly. Because Gardevoir isn't an official gym leader, she isn't on my connection and therefore I don't have her logs. We're working on it- so basically from now on she and Radomus both will be official leaders.
  2. This I noticed, and intend to fix shortly. Thank you.
  3. Drawing Fast? Too paradoxical.
  4. I agree with Knight's sentiments, actually. Even having played the Mystery Dungeon games, I could not have guessed the one he lost correctly, and I knew the level of Red's Pikachu without any doubt. That said, in these sorts of games, there will always be the out-lying questions. Luck plays a role, some will be harder- that's only natural.
  5. ...I don't see anything like that... Everything looks normal to me. And Kitty didn't get drunk. I was with her all night last night..
  6. ...What's going on? Does someone wanna explain this to me?
  7. I do too love you~

  8. Thanks, Bullet. Sorry, N8, I didn't mean to talk down on your or anything. My only point is that there is still -plenty- of time to learn.
  9. ...What sort of site did it actually link to? >.>;
  10. Because of the low success and such, there was a backstage agreement just to kinda null the results of this. If y'alls want, I could get on this at some point anyway though.
  11. Knight asked Shelly herself how old she was in their battle. She said she's ten. Being Bugsy's -younger- sister, this might be odd considering Bugsy's age, but bearing in mind that it was a few years ago that Gold swept the Johto league, this should be appropriate. A long, long time ago, when Knight first fought Luna for her badge, El interrupted their battle (gym leaders used to do that often. >.> That's part of why I don't let them come on at the same time usually anymore) and Knight defended Luna. Afterwords, he asked her out, and as thanks for helping her, she promised him a date. Not an official couple, but still.
  12. [quote name='mashew' post='3203' date='Aug 18 2010, 01:01 AM']YOU TOO LAN!! THERES STILL SHELLY AND FLORINIA AND THE HIDDEN LEADERS AND MORE SO DONT THINK NEGATIVE BOTH OF YOU![/quote] Dude. Shelly is like, ten.
  13. Thanks, guys. Hyper, I know you've seen at least a little bit of my stuff (what I'm about to post) though, because when I snagged the links from MP, you'd posted. Will, Your Chibi-Garchomp is intense. Not that Solaris isn't. N8, practice. When I was your age (God, I feel old), I couldn't draw a stick figure standing up straight. Then Science classes happened in high school, wherein I had nothing to do but draw, else I would fall asleep. Draw lots, draw quickly, don't expect to draw well. That part will happen in time. Meowtime. Mewmewmew.
  14. [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Thanks Hyper/Monkey. This should work now.[/color]
  15. Sorry about last night, everyone. Thanks for understanding... Normal timing tonight- I think we're feeling a bit better. Stress is kinda rampant what with school starting soon, but let's power through it. I say to myself.
  16. [quote name='Geo' post='3099' date='Aug 16 2010, 06:27 PM']Really Ame you should've pick someone who can take a joke or atleast Mello,someone like mashew.Seriously AZ is more of a Hitler.[/quote] Now, be nice. I agree with Knight's policies- just because he's enforcing them assertively doesn't mean he can't take a joke, nor does it mean he's like Hitler. Besides, these guidelines have nothing to do with jokes. [quote name='N8theGr8' post='3100' date='Aug 16 2010, 07:28 PM']Oh, and about the investigations being posted in an irrelevant thread, the Investigation Squad (actually, I) made its own thread specifically because of that. Please don't accuse us of something we've already corrected.[/quote] No, as Lara said, we weren't accusing you. He was exemplifying it. This was well done. [quote]Anyway, my only fear about the new mods is that the only one that is here when Kitty and Ame aren't around are Will. Lara typically seems to be around for the leagues, but little otherwise. The same can be said for Knight. I definitely agree that they are very mature and are well deserving of this position, but I still fear that the server will sometimes be left without a mod/admin.[/quote] That's actually part of why these people were picked. Lara is usually on for battles, and if she's on then Kitty can focus on logs and I can focus on hassling gym leaders to get their butts online- without having to babysit the server. Will is usually on during the day when the rest of us aren't, so he can cover those times just fine. A legitimate concern though, and exactly what I'm trying to alleviate. We'll see who stays active through school though, and there may be reassignments accordingly.
  17. Thank you, Knight. And relating to Knight's 5th point, I'd like to ask the members and mods of the the server to help keep on top of chat-speak on the server. Abbreviations like lol and btw are passable, but when you get into things like Knight's example, the line is crossed. I'm guilty of being too lenient on it myself, so in order to keep as clean of a server as possible, I'm encouraging the mods to warn once and then go for the throat. Just a kick- Chatspeak itself should not need to be a ban-able offense. To the regular members, feel free to point it out if we don't notice, and remind the other members if they're doing it, not to. One final news point- As we adjust to school routines, whatever that ends up being, this is our slow-down week. In this week, challengers will only be allowed a maximum of two battles per day to lead into the stricter schedule of the following weeks. Timing for the events will remain the same, however. I think that's all. This now concludes your three-part news post. See y'all soon.
  18. [quote name='NoGoodBoyo' post='3088' date='Aug 16 2010, 04:24 PM']It's an ugly eyesore. I don't need a whole part of my screen constantly being stuff I'm never going to use or care about half the time. I'd be easier on it if it was JUST the index page it was on, but it's not, so boo it.[/quote] Well, I notice that there's a button in the top left to collapse that menu. I also notice that it doesn't entirely... work. If I can find a way to fix that, you could get the menu out of your way no problem. If not, then I'll look into finding some completely different alternatives.
  19. I'll begin with the good news- in its first official partnership, PokePlace Reborn is now affiliated with Pokemon Mysidia, home of various servers, fan-game collaborations and a wealth of discussion on its bustling forums. This, of course, is all thanks to Miss Kitty, who has thus inspired me to go hunt out some various other affiliations that I've had in the back of my head. So expect this to be only the first domino. More good news, unless you're a trouble-maker, the new mods have been chosen. This week, we're welcoming members Will and Lara to the staff as they help police any possible issues arising from the new partnership, incoming traffic or the shifting seasons and schedules (accordingly, depending on activity and availability over the next few weeks, we may consider hiring one more additional person) And speaking of scheduling, therein is the news that we've been waiting on. We- myself included. It also happens to be the bad news. The unfortunate reality is that school is starting soon (or already has for some of you.) Yes, I can hear your cries from here. Now, as all of us fall into routine, our schedules will iron out, but there is one very big problem. I'm starting college, and my classes are in the evening. Much o' y'alls still in high school, or maybe not even that, which means, if I have to take a guess, you're probably limited by the age-old rule of the parents that you can only stay up on weekends. Basically this means I'll be in classes until about the time that most of you need to get to sleep. o shi- So we're left with a couple options: 1. The Reborn League becomes a Midnight League- I'd get on at about 12:00 AM EST (which I could -probably- guarantee) and go from there as we usually do. 2. The Reborn League becomes a Weekend League- Mind, I have Fridays off entirely, and we pick an earlier time in the evening to meet. We could then run for a little longer, but only three days instead of six. However, I am not sure that I can guarantee my availability at a certain time every day. Please throw a vote in the poll as to which you would prefer. Option one keeps the League open for less time on more days. Option two means more time on fewer days. Please keep in mind, these are only first drafts for potential schedules. We will also be working around Miss Kitty's schooling, but hers is more similar to all of yours. In any event, the number of allowed battles per day and Leaders' availability will be changing. I'll work out the details of the latter affair personally. ...Finally, and this is extremely last minute, it's been decided that AZKnight will be promoted to a Moderator position as well, however, he intends mostly on cleaning up the forums. I agree with him that the posting standard here has fallen below par recently, and so he'll be in in just a minute to make a note for you all about the new expectations.
  20. It it because you're not used to it, or is it really that inconvenient?
  21. [quote name='NoGoodBoyo' post='3073' date='Aug 15 2010, 10:39 PM']Well since you brought it to my attention, I'm not using Viridian Rush. Although I really don't see the point if nothing is really changed.[/quote] Just the accent color. But yeah. I wanted the site to stay mostly Black and White for... well, y'all know why.
  22. Because I'm considering updating/redoing/minimizing them, I'd like to know if anyone actually uses the other skins. Note that Foreshadowing is the default skin. If you want a run-down of the others, or in general had no idea that there even were other skins, look here: [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/index.php?showtopic=21"]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/index.php?showtopic=21[/url] Personally I use Indigo Illusion/Destiny. And once again, that comes as a surprise to nobody.
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