A total of five trainers competed in the re-opening day battles. It just so happened that all four of the entry-level leaders were around last night, so there were a number of battles to be had, by old and new competitors alike.
Out of fourteen total battles last night, only three badges were awarded.
Icey-kun and Manowar had the first battles of the evening, but it was Manowar who had the luck between them.
[url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1.html"]After a close-cut battle between Manowar and El, it came down to one final showdown, the results of which were unfathomable--[/url]
Speaking of unpredictable, Miss Kitty a new trainer, surprised everyone- but mostly herself- [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/2.html"]in her first battle against El, with her first victory--[/url]
While El didn't quite pull his weight last night, the other gym leaders were at the top of their game. Florinia, Hardy and Blake were unrelenting to the other trainers. Of the 12 battles played against them, only Manowar was able to win his badge from Florinia.
Just when he thought he had it made, however, [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/9.html"]Hardy stepped up to bat- giving Manowar a grueling battle to the bitter end--[/url]
Finally, looking to avenge the defeat of her son, Kazeshini, Uxie returned to the League, six badges already under her belt, to thrash Florinia and Blake. [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/14.html"]Unfortunately, the leaders weren't about to let that happen--[/url]
It's interesting to note that Florinia and Hardy, previously among the weakest leaders held themselves so well- Was it the competition, falling short to the league's previous incarnation? Or have the leaders finally stepped up their game?