Yes and no. You're right that there's probably more I could be outsourcing than I am. For risk of being rude, I won't elaborate on that, but it's a work in progress. However with the teleports in specific, that is not something I can so confidently throw at somebody else because many of the outside houses they would connect to just flat out don't exist anymore, or otherwise I'll have to make new houses for sidequests and so on. It's rather intertwined.
N-no, I don't think so... Doubles AI was the focus for this episode. There's a couple things specific to leaders in already but the AI as a whole has to be improved first, which I have outlined spread out among the remaining episodes. I think you misread that somewhere, sorry.
I'm pretty sure there's more than a few people with successful Nuzlocke clears of Reborn. How? Idk. It's tough, but not suicide, and I don't think many people who have tried it will appreciate the endeavor being referred to as idiotic. I sure don't.
Honestly part of the problem is that this thread, or even this entire subforum, does not have much visibility to it. I certainly don't expect anyone to read 158 pages. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat. I'll consider solutions for this going forward. That might look like a dedicated front page for the status percent, and then maybe we break up these discussion topics into multiple much smaller ones. I'm sort of reluctant to spam a board with small update post-topics, but I suppose there's ample discussion for it, and that is why this section is here.
After having to take care of miscellaneous other things on development for the past few days, I started Opal eventing tonight. Also finished it. Opal's one of the smallest wards though and only one building so lol.
Other things I've finished recently include Zero Time Dilemma. And let me just say, it has given me some really great inspiration for what I want to do with the upcoming story dungeon...