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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Music doesn't change my mood. I suppose I play music to suit my existing mood, which like, duh? If a playlist isn't consistent with my mood it just gets annoying to me and I turn it off or change it. I also listen to music pretty constantly when I'm working (and god I end up starved for playlists) but I don't pay attention to it. I'll notice silence cuz it's boring, and if a really good song is playing, it'll catch my attention, otherwise it's just like background noise. The singular exception, when music does influence my mood, is a certain album I have. It tends to lift me out depression fairly reliably.
  2. Hey, glad it's been well-received! We're chugging along a relatively finished product, of course, but you're right, it'll never be perfect. At some point I'll open it up for the community to take over anyway, and I'm interested to see where it goes from there as well. Thanks for supporting us!
  3. He's pretty close to that already. For that matter, I'm having to pull back on time spent developing for my own health, too. Not being able to sit up half the time, kind of sucks.
  4. "Man-hating" is not feminism. Feminism is support for gender equality. Don't mistake misandry for feminism. But regarding actual feminism, fixing the issues those questions are about is not mutually exclusive to solving social issues in the west. In fact, creating a healthier social environment helps issues in third world countries as well by increasing awareness and support for solving those problems. This is especially true in regards to the internet which is increasingly a global social environment. Attitudes of the west and east influence each other, and there are still problems to be solved on both sides of the coin.
  5. I'm a few steps ahead of you. This is cool but I'd sooner commission some original art so we don't run into any issues with borrowed content. And I might, in fact, do that at some point.
  6. The current release is Episode 14 out of 19 total. Each 'episode' is the content from one gym battle to the next, meaning with the last five episodes, that includes story sections and areas that are not yet in the game. Other content until that point is functional though. The difficulty is intended to be reasonable, but challenging enough to require players to put some thought into it. I tend to agree with you about the main series being quite easy, so I think someone like you will do fairly well in Reborn. Even if Pokemon are 'axed', existing parties and save files are not affected; all that's being changed is the method through which that pokemon is originally obtained. The game doesn't feature seasons like Gen 5, but it does include day night and a semi-random weather system that affect encounters and overworld events respectively. There are also often other conditions to procure certain Pokemon, such as having a certain item. All of this is consistent though, so a player who really wants a certain Pokemon can reliably get it. (although as of changes to E15 there's a higher randomness factor in the beginning of the game only. all pokemon are eventually obtainable regardless) I'm just a liiiiiiiiiiittle biased as to which of those games is best to play, so I'll refrain from answering that~
  7. I am the Afoxalypse Incarnate! Here me RAWR! (P.S.~ Tempest Blaze™ was here in 2015!)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Azeria


      ......all of you are dead to me.........

    3. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      So, this was done to Azery already? I thought it was relatively original, except for the Fox McScrub part. Still didn 't know this was done. Hi, Azeria. I am meeting you for the first time. I didn't know, I swear. XD

    4. Azeria


      't was done to me by a friend of mine,he calls me a scub instead of a scrub but it was similar enough to confuse people lmao

  8. Chances are it's still based in Gen 3. >.>
  9. I tried ROM Hacking once. I quit when adding a new trainer somehow broke evolution. On the contrast I've been working with RPG Maker since I was 11.
  10. Oh, they actually believed me. Oops.
  11. If it can help anyone, it's all worth it. Thank -you- for being a part of it.
  12. Heya. Surprised, but glad you turned up again. We actually purged the bulk of the bots a while ago, so the 12,000 is genuine. Turns out people enjoy playing Pokemon fangames. Who knew? Welcome back!
  13. hi im alive what this is frustrating as all get-up, i feel you. I don't remember, but did we talk about changing the color depth to get around this? This happens whenever I save in 8-bit color depth, but 24 bit is fine. yeah okay red solosis is creepy-gross too idk, back to the drawing board sawsbuck- the autumn shiny saws buck posted is pretty but is it different enough from regular autumn? the cool-coloured one is good too but memes aside I don't think Deerling needs to carry sunglasses into battle. love the molten ferrothorn, but let's get a 'New'-version of the backsprite too because the improvement from old-new is prettty signfiicant, mostly to take care of the jarring yellow pixels at the corners of those lines. princess peach lilligant is cool but i'm still inclined to the cherry blossom concept and it seems others are I like the vanillite-color Kyurem personally, it stands out more. some of the autumn virizion takes are really pretty, but i also like the johto-legend concept for the trio, and it works the best for terrakion out of anything posted so far. can we get backsprite for those? blue pidove line is fine if we can get backs for them jeellicent line-- no the lines on the moustache are a bit overkill with the theme, so maybe take those back to normal. then, reduce the saturation on the male sprites red and brown colors, and change the white to a red-based white as the blue-based white clashes with those warmer colors currently with both the white and black drilbur lines posted here the red spots are too saturated. with the white one in particular this makes the spots look like scabs which is way more gross then i think most people want. I'm inclined to the darker-base drillbur but that needs color adjustment as well., crysalisk gigalith is a go. get that gold. and backsprites. get those too. dethtrap sigilyph???? I like the steel Golurk posted on this page; do we prefer this or terracotta? Celestia seem to be all right. The neon zebras are -awesome-. Backsprites ahoy? Cottonee line, Darmantian line, Ferroseed, Maractus, Timburr line, Emolga, wtf stunfisk, Beartic line, Basculine, Blood Mandibuzz line, Deino line, Vanillite line, Swoobat, Harley Quinn Gothitelle line, Snivy line, Gold Mien-line, Genies, Genesect Terracotta Golurk line (can be replaced with steel one posted if desired), Patrat line, Cryogonal, Ccino line, Sewaddle line, Elegyem line, all accepted. First post updated.
  14. I had originally planned a gender-changer to go along with the community-game part of the project, since an older member Rodaku was particularly fond of tossing about his self-proclaimed 'miracle drug' that instilled gender-swaps and it became somewhat of a running joke around the site. ...However, I backed out of that because I realized it is generally treated as exactly that-- a joke. Even if I put it in in a serious context, trivializing that would send the wrong message to some players and by others, still largely be laughed off. Further, in a game where you can already change nature and ability, gender is (like with IVs as mentioned before) a harmless element that gives personal flavor to the Pokemon a player has captured, and I think that making that mutable too would make caught Pokemon too canvas-like and actually damage some of the ideals set up by some trainers for their party. I'm not Englishing very well right now, but I hope that made at least a little bit of sense. Plus #GardevoirGenderEquality and all that.
  15. Because I've been focusing on the prior updates first. Like... Dan/Jeriberry/Kuro work on the scripting side of stuff, but that's all in the Scripting Updates category, + bugfixes on the battle system etc Jan's helping out with the Graphic Updates category But all of the other categories are on me by necessity (ft Inuki when I don't want to bother with something), so only one of them is likely to go up at a time.
  16. This has been a planned feature since literally ever. Unfortunately, Nyu's no longer reliably around to code it.
  17. hi im tired hi waffles or pancakes who's your 'fav 5' whats your ideal breakfast, or otherwise favorite meal, or otherwise something i could cook for you to cheer you up or be special or something and favorite kind of sweet? can you tell im hungry as im writing this why do you text me and then not respond when i text back within like the next minute like did you fall asleep in that singular minute or :c what's your dream home and why is carmen sandiego's name literally a place if the point of her existing is that you don't know what place she is
  18. This title just reminds me of Ever After High tbh. Are you a Royal? A Rebel? Anyway, foxes are the superior race. It's a sad fact, but an inevitable one.
  19. i..... what?? Confirming this to drop any doubt. This started out as a community project so we used the villains from the community roleplays/story
  20. spoilers serra's field does not specifically boost ice moves, or any certain type. keep guessing.
  21. Glad you came back. For the record, regarding those circumstances, we no longer allow that sort of thing to be encouraged publicly. Hopefully that should be some moderate form of ease.
  22. I'm a fan of this sort of thing myself, but I don't want to go -too- crazy with field creation stuff. Mist was -almost- over-stepping it IMO. That said, I do like the idea of people having these sorts of options to play with, so in E15 the Pledge Moves are available much earlier, opening up more access to the Burning, Swamp and Rainbow fields. Not entirely sure how easily Swamp will be to abuse, but hey. Might be worth something. As a semi-related note, our assistant developer Inuki had a fun little idea he played around with implementing in a self-modded branch of Reborn, where every single field could be created with the combination of the move Magic Room being used while holding a certain item. So for instance the Glitch Field might be created by a Pokemon holding a Data Chip and using Magic Room. It was fun, but a bit ridiculous.
  23. Hear me, feeble mortals, for our masters have chosen me as the vessel through which they will speak to you: The afoxalypse has begun. Despair.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      What does the fox say? *Puts on Flame-retardant suit, flame-retardant safety googles and gas mask... Now waits for the impending flame barrage.* (I hate that a certain item that I want right as I *ahem* donated for more rupees is out of stock until the 10th. Mighty convienent for Ame ATM... XD

    3. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      She didn't restock the "Change another member's photo item in the site shop yesteday at 5:00 a.m. like she was supposed to do. She knows why she didn't, too. When she does restock it, her picture will become even foxier... much foxier. #TheAfoxalypseIncarnate

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