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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Cynthia, fo sure. Perhaps largely because I love the piano theme that plays right before her battle, but she's also the only champion who I distinctly remember first facing.
  2. obvs gardevoir, so of course I need a trainer to protect. <3
  3. Unfortunately it's apparently an -effective- business model as Nintendo has openly said they intend to continue moving this direction in ordinance with the market adapting to mobile gaming and microtransactions. That's really off-putting for me as someone who isn't interested in those sorts of experiences, and as a designer who favors traditionally more-involved and extensive gameplay.
  4. ................................................

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Kurotsune


      I got your back.

    3. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      Obviously Fern was responsible for this. So, Amethyst must have become Fern's new Bud(ewww...), apparently. Only then would Ame's ass become grass like this.

    4. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      *Breaks out the lawn mower.*

  5. ...As IF! <3 Everything will be restored tomorrow, but if you happen to need the currently inaccessible 14.1.1 download links in the meantime, here they are: Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3
  6. I've been had. I saw your user name and got super excited because I had an old friend/mod on my old site who went by Sir Isaac and though she'd come back. I think there are a couple people here who would still remember her... Alas. Anyway, welcome regardless!
  7. The sound file is slowed down by the game engine itself to get the tone I wanted for the area, so there isn't a different file.
  8. It had already been reverted, yes. Although the goal with that change was not to increase difficulty, but to make mining the main heart-scale-getting method. The appearance rate for mining heart scales was increased at the same time the rate was lowered. But, I suppose at this point it doesn't matter anymore.
  9. My mom was a school teacher and, (idk why but) one day she rented the VHS of the first few Pokemon anime episodes to show to her class. I had gone with her to her school that day for some reason (might've been too sick to go to my own class or leave at home or something) and first saw the series there.. And decided that it was stupid and I hated it. Mostly because it was way too mainstream. Six year old Ame was a hipster. A hipster before being a hipster was cool, even. Get on my level. ...Anyway, then it became super popular at my school too, and I was really annoyed because I didn't see how anyone could like those weird creatures and the boys in my class kept writing dumb Pokemon stories for weekly story-sharing and I was just really over hearing about it and wanted it to go away. Then over the next summer a friend I'd made back in preschool moved near me and we hung out one day. He had Blue version and let me play it a little bit. He was just going through Viridian Forest for the first time and when I was playing it I happened to find and catch a Pikachu, one of the few Pokemon I really knew. So I was really excited about that for some reason and made my dad run out and by me the game the next day. And it was really just all over for me from there.
  10. like i set this pic myself... stupid change other user's pic item, grumble grumble Reborn already survived the jump from 5th to 6th generation... I strongly agree with the sentiment that fan-games without recent generations feel much less... less. But, spriting 6th gen was a headache and a half and we only just got all the scripting implentations from that done. If Gen 7 is fairly light, which I doubt it will be, it may be possible, but I'm certainly not going to promise anything- especially if the game has been completed. At the -very least- I will leave the project open to community mods. If a 7th-gen mod project gets to a polished enough state, then I won't mind adding it to the main download.
  11. hoo did this

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Gaunt


      Ame looks so much better now

    3. Shing


      I hate you so much today Ame.

    4. K_H


      Ame, it's time for you to end the Prank. it's already April Second.

  12. Way ahead of you. For good. That is arguable, and while that was the original plan, I'm going back on it a bit -at least- for the time being. I won't say that I'll never make small-scale fields.
  13. Amethyst


    you people are ridiculous. i mean welcome back and all but you're still ridiculous.
  14. "IM NEW TO THE SITE" SAYS THE FORMER ADMIN. welcome back, goofball.
  15. This is fairly accurate. The 15% was the initial concept of their effects. The next 15% was the graphics. Each completed field will be another 10% and then the last 10% is the documentation. orly. Noel's keeping the Grassy Field. I'd like to do an Urban Field, but there's just not enough that it would impact without -really- trying too hard, so I don't intend to go through with it.
  16. Their names are changed. As if I'd find so many perfect type-pun names. Most of them I only know online. I've met a few of them IRL though.
  17. It's about time Lux got some love. I'd strongly support Chalice over Tear in any matchup. Lux's cooldowns are long so you can't spam anything to charge tear. Plus, because of that she benefits a lot from having the CDR. Chalice is made for her. LeBlanc may be able to dodge skill shots, but Lux can be good against her because of her wave-clear. Shoving her in early will make the lane rough for LB; then it's just a matter of not over-extending when she can combo you. I haven't really played the last few patches but Luden's Echo is a movement speed item, right? Going that before Deatchap is probably a good idea because, firstly, Deathcap is often cautioned against as a first-big AP item buy since its passive is a multiplier. The item's value is higher when you have more AP later in the game. Secondly, Lux benefits greatly from movement speed for kiting and positioning. In fact her base movement speed was one of the things they nerfed on her previously to bring her down from top-tier. Therefore, Grail > Luden should be an ideal path.
  18. Braixen was so beautiful. And then Delphox was... ...not.
  19. Point taken, we're pretty much done here. Thanks everyone!
  20. Yes, and yes. In fact Cain had to leave the online league because he got grounded for a long time after his mother caught him with a boy. That was when Aya took over. With Corey, it was about a month after his event that we found out about it. We tried to keep Heather around because I didn't think it would be good for her to pull away from everything and isolate herself, but. That didn't work out, and after talking less and less she eventually stopped attending. From what Saphira told me, Sigmund did have some illegal practice going on, including in that category. There are modern guidelines and procedures for ECT, but she argues that those regulations were not obeyed.
  21. trying to get hints out of me is not an effective life strategy
  22. Although on principle of design, I do still pretty strongly agree with the 'B' side of things, This is something I'm having to accept. If this weren't a fangame my answer would be different, but it has occurred to me that Pokemon players come into this with expectations from an already-established series meaning we've drawn an audience that by and large sees these things as a positive. To be frank, Pokemon, as a series, is ripe with bad design, and the changes we would have to make to Reborn to fix that are significant enough that it would disrupt the playing experience of an apparently large part of our playerbase. The original goal of reducing grinding was conceived in relative ignorance to this problem, and the false expectation that grinding was nearly universally hated. I will be forced to adapt that goal to something like 'not requiring grinding to complete the main story'. This leaves sidequests in tact for players who enjoy the slow-and-steady route. That said, having read through the rest of the feedback here, I will be making some changes to our practice. For instance the reason we don't have many rebattlable trainers is because in the past my thought was that nobody should have to stop and deal with them in the main-story, and that it was only an issue between episodes. This appears to not be the case, so I'll explore options to make grinding easier, such as following the Beedrill model where possible, some trainers, and I already have changes slated to get the Exp Share earlier and the Lucky Egg in the game. I'm a fan of this too, but it's only pracical once the player has Fly. Anyway, regarding events I have probably been remiss in not making clearer from the start that this never applied to all events in the first place so the case-by-case thing is somewhat inherent. I -was- intending to adopt the winning result as a guideline to make exceptions from, but following this thread my new intended guideline will be to vary the reward levels somewhat significantly- Some low, some medium, some almost-ready-to-go, with the less popular Pokemon or harder events being closer to the ready-to-go category anyhow. Hopefully there can be something for each side in that paradigm.
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