fee fie foe fum
holy shit a lot of sprites have been done
zorua line, eel line, meloetta, emboar, pawniard, goodness gracious that volcarona line, fern line sorry trubbish line, swanna line, bouffalant, musharna, audino, boldore/roggenrola, amoongus line all accepted
Lilligant- http://prntscr.com/6eoo1r concept is amazing, but the execution needs some work. You can tell in the front-most pink section but a lot of contrast has been dropped. In the rest of the sprite, the shades are nearly indistinguishable. These colors are ideal, but we need to keep the shading in-tact and readily visible.
I'm not totally sold on any of the sandile-line concepts thus far. Any other ideas floating around?
Jello reuniclus is executed well there, but seeing it, I'm not totally sure how I feel about it. Still kind of looks fetus-y to me (maybe because the core bdoy is still white?) I'd like to see a pinker body, or other ideas if anyone has them.
The glitch reuniclus a bit before was kind of neat, but I'm not sure how popular or practical that is.
When I went back to grab the bisharp sprites I noticed the back doesn't quite match the front-- there's some missing gold sections at a glance. Sorry for not catching that before.
@MetalKing I went with the heat-Durant because I was just going with the Heatmor-Durant swap idea.
That said I feel like that is alone reason enough for monochrome, not to mention the fact that Heatmore just -looks- mechaish.
But I'm on board with the Drippy reference if enough people like that.
I also just looked at canon shiny Heatmor for maybe the first time and it's actually kind of neat, so this might be one that we don't actually have to change if nothing seems better.
With the ice cream line, I do feel pretty strongly about the blue moon concept (after all the chance of finding a shiny vanillite is only 0.07% more than the chance of finding blue moon ice cream!)
The yellow swirl in the body is good, however with my previous feedback, I was actually referring to yellow-tizing these sorts of bits in the line: http://prntscr.com/6eoysw
Seeing reverse blitzle line I don't feel quite so good about it. Other ideas- we might just make the white stripes some colour?
Cheeta Purrloins are usable if people like them. However, I know a lot of people who are quite fond of the canon shiny color so I was looking to improve with that with the listed concept
I -do- really like the white-gold Mienshao, it has that enlightened look to it. You wanna do the back sprite?
The gigalith line concept is awesome as always, but as a nitpick, the coloring on Gigalith's crystals is a bit inconsistent. The darker shade is a blue-violent where as the lighter ones look closer to magenta. Let's even this out.
Not terribly enthused by the cofa line colors, mostly because having the black as that off-red looks awkward. If others like this we can use it, but I'd like to see other ideas.
I love blood as much as the next girl, but I'm kind of not feeling the blood on Hydrei's mouths. At least as it's presently executed it looks like some kind of weird lips. The rest of the most recent iteration is looking pretty neat though.
Do do we prefer the full rust klingklang line, or Nspurem's partial rust stuff?
Let's go with the Bascukarps. Back it up.
Well. Rainbow afro works a little -too- well for Gurdurr. My nitpick here is that there isn't much transition between the rainbow and the white section so it looks a little jarring. Use a shade or two darker to kind of fade into the hairlines on these guys and they should be in decent shape.
That purple samurott is kind of rad... but I have been promising rainbow-unicorn Samurott to someone for months on end. Could we see the rainbow one with the blue-skin part turned black? Might help clear up some of the colour noise and emphasize the woosh-rainbow aspect.
The Star Wars psychic (i'm not even going to try to spell their names) don't look bad, particularly the pre-evo. Darth Vader's blue-black buttons and lines don't really stand out though and it looks a little awkward. what else could we do with those?
My vote is on cotton candy whimsi, if there's no objections. Helps with the fairytype thing, too.
ok caught up np keep 'em coming!