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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I had to make changes and simplify it to reduce lag. There really wasn't another option.
  2. im such a fan of that aya one aya more like ayyyyyyyyy-a the others are really cool too! especially hilda because she's the best character. what
  3. That's correct. However, you can't change the weekly pattern doing that. It is the most secure way to move to different days within a week of weather though. Not that I'm encouraging this.
  4. no. although route 2 is going to be a bit easier with 14.5
  5. Negs; it doesn't have a trainer to do the thing with. ...Well, not at that point.
  6. where to get tyranitar

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Azeria




    3. Felicity
    4. Gaunt


      I already got one! First you need to stand on a specific spot (search for it) in "Terra World" and press abbbabab on your keyboard that will teleport you to the glitch hub from there you can access the Kanto region (of gen 1) buth with Mount Silver added, after you finish the game in one session (if you save and exit it crashes) you can access the mountain and at the top (after you battle Terra again with her REAL team) she gives you a larvitar egg. Yep easy

  7. insert my usual gripe about turn-based systems here aka yeah same And yet here we are! Welcome!
  8. The on-site currency won't affect your game. It's only for the Site Shop and Sprite Shop, but a lot of people do enjoy those. As for changing how the moneystuff works, the problem isn't balancing it, it's coding it.
  9. im sorry, i love you, but as a person i want to be above having self-inserts so i'm trying to downplay it as much as possible q-q
  10. yeah i oops'd. it's been fixed for 14.5 I only just started watching his revival this morning but his series of battles against Samson is pretty much on point for what I aim for when I make gym battles. It took a few tries, and he won not by grinding stuff up, but by figuring out how to play against each of Samson's things and refining his strategy a bit each time. ...granted, I... do hope for people to pay attention to what's up with the field, but... hey. He can get through those battles if he doesn't give up, and tries different things. That's generally what I expect of my players. So it's just a matter of his patience.
  11. Generally supports roam mid if they get a chance i.e their ADC is recalling and they don't need to or something
  12. I didn't even mean you, but some part of you, deep inside.......
  13. A... text code? This is a modern thing? I'm really interested because before I started making the game I was actually writing a book about a Victorian-era circus, focusing on the PoV of the deformed kids and stuff. But... I had no idea this was still going on.
  14. it's still really pretty! fortunately i'm planning to redo my sprite with 15 (because i want my character to stand out less for how unimportant she is in-game) so hopefully that would be less crazy anyway. can I just say I adore all of the emotion everything in your art has And I'm quite frankly floored that you can do it so quickly too.
  15. The amount of people who are liking Fern lately makes me a little worried. But hey, more power to y'all. Firstly, welcome. Secondly, to comment on "does he have to be so gay".... I mean, someone already said he's not gay. He'll hit on the player even if they're a girl or non-binary. Moreover, being flirtatious and a little pervy isn't the same as being gay... I'll respect if he's not a character you enjoy, but don't tie that to his sexual orientation. He actually is one of the most popular characters regardless. Additionally, this game is based on the characters/leaders from our online league. Cain was a gym leader when we ran the Reborn League in this community and-- well, let's just say I had a hell of a (somewhat unsuccessful) time trying to stop him from cybering with challengers in PM mid leader battle.
  16. Gardevoir, obvs. I'll protect you with my life.
  17. The update I'm referring to was from IPB 2.x to the current 3.x, which has since been out for years. The situation might change when 4.x is released, but that won't be soon. I've been loyal to IPB for upwards of a decade, but I've gotta say I'm not terribly impressed with their recent performance in the market, especially compared to stuff like vBulliten which appears to remain strong. That said, switching over would be... a literal nightmare, particularly converting the database, which would either be extraordinarily difficult, or outright impossible.
  18. I have a tendency to neglect the site in favor of working on the actual game. Oops.
  19. Confirming mega blastoise will be the last one.
  20. Massive update, yes. Now that wasn't any time recently, to be clear. I'm just complaining.
  21. Interesting thought. I suspect you're right, but to be frank I don't really have a way to test it. LET ME TELL YOU how confusing cluttered and irritatingly unclear the HTML template stuff on this site is VERY. ikaru can attest to this like god help why back in IPB 2.x everything made sense but this what did we do to deserve this
  22. ..........dear god what have i created 10/10 for terrifying
  23. Those are mildly outdated and thereby out of use. Anyone with RMXP can make map screens though. 1/2 or 1/4 zoom top editing layer and make sure fade other layers is off.
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