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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. That's exactly what's up for vote. The FCC has a proposed regulation to prevent this sort of thing, but if it fails it's opening the door for it.
  2. I expected step 2 of this to be throwing the jar of mayonnaise in the trash.
  3. It also could have been the transition from day to night
  4. This STARTED with Netflix. As I recall, an ISP started charging Netflix extra or else they would filter their customers' speeds to reduce the total bandwidth expended on Netflix. Reluctantly Netflix agreed to pay the extra price, and now it threatens to go further.
  5. This actually got moved for 14.5, but not far. That was just a really arbitrary spot for a relatively excellent item. Anyway, don't be surprised when that screen suddenly doesn't apply.
  6. between the shag, glasses, and partly open chest, is anyone else reminded of a green austin powers
  7. No kidding... They do that even without field effects. Although it is a goal to correct the collapse frustration as of E15.
  8. I do sympathize with the concern about it taking a long time to read through all of the things, which is why I do try to make the effects largely intuitive, or at least apparent with in-battle text. ...Note to self, consider pokegear app detailing fields. I'm not going to make fields arbitrarily, but I do feel strongly about continuing to add necessary environmental and thematic ones. I currently have about ~12 more planned in total, 6 of which should be added in E15, and 6 of which will come with E16. That should pretty much take us through the rest of the game, so after that, I'll likely chill out with them. My focus is on the end product. I acknowledge things changing in earlier episodes is jarring, but I also think being able to, as Tacos said, refine, is necessary, and is a large part of what has gotten the project to the state it's in currently. As an aside, although this is a discussion topic, it's not necessarily the best place for suggestions. There's plenty of other places for that... As any one who checks the status thread regularly can probably tell, we're getting close for 14.5
  9. I'm not totally sure how you wanna do it for printing but the grooves would be circular and then intersected by the lines crossing through the middle, and fairly thin... I don't know if they'd be that distinct enough to be raised separately, but that's one method, I suppose?
  10. The reaction still applies to the Gible line as a whole. C'mon, you really think I'm gonna be nice enough to give you something like that? Mm, nu-uh. <3
  11. grumpycat, turtwig, bronzor, garchomp lines, ambipom accepted (solaris won't actually be getting the shiny but we all can know who that belongs to in spirit) i think the issue with chimchar is the blue parts don't really blend into either the silver or the yellowish, so they stand out a bit. besides that, it looks pretty good to me. I like the black and white Skuntank, but if there's a strong preference for something else (2manyblackshinies4u??) go with it. there's a ton of darkrai concepts floating around but i don't think we've had a clear winner between them. any crowd favorites? @ serythe, your manaphiones got imageshack'd :c reupload? either of the newest pachirisus are pretty good i think. we can take a favorite but in either case i think the cheek colour should be adjusted- in the top one's case to stand out more, and in the bottom one's case to stand out less. I think the more colorful chatots a few pages back are better options, we'll probably go with those the most recently posted bastiodon line are losing a lot of contrast in the black, plus the the shades have become darker than the outline. not sure we need the red face either. we're almost there. list on the first page is updated.
  12. I don't think it's okay to say that this isn't happening soon. It's on the verge of happening already. The countdown on our main site is for the vote that decides this. It is a matter of days, and this matters.
  13. The Standard badge is imagined as a circular piece of metal with the usual silver rim, and the lines on the inside being grooves carved into it
  14. People have already done a decent job at answering a number of these. Some clarifications. The dilemma is not power, it's legality. Sigmund is regrettably in his rights to take the children back to the orphanage as they're not 18 yet, unlike Laura, Saphira and the protagonist. This eventually happened with the real leaders, but it took a while, legal systems and all. In-game Saphira would be trying as well, but there are a lot of hoops to jump through, some of which would, unfortunately require Sigmund's consent. Not first. She originally had Cradily, but in our online league, she started playing with a triples Sun team that Whimsicott was crucial in setting up. When Laura took over the position, she adopted and refined that strategy. The Sandstorm Grass teams Florinia used to use were much more interesting for her character though, so I adopted that in-game. We write it off as something that happens too quickly to react to, because we can't presume this. The player has just come out of a double battle, and could potentially have only a single pokemon with 1 HP left. Double battle healing canonically is done by your partner after the battle, but there wasn't a moment for Aya to stop and heal you. We can't assume the player would have won that trade. Not to mention the logistics of setting that up are nightmarish... Presumably Lilligant was waiting for an order than never happened, and then it was too late. It certainly wasn't a shining moment for her...
  15. step 1: throw it in a furnace
  16. please do not do this, i don't want to be responsible for broken laptops q-q Personally I've always found Swoobat to be a surprisingly good early game Pokemon. My most recent play-through definitely confirmed it, and I didn't even have Simple.
  17. 20 is a bit much... but regardless, grinding should not be the solution. That's not the goal of this game. Actually, this has been corrected by us, and by the newer versions of Essentials in turn And so every player slightly sighed and marched off to the daycare.
  18. They, along with Decibel ultimately have whatever personality the player wants to give them. That's just how I thought of xem. By all means, don't take my word as the end-all in that regard, because it is basically just a head-canon and won't have any more gravity than that. That said, it's not as if the others don't have personalities. I just don't remember whatever I was thinking of when making them.
  19. Those two diagnoses are correct. To throw a couple others in, Charlotte is diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, and Laura with OCD. Anna might still be spirit medium status-- who knows, really? But Sigmund interprets that as schizophrenia anyway. Asperger's is often characterized by a failure to appropriately expressed emotions. To this end Noel's dialogue is generally awkward and somewhat flat. A couple examples that come to mind are when Cain compliments him at the orphanage and doesn't have anything to say other than just "Yeah," or when the group thinks Saphira might have died, and he doesn't really show any worry or sorrow. As a note, just because an individual doesn't express emotions, doesn't mean they don't feel them. Anyway, this was supposed to be about the protagonists, right? Because they're intentionally blank, all we really can have is individual head-canons for them. Anyone can share those. I honestly don't remember a lot of the head-canons I had for most of them, but I do remember some for Decibel, since xe was the last protagonist I worked on. Like I always imagine Decibel as being especially eccentric and stuck in xyr own head. I think xe would space out a lot, day dreaming about this or the other thing. I also maintain a very strong notion that xe gets extremely fussy about anyone touching or messing up xyr suit.
  20. you people are insane ly talented and it's beautiful
  21. Hey there! I see your art on tumblr quite a bit, and a lot of it is fairly impressive. I'm glad you decided to join up here! There's not much I can say that the others haven't already, but I'll continue looking forward to your work in the future. Welcome!
  22. Although 14.5 isn't a content release, I threw in a couple more Mega-stones. But honestly, good luck finding them. You'll need it.
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