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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. No! Water is one of my favorite types! But I put Azurill where it is back when Azumarill was garbage. ...now it's top of OU so adjustments probably need to be made.
  2. Our changes have been preserved. We'll probably continue to make additional ones. Nooooo, that was removed in Gen 6 canonically. That code exists in Essentials by default actually but we remove it to keep breeding mechanics up to date with the main series.
  3. Dude. You're fine. Calm down.
  4. We've had code for Megas for ages. Having code implemented doesn't imply its usage. ...but it's possible.
  5. So as I've just alluded to in a post a moment ago, we're coming up with a 14.5 next. For those who haven't been around for our previous .5 releases, as a disclaimer, 14.5 is NOT a content release, sorry. No new story, sidequests or field effects will be added to it, and it will not replace the main E14 download links. But it will be publicly available so we can get some additional help testing out the changes in it. So what are we changing in 14.5? A lot actually. Our goals for the release are as follows: ORAS content Essentials v15 update Additional anti-lag map adjustments All moves/items/abilities implemented So let's go through these. First, ORAS content. The big thing is sprites. As of now I actually have almost all of the front sprites done, but with just a handful of back sprites and almost no bases for them floating about to work from, these are gonna take some time. ...Seriously, it takes forever. Not even kidding. That said, almost everything else form ORAS i.e actual mega code, moves (in live 14 thanks to Jericho), tutors, etc, is just about good to go. As of this morning the project has been updated to the new version of Essentials, so check that one off the list. We have a lot of testing to do to make sure it's not nearly as broken as 14, but all circumstances considered (and save one minor AI issue involving wild Pokemon not doing anything half the time, oops (which we fixed)) v15 is looking pretty good. We're getting some fixes to some long-standing issues, like Fling, and some newer ones as well, like Destiny Bond. ...allegedly. Map adjustments are nothing new. We did them first in 9.5 and we've done them in several episodes since. I might talk about what's going on and how they help in some other post at a different time, but in short it's just minor tweaks to how areas are loaded to help reduce lag. However, making those changes is often fairly meticulous, and a single error can result in a crashed game for lots of players (as has happened in the past), so I want to get these changes in 14.5 to make sure they're secure for E15 Finally, implementation. The Essentials project has not been fully up-to-date basically since its creation back in 3rd gen, and I'm personally very excited to be reaching a point where we can at least say that all the moves/etc at least should be in the game and work. This has been made largely possible by Kurotsune's additional help, so huge thanks to xem for pounding out the code for basically the rest of the unimplemented things. That said, realistically even when implemented, it's not going to work perfectly, which is why I want to make sure the community has time to test these additions before the full episode release. Overall, this is double-edged. On the one hand, yay updates, and yay future updates being stable! On the other hand, it means we're not even starting to make the content of E15 until we get this update out, and since E15 will be a relatively short episode the development time will feel moderately disproportionate to the content released. That's how it's going to be though. We ask everyone to stick with us in the mean time.
  6. Credit for that goes to SuperJanBro, he's the one who took the time to replay Shofu's entire game, basically.
  7. Don't worry Wallace, Azurill never stood a chance. That's not your fault.
  8. STOP. GET TheM AwAY FROM ME. welcome. you are welcome here. spiders are not good bye
  9. I don't think IVs or EVs have been trifled with, but everything else should match up.
  10. I do. I'm just bad. In Typhlosion's case I was changing moves from removing her early-battle drought and like well we dont want solar beam anymore energy ball it is!!!111 Thank I mean really if I'm going to accept anything as deliberate cheating it's PULSE forms and field effects because that's the stuff that's deliberately not canon
  11. ...really? I was listening for it but I guess I must have missed it. I'm blonde, ignore me
  12. Yeah, I sent him the complete save file, and then like two days later he started Insrugence, saying in the opening video about missing a save file. I'm not sure if he didn't get it, or if that video was recorded first, or... what.
  13. the febuary 31st thing is actually something i used to say when i had some kind of complex about tailing people my birthday... for some reason. idk why i'm sheepish about it. im supposed to be a rabbit, not a sheep. anyway, i really appreciate it, but it's not necessary to do anything special. knowing that everyone is playing and enjoying my game is really all i can ask for. <3
  14. so trist's new VO is totally awesome and im a huge fan but how am i supposed to spam my team with inquiries about the rockets in their pockets now???? 2/10
  15. ....huh. yeah. i guess that would be a thing. we're gonna need to hop on to fixing that.
  16. In the Readme > Credits there's a section specifically for sixth gen sprites. The names listed have all contributed to these 6th gen sprites, and if you want to use our sprites, make sure to credit the names in that list.
  17. Almost all of the Pokemon I like are either fairy, dark, psychic, ghost or water, so with just a few exceptions I stick to those types whenever possible. ...and if something has a mineral type (rock/ground/steel) i probably warren't touch it.
  18. I'm actually going to go ahead and close this topic. Any future stuff is gonna be in the dev blog subforum.
  19. yeah im blonde sorry. but lettuce be reasonable about this, i'm not tryna make a bun of illegal move sets here, it's been fixed for the next update
  20. Radomus -does- say to ask someone who's street smart. Who might you have thought of instead?
  21. Amethyst


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