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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. well. i appear to have been automatically banned from our own showdown server. swell.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HolyKnight
    3. Gaunt


      Lol me too bacause (citation) i use proxies and/or distribute "harmful programs" (none of which is true btw)

    4. Luke


      Thats what you get

  2. boom.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Well, it was nice knowing you.

    3. Sarun


      EP. 14 is here. Now can we annoy you by asking when will EP. 15 be released? =D

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Sure, if you don't mind risking being banned that is.

  3. g͘l͞itch ́gl̨it̷c̶h͞ g̡litc̕h͠ ͡gļit̷ch ͞gli͝tch҉ ̧s͢urp̕r̷ise͞ The wait is over, and Episode 14 is finally open for business! Assuming an update from E13, the only caveat with this release is that abilities of some Pokemon may shuffle around a bit as a side effect of the base script update. Can't be helped, sorry. Chug those Ability Capsules. Other than that, there's no need to keep you waiting. The download link is below the change-list. Enjoy! Downloads Additionally, please refrain from reporting bugs in this thread, or discussing E14 story spoilers here. We have separate boards for those, sillies.
  4. sir "ame" is pronounced "ah-may" as in the japanese word for rain. it is not pronounced like 'aim' q-q That aside, I'm glad you're enjoying it! I didn't set out to make an ultimate Pokemon game, but... hey, we're doing pretty good if we're batting somewhere near that. Welcome!
  5. Update. Showdown itself is having some trouble and working on the issue. For now our server exists at but it is missing some features until they're able to resolve the issue... features like, you know, the URL.

  6. The server actually exists at partially. Not sure why we lost the reborn URL. Working on it.

  7. Of course. <3 I'm glad we could be of service. As for the last thing, I mean, there's always time... :]:[:]:[ But for real I do try not to ban people unless there isn't really a choice and although you are kind of borderline sometimes I do know that you care about the community. So thanks for hanging in there with us.
  8. And today I learned that the red things on the head of Anorith/Armald are not eyes. Hoenn stop stop please i cant take it anymore
  9. All shinies done! Huge thanks to everyone who's helped out! I'll do better with keeping up with 4th gen. Promise.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Why so dark and ghostly for so many of them? I liked aggron's regular shiny.

    3. Amethyst


      I was actually going to talk about that in the post, but, I figured I'd save it for some other time.

    4. AuthorReborn


      I am apparently no one at all.

  10. This has quickly become pointless. Finis topic, finis.
  11. In an ideal world games will function without luck. League is closer to that world. Pokemon is not going to get there any time soon. I try and stay away from luck-based mechanics as much as possible but sometimes they're too thematically valuable to pass up. Even then I try to make sure the impact is minimal (surf activating steam in Charlotte's field three times per use is... not intended, and will eventually be fixed). Part of why I'm excited for Starlight though...
  12. About the length of the event, PZA was intended be enduring. Sort of like a board game set up in the back of a room that anyone could go and make a move on whenever they felt like it. I think the problem is it felt grating after a while because of the auctions which called way more attention to the game than was necessary. So that would be like if the board game in the back of the room actually shouted at people every week. That's totally annoying, and a design flaw on the game's part. With auctions out of the mix in any future renditions I would hope people would be more comfortable with it proceeding as a quiet game, concurrent to other events. About ladder competitions, because names are registered on showdown it's easier to regulate the ladder than on PO... We can maybe bring those back in the future. Depends on what kind of logs I can secure. No promises, but it's not totally off the table like it was on PO.
  13. In light of this, we're going to lock this thread until it becomes relevant again.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ragnar


      So that's why it's so dark at Shade's gym, some kinky stuff is happening there :P

    3. Luke
    4. Dei


      Sarun... xD

  16. KH: CoM was actually pretty awful. The PS remake is a million times more enjoyable. Forgot one earlier: Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising. The first one, too, if you're into that. but imo the second is better here.
  17. With three Alliances left in the running and Cerise and Vermillion staring down the Cerulean giant, it looked like the game was all set to snowball in Cerulean's favor! If they could just take a few more cores and stamp out the other alliances from getting their types...! But it was not to be. In a surprise turn of events at this evening's auction, featuring Cerulean representative Secundum, Cerise representative Shadow Roxas, and Vermillion representative TheScarletSword, the three of them were revealed to have been conspiring all along! Cerulean and Cerise were given "The Bagel" and Vermillion went on to secure a type. Therefore, the Vermillion Alliance is declared the winner of the Pokemon Zero Alliance game! Congratulations to everyone who had a hand in leading the alliance to victory, be they officially allied with Vermillion or otherwise. Because of the nature of jumping ship, etc, it's difficult to award a prize to specific members, or even the group as a whole. However, to reward the original intent of the game, Core-Holders in any alliance may sell their cores back to the store for $R400. (Raid Notices can also be sold, though for less). Nonetheless, Vermillion is the official winner. That said, it is a valid problem that the focus of the game became set on "bageling". While betrayal was an intended part of the game, the consequences were not intended to be so dramatic. PZA will likely return in the future, after a respite and allowing Nations' second go to come around, but when it does, expect Auctions to no longer be a part of the game. The details are already worked out, but we can talk about those later. In the mean time, thank you, everyone for participating! We hope you had fun at some point in the event, and we'll do even better next time. There's also one more point to clarify about the game-- about the Alliance names. Although "Cerulean", "Viridian" and "Vermillion" may feel like a reference to a game we're all undoubtedly familiar with, that's just coincidence. The six Alliance names are a direct reference to something else entirely. After all, for a while, they did create quite a Divide, didn't they? But that, too, is a conversation for a different day.
  18. I don't normally post this early into the dex, but... Hey, I was called in the name of despair, and so I must answer.
  19. The oracle games, while great, aren't GBA CIMA: The Enemy super underrated action-puzzle/strategy rpg. kind of short, but really fun Also Metroid Fusion is mandatory. Zero Mission by association but Fusion is way better.
  20. actual custom reborn shiny budew sprite http://prntscr.com/5e6n0i

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Felicity


      That would inspire terror in all.

    3. Gaunt


      I like the design...but let's make it more angry

    4. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      More angry, more scary.

  21. I wanted at least one thing that could be 'unique' to a Pokemon in a species. Of the three, Nature, Ability and IVs, IVs have the least impact (and the most variance) so it makes sense to me that those be the things that determine a Pokemon's individuality... it's right in the name, after all. In short I have no intention of implementing an IV changer. If it were to happen it would be at the cost of capsules or the psychologist, and I think no one wants that.
  22. I feel obligated to remind everyone that the 'Alias' field on your profile is the perfect place to put your Showdown names.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria



      You say this

      like 3 days after the thread was created....

    3. Chase


      It doesn't mean that the thread is a -bad- thread. It allows for one to see who multiple members are at once. Ame's reminder is still valid.

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      The point of the thread was more or less to do a.... reverse look up, so if one saw a person on the server and were wondering who it was they can go look and see 'Oh that's who that is'

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