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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. not a comprehensive list just somethings i notice in the few minutes before work i notice the following lines: mudkip makuhita wingull linoone another take on lotad and poochy lines medicham aron nosepass illu'volbea camerupt spoink spinda (the spots have to be kept the same color unfortunately) zangoose seviper baroboach corphish fossils finalize castforms tropius chimecho walrein? relicanth not 100% accurate, i'm sure i missed a few that we don't have and skipped over some that we do, adding them
  2. That was true for the online league. Buuuut, well. spoilers Episode 15 might be a rude awakening. there was never a choice to begin with. this thread doesn't change anything
  3. For the record I'm glad. Even though I haven't been very vocal here I am vacuuming up these sprites and they're a huge help.
  4. I'll be in the Ari fanclub. D: Personally I prefer xem to Decibel. I forget if I already said this here so sorry if I'm repeating myself but I was feeling really iffy on Decibel's design so I'm glad so many people like xem.
  5. That said, maybe in the future because I have heard a completely unverified rumour that one of the original creators of Essentials contacted Neko and was working with them
  6. [20:20:07] Ðan: [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] #PC4$H [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

    1. Jan


      (̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅

  7. Reborn is like 95% of why I do. But aside from that, I do enjoy exploring, and especially finding new species when new gens come out. Like, hello, what is this thing? Let's learn everything about it. Also some of these Pokemon things are way too cute. Like Sylveon. like wtf stop being so cute that's illegal
  8. First: http://prntscr.com/5ab92r Second: http://prntscr.com/5ab8zu Green party appears to be popular here... I'm not very familiar with it, but I can't say I'm disappointed from the sound of it.
  9. Correct. We used to host it our selves but two of our past hosts have asked that we no longer do that. Not this one though-- we haven't tried here. You know, honestly, I could maybe just buy a second VPS specifically for downloads. Not 100% sure how that would work, but it's not going to happen for E14
  10. Sure thing! I'm on it! Temporarily, yes... It won't be this way except between episodes though so that doesn't apply to futureness.
  11. Easy, and I don't see a reason not to. Expect it for 14.
  12. Amethyst

    Find Lugia

    aaaand we're done here
  13. Pokemon's totally too easy, so although that wins, aside from that I think I'd pick Baten Kaitos. Everything so pretty, and all the gorgeous wings <3333 how to be superficial, a guide by ame
  14. We tried that before. It 0% worked out. I'm open to alternative hosting suggestions but Drive, Dropbox, Mediafire are all off the table.
  15. The obtainable Pokemon list has been updated for E14. Ace Members, you know what that means.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azeria


      Fuck, gig buy myself a pc

      also PORYGON HYPE

    3. SilverJakler



    4. Cepheus


      Lapras HYPE! ;P

  16. We tried that too. It falls under the 'impractical' category. Couldn't get it to function properly in any case, so no bueno.
  17. The site, not the forums. But um, I don't know if there would be much point since the site themes only change the accent color + banners. The forum banner is episode-specific now, and the forum skin can be any accent colour you want.
  18. I didn't forget any of that. It was all considered, and for various reasons, not included. Lots of other things were. Most were rejected for being too esoteric, impractical, or for being needlessly luck based (i.e the move-missing thing).
  19. Just as a heads up I do read all of this stuff even if I don't directly respond to it. Also there are a lot of things with how the forum works that are a part of the software and I currently don't have the skill/time to change i.e the post delete thing Stuff like the forum rules is simple to put on the left- Ika, do you mind? I made a topic for it recently anyhow. About voting stuff down, that is a potential feature, but I have it disabled, because I don't think it would do much but inspire negativity.
  20. Yeah, I've gone pretty much every year since I was like, 15. Kinda moving away from the convention scene now though tbh...
  21. Hey there! I remember we talked a bit over tumblr; good to see you around here. ^^ And being an inspiration is a strange thing, but suppoooose I'll try to live up to it
  22. holy shit will let me answer that 'improved over the years' question for him: a lot.
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