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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Kuro, Lucia, Alice and Ari are all actual names. Vero is a name from Reborn's RP history roots Decibel is a derivative of an actual name 'Decebal', changed to be a little bit cooler and have a different meaning in English.
  2. I was told rename commands had been requested removed from all Showdown servers, so I wouldn't count on this.
  3. Loves me.... Loves me not... Loves me...! <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mczipo


      What flower were you pulling here? A three leaf clover?

    3. Gaunt
    4. VoidStar


      The secret to always get "loves me" is simply if you run out of petals then you can still count the stem ★~(◠ω◕✿)

  4. Although it may not be completed in the near future, I've been told PS is working on a downloadable client that can connect to any PS server. We dealt with this when Smogon was a server on PO. We have rules in place against it. We'll live. To confirm what Cow said, I have already asked about this specifically and it sounds like everything required for Nonary is in place To back this up, we are actually on fairly decent terms with Smogon. In the past including after they left PO they sometimes use our server to host discrete tournament matches, and so we've had some good contact with the more respectable portions of that community. Less respectable members just get muted. ^^ Regarding League, I would really prefer if you didn't go off and say something like this. Moving to PS makes the already-extremely-unlikely league return less of a possibility because, as was alluded to by someone else, we're leaving behind all of our PO support scripts for auto badges, etc. But honestly, League's not coming back (sorry) so that should not be a factor. Unfortunately not. Actually I've been told PS scripting is very similar to PO so while it wouldn't be completely impossible, we don't have a bored Nyu sitting around looking for things to do who would randomly code it... RIP. Wait, -what-? This is a huge issue, I'll admit, but how does that even work? In theory the different servers should be using entirely different databases... After testing it too, I see. I suppose that's because they all go through psim.us or something? How annoying... I'll find out if there's any kind of dedicated app for this As was manentioned, we will have our own server so back channels at 0% an issue. Actually I think perma channels are more of a thing on PS-- could be wrong? But it might actually be easier there. I mean... that's pretty much the same as PO tbh... I'll admit, I'm surprised there's this much support for it; I was expecting more ... well, Stewies, to reference the earlier video. But, I suppose that's just evidence of how effective it might actually be at reintegrating the community. (yyayy)
  5. i'm down with this can this happen
  6. Firstly, please refrain from double posting. I've merged your posts for you, but in the future if you need to respond to multiple other posts, please use the 'MultiQuote' function. In any case, I disagree with your standpoint. Discovering a secret like that is much more rewarding than being told the answer. I think the emotional investment many players had trying to discover how to get Beldum properly for two months should be evidence of that. If someone -wants- to be lazy, they can look up the answer and that's fine, but there are people who would rather find it on their own. Personally, I'm one of those. I want to discover things myself, and if I have the answer thrown at me then I'm robbed of that experience. I'm also not sure why you're calling me out; I wasn't the one who complained about it in the first place. On the contrary, I've encouraged players to work together and help each other from day one.
  7. Amethyst

    Terra RAWR

    i will not introduce you she lives not too far from me and i actively avoid her
  8. So not like word of this hasn't already gotten out to half the server, but let's ignore that little detail. Recently we've been considering moving to Pokemon Showdown instead of maintaining a PO server. We haven't been able to move in the past because of requirements for the Reborn League but now that that's not an issue, this is back on the table. Although PO is great, it's had an increasing number of issues, and, if the past few months are any indication, they don't seem to be terribly interested in updating their Linux build, which is especially inconvenient for us. When we joined PO, it was way ahead of its competition, but I think Showdown is the cutting edge for simulators right now. I think there are a few advantages to doing this: First, stability. Our server has been broken in several ways, from the ladder not functioning, to Aegislash not Aegislashing, to mystery messages being spammed to users whenever I say anything ever... oops... Presumably, these are not issues that will exist in Showdown. Of course Showdown will have its own quirks, but the program itself should be less volatile at this point. Second, having a browser-based simulator means it's going to be that much easier for forum users to join the live community too, helping with integration between the forum and server. Finally, Showdown seems to be veritably more popular, which makes the experience of adjusting to this place less jarring for incoming members (it's also easier not to have to download a new program) As a side note, we absolutely would have our own private server so everyone can still make whatever kind of channels they want and we will have control over tiers, and everything of that nature, so none of that should need to be an issue. Now before anyone jumps to... concussions, as they say, let me clarify that we have not decided on anything yet. We're just exploring the option, and presently looking to get some feedback from the community. Such as: Is this something you want to happen? Or would you rather stay on PO? Why? If we did move to Showdown what features or other support would you want to make sure we retain, or would otherwise miss? What other concerns do you have? Anything else we should know? Let's hear it.
  9. jesus christ you guys work fast chill out
  10. I -do- have a little sister, but I'm fairly sure this isn't her. But adopted little sister? I'm down.
  11. Nah, no backlash. Have fun and explore options! I just may not go with them and generally at least want the original idea as a fall back or comparison in this case we wont need a fall back, that altaria is hella. That said, is that the correct pose? We would also need a back sprite...
  12. I like this one. Let's keep her.
  13. personally pretty pleased with how this pretty pleasant place has purported its presence
  14. There probably should be, huh. I'll see what I can do.
  15. The blackbelts are dark-skinned, and all the techies. Also the female ace trainer. So there's some. As far as story characters go though, yeah, that didn't turn out so hot. Keenly aware of that as a past mistake. And believe me, it's been amply corrected for my next project.
  16. Not familiar with those, but it IS a reference. I suppose you'll see someday. like three seconds. i breathe puns. You know, I -want- some kind of field for the city even if its effect is minor, but tbh I don't think any effect really makes sense without 'trying too hard'. did i not say these fields were making a splash? ...useful? They don't. Not for long. As for the electric thing I did -want- to do that but I'm not sure how I would accomplish that, and moreover, I'm pretty sure there won't be any underwater double battles.
  17. Amethyst

    Terra RAWR

    many of my brain cells were sacrificed in the writing of her dialogue. i am glad to know their death was not in vain.
  18. No Miror B in game. I mean. Maybe as a cameo in the nightclub? That would make sense. Probably won't have him battle though. There's going to be enough going on there as is The nightclub songs are just a collection of dancey-pokemon music I was going to put into a general playlist for the Nightclub but I may not go through with that idea.
  19. Wave hello to two new fields washing in today! If you thought the first three were all that's coming in Episode 14, then I'm going to have to burst your bubble. These brand new water fields debuting in //outlier.corruption are guaranteed to make splash! But only you will decide whether these are the key to turning the tide of your battle, or if they're just another hole in your sinking ship. In order to stay afloat, be shore to check out the new Water Surface and Underwater fields by clicking those links or the images deep below! Episode 14 has some time left, but it is on its way... and with it, the player's next legendary encounter.
  20. cower mortals for the destroyer hath been summoned
  21. <3 That was just one of the children screaming in my basement; no need to worry.
  22. oh dear god i wasnt even thinking about that, i promise it is not fern or anyone remotely like him
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