So not like word of this hasn't already gotten out to half the server, but let's ignore that little detail.
Recently we've been considering moving to Pokemon Showdown instead of maintaining a PO server. We haven't been able to move in the past because of requirements for the Reborn League but now that that's not an issue, this is back on the table. Although PO is great, it's had an increasing number of issues, and, if the past few months are any indication, they don't seem to be terribly interested in updating their Linux build, which is especially inconvenient for us. When we joined PO, it was way ahead of its competition, but I think Showdown is the cutting edge for simulators right now.
I think there are a few advantages to doing this: First, stability. Our server has been broken in several ways, from the ladder not functioning, to Aegislash not Aegislashing, to mystery messages being spammed to users whenever I say anything ever... oops... Presumably, these are not issues that will exist in Showdown. Of course Showdown will have its own quirks, but the program itself should be less volatile at this point. Second, having a browser-based simulator means it's going to be that much easier for forum users to join the live community too, helping with integration between the forum and server. Finally, Showdown seems to be veritably more popular, which makes the experience of adjusting to this place less jarring for incoming members (it's also easier not to have to download a new program)
As a side note, we absolutely would have our own private server so everyone can still make whatever kind of channels they want and we will have control over tiers, and everything of that nature, so none of that should need to be an issue.
Now before anyone jumps to... concussions, as they say, let me clarify that we have not decided on anything yet. We're just exploring the option, and presently looking to get some feedback from the community. Such as:
Is this something you want to happen? Or would you rather stay on PO? Why?
If we did move to Showdown what features or other support would you want to make sure we retain, or would otherwise miss?
What other concerns do you have?
Anything else we should know?
Let's hear it.