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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Why do power and ego always have to coincide? The only power I need is enough to turn my computer on.
  2. sever is fix

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Azeria
    3. Luke
    4. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      Baro needs to quit hacking us... XD {(lolz... Just kidding... I had to say that I was kidding in case baro came on here and saw this and claimed I was slandering him) I'm just covering my ass...}

  3. Our AI hasn't interfered with anything. A lot of the AI coming from the raw Essentials v14 seems to be buggy in itself-- none of the changes I've made should have an effect on that. Presumably Maruno will correct this in future releases too. A lot of the field stuff has conflicted though, yes, because Maruno restructured the variables and some methods in the battle scripts, so a bit of our stuff had to be rewritten to fit. That's not the sort of thing that will happen every update though. As for why we can't just take the bits we need- for something like Life Orb, sure, that would be super easy. But by contrast something like fixing the X Items- we're not really sure what part of that entire class of items was broken in the first place so we'd really just be guessing which bit of relevant code we need to copy over, and if that code happens to call to a method or variable added/changed in 14 then we might not pick up on that, or even if we do it might entail basically doing half the work that Maruno has already done for his release, over again. No bueno. Believe me, when I was told Essentials 14 came out I was surprised, horrified, and more than ready to toss it to the side deeming it #not worth. Unfortunately the actual change list for 14 is much much longer and, regrettably, I felt it was necessary. I mean, c'mon, I don't wanna make extra work for myself either, but ultimately the quality of the resulting game is more important than how much time or work goes into it.
  4. Historically, my favorite has been Titania. It was pretty easy to write her scenes in Episode 13 because I've been through something very similar to what happened with her and Amy, so I've kind of always just connected with her. But aside from that, going only by what's in the game I'd say Charlotte. She's confident and surprising, but still highly flawed as a person. And she still manages to get shit done. However my hands-down favorite character is Fer-- oops, that game's not a thing yet, nevermind~
  5. ...Wat. I don't even remember doing this...
  6. Amethyst


    It should have been. Can anyone confirm?
  7. I know of one channel that did a 'spotlight' on the game back around episode 7: Could you count that?
  8. I used to believe this when I was younger. Maybe this is a decent theory of why love exists, explained via evolutionary mechanics but I no longer think it's adequate to explain the breadth of degrees through which love is experienced. It also doesn't really account for why people unable to have sex, or uninterested in reproduction/sexual activity may still experience such feelings. Previously I argued that those desires were ingrained/repressed by human nature of the typical patterns despite those individual variances, but I don't know that there is actually any evidence to support that claim. It falls under a psychoanalytic umbrella, a school of psychology which primarily relies on now-debunked (and quite frankly, harmful) theories. As such, I would prefer not to think of it this way anymore. Besides, that's gross. As ideal as that sounds, that's extrapolated codependency. It's not really healthy for an individual. I don't currently have a clear opinion on what love is. I was raised to understand that love is only exemplified by people who help each other to be the best person they can be. That doesn't account for any emotion, but it is a pragmatically useful guideline. As far as the emotion of love is concerned, I assume that everyone experiences it differently. But the more I think about 'true love', the only thing I'm personally assured of is that it has to be conditional. I think unconditional love, while a nice idea, is impractically naive. It's also the most important motivation in serial murders. Killing should always be done out of love. The world is better that way.
  9. This video will cover simple recolors I've completely neglected this thread; sorry guys. I'll get my shinystuff back together and catch up here shortly.
  10. There are a lot of fixes and necessary changes in v14. Here, per example, these are the main things that will be mentioned in the readme/changelist: * The max trainer name limit has been extended to 12 (from 7) * Added Egg Hatching animation * The base AI has been changed. How? I don't know. But it apparently was. * A host of animations have been fixed/added * Hidden items must now be faced to be picked up, not stood on. * Pokémon are now healed when the player puts them into storage. * The Mining mini-game's hammer now only adds 2 hits per use. * The chance of defrosting is now 20% rather than 10%. * PP-restoring items used in battle on a single move now work. * Battle items such as X Attack now work. * Gender symbols now display at the nickname screen Plus some miscellaneous move/ability/item implementations... like, Life Orb, for instance.
  11. I made the appearances, type-related names, and suggested some ways that they could extrapolate on their own personalities to be more interesting when they were in our online league. So... it's kind of a blurred line. Basically, they were role-playing as caricatured versions of themselves, if that makes sense. In Corey and Kiki's cases, their actors really did die, so... uh, yeah. Team Meteor are the only characters not based on real people. Will and Ice gave me some names and basic designs/premises for them, and then I've pretty much made the rest up myself (though, occasionally with Ice's input about what he intended for them). Things like Simon and Eclipses backstories I kinda just winged though. I could've planned those better.
  12. server could not handle the cat army. unfortunately im at work with a new computer and dont have the commands to restart it so it's going to have to be down until about noon tomorrow. :x

  13. Is Episode 14 Out Yet? Spoilers: no.
  14. This is neat. First, we haven't ever had any kind of an advertisement-- at least not produced by us-- on youtube, mostly because I believe in focusing on the actual game over its promotion. As for the current audience, it's hard for me to specify, because all of the members you see here are really just the 'vocal majority' as we say. There are probably many more players who are not involved in our community, and who I will never hear from (Lord help the ones who encounter crashes and are too timid to ask for help-- that would be me, by the way, if it were any other game...). As far as potential audience, however, I'd say this game could be expanded to any Pokemon fans who might be looking for a more... colourful experience.
  15. I don't know of another Amethyst related to the project, so I'm also assuming it is. Hi, welcome and stuff, glad you're enjoying the game! And um, don't worry. I'll take good care of your soul. <3
  16. Kiki could care less about the sand... but Meditate raises attack 3 stages, so you better hope you can outspeed her.
  17. Someday, love... Today is not that day, but someday.
  18. Oh, it will be. In fact, the set-up of the quest in question already exists.
  19. Nobody was surprised after the core standings to see Cyan EXTINCT this week... But no one expected that the Viridian Alliance would join them! Double kill!

    1. Sutoratosu


      yet again... but there seems there may be something more to this one...

    2. GotWala


      Hmm, I guess we were knocked out as well, haha! I guess I should've been more attentive, yeh?

    3. Caesar Clown

      Caesar Clown

      Rip viridean and zip land

  20. Please believe me when I say, while I am the biggest fan of 999 and VLR, that style of ending and branching story does absolutely not lend itself to a game of this genre. You allude to some of the reasons yourself >< There's going to be one main ending... and then one that goes just a liiiittle further if you got everything.
  21. To address your second question, pretty much they do, yes. That's kind of how RMXP is set up to work and it would very likely be more effort than its worth to change something about the base program like that.
  22. The problem with threads like these is I read them at work and start crying, and then the clients notice and are deeply confused as to what is happening and if I haven't gone off the deep end already. I'm really glad my game was able to help you like this. Stay strong. <3
  23. sorry but this is the only thing i can think of when you say that... I work Halloween night so I can't really do anything. But, I'll probably draw cracks on my face to make it look like fractured porcelain. It's an old fall-back. Painted Doll, anyone?
  24. It begins. We've got three new Field Effects today! It's likely none of these will surprise you in terms of where they show up, but a Field Effect is a Field Effect, is it not? These are just some of the new fields that will be joining the line-up in Episode 14. First up, we have our most creative Field Effect to date... the Cave! ...Okay, who are we kidding? It's your typical cave. It's not going to be ground-breaking-- oops! Well, I guess it is. Literally. Moving right along, we're coming in with two of our more unique areas' new Fields. And, I'm sure everyone can guess the leaders that will be receiving new teams along with them. Click on the links or the images themselves to head over the Field Effects page for a description of the Ashen Beach and the Wasteland! Episode 14 won't be around for another couple weeks, but it is coming... and with it, another Leader's betrayal to Team Meteor. I wonder who~? Until next time,
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