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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Ahri's popularity reached a peak at the end of season 3 before her rework... it's probable that there were a lot of people 'maining' Ahri around that time because she was so FotM. The rework made her much more dependent on hitting her E, which took a lot of that strength and subsequently popularity away. Personally, I've played her since the day she was released. I knew well before then that should would be my favorite champion, and acted accordingly. The only reason I don't play her now more is because Jinx came out and I enjoy her a bit more, and shifted to playing primarily ADC. Ahri's still my bbgurl on mid. I can't think of a reason to max E second. It's typical for utility-based abilities on any champion to be maxed last, and that's no different for Ahri. Your E is going to be useful no matter how many points are in it; your W needs an investment to get going. Plus, from maxing E all you get is damage and CC duration. If the cooldown reduced on level it might be a different story, but as it is while the duration is great, chances are if you land an even a level 1 E with your ult up, the target is going to die or come close. You gain little by maxing it, and risk not having enough damage on W regardless of if you hit the charm or not.
  2. I'll pull the 'former Ahri main' card too, since I have like 600 games on her or something stupid like that. Shiri's build suggest is pretty good, but additionally if you feel the need for sustained damage, (i.e you're against a tanky team or can't really burst anyone) you can really abuse her W's scaling. First, each individual foxfire counts as a single target spell meaning you get a full slow off of Rylai's from all three of them. On top of that at max rank and with decent CDR it'll have about a 3 second cooldown making it perfect to abuse Lich Bane. Factor in Lich Bane's movement speed to the full Rylai slow x3 and Ahri becomes extremely efficient kiting and dealing consistent damage, even when her ult is on CD.
  3. Violet is EXTINCT from PZA in a dastardly play at this week's Auction by Sir_Bagel! Which alliance will be next...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chevaleresse


      I'm sorry, but we didn't even say he could be in the Alliance, so please explain how this isn't exploiting a loophole.

    3. Sapphire


      Because you don't need permission to be in an Alliance-as I've said before to people, PZA is NOT about battling.

      It was still despicable though.

    4. Luke
  4. Essentials actually partially supports outfits, but some graphics wouldn't update, so it would be a bit messy. Moreover, it's not like XY where you can buy each hat shirt etc. It would be kind of like Saber's stuff; just... one or two alternate costumes for the character. So that's iffy. Finally, it, uh, yeah, would be a lot of spriting. It's about 20 graphics per player character in this game so ((20*6 player characters)*3 outfits each) = 180... quite honestly it wouldn't be that cool, and it's not a higher development priority than actually making the game. So I'll probably elect to pass on that even once the outfit system is completed.
  5. You can already get Sylveon by leveling it up with max happiness while it knows a Fairy move
  6. No plans to, currently, and I'm not sure what I would do next anyway. There's probably not a great need for it fox/foxkin/foxself........what
  7. ...I say that, but I didn't say it's going to be -soon- >>
  8. By the time I post this several of you will already notice the PZA Scoreboard page linked from the forums and site. On this page you can see each alliance's types and headcount, as well as the distribution and ownership of cores. Hopefully it comes in handy as you plot your dastardly take down of each others' groups. <3 Speaking of things people have probably already noticed, Blind Guardian is stepping up to a server mod position (which should be unsurprising, considering he gets a promotion of some kind like every month...) ...anyway, he totally deserves it. Secondly, Godot is also ascending the latter of justice, obtaining the legendary Hammer of Bans as he becomes a server admin. Congratulations to both of them, and thank you both for your hard work!
  9. It's not forgotten. I'm actually going to be redoing the website as a whole.
  10. That won't always be the case with individuals who identify as non-binary though, you know? Either way, Ari and Decibel are borderline androgynous, but it's important to accept that not everyone is going to look a neutral part perfectly.
  11. Some stuff about Ari and Decibel- http://reborndev.wordpress.com/2014/10/13/on-ari-decibel-and-the-necessity-of-representation/
  12. The PZA Type-standing topic has been updated with the opening auction's results. Cores have been added to the Site Shop. The first PZA game is now officially on!

  13. WARNING! A CHALLENGER APPROACHES! Coming at you hot with two new protagonists for Pokemon Reborn! In some forum post or another a suggestion came out for a non-binary protagonist, which actually made me realize that we needed alternate race characters. So Kuro and Lucia hit the scene in 10.5, and now we're making good on that initial suggestion! I'll talk a little bit elsewhere about why this didn't happen sooner, but in the mean time take a peek at the newest sacrifices for the death train playable characters coming in E14! Introducing the two non-binary protagonists... ...Ari! ...and Decibel! Remember, like with Adrienn, the proper pronouns for non-binary individuals are xe/xem/xyr in place of he/him/his. In E14, existing save files will be able to switch to the new protagonists at the Grand Hall or the Agate Circus, if they so wish. Look forward to it!
  14. I've thought about this a bit. First, let's assume Reborn is done by the time Gen 7 comes. If that's not the case, I will probably spend the next fourteen years crying softly to myself in a dark corner far away from the rest of the world. There are two concerns for this. One is the sprites for Gen7. I am really not looking to sprite a whole generation again even now, and I doubt I will be up for that later. Second, adding new Pokemon if we have sprites, is easy, but if they come with a lot of new abilities and moves and such, which, obviously they will, then that's where it's going to be iffy since that stuff won't be in the scripts. Neither the sprites nor the scripts are light commitments so I'm not going to promise anything. On the other hand if a game doesn't have all the Pokemon I kind of feel like, why bother with playing it? So... we'll see.
  15. I'll agree with Sheep. Anyway, actions speak louder than words, so follow up appropriately. Habits are easy to make or break. All you have to do is decide to do it differently, every single time.
  16. hello? I'm 5'5, idk where you're getting these '2s and '3s from
  17. Ah, no, I'm afraid to keep everything balanced these six alliances will be the only officially recognized ones. Sorry for any confusion with that.
  18. Blind got the others but for these: Yes, a challenger is free to decline the terms, withdrawing the challenge (even if just until they figure out a way to beat it) I should clarify that in rulebook though. The challenger sets rules only when specific bans are involved. If the challenged player decides they want to get rid of something specific like a type or a pokemon, then the challenger has the opportunity to do the same. That way the power is, for the most part, even on each side.
  19. Correct. I'll update the rulebook with that.
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