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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. We became too resource intensive for our old host, so they gave us the boot. (and then we had to switch like four more times after that until we found something stable)
  2. 1- No limit! 2- Afraid not, because even if that existed people could just temporarily switch into the alliance to see it and then switch out 3- Sure, that's quite clear 4- No limit! 5- I may not be understanding you entirely, but, if someone lays a restriction on a specific peripheral type then the other party should also be allowed to make a similar restriction. So (assuming neither player's alliance has ghost or dark) p1 says no ghost types, p2 could also say no dark type. That way each person gets 1 peripheral type-ban. Is that a bit clearer?
  3. Oh my! Core scalpers! I like it! That said if you're still holding the core by the time the auction roles around it'll be reabsorbed into the store, so if you don't sell it it'll just be a waste of money for you.
  4. Just set your allegiance in your profile. The field's already there, and that's really all there is to it! Good question. In that case no alliance would have those types. Of course they could possibly be reintroduced in future auctions.
  5. Whoever's running the auction should be 'keeping order'. For the first part, that's probably going to be me, but down the road, once I have a solid feel for how it goes and what challenges might arise I can potentially delegate that to another staff. As for the other questions I'm... not sure what you're going for; the cores themselves aren't up for auction, the types are. And I'd be doing that as well. So I drop them in the randomizer and say grass comes up first. I'm basically going to ask for any bids on the grass type. Each Alliance will have points equal to however many cores they have, so then they'll be spending those points/cores there. Is that clearer?
  6. What I mean by randomly sorted is, the types will be offered in a random order. So the type list will be put through a randomizer and whatever's at the top of the list will be bid on first, and so on. It's certainly possible for a type to be bought for 1 core if no one else bids on it. And it is much like an auction in that, yes, Alliances can try to out-do each others' bids by upping their own. Sure, if that's something your Alliance is comfortable with.
  7. Now with PZA I need everyone to play nice, but betray each other lots, okay? Fill everyone with despair for me! <333

  8. There's no verification. In fact all you have to do to join an alliance is set it on your profile. You can already do that, too! However, as described in the rulebook there are systems in place that prevent randoms from ruining the game. For instance if a new user joins, acquires a core, and then disappears for ever, that core will be reabsorbed into the site shop after a couple weeks. Can you think of anything else that might be a problem with those kinds of users?
  9. Battles will generally be conducted on our PO server. However, if players agree and want to use Showdown or something else with veritable proof of battle, then that's fine. It is pretty similar to Conquest. In fact when it was a reboot of Nations I was just going to call it Nations Conquest. But that's lame, and since Nations is its own thing, that would be weird. If by matches you mean individual battles, that's as long as any battle does... If you mean the game as a whole, it runs as long as it takes any single alliance to acquire all 18 types. I'm not familiar with Clash of Clans, sorry, so I don't quite know what you mean. But there are a few types of arguable resources here: alliance members, types, and cores. Treat them as you will. Oh, and as was mentioned in a less visible thread, the initial auction for this game will begin on 10/12 at 7 PM EST.
  10. Fantastic questions. I'll go in order. Correct- it will happen every week until there is a winning Alliance. Once the auction starts, types are reset, so technically nobody owns them at that point. Also, calling it an auction is sliiightly misleading because the alliances actually keep the cores even after the auction! They're only 'spent' as theoretical currency for the auction. So say there are 17 cores in an Alliance total, it basically means they get 17 points to use there. The Cores themselves don't go anywhere. Nope. That might happen, too. I suppose it's up to whoever wants to cling to that alliance to rally the troops. I'm a little confused by this one, but if you join an alliance then you would probably have to start by proving yourself to the existing core-holders in that alliance in order to be entrusted with one. Or you could just try and convince a different nation to bet or give you a core for something else... Who knows? That's completely up to the members of the alliance themselves. By the way, there's a subforum in Indigo Plateau for PZA, and anyone can make a topic there, so if people want to make a topic for their Alliance, go for it. That alliance will bid by default as described in the rule-book for the first Auction. If it still has no members by the second auction then it would probably lose by default due to having no cores.
  11. I'll refrain from comment on your behavior itself since it seems like you're already sufficiently aware of its undesirability. However, I'm amazed that you can say something like 'Riot hates me' when you've been there yourself and seen how they operate.
  12. Some of you might remember when Nations had its first rocky start, I mentioned I would be taking over that project. Obviously that didn't happen, but why let the ideas I had for it go to waste? Since Nations has been running well enough for a while, it's time to introduce my... slightly more cut-throat... spin-off: the Pokemon: Zero Alliance game. As before, each player will join a group, this time known as an Alliance. Each Alliance will own certain types, and players will be restricted to using only the types within their own alliance. But... The goal of Pokemon: Zero Alliance is to eliminate all other alliances by taking control of their types. Many of you might be familiar with the concept of the 'zero-sum game' but for those of you who aren't, the idea is that it's a game in which however much you win, you also cause others to lose in the same amount. Victory for your Alliance implies the defeat of another. If you want to win, you'd better be prepared to crush your opponents underfoot. This is done by acquiring game pieces called Zero Cores. Zero Cores will be purchasable from the Site Shop in limited quantities, but once they're all in circulation, you'll have to forcibly take them from your opponents. Each PZA battle should have a wager on it. I encourage players to declare these wagers at the start of each battle. Typically this wager will probably be a Zero Core for a Zero Core; the loser surrenders theirs. I wonder if somebody could be convinced to accept other bets too? A set amount of time after all Cores are in circulation, we'll have a full count of the total number of cores under each Alliance. At that time, the types will be reset and an auction will be held using Cores as the currency. In other words, the more Cores your nation collects, the more leverage you have to gain types. And if, for some reason, your Alliance doesn't have enough Cores to secure any types... then that Alliance is out. Game over. There are two additional key points: The first is that when someone makes a PZA challenge, the person who is being challenged has the right to set the rules of the match. That means clauses, tiers, battle format, etc. If someone who you don't think you can beat challenges you, try to get creative! Or pick CC and just get lucky? The other point is that unlike Nations, all players are allowed to freely leave and join any Alliance. You can pick your team! Isn't that wonderful? But-- uh oh... what if someone betrays your Alliance and carries your hard-earned Cores off to an enemy? That would be simply tragic... I wonder, who can you really trust? I'll be posting some more detailed rules shortly, but in the mean time feel free to ask any questions you have about the event here. Check out the Zero Alliance subforum for more details: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showforum=49 ~ B. Guardian
  13. No, not really. All the scripts are in place, they just flat out don't work on our new server. Also, I may be the game's developer, but I don't know Python which is what those are made from. Nyu has been taking a look at them recently to try and fix them (which makes more sense since he's you know, the one who wrote them) but it doesn't seem like he's had any luck so far...
  14. All I changed was the colour of some of the vegetation to make it not all such a bland shade of green.
  15. 10- Dragalge- super cute corrosive cuddlebug whats not to like 9- Mismagius- If Ika sees this he'll yell at me 4.1- Umbreon- Yes, this is a five-way tie, deal with it. Darky pewpew eevee <3 4.2- Ninetales- Elegant flufflyfox 4.3- Vaporeon- Turqouise! 4.4- Espeon- Mirror mirror, tell me something~ 4.5- Whimsicott- :] 3- Absol- Pretty! And now with wings! Wings!!! 2- Sylveon- Super cute cuddly and the idea of it holding onto its trainer all the time is just toooooooooooo cute. 1- Gardevoir- Pretty much same as the above, but with more black holes and psycho murder because yandere gardevoir is life
  16. i gotchu so tl;dr tsm wonnered but then asians that's it that's worlds
  17. The file is too large to host on mediafire. Do you have any other suggestions?
  18. I started working on the game in March of '12. As far as play time, there isn't a set goal. I'm just through to finish the story.
  19. Noel's official gym location is the orphanage. Unfortunately, Sigmund was like nty to that.
  20. actually, just update. This was an oversight and was fixed in a patch.
  21. Correct, it's supersize stats. That should be the competitive best. It's not impossible to implement these forms, but to be perfectly honest, I don't think it would be worth having to make the other 24 sprites.
  22. There are some front sprites available, usually, but they aren't always up to quality. Unfortunately, most sprite artists aren't interested in making back sprites; those are the real problem. To tell you the truth, the Mega back sprites we do have were made courtesy of a generous user named Julian who was interested in helping the game out, but she hasn't been around lately (she was also responsible for that beauty we know as the PULSE Tangrowth). I only did quality touch-ups on all of that, but to tell the truth I'm still pretty burnt out after spriting the 6th gen Pokemon, since I did make a number of those sprites from scratch. I'll get over it. Any canon Megas should be included in Reborn.
  23. none. i dont want to have to sprite them q-q
  24. I'm sorry, that's not how you spell Dangan Ronpa. Mirai Nikki taught me that if the boy you like doesn't love you back all you have to do is kill everyone he knows and then him.
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