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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. new soraka is my favorite thing skillshot aoe starcall is all i ever wanted from her
  2. really annoyed by shows with female characters that have to be saved and/or won over and/or act as an accessory to the male protagonist so like every show ever
  3. I need a yandere Gardevoir. It's a necessity for my life.
  4. Further, remember even main series leaders occasionally have wild cards. Although I don't like doing that normally, because of his character I felt it was inextricable.
  5. I did. I was under the impression with the previous chance and how many glowstones there were that people were up to their armpits in Odd Keystones.
  6. As someone alluded to, there wasn't much point to mine for something that was so free. To compensate the chance of finding Heart Scales in glow rocks was significantly increased.
  7. Further, since I doubt most people will notice, one of the lines when you get TM87 is a reference to Shofu's rap song of the same name.
  8. Actually Ame just forgot. I wasn't even aware Hawlucha held King's Rock until people started asking if I'd removed it. Oops.
  9. You can try but it might not be fun. Also make sure to keep your PC boxes half-full at most.
  10. that was approximately the best thing, i'm very glad it made it to youtube/reddit
  11. Amethyst


    I'm staying away from 1-2% rates. And I imagine people will probably be spending a lot of time in Ametrine so they're bound to find one eventually.
  12. If you already have them, you can freely use those items to evolve them. Wanted the event to be useful for both new and old save files, so there you go
  13. That's why it was removed. It can't be cleaned up without deleting around 18000 accounts. That's not going to happen.
  14. Don't worry, for all of you who missed out on pre-nerf Serra, you'll get to experience something much like it very soon.
  15. Yeah, sorry for that. We discovered in the beta that .ogg files caused the game to lag at every music transition point. #not worth
  16. Idk why it's so surprising that there's another black girl who plays Pokemon. You guys aren't the only ones around here, and plus, let's not forget who did most of the game's music... Anyway, welcome!
  17. I know what I did. Admittedly I did not expect it to be so good against Shade (but it makes sense since his team is very electric based now from the field, ground types in general do well against him) ...but as for Aya, come 14 she'll be laughing at earthquakes anyway.
  18. Pretty sure we can keep him. There isn't much left for me to say, but welcome. Your sprite edits certainly seem decent. There isn't a dedicated board for it, but you can certainly look at where other spriting topics have popped up. Also, if you're game, in the near future we'll have to make sprites for the ORAS Megas and any help with that would actually significantly speed up development time for the upcoming episodes.
  19. I just checked, you're right, that is on four. Even so.. it seemed really fast, like, my lord. Maybe I was just tired. All right, ignore that.
  20. Basically the first time he tried to record 13 the audio on his recordings became horribly desync'd. He sent his save file back to me so I could revert it to how it was at the end of Episode 12 and he would re-record it, but there were some things I couldn't change completely.
  21. y0 wassup tho, for class this semester our teacher requires us to maintain a wordpress blog for the duration of the course. since I have a one track mind, looks like I'll be doing a development blog for Reborn. Here's the link: http://reborndev.wordpress.com/ There's a post up there about the Characters page on the site, and our assignment this week requires we include a poll, so there's one included about what to do with that page. I'd much appreciate it if y'all gave it the young vote. As for future posts, I'll throw up another post here or a status update or-- something.
  22. Some initial feedback http://prntscr.com/4n9kcd - Player's head is like halfway through the pillow, and while I'm sure that's comfortable, I don't think pillows are supposed to work like that http://prntscr.com/4n9kqx http://prntscr.com/4n9mp9 http://prntscr.com/4n9oes These are examples of 1x resolution graphics. When 1x graphics are played on a Small screen size they tend to look rather choppy and blech. Plus, they make the graphical style look inconsistent. http://prntscr.com/4n9ktl So like I know he has better running shoes, but this guy (also Espurr later) are reaaaaally fast, like, blink and miss it fast. Maybe take them down to just 4 or 5 or something? (I assume it's at 6 currently but maybe I was just woah) http://prntscr.com/4n9rxh This trash can says it is empty this is definitely not an empty trash can. It is a lying trash can. http://prntscr.com/4n9uim guys? um, guys?? ...are you guys ok????? but seriously, this whole races thing is wat and there doesn't seem to be a way back. I think it was for testing/development but was left in? http://prntscr.com/4n9uwi "doesn't seem to be noticing" > "doesn't seem to notice" get dat grammar, young trubbish http://prntscr.com/4n9zwp I'm not a seasoned tourist, but I'm pretty sure most binoculars aren't used by standing on top of them. will play/post more in some future time
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