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15 Fledgling


About Ice

  • Birthday 02/08/1991

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Great mon super pretty and cool And It was probably feeling a little burnt out
  4. I just felt naked so I became the cupcake man instead
  5. 1: 2:ororrr 3: uhh 4: Probably a tie between mint chocolate chip and coffee 5: Cant really remember any too fondly tho I guess I do get some laughs out of being lightly involved in Reborn convos 6: What if I was the Muffin man?
  6. I aint too into the competitive stuff So idk what id change But there should totally be more ice types
  7. Nice colors and good arts~ Because those cursed foods are a work of art Kahstrix is top tier Bibs you can name the creatures why cant you finish it punk D< How ever could you think about it like that its clealy an AIS thread
  8. < Hellions are cool also hilarious to think about when given equipment Yes there are alot of songs people should hear I dunno havent been watching alot of TV Shadowbringers cause like its good and the music is amazing Watermelon very tasty also refreshing~
  9. Ive only learned alittle sadly Its cool clearly but hmm aesthetic is nice She wanders or sleeps in a dog cage Hopes hmm hopefully the grenade launcher will just be in at launch I mean the story is feeling alittle stretch tho if they wanted to do side content thatd be neat too Games im looking forward to hmm Ghosts of Tsushima is probably one of the only ones i can think of off the top of my head right now. Add On: Kindred Fates Dark Souls and Pokemon seems neat Blinx the Time Sweeper and Glover Worst part of a job hmm probably my boss being so dumb at my current job Hmm I dont think I really had a fav for school reading
  10. ZEL

    happy birthday you're the coolest bf ever thx for existing :]

  11. Fools! You understand your sacrifice would be for naught. You would just end up with another Marth clone for your sacrifice.
  12. Agreed. I do wish to see more.~
  13. Thanks for the league thread.

    It was quite informative.

    1. Ice


      Still updating it too~

    2. Chickens


      And boy you have been here for a long time.


      I'M BEANNY

    3. Ice


      Yeh its been a pretty long time~ Nice to meet cha~

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