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Siewek last won the day on March 16 2022

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About Siewek

  • Birthday January 23

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    Right Behind You
  • Interests
    Celestia Ludenberg, Snorlax, Skeletons, Gym, Jogging, Completing games, coding, chilling

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  1. Never thought that some of the older reborn episodes would become lost media. I thought things on the internet were supposed to stay forever. smh my head.

  2. Fourth gym in rejuv done, here's the team.

  3. Third gym in rejuv done, here's the team.

  4. Second gym in rejuv beaten once again, here's the team.

    1. Faustin


      a fellow cherrim user? nice.

    2. Siewek


      Cherrim is great, using it for the helping hand mostly.

  5. Back to playing Rejuv, I lost my old save file, so starting from scratch, Here's the team for the 1st gym


  6. Hi, Happy birthday bud! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  7. I am still looking to archive the old reborn clients, if by some miracle you have a copy of episodes 3-8 saved locally, I would be forever grateful for a donation to this project.

  8. Paldea Pokedex completed!

  9. Alright, I'll give it a go: 1.Passwords are a great way to customise your experience, they range from quality of life as: a different starter, not having to worry about IV's, even more difficulty, monotype run helps. I think realistically speaking, only you can decide what kind of experience you're looking for. Passwords are not mandatory by any means, and without using any you can have an amazing experience too. During the gameplay, you can add passwords you might want with a consumable item called Data Chip. 2. Okay, so whenever a pokemon is generated, it has it's own Internal Values, or IV's, they are static and normally can't be changed (There's a limited amount of items in post game that can though, but that's post game). Those values range from 0 to 31 in each stats and you can check them in the EV/IVs menu in summary. You can manipulate those values with breeding, but that's a whole another topic, EV's on the other hand are effort values, basically, whenever you defeat a pokemon, the pokemon you use will get like 1-2 points in a stat assigned to the defeated pokemon, let's say I defeat a machop, for every machop I defeat I am getting +1 EV in attack, Ev's cap at 255 in one stat and I believe at like 512 total I think. Evs are much easier to manipulate and you can decrease and increase them using items, or just raise them fighting pokemon. 3.it depends on a pokemon, but generally almost in every case, maxing out speed and attack/special attack will do the trick, unless you're going for a specific build and obviously maxing out speed on a base 25 speed pokemon will be a waste, I would recomend checking Smogon for some builds for pokemon that you're interested in. 4.There's forecasts on tv, as far as I know, weather can't be manipulated anymore, so check forecasts frequently. 5.I assume you mean about pokemon like teddiursa that runs away if you interact with it, those are event pokemon, they don't require pokesnax, sometimes though when conditions are met, you may find pokemon standing in seemingly random questions, if you have pokesnax, you will be prompted to give it to them, if you do, you have a chance to catch it, it's a good way to get some good pokemon early on. 6.Numel is a pokesnax pokemon that stands near Grandview station in peridot, during rain. 7. The best advice, is to have fun, there is no wrong way to play this game.
  10. Sir, this is Starlight Divide forum.
  11. Chapter 7 of Rejuv done, and boy what a fight that was.

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      Ah remind me again which fight that was? I'm guessing the Mt Valor one?

    2. Siewek


      It was Angie.

    3. Monochrome_Complex


      Oh yeeaah angie! She's been the hardest leader for me so far this playthrough. I spent like 7 hours fighting her.

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