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KingInfernal last won the day on January 7

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79 Samaritan

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  1. Idk if you can answer to this one, but Vitus can't have children because he is the incarnation of death(Yveltal) or because he is an Overseer? What is Jenner's full name? Is Jenner his first name or last name? The reason why i i'm asking this is because everyone calls him jenner, both his close friends and people who knows him as a pokemon prof. How does Garufan "magic" works? And what are its limits and drawbacks? If we consider Shaidya a garufan sorcerer and not an immortal being like Mr. Luck, we could say that it is powerful enough to works on an Overseer like Vitus(Anathea love spell), and if it is the case i could guess that it is something related to the core(?), but what i'm really curious of is related to what Maman is capable of with it, like she literally built entire houses using it(even though she still need the raw materials to bulid them.), and she didn't even looked too tired after that.
  2. This is a custom sprite set i made recently: Adult "child" Lin. Her look is based on my headcanon. Here the sprites: You are free to use them as a far you credit me.
  3. As a far as i know it's Hoenn, not Alola
  4. Also i like how Tiempa has a diamond on her collar and 2 as earrings, while Spacea has 2 pearls one her dress, one on her collar an 2 as earrings
  5. Average Pokemon Rejuvenation Fan trying to not simp for a character (impossible) jk
  6. You wouldn't get this from any other guy
  7. MC: The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture — they are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair… All memes. All passed along.
  8. *Third half. In order we have: The Meteorite that killed the Deity. Implied to be the one from Reborn. The Archetype. Adrest. Adrest is the third, and originally(before to be connected with the core) the weakest one
  9. Makes sense. I also remember to hear this somewhere like if it was confirmed, but i think these are just suppositions, Fern's one is maybe based on one of his Battle Theme, where he fight on swamp field were he uses Empoleon and Milotic; for Luna i think it's just because Elias train Dragon and Normal, but i think that she would be more inclined to use ghost type. Anyway the only one who know for sure the correct answer is Ame.
  10. Why has Sandy three question marks? Wasn't confirmed in game that she is the ground reserve? Also, where were Fern and Luna second type confirmed? Because i don't remember any dialogue about that. And speaking of future elite four, i already have in mind to create a post about their secondary type and team.
  11. So i finished to update this post to E19. I really loved this game, except for the fact that there are too many 4th wall breaks about the MC, that i found a bit annoying. But other than that i REALLY liked it. Anyway if i forgot something or because i actual forgot that or because i didn't played the earlygame yet, please tell me.
  12. I have another question: will we be able to see Venam reaction to Neo-Gearen and Aya as her temporaly replacement, especially considering that (Reborn postgame ending spoiler)
  13. Final Postgame quest spoiler:
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