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  1. What has been each of y'all's favorite part of the game to work on?
  2. Are you *absolutely certain* that hatenna is available behind the mansion? ive found 5 shinies before finding one hatenna
  3. Hey, i remember being able to lower hype to help in Amber's gym, but when i do it now, the door closes again. Is this a bug or did something change in 13? Also, are there any negative repercussions to doing this? ive seen some talk floating around about a good/bad/true ending so im nervous about messing something up (i already got a red note from Melia after the events of blacksteeple)
  4. I can control my character but the display is stuck like this. I haven't saved in about an hour and REALLY don't want to lose this progress...
  5. Is the Own Tempo Rockruff for dusk form lycanroc no longer available? i played a year or two ago and it was a BEAST on my team
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